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庄子和孔子作为中国早期文化的建树者,各自对中国文化的发展作出了奠基性贡献。庄子生活的时代比孔子晚约二百年,所以他可以回顾历史,更加客观地对孔子进行认真评论。在评论孔子这位历史文化人物方面,庄子的巨著里,可以找到第一个文本。  相似文献   

老庄同是先秦道家学派的代表人物,但他们的社会政治观差异甚大。老子以积极的态度,对治国安邦提出了自己一整套主张,并希望在社会政治领域中得到实施。庄子因愤世而走向消极,对治世之道完全持否定态度。形成这种差异的原因,一是二人所处的社会政治地位不同,二是生活的时代环境有别。  相似文献   

张勇 《华夏文化》2004,(3):23-25
庄子哲学在先秦是批判世俗伦常的生命哲学。他在叩问;什么才是幸福的人生?人与自然万物的关系应该如何?因此,他转向对个体生命意义和价值的思考,他站在形而上学之道的角度上,提出复归人与万物的自然天性。使人与万物在等量齐观、互不相害的理想中,享受自然赋予的生命及灵慧,从而获得逍遥的幸福人生。庄子关于人与自然关系的思考,对解决当今现代化进程中出现的人与环境的矛盾有一定启发。  相似文献   

《庄子》的神话与寓言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《庄子》的神话与寓言袁珂一茅盾先生是中国现代文学的巨匠、大师,出其余绪以研究神话,竟成了较为系统的研究中国神话的开山祖。他在1929年出版的《神话杂论》和《中国神话研究ABC》(现均收人1981年百花文艺社出版的《神话研究》中,后者更名为《中国神话研...  相似文献   

<正>说起好朋友的典范,我们的脑海立刻涌现俞伯牙与钟子期,廉颇与蔺相如……,如果此时有人提出——庄周与惠施,你可能很纠结!他们是朋友吗?不是吗?庄子与惠子,一位是道家的一代宗师,一位是名家的大腕人物;一位穷得叮当响,一位贵为相国;一位视名利如敝屣,一位却汲汲于富贵;一位喜欢深居简出,一位则不甘寂寞。两人的出身与个性如此不同,却偏偏结交成了朋友。  相似文献   

王秀芝 《世界文化》2009,(12):28-29
电影,作为大众传播媒介之一,必然会受到社会主流意识形态的严格控制,并成为类似社会权利机构的呈现或反抗。正如卡米里和拿波尼的观点:摄影机记录的“真实”,“不过是对主流意识形态的一种表达……事实上摄影机所记录的是主流意识形态暖昧的、未经系统化、未理论化的和未想透彻的世界……摄影机复制的事物并不是它们真实的一面,  相似文献   

亦仙亦凡:唐传奇小说女性形象审美特征的道教底蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐传奇小说中亦仙亦凡的女性形象的底蕴是道教,超凡脱俗、精妙绝伦的美貌与道教的尊崇女性、神仙观念相联系,识见卓越的女性反映出道教对女性才华与作用的重视,道教诡谲的奇行异术成为塑造人物形象的手段,唐传奇小说中女性形象与正统的道德伦理相符合的色彩,则显示出道教的立足现实、重视感性生活的宗教特质。  相似文献   

学曾指出庄子的“无用之用”具有两种不同的含义。然而,如果我们考虑到《庄子》外杂篇为庄子后学之作,应该说,庄子真正提到的只是“偷活苟全之大幸”这种类型的“无用之用”。庄子的“无用之用”是“籍外论之”的“寓言”,欣赏以“无用”求苟活只是它的表层含义,其背后的“意”乃是要求个我去除形限之私,获得广阔的心灵天地。在话语层面,庄子“无用之用”话题所谈论到的价值主体与客体是同一的;在其揭示的“意”上,庄子以“无用之用”话语传达出来的“道”乃指一种心灵境界,与老子的“无用之用”有所不同。  相似文献   

郑清森 《寻根》2012,(1):118-120
庄子,名周,为东周宋国蒙人,约生于公元前369年,卒于公元前286年,是我国古代著名的文学家和思想家,是道家学派的重要代表人物之一,著有《庄子》一书,十余万言,  相似文献   

学者曾指出庄子的"无用之用"具有两种不同的含义.然而,如果我们考虑到<庄子>外杂篇为庄子后学之作,应该说,庄子真正提到的只是"偷活苟全之大幸"这种类型的"无用之用".庄子的"无用之用"是"籍外论之"的"寓言",欣赏以"无用"求苟活只是它的表层含义,其背后的"意"乃是要求个我去除形限之私,获得广阔的心灵天地.在话语层面,庄子"无用之用"话题所谈论到的价值主体与客体是同一的;在其揭示的"意"上,庄子以"无用之用"话语传达出来的"道"乃指一种心灵境界,与老子的"无用之用"有所不同.  相似文献   

Accompanying the fast development of China’s economy in the last three decades is the worsening of its spiritual and ethical conditions. This article aims to analyze and discuss the contexts in which such spiritual and ethical predicaments emerged so as to offer historical and conceptual backgrounds that are necessary for understanding this contemporary reality in China.  相似文献   

Reports indicate that international migration patterns will continue to grow between 50 and 60 million per decade. Consequently, people’s perceptions of a country’s image will evolve. Country image is an important phenomenon affecting organizations and people’s decisions to travel, invest, study, migrate, and many more. Hence, this study aims to examine the influence of global and local identity on citizens’ and migrants’ perceptions of their countries’ images. In addition, the paper investigates the mediating effect of lower sociocultural adaptation and cultural intelligence on a country’s image. Our sample is drawn from Indonesians and Australians who completed survey questionnaires in the two countries. The sample comprises citizens and migrants (n = 1188) from Australia and Indonesia. The results show local and global identity differences in how individuals perceive other countries. For Indonesians, local identity makes people perceive Australia more positively. In contrast, for Australians, global identity makes people perceive Indonesia more negatively. Furthermore, the results indicate the importance of cultural intelligence over sociocultural adaptation. This paper will make several theoretical and managerial contributions. First, the paper contributes to cultural and identity literature. Individuals’ perceptions of a country are influenced by their identity and values. Second, this study shows the importance of sociocultural adaptation and cultural intelligence. Mere identity (global or local) is insufficient to justify the relationship between identity and perception of a country.  相似文献   


This article examines efforts to document Japan’s Hashima Island following its appearance in the popular film Skyfall. It describes how the film’s commercial success led to an effort by Google to produce images of the island’s built environment using digital navigation technologies. It further describes how this effort led the Japanese government to include Hashima Island in a bid to gain Unesco heritage status for Meiji-era sites of industrialization. Drawing from visual studies, critical media studies, and from interdisciplinary approaches to collective memory, this article analyzes how the circulation of images depicting Hashima Island in popular culture affects continuing efforts to hold Japan accountable for injustices committed there in the past. By narrowing on the moment “after” Skyfall, the article concludes with an assessment of the island’s Google Street View archive in terms of its broader impact on the uses of navigation, spatial presence, and digital heritage.  相似文献   

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