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This essay examines nineteenth-century Native resistance to the American Indian removal policy as a strategy of decolonization. Attention focuses in particular on the tactics of decolonization employed in the rhetoric of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole nations as it functioned to expose the dilemmas and hypocrisies of U.S. government justifications for Native removal as animated by discourses of territoriality, republicanism, paternalism, and godly authority. This analysis of the rhetorical strategy and tactics of decolonization helps to reassess the agency of nineteenth-century American Native voices and to gauge in general how rhetorics of resistance can be articulated in colonial contexts.  相似文献   

The potato was unknown to the white man until he came to New World. Spanish explorers(探险者)found out some of the Indians in South America grown potatoes. The potato is one of the things that the South American Indians contributed to the world.  相似文献   

This study examines how U.S. presidents have defined the purpose of education. Presidential rhetoric about education in inaugural and State of the Union speeches was collected and examined. Throughout history, two purposes of education have gained the most attention—civic responsibility and economic efficiency—with emphasis shifting from civic responsibility to economic efficiency over time.  相似文献   

比较语言学和牙齿形态学可以证明印第安人的祖先来自东北亚,地质考古资料证明,东西北利亚与阿拉斯加的最后一次连结(白令陆桥)在距今1.4万年至1.1万年之间。美洲印第安人是在距今1.4-1.2万年前,从东北亚经由白令陆桥到达美洲的,属蒙古人种。  相似文献   

The academic achievement of American Indians has not been extensively studied. Using NAEP supplements, we find that the average achievement relative to white students resembles other disadvantaged groups. However, there are several differences. Family characteristics explain two times as much of the raw gap as for blacks. School factors also account for a larger portion of the gap than for blacks or Hispanics. The distribution is also strikingly different: low performing American Indian students have a substantially larger gap than high performing students. Finally, racial self-identification is more strongly related to achievement, especially as American Indian students age.  相似文献   

印第安人来自哪里?这曾经是一个世界文化问题,研究这一问题,牵涉到许多学科.本文从考古人类学,考古文化学、地理学、语言学以及国外高新科技的研究成果等方面,指出印第安人是通过不同途径到达美洲的亚洲人的后裔.  相似文献   

美国政府对印第安人实行保留地政策并没有达到预期的效果,因此在1880年至1920年间对印第安人实行“全面同化”政策。其目的在于通过对印第安人进行改造,实行土地分配,打破保留地制度,授予印第安人以公民权,改善印第安人的文化教育水平,使印第安人融入到白人主流社会中来。这种政策的实施并没有从根本上改善印第安人的生存状况,相反,还成了一次对印第安人变本加厉的掠夺。  相似文献   

美国是修辞教育非常发达的国家,大学修辞教育更是修辞教育的主战场,具有实用修辞社会化、传统修辞现代化、学科体系开放化的特征。美国大学开办修辞教育的经验,对拓宽我国修辞教育的研究领域,建构完整的修辞教育体系,实现研究方法的创新与多样化,具有借鉴的意义。  相似文献   

在21世纪飞速发展的社会经济和文化环境中,美国印第安民族和中国藏族面临了相似的机遇与挑战。通过对两个民族双语教育历史的介绍,对比分析了两者采取的双语教育不同政策,不同的教学目的,不同的教学形式,从而提出自己的一些看法,希望能对藏族的双语教育的发展起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   


This study was an investigation of the patterns of performance among elementary aged students on the strands of the mathematics curriculum of a large urban school district. Test data were measured by using locally developed criterion referenced benchmark tests which were administered to all kindergarten, first, second, and fourth graders in one large urban school district. Analysis of variance and multiple classification analysis were used to determine the difference in total test scores and strand scores by ethnic group, gender, and socioeconomic status and to determine the proportion of test score variability accounted for by these demographic variables. The results of this study suggest that numeration is an area of the mathematics curriculum that causes special problems for Indian and black students, and that geometry is an area of relative strength for these two ethnic groups.  相似文献   

修辞学和修辞学转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有两种“修辞学转向”(美学家的和哲学家的 )。有位哲学家把社会上流行的假话空话说成是修辞学转向 ,这在理论上和实际上都是不很适宜的。应当引起修辞学界的注意。教训是 :不同学科之间的对话是很重要的。  相似文献   

论修辞推理与修辞话语形式建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修辞活动是一个互动的过程,是表达与接受相互作用的过程。修辞所必然联系的双方即表达者与理解者总是追求在对立中达到统一,修辞的效果则在表达与接受的互动中取得,并最终诉诸接受心理得以体现。接受心理的存在势必影响修辞表达,或者说,修辞表达要受接受心理的制约。“修辞推理”和“修辞话语形式建构”是接受心理制约修辞表达的两个重要方面。  相似文献   

On July 8, 2003, at Goree Island, Senegal, George W. Bush delivered the most important speech on American slavery since Abraham Lincoln. As an example of rhetorical artistry, the speech is a masterpiece, putting the brutality of slavery into historical, political, and theological perspective. Although the speech had deliberative effects—it grew out of, and contributed to, the Millennium Challenge as well as the administration's African AIDS initiative—it was primarily an epideictic speech that envisioned Providential history as its audience. By adopting the God of history as audience, Bush was able to confess the nation's original sin and to begin to make amends by directing billions of dollars to African development as well as treatment of AIDS and malaria. While largely successful with Africans, the speech left many African Americans both puzzled and angry. The Bush administration could have built on the initial success of the Goree Island speech by extending the internal logic of the address to the material conditions of African Americans, but it did not.  相似文献   

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHIC ADDRESSES, 1700–1900. Edited by Joseph L. Blau. New York; Columbia University Press, 1946; pp. xii+762. $6.75.

