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郭力平  谢萌 《幼儿教育》2012,(15):46-50
本文回顾了美国早期教育质量评定与推进系统(QRIS)的发展历程,介绍了质量评定与推进系统的基本构成要素及运作模型,并分析了其建设过程中面临的问题及未来走向。借鉴美国的经验,我们有必要夯实基础,协调发展,重视科学研究,加强各方协作,以进一步提升学前教育质量。  相似文献   

Prior research demonstrates a positive association between mental health problems and sexual risk for African American women. Using the social skills deficit hypothesis, we proposed that social skills mediate this relationship. African American women (n = 557, M age = 20.58) completed measures of depression, stress, emotional dysregulation, sexual risk behaviors, and perceptions of their social skills with their primary sexual partner. Social skills mediated the link between the mental health assessments and a composite sexual risk index. Theoretical implications of extending the social skill deficit hypothesis are discussed as well as implications for interventions.  相似文献   

The Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) were administered to 573 under-graduate students in order to analyse a Norwegian version of this inventory. To cross-validate the factor structure, the subjects were divided into two equal samples. Principal axis factor analysis of sample 1 reproduced the three main factors of deep, surface and strategic approaches to learning. However, two of the subscales failed to load appropriately on the 'strategic approach'. When omitting these subscales, the principle of simple structure was better supported by the results. A subsequent CFA with comparison of samples 1 and 2 supported the existence of the expected three-factor model. It is concluded that this Norwegian version of ASSIST is valuable as a research tool for the assessment of approaches to learning among Norwegian students, but that caution should be taken with respect to the interpretation of particular subscales and possible sample effects.  相似文献   

One of the main aims of the school subject physical education (PE) is to promote a lifelong healthy lifestyle. The expectancy-value theory represents an essential theoretical perspective to examine and understand adolescents’ learning and motivation in PE. Based on this theory, the Expectancy-Value Questionnaire (EVQ) measures students’ expectancy-related beliefs and perceived task values related to a subject like PE. The aim of the present study was to examine the dimensionality, reliability, and construct validity of the Norwegian version of the EVQ among adolescents in PE. In total, 338 students from six schools completed the EVQ in their PE classes during the spring of 2016. Explorative and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted, suggesting the four-dimensional construct of the EVQ to be superior the two-factor-model. The EVQ measurement model of adolescents’ expectancy-related believes and subjective task values in PE demonstrated satisfying reliability and construct validity.  相似文献   

Colleges of Business (COBs) have experienced high growth rates in the past decade and many colleges are imposing minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements for students to enter or remain in the college. A primary reason for this requirement may be the belief that students with high GPAs are more inclined to demonstrate higher‐order cognitive skills (HOCS) than students with low GPAs. It is not clear whether the link is valid. This study hypothesizes that students with high GPAs who are taught in the same way as students with lower GPAs will have higher perceptions of improved HOCS. We conducted an experiment in which students, with varying GPAs, at three large universities primarily used multimedia instructional materials. We obtained the students' perceptions of their improved HOCS from their responses to a survey. A regression analysis of the data reveals that the relationship between GPAs and students' perceived improvement in HOCS is significant (p < .001). We conclude the study by recommending that (a) it is critical to use research methodologies to evaluate perceived and actual learning improvements, (b) COB policies to implement GPA restrictions on admission are worthwhile, and (c) case studies need to be used much more frequently in undergraduate COB classes.  相似文献   

侯晓红 《海外英语》2012,(12):204-206
Jerome’ s Vulgate set the norms for translation aiming at linguistic equivalence between the SLT and the TLT,from which came the Jerome Model,though his views towards translating did not follow the prescribed order,as different text-specific factors were involved in his theory building.To the contrary,Horace demonstrated a much more differentiated approach in his awareness of negotiation or sometimes collision between as many roles as can play in translation,such as translator/interpreter,clients,patronage,languages.Hence the Horace model focuses on text-pragmatic equivalence as the context under which translating is to take place is taken into account.  相似文献   

“双证书”制度是实现高职院校培养目标的有力保证,是提高毕业生就业竞争力的有效举措。本文旨在分析高职院校在落实“双证书”制度的过程中,职业技能大赛所起的促进作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the reliability of a potentially more practical approach to direct writing assessment in the context of ESL writing. Traditional rubric rating (RR) is a common yet resource-intensive evaluation practice when performed reliably. This study compared the traditional rubric model of ESL writing assessment and many-facet Rasch modeling (MFRM) to comparative judgment (CJ), the new approach, which shows promising results in terms of reliability. We employed two groups of raters—novice and experienced—and used essays that had been previously double-rated, analyzed with MFRM, and selected with fit statistics. We compared the results of the novice and experienced groups against the initial ratings using raw scores, MFRM, and a modern form of CJ—randomly distributed comparative judgment (RDCJ). Results showed that the CJ approach, though not appropriate for all contexts, can be as reliable as RR while showing promise as a more practical approach. Additionally, CJ is easily transferable to novel assessment tasks while still providing context-specific scores. Results from this study will not only inform future studies but can help guide ESL programs in selecting a rating model best suited to their specific needs.  相似文献   

