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Q: What is your assessment of this IAU General Assembly? ProL Williams: From my standpoint, it has gone extremely well. The quality of the talks that I heard was quite high. We were successful in attr...  相似文献   

余翔林教授献身中国科教事业40余年,长期从事教学、科研和管理工作。他的回忆展现出20世纪五、六十年代青年学子“向科学进军”的青春壮志,七、八十年代的知识分子刻苦钻研、献身科学的火热情怀,并论及九十年代国家发展高等教育的一些重大决策。余先生的人生经历可以从一个侧面反映出我国高等教育和科技工作的发展历程。  相似文献   

"We should have the promotion of research and development in the industry, and for that scientists should be hired ... Science not only should be promoted by its intellectual challenges of understandin...  相似文献   

编者按:在一个高档公寓里,本刊编辑朱健榕等见到了这位因为讲述中国文化而闻名中国的于丹教授.也许多年之后,当谈到中国文化如何复兴的时候,我们将不得不谈到于丹.  相似文献   

贵刊2007年第3期刊登了郭元林老师的一篇文章<科学理论是否一定正确?>,这样的题目确实很保险,因为类似的辩题几乎是驳不倒的.对任何一个全称陈述的否定比较容易,因为举一个反例足矣.  相似文献   

1958年中国科学院创办中国科学技术大学,吴文俊先生到学校登台授业,至1964年因参加"四清运动"而离开讲台.访谈中,吴先生首先回忆起引导他走上数学学术道路的几位良师,之后讲述了他在中国科大任教时一些往事,最后阐述了中国传统数学对当代数学教育的深远意义.  相似文献   

Prof. Wu Zhengyi (Wu Cheng-yih, C. Y. Wu), a plant taxonomist and floristic geographer, is the founder of the Chinese school of floristic geography. Now in his eighties, he is still full of energy and working hard at his research.  相似文献   

As a developing country,China has always attachedgreat importance to South-South cooperation, especially whenit comes to scientific research.Beginning in 1987, following a1985 meeting between DengXiaoping, late Chinese leader, andAbdus Salam, founding president ofthe Third World Academy of Sci-ences (TWAS), the Chinese govern-ment has financed the CAS South-South Cooperation Fund. The Fund,which has an annual budget of 2 mil-lion Yuan (about US$ 250,000), isused to support the local…  相似文献   

August 2012 is an unforgettable month for Prof. Timothy J. Pedley from Cambridge University: a few days after his nation had successfully hosted the Olympic Games in London, he and more than 1,500 mech...  相似文献   

"It is a very wonderful story to tell," in the interview with BCAS reporter SONG Jianlan before the opening of the 35 th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), Dr. Ghassem R. Asrar, Director of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and former Earth Science Associate Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) could not help expressing his joyfulness and satisfaction at the wonderful job the global community has done in just thirty years: building the Earth observing system (EOS),turning the observations into useful information and making it available to scientists and decision makers around the world. Let's follow him to celebrate the contributions of Earth observations to our understanding of the Earth system and climate, a sub-system of our planet, and recognize China's current and future role in this system. Meanwhile we will have an opportunity to learn about his experiences of EOS and expectation of China's bigger participation in internationally cooperative projects in the field of space-based remote sensing, for future decades.  相似文献   

阮仪三教授系同济大学国家历史文化名城研究中心主任.同济大学建筑城规学院教授,中国历史文化名城保护专家,享有“古城卫士”、“古城保护神”等关誉。但比起教授、主任、专家、卫士等一系列头衔,我们更想知道,这位知名的专家原意自掏腰包,甚至曾四处碰得头破血流,即使豁出性命也要守卫下来的古建筑、古遗迹,有着怎样的文化价值,传承着什么样的精神。8月本刊记者电话采访了阮教授,本文根据访问记录整理。  相似文献   

