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This book is a stimulating read. It aims to alert educators, particularly in higher education, to the potential of ubiquitous learning and offers a range of practical suggestions and strategies for teaching in this emerging environment If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend that you arrange to borrow a copy for a while. Marie Martin  相似文献   

This text discusses contemporary research that relates to adolescents' technology use, and evaluates a range of recent literature. However, while the topic is likely to appeal to a wide audience, you should be mindful that the book is primarily targeted at the USA, and even in that context is best borrowed rather than bought. Lucy R Betts  相似文献   

This book is a stimulating read. It aims to alert educators, particularly in higher education, to the potential of “ubiquitous learning”, and offers a range of practical suggestions and strategies for teaching in this emerging environment. If the content of this book could be relevant to you, I recommend you arrange to borrow a copy. Marie Martin  相似文献   

Contributions here display on‐going work in the US on formative assessment in schools, over a variety of discipline areas and student ages. Considerable use is reported of innovative technology to obtain and present the data to which teachers, and sometimes students, then respond. Reading this book will provide rewarding stimulus for those who value supporting student learning: therefore, borrow a copy for a while, if its content is likely to be relevant. John Cowan  相似文献   

This is written as an up‐to‐date guide to the effective and imaginative use of information technology in primary classrooms, in a range of subjects and activities. However, much of its content and approach will offer ideas and inspiration to those who teach at other levels. If the content of this book may well be relevant, I recommend you buy your own copy. John Cowan  相似文献   

The book focuses on the use of video in social science research, integrating a range of perspectives on the topic including research design, data collection and analysis. The book aims at postgraduates (including, in particular, doctoral students) as well as academics and researchers. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend you buy a copy for your own use. Michael Thomas  相似文献   

Nelson and Erlandson have collated a summary of the work of early designers and researchers into virtual worlds for learning and assessment. While it is confined to those experiences already well known in the literature, it does provide a basic introduction for undergraduates. If it seems that this book could be relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. John G Hedberg  相似文献   

Multimodal composing in classrooms aims to encourage school teachers to change their view of literacy, through the analysis of experiences of multimodal literacies in a variety of learning contexts. Literacy entails not only reading and writing, but, working in different modes, effectively expressing oneself and understanding others’ expressions. Developing multimodal literacies is a powerful tool to foster learning and understanding and hence to improve school education. If what this book is about is likely to appeal to you, I recommend that you arrange to borrow a copy for a while. Giuliana Dettori  相似文献   

The authors provide some useful ideas and a bridge from face‐to‐face into blended learning contexts that teachers interested in inquiry pedagogy may find useful. There are various scaffolds and exemplars as well as exploration of appropriate digital tools that can be of use for critical inquiry. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I advise you may find only parts of it of interest or use. Robyn Smyth  相似文献   

Teachers involved in literacy and numeracy testing will find in this book a valuable support to understand the why, how and what to assess. It is an informative volume that will give you practical information, guidance and deep understanding of what is behind a test. A must for Australian teachers, it is a great help for general practitioners and a valuable tool for the international audience. I suggest you borrow a copy if this book seems relevant. Jesús García Laborda  相似文献   

The book describes a five‐year teacher education programme at US's University of New Hampshire (unh ). It includes several research articles about what supports the programme, especially the internship (teaching practice) component, which is a full year long. The book is useful for educators especially those involved in teacher training and preparation. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend that you arrange to borrow a copy for a while. Othman N Alsawaie  相似文献   

This is a highly useful illustrative step‐by‐step resource for teachers and administrators planning for or already teaching online. It offers great ideas, strategies, practical examples, online tools and design principles for all those associated with online teaching, whether they are beginners or experienced. I recommend you buy a copy of this book for your own use if its content is likely to be relevant to you. Ramesh Sharma  相似文献   

The authors of Motivating students to learn offer teachers evidence‐based classroom strategies to motivate their students. This fourth edition draws comprehensively on current psychological and educational research on student motivation and extrapolates this to implications for teaching practice in the classroom. This book's aim is primarily school teachers but it may also be of interest to people in further and higher education. If you think this book's content could be relevant, I suggest you borrow a copy to decide whether it's worth buying. Sara Hammer  相似文献   

Ostensibly, this textbook was written for those who want and need to be consumers of educational research. It serves that readership extremely well. Equally, however, I would warmly recommend it to those preparing their first educational submissions for publication; they'll find splendid advice here about what to do—and what not to do. If this book is very likely to be relevant to your work, I strongly suggest that you buy a copy. John Cowan  相似文献   

Aimed at postgraduates within education and educational research methods courses, this book integrates the theoretical and practical aspects of educational research. It journeys through designing, planning and conducting research to analytical techniques, impact and dissemination. Whether you are a new educational researcher or more established, you might find your own copy of this book useful for in‐depth study or for reference: borrow a copy to help you decide. Nancy El‐Farargy  相似文献   

Visible learning for teachers, written for both new and experienced teachers, discusses data derived from 1000 meta‐analyses of the effectiveness of over 150 different procedures used in teaching. Most of the findings are considered under six main headings: Preparing the classroom; Starting the lesson; The flow of the lesson—learning; The flow of the lesson—feedback; and The end of the lesson. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend you arrange to borrow a copy. James Hartley  相似文献   

The book describes a five‐year teacher education programme at the University of New Hampshire. It includes several research articles about what supports the programme, especially the internship (teaching practice) component, which is a full year long. The book is useful for educators, especially those involved in teacher training and preparation. If its content is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend you borrow a copy for a while. Othman N Alsawaie  相似文献   

Here is detailed advice to those who strive to enhance schools’ educational provision through the exercise of their leadership. This is a valuable text for such readers, one in which educational technology in its broad sense is implicit throughout. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend that you buy a copy for your own use. John Cowan  相似文献   

This book contains twenty chapters on academic and professional publishing. Some of the content areas are concerned with academic writing—such as those on plagiarism and peer review. Others discuss the effects of new technology on publishing texts and journals, while yet others focus more specifically on publishing practices, business models, sales and finances. If any of those aspects of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. James Hartley  相似文献   

This book examines strategic curriculum change through a study of change activities within a group of international research‐based universities. It echoes a range of concepts, processes and tools relevant to curriculum change by way of real world (even if occasionally rarefied) case studies from each of these institutions. The target readers include university leaders at all levels and academic curriculum developers. Sara Hammer  相似文献   

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