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Occupational aspirations of a longitudinal sample of students were examined over a ten-year time period, from second to twelfth grade. Hypotheses from Gottfredson's theory of career development (1981, 1996) and from social learning theory (Lent, Brown & Hackett, 1994) were examined. The social value of children's occupational aspirations increased into the early high school years and started to fall by their senior year in high school when internal, unique personal factors were more evident in occupational aspirations as Gottfredson would predict. Through eighth grade, about 40 percent of boys and up to 20 percent of girls held occupational aspirations that could be classified as fantasy. Social learning theory suggests that children would relinquish fantasy occupational aspirations with age because of self-awareness and knowledge of the world of work. This change was evident as a significant shift toward more realistic occupational aspirations occurred during the late high school years.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between acculturation level and vocational identity among 112 graduate and undergraduate Taiwanese international students attending two midwestern universities. The results revealed that Taiwanese international students who were older and who had a shorter length of U.S. residency were more likely to identify themselves as Asian. The results also indicated that Taiwanese international students who were older and who had a lower acculturation level had higher vocational identity.  相似文献   

This article draws on a longitudinal study of four Chinese students’ English learning experiences during their college years and explores the ways in which EFL learning has influenced their sense of national identity. The study captures the changes they have experienced in constructing identities over a prolonged period in the context of mainland China where strong sense of national identity has been historically promoted and where there is currently unprecedentedly close interaction between local cultures and western cultures. Drawing on interviews and diary studies as the primary data source, this study identifies a three‐stage development in the national identities of the college students that proceeds from initial admiration of English‐speaking cultures, to antagonism towards alien things, before then reaching a stage of conciliation between the national and the global. The findings suggest that China’s deeply‐rooted culture of collectivism and altruism plays a role in shaping English learners’ national identity and that the learners also demonstrate considerable agency in constructing national identities at different stages of English learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first results from a longitudinal qualitative study following 38 Danish students' choice of higher education. By using a narrative psychological framework it is shown how the choice of higher education is embedded in various dilemmas, making it difficult for the students to make meaningful choices. They believe the choice should be unique and individual and that it should correspond with who they are and wish to become. However, the analysis shows that choosing what to study after upper-secondary school is a complex ongoing and social process, rather than an isolated individual event. Implications of these results are discussed and the educational system is urged to provide room for and facilitate students' production of choice narratives.  相似文献   

少数民族贫困地区大龄女童辍学问题追踪研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王鉴 《民族教育研究》2008,19(1):116-121
近几年,少数民族贫困地区女童教育研究转向了对大龄女童(10~12岁)辍学问题及辍学的多因素综合治理方面.少数民族大龄女童辍学率高,主要原因是她们已经成为家里的劳动力或后备劳动力,通过她们的劳动或外出打工来支撑贫困的家庭及继续弟妹的学业.农村实行"两免一补"政策后,这一问题有了一定的缓解,但不能从根本上解决.为此,建议通过设立民族教育发展专项基金或发展特区的政策,从根本上解决民族教育的这一难点问题.  相似文献   

基于大样本问卷调查,分析大学生职业观存在的偏差以及教育对策,为高校开展职业观教育和就业指导工作提供参考。发现大学生职业观存在诸多偏差,包括强调个人职业价值,忽视社会责任;就业缺乏自主性,存在依赖心理;职业认识模糊,对自身专业缺乏认知;职业规划不足,缺乏职业发展目标;缺乏个性化就业辅导,就业指导机构的作用有待增强。提出从强化理想信念教育、引导就业观念更新、加强就业指导、普及职业规划教育等方面纠正大学生职业观偏差,更好地引导大学生职业发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an opportunity for science teachers to listen to adolescent girls discuss their ideas and feelings about the contemporary structure of middle-level science education. The reflections of these teachers were then analyzed to capture how the teachers interpreted what adolescent girls had to say and the action that they will take in the classroom as a result of those interpretations. This qualitative study investigated 11 teachers and 51 Grade 7 and 8 girls from various states across the continental USA. The girls discussed such things as their favorite science topics, comfort level in science classrooms, and curiosities about the physical world. The study revealed that adolescent girls strive to make a connection to science. They can see how science can help them to understand better themselves and their world, but they seldom find such understandings in contemporary science classrooms. In addition, adolescent girls not only need to have choices in their studies, but they understand that need. The study revealed that the teachers interpreted the girls' request from an assimilative perspective by seeking ways to help the girls fit into the existing structure of science education. The implications of the study suggest that science education will need to change in response to the voices of the others, but that change will only happen if we prepare teachers better to be prepared to listen and change practice in light of what they hear.  相似文献   

对北京市某中学初中生生涯适应力水平和生涯需求的调查发现,北京市初中生生涯适应力达到中上水平,初二学生的生涯适应力显著高于初一学生,但男女生在生涯适应力各维度上不存在显著差异;有无理想专业对初中生的生涯适应力有显著预测作用.调查样本中,87.70%的初中生认为生涯指导重要,64.30%的初中生希望通过课程的形式开展生涯指...  相似文献   

