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This article aims to contribute to the ongoing evaluation of the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) by investigating its construct and concurrent validity with a subsample of 642 children aged 4 to 5 years drawn from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). Construct validity was examined by considering the theoretical consistency of the network of correlations between the AEDI subconstructs and the independently reported multimethod measures of early learning skills and development collected contemporaneously by the LSAC. Concurrent validity was examined by assessing the extent to which children who were “developmentally vulnerable” on the AEDI domains corresponded with the LSAC outcome indices classification of children as “developmentally at risk.” Moderate to large correlations were observed between each of the AEDI domains and subconstructs when compared to analogous teacher-rated LSAC measures, with lower levels of association observed for parent-rated LSAC measures. Concurrent validity was explored; however, with no criterion measure with which to assess the AEDI, findings are inconclusive prior to predictive validity assessment. Future waves of the LSAC will collect information on the children's abilities at school and developmental outcomes, enabling further interpretation of these concurrent and construct validity findings by triangulation and predictive validity analyses.  相似文献   

In 1993, the U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect recommended a neighborhood-based strategy to prevent child abuse and neglect. The Board further recommended the development of Prevention Zones to allow for testing of the effectiveness of community-wide child protection efforts in neighborhoods of differing population density, ethnic and cultural composition, and social and economic resources. Following the Board's recommendation, this article presents the results of a trial of the effectiveness of a neighborhood-based strategy in low- and high-resource communities. Using management, survey, and administrative data, the research showed that both community types experienced declines in founded cases of and injuries suggesting child maltreatment for children under age 5. Low-resource communities experienced greater levels of mobilization, as measured by community and institutional engagement, and a greater number of positive outcomes related to changes in the quality of life for families and community norms relative to child and family well-being. In particular, the low-resource communities experienced the largest increases in receiving help from neighbors, neighboring, perceived household safety for neighborhood children, and observed positive parenting. High-resource communities experienced greater increases in intermediate outcomes related to self-reported parenting practices. The findings suggest that, ultimately, community mobilization can occur and be an effective means of preventing child maltreatment across community types. It appears, however, that community mobilization may play a more significant role in low-resource communities.  相似文献   

在分析随迁子女义务教育发展评估相关理论的基础上,本文以问题导向性、可比性、层次性等为构建原则,采取以问题模式和目标模式为主轴、归纳法和演绎法相结合的方式构建了包括教育保障度、教育公平度、教育提升度、教育满意度等四大维度37项指标的随迁子女义务教育发展评估指标体系,并用层次分析法确定指标权重和用阈值法进行数据的去量纲化,最后用线性加权求和法合成随迁子女义务教育发展指数。  相似文献   

Across the country, states are reporting increases in the number of children with autism enrolled in the education system. Although a few specific treatment methods have been established as efficacious for some children with autism in controlled settings, research examining the translation of these treatments into early intervention programs has been minimal. The current study examined provider self-reports of the use of interventions in community settings through focus groups. Providers report the use of both evidence-based and non-evidence-based techniques and indicate that they often combine and modify these techniques based on child, personal, and external factors. Few providers had a clear understanding of evidence-based practice, and all providers reported concerns about adequate training. Implications for early intervention research are discussed.  相似文献   

县域经济是我国最基本的经济单元,对县域经济的竞争力进行评价,使县域了解自身的竞争优势和竞争劣势,才能制定出正确的经济发展政策。我国目前对于县域经济竞争力的研究基本上都只是局限于竞争力的评价和排名,而忽视了竞争力研究的真正目的,即为经济决策提供服务,本文正是本着这一目的,从发展的角度进行竞争力评价指标体系的设计,以方便县域政府进行竞争力管理,为县域经济发展提供决策参考和决策咨询。  相似文献   

公共图书馆提供丰富多彩的少儿服务及活动,指导少儿在良好的环境中健康成长,让公共图书馆成为少儿学习、娱乐、长知识、受教育的乐园。基于此,通过剖析少儿自主阅读的缺陷及相关少儿服务的开展,提出几点建议,以期有助于公共图书馆为少儿提供更多更好的服务。  相似文献   

教师的教学行为是教师所有行为中最为基本的行为,是教师专业化的最基本要求.从行为指标体系建构的角度来研究教师行为是较为有效的方式之一,而在这之中,以往对教师教学准备行为的研究偏弱.通过文献趋势分析和理论支撑,构建出指标模型,据此编制了教师评分表和专家权重评价表,最后通过数据的统计与分析,确定了教师教学准备行为评价指标与权重体系.  相似文献   

深化课程改革的条件之一在于教师素质的提升,而教师素质的外显就是教师行为的改进与优化。教师教学准备行为是课堂教学的基础。从行为观察、教师专业标准制订和教学评价的角度,并通过统计测量、权重计算最终可以形成《教师教学准备行为评价指标体系》,该体系是教师教学行为整个系统中的一个子系统,可以为教育行政部门出台相关教师专业发展标准提供技术支持。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革的启动,愈加凸显了"教师专业成长"问题.研究表明,教师参与教育行动研究将有力促进教师自身综合素质的提升;而教师与专业研究者合作,构建"基于对话"的研究共同体,是教师逐步发展和提高自身实践研究能力的可靠路径.  相似文献   

