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伍文忠  王娜 《海外英语》2012,(18):277-278
With the time passing by and development of this society,almost everyone has a cell phone,we may see that cell phone as a new fifth medium after computer,having its own characters and advantages,many learners research the communica tive function of cell phone and some from the technological level.This thesis aims at trying to reveal cultural functions of culture,aiming at improve cell phone’ s learning and culture functions in a more proper way.  相似文献   

张菁华 《海外英语》2013,(7X):207-210
By comparison between pioneering ladies in O Pioneers! and My Antonia and lost ladies in A Lost Lady and My Mor tal Enemy,this thesis aims at presenting the independent formers’wholesome loyalty to love and the reliant latters’marital be trayal.Nihilistic,cynic and despaired,the lost ladies had depraved from romantic love to self-destruction based on material hedo nism;diligent,enterprising and persistent,the pioneering ladies,from innocent girlhood to weather-beaten middle age,had real ized self-fulfillment both in spiritualization and prosperous homesteads.  相似文献   

In this thesis, the author introduces his life and the social background at those days, from which come Jane de la Fontaine’s masterpiece——Fables and his philosophy of life and his influences on both his time and modern time.  相似文献   

孔燕 《海外英语》2013,(23):11-12
In this article,the writer aims at emphasizing the significance of English listening in postgraduates’English Language Teaching and English Language Learning.The writer tries to solve the problems related to postgraduates’English listening and improve their Listening ability by providing many practical issues,effective strategies and different managing approaches.  相似文献   

徐聪 《林区教学》2008,(8):112-115
Fitzgerald is one of the members of the Lost Generation and the spokesmen of "the Jazz Age" in America.The Great Gatsby is his most famous fiction.Its thoughts and artistic achievements caused a great sensation at that time.Although there are many reasons for these accomplishments,the use of massive symbols is one of the important aspects.Many symbols are applied in this novel,such as symbolism of matters,symbolism of colors and scenic symbols.Symbols reflect profoundly the postwar situation of America,people’s attitudes toward money and disillusionment of American Dream.Symbols used in the novels disclose characters’ and the writer’s secret inner emotion,reflect its theme,make the work surpass the meaning of subject matter itself and deepen the faraway spiritual sense  相似文献   

杜丽芳 《海外英语》2011,(11):234-235
Different people have different opinions about the heroine of Wuthering Heights.Catherine Earnshaw is a woman who possesses a dual personality in the novel.On the one hand,Catherine is a simple and innocent girl free away from any worldly desire.On the other hand,there is a trace of vanity in her personality.This thesis analyzes her experience from her childhood to death,her family and social background at that time,and analyzes the influences that time brings to her disposition,at last,gets the final conclusion:Catherine is an irreproachable woman in Wuthering Heights.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the comparison of the demonstratives in English and Chinese,which has been discussed by many linguists.They argue that the demonstratives in English and Chinese don’t correspond symmetrically,and that ’这’ in Chinese,for example,is more widely used than this in English.Earlier approaches to the comparison in terms of space,time and text distance are reviewed.This paper assumes that,compared with English demonstratives,the proximity indicated by Chinese demonstratives is more influenced by psychological factors.This paper holds that the space,time and text distance as well as psychological distance act upon each other,co-determining the choice of demonstratives in Chinese.  相似文献   

彭沂 《海外英语》2012,(22):124-126
After analyzing the three dimensions(teachers,students and classroom activities) in EFL teaching,it can be found that rapport and delivery are of great importance to a teacher;a quality teacher should comprehensively understand his students and always keep individual differences in mind and modern teachers should also grasp many skills of managing classroom activi ties.In order to activate students’motivation and at the same time keep a high teaching efficiency level,classroom teaching should be carefully shifted from teacher-centered to student-centered when possible.In this process,class activities can greatly reinforce a student-centered class.  相似文献   

赵爽爽 《海外英语》2013,(4X):194-196
The fictions of Franz Kafka are full of many ironical allegories.Through the analysis of the great suffering of the family caused by the transformation of the protagonist into a monster in"the metamorphosis"by Franz Kafka,especially on the basis of elaborating the internal artistic characteristics in this story,this paper tends to show that the writer penetratingly described the human feelings of extreme loneliness and solitude in the modern society and he also attacked the society at that time through the technique of his absurd and paradoxical expression.  相似文献   