Prof. Zhou Peiyuan (P.Y.Chou) was a celebrated scientist, educationalist and social activist well-known both at home and abroad. He was an outstanding leader in the Chinese science and technology community, a founder of modern mechanics in China, a fighter dedicated to world peace and an international envoy of peace and goodwill sent by the Chinese people as well as a peopleto-people diplomat for the promotion ofinternational exchange and cooperation in science and technology.  相似文献   

科学进程中的合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用CNKI和维普的数据对科学研究中的合作问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,不取合作者显然有悖于日益扩大的科学合作,取对科学合作加权处理,使大部分合作者发表文章数为零,采取平等对待的方式,有助于问题的解决。  相似文献   

At the 23^rd General Meeting of TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries), held in Tianjin, China, in September, 2012, CAS President Prof. BAI Chunli w...  相似文献   

编者按:她是一个备受争议的人,13年前有着哲学教育背景和美国生活经历的廖晓义回到了中国,创立了北京地球村环境文化中心,这个组织也许是中国最早的一个有着实际意义的NGO(非政府组织).NGO能在中国创立,意味着中国政府迈向国际化的一次心里上的跃进.在GDP不受怀疑地占据中国各阶层心里的时代里,廖晓义的工作是让人们置疑环境安全、能源可持续以及人们所推崇的西方式消费模式.在一些人眼中看来,她推行的众多社会项目过于异想天开,她工作上的激情与其理性不相配,她对西方文明的批判过头了,充其量她只是一个理想主义者.  相似文献   

在国际多极化发展的背景下,国际科技合作范式发生了深刻变化,由发达国家之间进行合作推进代之以多边合作共同推进。近年来中国在多边外交的国际舞台上发挥着越来越大的作用,对多边合作也给予了更大的关注。本文通过对多边合作组织和机制的研究,为增强我国在国际科技合作中的经验积累和能力建设打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

April 2014 witnessed the inauguration of two Sino- Nepal joint centers at Tribhuvan University, Katmandu: the Third Pole Environment Kathmandu Center and the Sino- Nepal Joint Research Center for Geography. As a milestone in the history of scientitic cooperation between the two neighboring countries, the new move showed the region's determination to jointly address global challenges ranging from climate change, biodiversity preservation to the monitoring and management of natural hazards,  相似文献   

高校科研国际交流与合作创新模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴红敏  陈怡 《科教文汇》2012,(26):28-29
高校科研中国际交流与合作的重要性毋庸置疑,但目前合作模式比较传统、单一、低效,大多表现为互访、签订合作备忘录、定期不定期举行研讨会等模式,对于开展有实质性成果的合作并推动国家科技与产业的发展并不能起到真正的作用。本文尝试借鉴几家世界一流的高校、科研机构甚至企业(瑞典乌普萨拉大学、芬兰VTT技术研究院以及法国依视路集团)的管理理念与国际合作模式,分析我国高校科研工作与管理中国际交流与合作模式的缺点与局限性,大胆尝试新途径、新模式,试图为走出高校科研国际交流与合作的新路提供想法与建议。  相似文献   

This interview seeks to reframe the traditional perspective on organisations. Verna Allee's work gives meaning to how the networked organisation can be understood in a very practical way. She changes the lens from hierarchy to network, from process to people, from structure to relationship. Her innovative thinking strips away traditional business thinking to reveal the new patterns of management practice essential for success in a more complex and dynamic business environment. With her systems diagramming tools, which map knowledge exchanges in the context of relationships, she provides a profound understanding of how value is created in organisations. Her approach demonstrates how and why making visible the intangible dimensions of relationships and knowledge exchanges significantly contributes to value creation and business self-organisation.  相似文献   

马健 《未来与发展》2011,34(1):10-12
对于"大科学"时代的科学研究而言,知识的分立问题显得十分重要。人们在组建科研团队时,非常关注那些便于通过文字化和书面化表达的个人信息。但事实上,诸如科研人员的知识结构之类的信息也是至关重要的。不仅如此,协调分工的知识需要经过较长时间的交流、了解和磨合,才能逐渐积累起来,从而真正降低协调科研分工的成本。这是人们在选择具体的科研合作模式时需要仔细考虑的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

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