社区是儿童成长的重要环境,社区中的各种资源对儿童发展发挥重要影响,有效开发和利用这些资源将更有利于儿童成长。生态系统理论、建构主义理论和"活教育"理论为此研究提供了理论基础。基于主体性、适宜性和发展性三个原则,研究发现社区自然资源可以为儿童提供丰富的感性经验和思维发展的源泉;社区的空间资源之公共场地提供给儿童运动和交流的环境,社区的公共服务机构提供给儿童社会认知的机会;社区的人力资源包括成人和同伴与儿童的互动可以促进他们社会性的发展。  相似文献   

依据社区安全管理的目标和指标确定的原则,采用问卷调查的方法设计评价指标,指出社区安全管理评价指标分为内部评价指标和外部评价指标,并设计评价指标体系框架,为社区内部管理、监督管理部门提供决策依据.  相似文献   

教师发展学校:营造高校与中小学教师教育共同体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教师发展学校是营造高校与中小学教师教育共同体的重要载体.抓住共同体建设这一核心可以积极主动地应对当前教师教育面临的问题.教师发展学校营造高校与中小学教师教育共同体的突破口在于推进高校与中小学在教师教育上的合作,树立正确的合作理念,形成良性的合作机制,确立合作行动的主要内容与共享双赢的方针.在营造高校与中小学教师教育共同体的过程中,教师发展学校建设借助良好的外部策略环境创设,能彰显其丰富的内在价值.  相似文献   

新加坡“早期儿童发展培训者培训”是由新加坡政府发起、面向发展中国家的一个学前教育师资培训项目。新加坡培训方在实施这个项目时,注重从受训者的需要出发,制定具有针对性的培训计划;注重采取适合成人学习的方式,引导受训者主动学习;注重营造平等和相互尊重的培训氛围,让每个受训者积极参与;注重发挥培训者作为引导者、协调者和促进者的角色和作用;注重创设材料丰富而灵活多变的培训环境。  相似文献   

政治发展是人类政治生活所面临的一个基本问题,也是政治科学的永恒主题.文章首先界定了政治发展的内涵,在此基础上,提出了构建评价政治发展指标体系应遵循的原则,并试图构建一个评价政治发展的指标体系,以期更好地对政治发展水平作出评估.  相似文献   

This article is a commentary for the special issue on the Early Development Instrument (EDI), a community tool to assess children's school readiness and developmental outcomes at a group level. The EDI is administered by kindergarten teachers, who assess their kindergarten students on 5 developmental domains: physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive development, and communication skills and general knowledge. In this commentary, the author critically integrates research findings from projects that used the EDI to assess children's development at a community or population level, as presented in the research articles of this special issue. In addition, the EDI is situated in the school readiness literature, and forthcoming research directions and challenges that will largely determine the risk-benefit ratio of the EDI are discussed in regard to the following 3 topics: the advantages and limitations of using teacher judgment for the EDI, the establishment of the EDI's reliability and validity at a group (community, population) level, the EDI's effectiveness for intervention and program evaluation and measurement.  相似文献   

儿童早期词汇-语义系统的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对几名儿童早期词汇-语义的跟踪研究,讨论了儿童早期词汇-语义的形成和发展过程。儿童的词汇-语义系统经历了分离语词单位、词语理解和使用的互动、选取语义特征、形成语义场等过程。  相似文献   

This paper describes the conceptualization, development, and implementation procedures for a performance-monitoring system designed to evaluate the progress of young children, with and without disabilities, in an inclusive early childhood education program. A total of 20 early childhood educators from one preschool participated in a 10-month, professional development program designed to advance their knowledge and understanding of performance assessment, and to enable them to develop their own performance-monitoring system entitled Changing, Learning, and Growing (CLG). This paper provides an overview and rationale for performance monitoring, and explains the five-step process through which participating teachers were guided in their development of CLG.  相似文献   

一项跟踪某高校大学英语教师学习共同体的个案研究表明:以课堂教学研究为核心的教师学习共同体,从情感和知识技能两个维度促进了大学英语教师科研成长及身份转变。教师学习共同体打破以往自上而下的教师团队建设形式,有利于促进教师师徒传授和同伴互助,是普通大学英语教师专业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

系统办学是电大区别于普通高校的显著特色和突出优势,而系统内各个分校的教育质量又直接影响着整个电大开放远程教育办学系统的质量,建立符合中国国情、且具有科学性和实用性的开放远程教育办学系统的质量评价体系业已成为当务之急。因此,本研究是上海电大在已有实践和成果的基础上的深入研究,重点是对电大系统内部即分校的教育教学质量评价指标体系的构建,为系统内部质量评价提供参照和依据,以保证和提升电大系统的稳定性和发展力。  相似文献   

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