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The results of a survey of Public Employment Services in all the Member-States of the European Union, plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, are reported. The career guidance services offered within these structures are reviewed, in three categories: career guidance elements within personalised employment services; specialised career guidance provision; and other relevant provision, including career and labour market information and the delivery of services to students. Four trends are identified: towards self-service provision; towards tiering of services; towards decentralisation; and towards outsourcing. Finally, four issues are addressed: quality and impact measurement; role tensions; foregrounding the identity of career guidance; and the role of Public Employment Services in relation to lifelong access to career guidance.  相似文献   

The results are presented of a policy-focused review of career guidance services in 10 Middle East and North African countries. A range of economic, political, socio-cultural and educational factors which seem likely to have constrained the development of such services, and to have influenced the forms they have taken, are discussed. A number of drivers for change are outlined, the nature of the main current services is described, and a number of common issues are explored. Six broad themes are identified for the future development of career guidance services within the region.  相似文献   

The development of a lifelong guidance system in Hungary Systematic work is currently being undertaken in Hungary to develop a lifelong guidance system, in line with principles outlined by leading international organisations. The origins of career guidance in Hungary, and the nature of the current career guidance system, are outlined. The main features of the current development programme, supported by the European Social Fund, are presented, alongside the strategic work of the National Lifelong Guidance Council. Key issues relating to these developments are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary What was only an idea 15 years ago is now accepted practice and an essential component of career guidance programs. Quality information, flexible delivery systems, and active user services are fundamental components of systematic career information development, delivery, and use. In Oregon, a consortium management structure has made it possible for the Career Information System to serve a varied user base.The future lies in the same general directions. There are still millions of people who need but do not have ready access to useful career information. On the other hand, coordinated data is increasingly available; lower cost and more user-oriented information media are making computerized career information systems feasible for more organizations; and there is increasing evidence that user-controlled organizations such as the career information consortium are effective in helping agencies and institutions provide the career information that people need.Bruce McKinlay is Executive Director, Career Information System, University of Oregon.  相似文献   

随着人才需求和市场的不断变化,越来越多的高职院校将"精细化"就业服务与就业方向引导等宏观调控作为就业工作的主导,做有针对性的精细服务,既服务于毕业生,同时又为用人单位选拔优秀人才进行服务。文章通过"开展职业指导的紧迫性和重要性"、"职业教育催生‘精细化’就业服务"、"职业指导在高职院校‘精细化’就业服务中具有极其重要的作用"三个方面,对职业指导在高职院校"精细化"就业服务工作中的作用和重要性进行了论述,通过学生信息资源库和企业信息资源库的建立、职业指导队伍建设、就业指导课程建设及就业实训演练、建立就业跟踪调查和质量评价体系的意义对职业指导在高职院校"精细化"就业服务工作中的作用进行了重点分析。  相似文献   

During the last six months the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTa) has published two reports (downloadable from http://www.becta.org.uk/) on the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and attainment levels of primary school children in national tests. Together, they constitute a significant contribution to the debate over the place of ICT in our primary schools but they also raise a number of issues regarding the assumptions upon which they are based and the role of teaching staff in the successful exploitation of ICT in the classroom. This article provides a critical analysis of both reports and proposes ways in which the issues raised can be taken forward.  相似文献   

For more than 50 years, literature on the use of information and communication technology in counseling and guidance has presented ethical issues related to the development and use of technologies in practice. This paper reviews the ethical issues raised, organizing them into three categories: Social equity, resources, and services. Career professionals’ efforts to address these ethical issues are introduced via a discussion of ethical, credentialing, and accreditation standards. The article concludes with a call for additional standards development, training resources, and research to shape the use of rapidly changing technologies in ways that ethically and effectively enhance client services.  相似文献   

运用信息方法,通过信息转换模型研究就业指导工作,得出要搞好高校就业指导工作,必须建立完善的高校就业指导信息系统。  相似文献   


In this article, we investigate the use of multimedia information and communication technologies (ICTs) in integrated arts projects in two secondary schools. The ways in which teachers and students make sense of the technologies in relation to the dominant discourses of education/technology policy and educational research are explored before considering the implications for curriculum and teacher development. The ICT in the word contrad(ICT)ions is emphasised to represent the ways in which teachers and students' use of multimedia exposes and makes visible problematic issues in relation to literacy, school subjects and pedagogy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a report on the development of career guidance and counseling services in Taiwan, Republic of China. Based on extensive interviews in 1983 and 1987 with leaders in public and private education, government agencies, and faculty and students in junior colleges and universities, the services currently provided are described as they interface with the educational system. Certain issues emerged from the research which may affect the further development of counseling services in Taiwan; guidelines are offered for addressing these. The issues discussed are: the stigma against counseling; the general resistance to change and the traditionalism of the educational system; the potential conflict between serving national labor needs and developing individual human potential; the stress produced by the educational system itself; the traditional emphasis on testing in schools and colleges; the need to professionalize counselors; and the judicious integration of western perspectives into an indigenous Chinese philosophy of counseling and guidance.  相似文献   