At present,with the development of the city culture and globalization,bilingual signs are more widely used in the society.Among the public sign translations,there are many successful examples.But,at the same time,many problems such as mistranslation and poor translation widely exist in the process of promotion of city culture.The relevance theory interprets translation from the original author’s and translator’s cognitive surroundings,thus bringing a new approach for translation,especially for applied text translation.Based on the previous study,the author analyzes the equivalent effect of sign translation from the perspective of the relevance theory and summarizes some principles and strategies for public sign translation,in hope of helping the promotion of the city image and culture.  相似文献   

在新的形势下 ,如何冲破传统的教学模式 ,使“两课”教育更显活力 ,更具时代性、科学性、针对性和实效性 ,一直是高校“两课”教育从教人员所研究和探索的重点课题。本文从六个方面分析了当前社会转型期高校“两课”教育所面临的挑战 ,即说服力不够 ;导向力不够 ;制约力不够 ;影响力不够 ;渗透力不够 ;创造力不够。同时提出了加强高校“两课”教育的六大对策 :加强理论建设 ;深化方法论研究 ;重视学生的行为规范 ;拓宽教育引导的时空 ;引导学生追求高雅情趣 ;建立健全工作网络  相似文献   

通过创设基于数学情境的数学活动,提高学生的学习动力,引领学生积极地开展自主探究学习、合作交流,促进学生有效数学理解和高层次思维的产生,生成有效的活动经验,再现数学知识的生成过程,引领学生数学地解决问题,提升创新能力,达成高效课堂。  相似文献   

根据爆破卸压的原理,在巷道底板通过爆破进行局部松动破坏形成一个松动圈,从而达到减缓或消除底臌,并研究单面卸压技术参数,对施工关键环节加以论述,为现场应用提供指导。  相似文献   

在对贵州中小学教师师德建设问题上,受马斯洛的需要层次理论的启发,主张应积极为他们改善环境和创造条件,满足其基本的需要,充分发挥教师在师德师风建设中的主体性、能动性,师德建设才会更加健康和谐的发展。具体启示为:创造物质条件,关心、满足教师的基本、合理需要;注重落实国家政策,创造条件,满足安全需要;创造良好的人际关系氛围,满足教师社交的需要;理解、信任教师,听取他们的意见和建议,满足尊重的需要;为教师搭建施展才华的平台,满足其成就感和创造欲。  相似文献   

当代中国转型时期社会心理失调与调适   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着当代中国社会由传统农业社会向现代工业社会、传统计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制、封闭型社会向开放型社会的转型,公众社会心理中存在的一系列深层次的问题,以极为深刻和尖锐的形式暴露出来。积极探索缓解和消除社会心理问题的有效途径,要建立有效的心理疏导社会机制;建立社会心理支持系统;规范市场经济秩序与社会生活秩序,实现社会公正;加强制度创新,促进利益平衡;充分发挥主导价值观的作用,强化理想信念;塑造现代人格,提高社会成员的适应能力。  相似文献   

教师的四重奏——教学·学教·教问·问教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学、学教、教问与问教是教师生活中美妙的四重奏。教学在很大程度上是教问,没有教问就可以说算不上教学。这样,教师的一个前提性任务就是学教和问教,否则便难以承担有效的教学和教问的使命。  相似文献   

实施工业反哺农业战略,是践行科学发展观的必然要求,是推进农村改革发展的重要举措,是全面建设小康社会的必由之路,是构建社会主义和谐社会的客观需要。日本长期以来依靠法律保护农业、依赖政策促进农业、依托农协支持农业。我国实施工业反哺农业战略,一要完善法律体系,强化以法保农;二要实施制度创新,加强反哺保障;三要推进新型工业,增强反哺实力。  相似文献   

高校体育院系学生健美操的教学能力需要培养 ,其内容包括制订编写教学文件能力、示范讲解能力、口令指挥能力、运动技能教学能力、教学组织能力、掌握理论及讲授能力、课外活动及训练能力、竞赛组织与裁判能力等八个方面  相似文献   

带虚构性的作文训练,有利于培养创造、创新素质的人才,有利于引发写作兴趣,有利于智力培养与发展,有利于培养学生主动学习的风气。途径主要有联结、逆反、类比、破除、移植等。  相似文献   

在当今知识经济时代,出现了一种对系统知识依赖程度极高的"知识型实践"。与这种实践形态对应的实践能力的形成过程,主要是一种灵活运用知识解决实际问题的过程。其基本环节包括:发现并确认问题、生成问题解决方案、实施方案、监控并调整方案以最终解决问题。为促进学生能灵活运用知识解决问题,知识学习过程应同实际生活情境密切沟通,以达到知识学习与知识运用能力的双向建构。知识运用与实践的能力培养,要求教学目标的定位、教学内容的呈现方式、教学过程与方法的组织等,均要做出相应的变革和调整。  相似文献   

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