完善的社会保障制度的建立是一个全球性的难题,对中国而言更是一个巨大的挑战。从社会转型期社会矛盾的特点入手,分析了当前社会保障制度与社会发展的不相适应之处,对完善和发展社会保障制度提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

调酒技术在社会服务中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校培养的学生除了具有实践能力、创新能力外,还应具备较强的技术应用能力,因此将技术应用环节引入教学过程至关重要。在工学结合的模式下,结合调酒技术课程的教学特点,提出了如何指导在校学生及时将调酒技术应用到现代社会服务之中的基本思路,介绍了调酒技术在商务活动、宴会、庆典酒会、生日酒会、接待来宾、岗前培训等方面的应用。  相似文献   

目前高校面临着学费虚高与学生欠费的困境,其实质是高等教育成本合理分担与高校学费定价问题.该文从社会满意度的视角探索了高校学费定价问题,认为社会满意度是高校完善学费定价机制的战略工具,是高校走出当前困境的有益途径.  相似文献   

企业社会责任会计信息披露是社会了解企业承担社会责任情况的重要途径,稀土是重要的国家战略资源,相关企业在资源可持续利用、环保等方面有特殊且重大的社会责任,研究稀土企业社会责任会计及其信息披露对完善相关理论有重要作用。文章选取我国六大主要稀土企业,分析其社会责任会计信息披露现状,从横向和纵向两个角度对比,找出其存在的问题,并据此为政府和企业提出建议。  相似文献   

This article reports on a mixed methods study that evaluated the efficacy of a study counselling intervention programme at a South African university. Quantitative data, collected by means of the Learning and Study Strategy Inventory, indicated that the study skills intervention programme brought about statistically significant improvements in participants' study skills profiles. The qualitative findings that were collected from 10 participants served as a contextual lens to develop a more holistic understanding of the quantitative results. It is argued that multidisciplinary collaboration is required to address the heteregenous needs of students within the higher education context.  相似文献   

实行公务员社会保险制度存在理论上的争论,其他国家和地区也有不同的制度构建。《社会保险法》立法中公务员覆盖或缺是某种社会心理的反应。我国公务员存在因各种原因退出、失去工作岗位之职业风险,其抗风险机制因制度陈旧、规范软化、实施柔性等,与企业、事业单位分割严重。公务员社会保险法律制度的构建,既有必要也有可能,只要路径选择正确,一定能够实现。  相似文献   

The discipline construction of social pedagogy is the new era’ inevitable requirement for the renewal of the connotation of the social pedagogy, the construction of a lifelong learning education system, the development of social education theory and practice, and the improvement of the disciplinary system of pedagogy in our country. This paper argues that the disciplinary construction of the social pedagogy needs to solve the issues of social pedagogy in terms of concept definition, research object, category, method, disciplinary orientation and nature, discourse system and disciplinary system. It suggests that it is necessary to clarify the fundamental ideas and main tasks to construction the social pedagogy, coordinate the four pairs of relations in the construction of the social education, systematically promote the “disciplinary group” construction, and strengthen the external guarantee for the construction of the social pedagogy  相似文献   

目的:编制大学生学习情况调查问卷。方法:在文献研究的基础上,构建学习情况的理论维度,编写问卷题目。对在校大学生两次预测,并检验问卷的信度、效度。结果:各项指标显示,本问卷具有良好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

关于语类(又称体裁)概念的发展在国际上已经有几十年的历史,而其对于语言教学带来的影响是深远的。文章旨在研究系统功能语言学家Hasan的体裁理论中的两个重要概念:CC(ContextualConfiguration),又称语境配置,和GSP(Gene~cStructuralPotential),又称语类潜势理论,并讨论如何将其应用于我国大学英语语篇教学的课程教学活动中,从而促使学生在语篇阅读中获得对词汇、句子与语法的深层次认知,逐渐建立起学生的语篇意识。通过这样的研究,使得语言学习者在语言交际中真正成长为一名社会语言的使用者。  相似文献   


The effects of students' conceptual levels and teachers' instruction patterns on students' motivation to learn academic course content were investigated. An examination of 63 students enrolled in a course entitled “Motivation and Performance in Organizations” at West Point yielded statistically significant interactions: For low-conceptual-level students, direct teaching methods maximize motivation to learn course content; for high-conceptual-level students, nondirect instruction significantly enhances motivation. These results expand existing educational literature that suggests that proper conceptual level/instruction pattern matches enhance students' motivation in the classroom. Educators may use this knowledge to develop teaching environments that support the specific learning needs of individual students.  相似文献   

温州在市场经济体制完善过程中。人口结构发生了显著变化,既反映了市场经济发展的一般规律,又对目前的社会保障制度提出了严峻的挑战。认真分析温州人口结构变化的规律与趋势,深刻认识社会保障制度所面临的严峻形势。对于加快完善温州社会保障制度具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

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