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Following an analysis of the stages in software production this paper argues that team production remains the only satisfactory method of providing high quality software but that the key to a higher quantity of reasonable quality computer-assisted learning production lies in the development of support technology adequate to permit individual teachers to develop software within their existing curriculum framework. Three promising approaches—software toolboxes, CAL program shells and software CAL analysts—are described.  相似文献   

人文教育与科学教育的分野:概念、问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学教育与人文教育及其形成的文化对垒与分歧一直都是学术界的热点话题。由于历史上两种文化的分裂导致了科学教育的主宰和人文精神的流失,进而对教育实践产生着深刻的影响。从科学教育与人文精神融会和整合的角度,对此进行评述和探讨,能为我国教育实践提供某些方面的启示。  相似文献   


French poststructuralist philosopher Michel Serres writes about knowledge production throughout his work. He is of particular importance to educationists because the production of knowledge shapes our discipline. But Serres is oftentimes dismissed by educationists and philosophers because of his idiosyncratic style. We argue that his style makes him unique. Serres’s style helps scholars think differently. In the first part of this paper, we will discuss matters of style and argue that Serres’s radical departure from the way in which traditional philosophy is written helps education scholars advance our field. In the second part of this paper, we argue that Serres’s work on knowledge production can be better understood in connection with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Ludwig Wittgenstein, John Dewey, Martin Heidegger and Gaston Bachelard. In this paper, we will focus upon three of Serres’s books: Genesis, The Troubadour of Knowledge and The Parasite. Scattered throughout these works are Serres’s ideas on knowledge production.  相似文献   

Visual ethnographers increasingly use hypermedia for research, representation and teaching and learning. This article discusses these uses by reflecting on Visualising ethnography, a teaching and learning ‘gateway’ web site about the visual in the ethnographic process housing interviews, authored works, exhibitions, introductory texts and links. Here I situate the web site in relation to other visual anthropology web sites, discuss key characteristics of hypermedia for teaching and learning and representation and analyze both how authors, the web developed and I constructed our contributions, and users' responses. Finally I discuss the role and potential of such web sites for contemporary representation, teaching and learning in visual ethnography. Many new web sites are developing; how might they ‘live together’ and interrelate online? And what are the implications for the sorts of teaching and learning sites that might be developed in the future?  相似文献   

In educational discourse on human learning (i.e. the result of experience) and development (i.e. the result of maturation), there are three fundamental theoretical frameworks, – behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism, each of which have been applied, with varying degrees of success, in online environments. An ecological framework of human learning and development in interactive learning environments is proposed. Such an inclusive paradigm organizes the fundamental theoretical assumptions of behaviourism (i.e. automated learning), cognitivism (i.e. recall, understanding, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, creativity, problem solving) and constructivism (i.e. private and shared meaning). Based on review of the literature, behaviourism is best conceptualized as a learning theory; constructivist theoretical assumptions are best applied to cognitive development including private online experience (cognitive constructivism) and shared online experience (social constructivism). Cognitivism is a particularly relevant theoretical orientation in understanding both human learning and development in interactive learning environments.  相似文献   

美善结合:增强高校德育实效性的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
切实提高高校德育工作的实效性,是新形势下我们面临的重要而紧迫的任务。其有效举措之一是加强德育与美育的结合。德育和美育的结合有着历史的思想渊源、内在的学理依据和现实需要。在今天,融善于美,美善并重,应坚持美善结合的原则,加强德育的人文关怀,关注学生的全面发展,创设和谐宜人的校园文化环境。  相似文献   

对大学生进行思想教育和心理咨询辅导工作均为促进大学生全面发展、适应社会的重要途径.两者有区别,也有联系,应相互借鉴、融合在不同层面上完成不同的任务,实现特定的目标.咨询不能为咨询而咨询,在咨询过程中或一定阶段要自然溶人思想教育;思想教育也要改变过去简单划一的模式,积极吸收心理科学的理论和方法,密切结合心理咨询,实现思想教育工作的科学化.  相似文献   

本文从分析素质教育和应试教育的涵义入手,剖析了当前教育失衡的局面,并从自身工作经验和调研的实际出发,提出了转变教育理念、普及全民教育、依靠全社会的支持和关注、让学生成为教学主体和建设高素质教师队伍等五个方面的解决对策。  相似文献   

This paper considers the discursive production of violence in the context of educational markets. Drawing on a larger study of sexually violent incidents that occurred in an elite private boys' school in Sydney, Australia, in 2000, the paper examines disciplinary traditions and communicative practices surrounding these events. Insights from Michel Foucault and Michel de Certeau inform the analysis of market‐inflected features of school cultures, and their reconfiguration in violent acts by educational consumers. The paper aims to bring the intersection of school cultures and policy contexts into the matrix of factors considered in relation to school violence, and argues that institutional and social discourses that normalise and reproduce hierarchies of status and worth are complicit in the symbolic and material production of violence.  相似文献   