The American ethos that you can be whatever you want to be has not always been a helpful adage for gifted students. Gifted students require career counseling to understand the world of work, and to identify their interests and values in addition to their already-identified talents. Academic planning and career development for gifted students is an important and complex process that requires thoughtful consideration. School psychologists have the skills and abilities to provide valuable career development services to gifted students. The authors explore the unique challenges and career development needs of gifted students and provide suggestions for interventions.  相似文献   

科学教育具有训练心智与提升实用技能的双重价值,它与生涯发展密切相关,尤其与生涯发展中的创业教育的关联更是紧密。以生涯发展来反思,受"应试主义"的影响,我国的科学教育与发达国家相比,无论是从课程设置还是培养目标来看,差距甚大,未来之路任重而道远。  相似文献   

艾丽丝?门罗擅长描写平凡女性人物的命运,刻画平淡生活的真实面貌,被称为当今最有影响力的小说家之一。门罗不同时期的短篇小说讲述了加拿大社会中平凡女性的命运。本文以《男孩和女孩》的女孩为例,探讨女性在男权社会的压迫下不断成长、构建女性文化身份的过程,从而表明女性必须认识自我的社会价值并实现自我诉求。  相似文献   

职业生涯发展规划对于大学生的成长有着极其重要的作用。以落实科学发展观为指导,对创新高职院校办学理念、教学体系,创新职业生涯规划体制、途径及手段等几个方面进行探讨,旨在构建高职院校学生职业生涯规划体系,帮助高职学生尽早明确职业定位,并通过努力提高日后就业技能及竞争力。  相似文献   

职业教育规模的扩大拓宽了职业教育的受益面,但也加大了高职学校学生就业的压力。如何提升高职毕业生的职场竞争力,提高高职毕业生与职业的匹配度,已成为高职学校关注的重点问题。传统教学理念里学生实践能力的提升主要依靠校内教学与课程实践,对于高职学生普遍从事的兼职对就业能力的影响研究比较少。文章以高职女生为样本,以兼职工作对于职业期望的关联影响为目标,对兼职工作同高职女生职业能力的影响做了分析,对高职女生实践能力提升的路径做了探索。  相似文献   

This study explores how secondary school students perceive high-performing potential classmates. A total of 1,794 seventh- and 10th-grade students from five countries completed a questionnaire measuring their expectations of hypothetical male and female high-performing classmates in three categories: intellectual ability, positive social qualities, and popularity. Across the five countries represented in this study, analyses of variance indicated that students did not report negative attitudes toward the three potential characteristics of a hypothetical gifted peer. Vietnamese students in particular reported more positive observations about the hypothetical classmate than their Australian, Peruvian, South Korean, and Spanish counterparts. Differing cross-national attitudes toward high-performing peers and the implications therein are discussed.  相似文献   

国际教育在全球化时代已成为培养二十一世纪人才十分重要之途径。通过与12名接受英国高等教育的博士毕业生个人访谈,分析研究对象之定性、定量数据,发现国际教育有助于积累个人文化资本,其本身包含着明显的象征资本。得出结论:留英经历对中国学生个人事业发展和取得成功起着里程碑的作用;国际教育影响中国高层次人才之培养。  相似文献   

当代大学生职业决策自我效能特点研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该研究以大学生职业决策自我效能量表为工具,对华北地区780名1~4年级大学生进行测量,结果发现:当代大学生六种职业决策自我效能得分由高到低依次为职业选择、自我评价、自我需求,压力抵抗,问题应对和信息收集;大学生的职业决策自我效能存在性别、年级、专业差异,且受到家庭经济地位的显著影响;针对大学生职业决策自我效能特点提出若干干预建议,力求对提高大学生的择业自信心,顺利进行职业决策有所帮助.  相似文献   


In this article, we explore oral and reading development in Spanish and English for a sample of 70 first grade Hispanic English-learning boys and girls receiving a longitudinal English intervention and a comparison group of 70 boys and girls. Students were assessed at the outset of kindergarten and first grade, and the exit of first grade. Results showed that, on average, treatment students scored significantly better in dual oracy and Spanish literacy than control students. Girls demonstrated a faster rate in dual reading comprehension than did their boy counterparts. When the effects of treatment and gender were jointly examined, it is apparent that the treatment effect contributed to a larger proportion of variance compared to gender.  相似文献   

心理学研究表明,双性化人格是一种较佳的心理健康模式,它对女大学生心理健康的促进作用更为明显。造成女大学生就业困难与职业发展阻隔的原因主要有两个方面:自身心理弱势与劳动力市场的性别歧视。通过双性化人格的培养可以最大限度地消除这些不利因素,促进女大学生职业发展。  相似文献   

惠敏散文的叙写从女性特有的心理、眼光和角度,把读诗品词同女性生命相连接。她立足于新时代背景下的女性书写姿态,在看似散漫的感性中提炼哲学思考,彰显女性身份的寻找和认同,对写作整体感进行观照,形成了鲜明的个人特色。  相似文献   

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