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Over the past three years or more, the authors have been examining the impact of technology interventions on students and teachers – from cultures where English is a second language. It is their hypothesis that students and teachers from non‐English speaking nations suffer severe disadvantages when technological interventions are superimposed on existing traditional pedagogical models. This paper is the latest in a series that examines extent pedagogies, primarily in Asia, and the pressures of having to re‐conceptualize what has been a tradition for centuries. It traces significant educational origins to their cultural roots and examines contemporary initiatives that, if implemented, may well disrupt. It offers possible solutions that, if approached with reconciliation as its focus, might offset catastrophic results and, in fact, achieve pedagogical symbiosis.L'impact de la technologie: symbiotique ou asymbiotique selon des cultures différentes. Durant les 3 dernières années ou plus, des auteurs ont examiné les interventions sur les étudiants et les enseignants appartenant à des cultures où l'anglais est une seconde langue. C'est une hypothèse que les étudiants et enseignants de pays non anglophones souffrent de plusieurs d´esavantages quand les interventions technologiques sont imposées sur les modèles pédagogiques traditionnels. Cet article est le plus récent d'une série qui examine plusieurs pédagogies, particulièrement en Asie, et les pressions de revoir la conceptualisation qui a été la tradition pendant des siècles. Il met les origines éducatives significatives depuis leurs racines culturelles et examine les initiatives contemporaires qui, si elles sont en oeuvre, peuvent aboutir à des ruptures. L'article offre des solutions possibles qui, si elles sont approchées dans un esprit de conciliation comme point de mire, permettent d'éviter des résultats catastrophiques et, en fait, aboutir à une symbiose pédagogique.Die Wirkung der Technik: Symbiotische oder Asymbiotic Wirkung auf unterschiedliche Kulturen? Über die letzten drei Jahre oder mehr haben die Autoren die Wirkung von Technikeingriffen auf Studenten und Lehrer aus Kulturen geprüft, in denen Englisch eine zweite Sprache ist. Es ist ihre Hypothese, daß Studenten und Lehrer aus nicht englisch sprechenden Nationen schwerwiegende Nachteile erleiden, wenn mit technologischen Eingriffen vorhandene traditionelle pädagogische Modelle überlagert werden. Dieses Papier ist das letzte einer Serie, die umfangreiche pädagogische Gebiete untersucht, in erster Linie in Asien, und den Zwang prüft, das wieder konzeptualisieren zu müssen, was Jahrhunderte eine Tradition gewesen ist. Es verfolgt signifikante Bildungsursprünge hin zu ihren kulturellen Wurzeln und prüft zeitgenössische Initiativen, die, wenn durchgeführt, das gut unterbrechen können. Es bietet mögliche Lösungen an, die, mit dem Ziel der Aussöhnung, katastrophale Ergebnisse ausgleichen und in der Tat eine pädagogische Symbiose erreichen könnten.  相似文献   

The interplay of the inner lives (intersubjectivity) of students and academics within a range of disciplinary cultural manifestations is a key element in the generation of student learning. This article suggests that research on student learning has yet to adequately articulate how this interplay occurs, suggesting that a focus on the influence of just one or two disciplinary cultural manifestations gives a partial image of how students become oriented toward or away from learning in higher education. Using a method that synthesizes the literature on organizational cultures, humanities cultural theory, cultural linguistic theory, and philosophical approaches to intersubjectivity, it identifies a framework for understanding the core conditions of learning within the disciplines that is complementary to psychological and phenomenological research on student learning. As an outcome of this exercise, this paper suggests that students' orientations are initiated within the intersubjective relationships that they encounter and that these relationships play out through the contradictions that exist between the full range of disciplinary manifestations. It closes by suggesting that how students interact with the paradoxes of the disciplinary environment is key to enabling them to manage the tension between their immediate subject study needs and broader learning patterns for their post-graduation lives.  相似文献   

Cesarean birth rates in the United States reached a high of 27.6% in 2003, a 6% increase over 2002. A cultural conflict appears to exist between the views of those who believe that birth is normal and many cesareans are unnecessary and the views of those who feel that higher rates are justifiable. Childbirth educators can share cultural concepts of normal birth in their classroom.  相似文献   

Sooner or Later?     
SOn:Dad,Ifind Ellglish I’aher difficult.Wqlllt should do if wan to p it?Fathr:My boy,at the einnillg it is bud to learn Enhsh,but a few dmp laer Wu ill ind It easier毗 easier.on:I。皿阶’s nat!I’11 ie。it。的 laer.Sooner or Later?@张万明$安徽当涂二  相似文献   

