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社会是人类赖以存在的形式,是"人同自然界的完成了的本质的统一".社会信息是自在的自然信息和人的精神活动的自为、再生信息的完成了的本质的统一,它是已被人类认识把握,以及人类意识和实践活动创造出来的那部分信息世界的总称.可以把整个存在世界划归四个次世界(一个物质世界和三个信息世界):世界一--直接存在的物质世界(以物质体的形式存在);世界二(信息世界一)--自在信息的世界(以自在信息体的形式存在);世界三(信息世界二)--自为、再生信息本身的活动(主观精神的世界);世界四(信息世界三)--再生信息的可感性外在储存(人所创造的文化世界).在三个信息世界中镶嵌着三个社会信息世界.社会信息被人类主体认识和改造了的性质,规定着社会信息具有信息三态、三质的不可分割的统一性.  相似文献   

马克思主义理论中内蕴着丰富的社会本体论思想,这种社会本体论思想同马克思主义的市民社会理论是紧密联系在一起的;马克思主义社会本体论思想的自然基础层次、经济基础层次和文化基础层次,内在地决定了马克思主义市民社会理论的三种构建逻辑及其相应的基本内涵。  相似文献   

马克思主义理论中蕴含着丰富的社会本体论思想。马克思主义社会本体论思想与其市民社会理论紧密联系在一起。马克思主义社会本体论思想的自然基础层次、经济基础层次和文化基础层次,内在地决定了其市民社会理论的三种构建逻辑及科学内涵。  相似文献   

中国的妈祖信仰作为一种民间信仰,其影响不可忽视.本文按照历史发展的脉络,从封建社会、中华民国时期、新中国建立、改革开放后这四个时期湄洲岛上发生的妈祖信仰事件,以官方与民间两个主体的互动为主线来揭示,由妈祖信仰的“兴起——断裂——复兴——合法化”四个发展过程所反映的中国国家与社会关系的变化.  相似文献   

公平一直是人类追求的美好理想,然而目前社会,由于公平机制的普遍缺乏,社会结构存在着严重失衡,社会的综合发展面临着严峻考验。因此,党的十六大四中全会提出构建和谐社会的思想。要构建和谐社会,公平是关键。  相似文献   

公平一直是人类追求的美好理想,然而目前社会,由于公平机制的普遍缺乏,社会结构存在着严重失衡,社会的综合发展面临着严峻考验。因此,党的十六大四中全会提出构建和谐社会的思想。要构建和谐社会,公平是关键。  相似文献   

17世纪“公民社会”概念解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
17世纪是近代公民社会形成的初期。这一时期的公民社会概念指的是一种政治社会,甚至与国家同义,而不是当代西方学所意指的社会的非政治领域;17世纪公民社会概念相对的不是国家,而是自然状态。  相似文献   

This paper considers the consequences of, and tensions within, New Labour's quality agenda for schools. In particular, it draws attention to the way in which official versions of quality, characterised by a narrow, economistic instrumentality, are being promoted in schools by various forms of quality control that are marginalising broader, more humanistic conceptions of quality. It is also argued that, despite New Labour's rhetorical emphasis on education for citizenship, the mechanisms of quality control favoured by the government tend to produce patterns of association which are authoritarian and, therefore, unconducive to giving teachers, students and parents opportunities to participate actively in key decisions in and around schooling. The analysis presented in this paper is underpinned by a concern to bring a consideration of educational politics back into education policy debates.  相似文献   

中国共产党政治权威的合法性认同对于我国构建社会主义和谐社会具有举足轻重的作用。在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中由于我国社会发展的非均衡性和非共进性,中国共产党政治权威的合法性认同面临着一定程度的挑战。对此,我党必须采取有效措施,增强合法性认同,以实现构建社会主义和谐社会的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

Since the well‐known failures of many experimental colleges and programs in the 1960s and 1970s, policymakers and scholars are often cynical about the possibilities for organisational innovation, particularly within public universities. Public university innovation is possible, however, when organisational actors seek to institutionalise reform and use the legitimacy of reform to obtain adequate human and financial resources. An illustrative case study of California State University at Monterey Bay is used to describe how institutionalisation processes can be used to establish, support and expand public university innovation, which may be increasingly crucial to meet political and competitive demands for university adaptation.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, in the wake of three major crises in political faith and the overall instability that followed the end of the Cultural Revolution, the post-Mao Chinese government has sought to improve the lives of its citizens and to restore political legitimacy through rapid economic growth that has focused almost exclusively on GDP. This strong focus has brought about rapid, widespread economic growth to China, and has, by classical market standards, been a success. At the same time, issues of social development and human well-being have received less attention. Before the Hu-Wen leadership's formal accession to power, the Jiang-Zhu administration sought to adopt neo-liberal ideas and practices to reform the delivery of social services and the implementation and funding of social policy. In this context, major fields of social policy such as health, education, and housing have been going through the processes of marketisation and privatisation, which have placed much of the financial burden of meeting these social welfare needs on China's citizens. After several decades of privatisation and marketisation in the educational system, the Chinese government has been the subject of repeated criticism for failing to tackle what is popularly known as the ‘new three mountains phenomenon’, namely, the rising cost of health, education, and housing in recent years. Against the wider policy context described above, this article examines the social and political consequences of the privatisation and marketisation of education. It also discusses the major policies and strategies recently adopted by the Chinese government to restore the role of the State in the education system in order to address the negative consequences of the privatisation of education. Finally, it critically examines the main implications of major reforms undertaken in higher education in Mainland China.  相似文献   

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