This paper examines from a Social Realist perspective a set of issues in the sociology of education regarding the problem of knowledge. It focuses upon the issue of relativism associated with the constructionist approach that since the time of the New Sociology of Education in the 1970s has constituted in different forms the dominant perspective in the field. It identifies features shared between constructionism and the ‘positivist’ approach with which it contrasts itself. It is argued that these two positions have more in common than is often recognized and draws upon Critical Realism as an alternative to both. Social Realism explores the sociological implications of Critical Realism for education.  相似文献   

办学经费是支撑高等教育健康、有序发展的基础,是高等教育办学质量的保障。俄罗斯高等教育是大众化的。转轨后的俄罗斯受经济发展的影响,出现政府对高等教育资金投入不足等问题。俄罗斯教育最棘手的问题是严重的财政投入问题。一名技术专业的大学生的教育成本每年是2200美元,而国家只能投入500美元。每年俄罗斯有150万人中学毕业。面临如此大的升学压力,多渠道筹措资金成为俄罗斯政府和各高等院校的首要任务并取得一些成效,其有些积极的经验值得我们学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):211-224
This article discusses and analyses the government strategy towards higher education in the Netherlands as it has been designed and implemented since the publication of an influential policy document in 1985. This strategy intends to be a significant break with the traditional government attitude of detailed planning and control. It tries to strengthen the autonomy of the higher education institutions and to enlarge their adaptability to the needs of society. In this article the government strategy is characterized as a combination of two fundamental mechanisms of coordination: planning and the market. It is argued that the strategy shows that the Dutch government tries to address both market and non-market failures. However, by doing so, it has created a mixed bag of policies and instruments, demonstrating that government has not yet abandoned its confidence in its own capacity to successfully steer the higher education system.  相似文献   

Two competing units in teacher education were combined into a single unit at the University of North Dakota. In the first year of the new unit, the Center for Teaching and Learning, several decisive activities have taken place. Among those activities is the formation of three standing committees and the major decision making body, the constituency council. The voting patterns for the committees and the constituency council were investigated, with a major interest in any factionalization in the voting patterns. Generally, the effectiveness of voting blocks was rather limited, indicating a reasonably satisfactory integration of the two competing units.  相似文献   

Much of the disagreement among educators of young children is about the extent la which programs should follow an approach emphasizing development from within (romantic school), development through interaction (developmental/progressive school), or development from without (behavioral/cultural transmission school). Early-intervention programs for children with disabilities have tended to be aligned with the latter; daycare and nursery school programs for nonhandicapped, with the former two. A natural question for educators is the extent to which these historic schools of thought can be rationally joined. This article reviews the various positions on combining the schools—they are mutually incompatible, they can be combined by instructional area, they can be combined by a separation of means and ends, and they can be combined by type of child A schema is then suggested for a tripartite theoretical amalgamation that takes into account the interlocking relationships among objectives, methods, and child-nature. Such a proposal is particularly appropriate in early education where educational purposes tend to be broad and, increasingly, the nature of the children, diverse.  相似文献   

This article proposes a computer-mediated education system, which uses discussion-embedded lecture videos. Currently, lecture videos and online discussions exist separately, and discussion topics are managed without reference to the lectures. However, when the discussion is based on the lecture, this separation makes it difficult for the participants to comprehend the discussion and contribute to it. In this article, the author proposes a system that works on the basis of a close relationship between the lecture video and the discussion. In the proposed system, the contributed comments are embedded into the corresponding parts of the video. Therefore, participants can read related discussions while watching the lecture video and they can watch the corresponding part of the lecture video while reading the discussion. Participants can appreciate the relation between the discussion and the lecture and understand the content and background of the discussion more deeply. These advantages facilitate further discussion. Thus, a more effective distance learning education environment can be achieved.  相似文献   

The realization that an educated citizenry is essential to China's modernization has led to the national goal of nine years of compulsory education for all students by the year 2000. Among the many and varied problems encountered in efforts to educate the masses are those existent in mathematics education. The authors identify and discuss four critical areas — educational theory, technology, instruction, and assessment of teaching — which are of immediate concern in the mathematics education of primary and secondary school students in China.  相似文献   

This study situates student attrition within the strategic framework of Australian public universities. It draws on organisational theory to describe higher education within a bureaucratic framework. The study uses a quantitative approach to undertake a content analysis of attrition and retention policy statements from all Australian universities. This reveals that Australian universities, and the higher education sector as a whole, are attempting to address attrition within their existing bureaucracies. Attrition however is a wicked problem that includes many variables outside the influence of universities, which limits the potential of strategic approaches to problem solving. The practical implications of these findings are that current approaches to attrition are likely to fail. The wicked nature of the attrition problem needs to be taken into account when developing strategies or policies within higher education.  相似文献   

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