THE EPIGRAM IN THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE. By Hoyt Hopewell Hudson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947; pp. viii+178. $2.50.

HUGH BLAIR. By Robert Morell Schmitz. New York: King's Crown Press, 1948; pp. xii+ 162. $2.75.

ADVENTURE IN THE THEATRE. By Gertrude R. Jasper. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1947; pp. xiii+370.. §4.50.

PHONEMICS. By Kenneth L. Pike, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1947; pp. xvi+ 254. §3.00.

WORLD WORD. By W. Cabell Greet. (Second edition, revised and enlarged). New York: Columbia University Press, 1948; pp. liii+608. $6.75.

THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE: SUPPLEMENT II. By H. L. Mencken. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1948; pp. xiii+890+ xliii. 57.50.

THE MEANING OF WORDS. By Alexander Bryan Johnson. Milwaukee: John Windsor Chamberlin, 1948; pp. xii+256.

THE GREAT REHEARSAL. By Carl Van Doren. New York: The Viking Press, 1948; pp. xii+336. $3.75.

POLITICAL FORGIVENESS IN OLD ATHENS. The Amnesty of 403 B.C. By Alfred P. Dorjahn. Northwestern University Studies in the Humanities, No. 13. Evanston, 1946; pp. 56. $1.50.

IT PAYS TO TALK IT OVER. Edited by Julius Schreiber, M.D. 1224 Twentieth St. N.W., Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Social Relations, 1947; pp. 48. $.40.

SPEECH CORRECTION METHODS. By Stanley Ainsworth. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1948; pp. xi+149. $3.65.

HELP THEM HELP THEMSELVES. By Juliette McIntosh Gratke. Dallas: Texas Society for Crippled Children, 1947; pp. 184. $2.50.

PLAY PRODUCTION FOR LITTLE THEATRES, SCHOOLS, AND COLLEGES. By Milton Smith. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Company, 1948; pp. xii+482. $4.50.

RADIO NEWS WRITING. By William F. Brooks. New York: McGraw‐Hill Company, 1948; pp. vii+200. $2.75.

RADIO NEWS WRITING AND EDITING. By Carl Warren. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947; pp. xix+439. $4.00.

THE RADIO ANNOUNCER'S HANDBOOK. By Ben G. Henneke. New York: Rinehart and Company, 1948; pp. xi+308. $4.00.

RADIO IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. By Roy De Verl Willey and Helen Ann Young. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1918; pp. x+450. $3.50.

FACTUAL COMMUNICATION. A Handbook of American English. By L. O. Guthrie. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948; pp. x+448. $3.50.

USE OF LANGUAGE. By Henry F. Pommer and William M. Sale, Jr. New York: F. S. Crofts and Company, 1947; pp. v+258. $1.50.

SPEAKING EFFECTIVELY. By Lee Norvelle and Raymond G. Smith. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1948; pp. xvii+238. $2.75.

USING WORDS EFFECTIVELY. By Charles Chandler Parkhurst, Assisted by Alice Blais. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1948; Series A, pp. x+156; Series B, pp. x+156. $1.50 per volume.

HOW TO TALK EFFECTIVELY. By Lawrence W. Rogers. New York: Joseph F. Wagner, 1947; pp. 216. $2.50.

EXTEMPORE SPEAKING. A Handbook for the Student, the Coach, and the Judge. By Donald L. Holley. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1947; pp. 115. $1.50.

ORAL COMMUNICATION. A Short Course in Speaking. By Donald C. Bryant and Karl R. Wallace. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Company, 1948; pp. xi‐f‐320. $2.50.  相似文献   

The geological surveys of the American West in the 1860s-80s are photographically illustrated scientific and technical documents that impose colonizing metaphors upon “natural” areas and resources-metaphors that continue to be contested today in Sierra Club calendar views of Yosemite peaks and in contemporary Congressional ddbates over mining rights and royalties on public Westem lands. Photographic images by William Henry Jackson, Timothy O'Sullivan, and others are central to the survey reports and are here read not so much as products of individual artistic or aesthetic sensibility, but more as thetoncat products of economic, ideological, and political forces in the decades after the American Civil War.  相似文献   

This paper reports our experiences in working with precollege and undergraduate American Indian students. In 1990, we began a fourth-grade after-school science program for 30 American Indian students. At the present time the program, called Scientific Knowledge for Indian Learning and Leadership (SKILL), involves over 200 American Indian 4th-9th grade students in weekly science/mathematics activities, quarterly Saturday seminars, and summer science camps. We have collected data to try to determine factors that help to improve student attitudes towards mathematics and science. Conclusions are drawn from these analyses and from our own subjective observations. The development of American Indian involvement in undergraduate science and engineering education on our campus has been aided by the establishment of an American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) chapter and also by the promotion of collaborative learning. A comparison of our observations in the framework of other more well-established programs is given. Changes that have occurred as a result of both precollege and college activities are described and discussed. It appears that each of these activities has had beneficial influences on the other. We also report problems and concerns as well as recommendations to other groups or institutions who may be embarking on similar endeavors.  相似文献   

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