Bicycle or Bull?     
A burly professional wrestler was visiting his friend in a small town and one night they stayed a little too long at the pub. Not wanting to drive they decided to walk home. As they were crossing a farmers field a bull charged them. The wrestler grabbed the bull by the horns and they went down in a snarling heap. Finally the bull jumped up and ran away. "Wow" said the friend "that was quite a tussle." "Yeah" the wrestler replied "and if I hadnt had that last drink I wou…  相似文献   


This article presents the findings of a one-year research project carried out by researchers from the University of Strathclyde in one Scottish region and involving 12 comprehensive secondary schools. The main focus of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of support systems for young people who displayed challenging behaviour. The researchers examined the systems in place from the perspective of all stakeholders including teachers, pupils, parents and key personnel in other agencies including social work, community education and psychological services. The focus is upon the inter-agency dimension and in particular the barriers to inter-agency partnership, which impact upon effectiveness of support systems. The overall aim is to provide food for thought and suggest possible ways forward.  相似文献   

因因 《家长》2012,(1):7-8
带孩子们去科技馆,其实目的还是有些功利,希望孩子们在得到快乐的同时亲近科学知识。但是愿望和效果是否一致呢?去了科技馆自动就亲近科学知识了?这些寓教于乐的活动是不是最终只是娱乐的另一种形式呢?  相似文献   

0 or 100?     
阅读小助手:I got 0 in this English exam again.我这次英语考试又得了0分。I can add a 1 and a 0 before the 0,then it will be 100.在0前面加一个1和一个0,就是100分了。But,why are there so many crosses in the paper?可是这卷子上怎么有这么多叉啊?  相似文献   

Happy or Sad?     
阅读小助手:I got 80,but not 0?我居然得了80分,而不是0分? Congratulations!"祝贺你!""恭喜你!"这是英语中一句极为常用的口语。当别人在考试、比赛中获得好成绩或在某方面获得成功,而你要对他表示  相似文献   

Good or Well?     
Clever Mouse:How are you? Miss Bee:Very well,thank you.And you? Clever Mouse:Fine,thanks.I can’t speak French wall.Can you help me? Miss Bee:Of course.I can speak French well. Clever Mouse:You are always a good student.  相似文献   

This short exposé deals with the problem of why modern teaching methods, especially the ‘audio-lingual’ method, have not been more successful after discussions lasting many years.  相似文献   

True or False?     
When I was a middle school student, I studied very hard. But a lot of myclassmates did very little work. Some did just e______ to pass exams. Othersdidn't e______ do that much. Fred Johnson was one of them. He spent more  相似文献   

Tom’sfatherboughthimasmallshop ,andTom  1 milk ,butter,cheese,eggsandotherthingsinit.Hisshopwasinasmalltown ,andit  2 onTuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday ,SaturdayandonSundaymorning ,butitwas  3 onSundayafternoonandonMonday .TomwenttosomefarmsonMondayandboughttheirbestbutterandcheeseandeggsfromthe  4  ,butheboughthis  5 inthetown .Atruckbroughtthemtohisshopinthemorning.Tomandhiswifeworkedintheshop ,andtheysoldalotoftheirfood  6 itwasgoodandclean .Onceafatwomancameintothesh…  相似文献   

True or False?     
看完《My New BabySister》,你能完成下面的正误判断题吗?  相似文献   

White or Black?     
一“气『~、J,’‘毛户朴才’一~护一飞厂‘~公’气厂一猫谈.飞.沙‘、‘.!‘爵飞1尸气l尸.,二···一嵘d日·ant fFOm England eet in气a foreat.They are haPPyto seeeacho街e eChin6韶ant a lwa,5 wears。la。k曝He likes blaek best.The Engljsh ant always wears whit  相似文献   

<正>一天下午,临近放学,太阳已然收起了刺眼的光芒,此时的阳光也变得柔和起来。笔者刚批改完作业,还沉浸在学生们有趣的习作中。突然,班长冲进办公室告状:"老师,小然上科学课不专心,还骂老师……"什么?这像什么话,小小年纪,上课不专心,还骂老师,那还了得!听完班长的诉说,笔者心里一下子阴沉沉的。考虑到学生还在上课,我让班长把小然叫到办公室来。可是,十分钟过去了,下课铃都响了,也没看到  相似文献   

美国新建的加州博物馆将于今年秋天对外开放了。千万别以为这还是那种传统的博物馆哦!有人甚至说,它更像是一所自然历史博物馆、一所天文馆、一处鸟儿能自由飞  相似文献   

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