This paper, firstly, seeks to show why computer-based career guidance systems need to take on the educational role of helping people develop appropriate and effective ways of thinking about their career problems, rather than concentrating on the currently more orthodox role of trying to match people with occupational databases. Secondly, a computer program, called SELSTRA, which goes some way to developing in this educational direction is briefly described. The limitation of this alternative approach—its inability to identify and correct mistaken factual beliefs—is discussed. Finally a new generation of computer-based career guidance systems is anticipated which would synthesise the current approaches and transcend current weaknesses.  相似文献   

In recent years, various forms of career guidance and career counseling have become more prominent and better serviced in most universities throughout the world. Such services are obviously to the benefit of the students themselves and for society. After an initially slow start, researchers and practitioners in China have now begun to focus on the localization of guidance and counselling theory and strategies in order to match more exactly actual employment situations in different regions of the country. This should result in a service that meets students' needs more effectively. Using mainly core literature examining the context of career guidance and counseling in China from 2001 to the present, this paper elaborates on the current situation and summarizes the progress that has been made. The authors detail the content, implementation, problems that exist, and ways of improving projects of this kind in Chinese universities. Conclusions and suggestions for further research on career guidance and counseling are provided.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted among a sample of school guidance counselors in Metro Manila, the Philippines, to determine their level of awareness, attitudes, and extent of practice of ICT in the conduct of their work. The respondents showed a higher level of awareness of communication technologies than of information technologies. They spent an average of 1.2 h per day using a computer in the workplace. Most used ICT for writing letters and reports, calling parents, and keeping records. Appraisal and counseling were conducted frequently but these were done mainly using paper-based and face-to-face methods respectively. Their primary sources of guidance-related information were print-based, but a few also cited the Internet. The respondents had a positive attitude to the use of ICT in guidance. They reported confidence and productivity in using ICT in their work, while also reporting a need for further training. They also believed that ICT proficiency should be a required skill for professional counselors. However, costs, confidentiality, and security were important issues that the respondents identified as needing to be addressed.  相似文献   

The article examines the role of career counsellors in secondary education in Cyprus, with emphasis on their effect on students' career decisions. Survey research was used to collect information from 611 students and 36 career counsellors in Cyprus. Students were asked to rate the importance of several factors as influences on their career decisions. This allowed for the assessment of the importance of career counsellors relative to other influencing factors. In a separate survey, career counsellors provided information on their job satisfaction and their effectiveness in providing guidance and information to students. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. According to the findings, students consider counsellors to be of little or no importance as sources of guidance and information in the decision‐making process which precedes the choice between higher education and employment. Moreover, counsellors point to serious problems at the workplace which limit their effectiveness. The article discusses ways of addressing the problems faced by career counsellors and enhancing their role as significant reference individuals in further education and career decisions.  相似文献   

Conclusion Counseling can help provide a meaningful frame of reference for career information. Computers and other technology offer an increasing variety of presentation methods, each having different impacts on individual clients. Counselors need to be knowledgeable about what information sources and resources are available. They also should be skillful in the use of information with clients who are operating along a continuum of developmental levels. The context of this information, the labor market, is constantly changing so counselors need to keep up to date in regard to career information resources and delivery services.Mary Elizabeth McCormac is Occupational Information System Specialist for National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, 2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037.  相似文献   

从大学生就业能力培养的重要性和紧迫性入手,着重从高校的人才培养模式、就业指导体系、职业生涯规划方法、学生社团参与等多角度阐述了大学生就业能力培养的有效途径和可行方法,对高校探索提升大学生的就业竞争力具有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

Quality issues in career guidance can be tackled from a range of different perspectives, related to economic, ethical and/or effectiveness criteria. With selected examples mainly from the USA, Canada, and Europe, this paper highlights how quality is described and measured in terms of statements, guidelines, standards or “hidden customers”. Some guidelines or standards are aimed at the general public; some are directed towards guidance professionals and their competencies; others deal with the quality of career information. Power issues lie embedded in such efforts: who defines, maintains and, in particular, controls such guidelines or standards? Finally, possible alternative future quality approaches are outlined in terms of green, ethical and knowledge-based quality criteria.  相似文献   

Supervision to support the work of career practitioners is evident in many countries, but is not universal. This author presents a literature review, intending to emphasise the prime importance of developing supervision for guidance work. The author also considers the issues facing those training to develop the role of supervisors in southeast England. It is hoped the issues discussed will be pertinent for educational and vocational guidance services in other countries where supervision is a marginal or developing activity.  相似文献   

学生的就业率是独立学院生存与发展的生命线,学生就业率的高低受学校职业指导工作质量的影响与制约。全面、准确、及时地进行职业信息采集是职业介绍和职业指导的重要基础和关键环节,做好职业信息采集对促进大学生就业工作有重要的现实价值与影响。文章以独立学院广东海洋大学寸金学院为例,在分析现阶段其在职业信息采集过程中存在的问题及其产生原因的基础上提出对做好职业信息采集工作的几点对策。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅速发展,信息安全问题越来越受到人们重视。从组成信息服务的层次来看,信息系统一般是由主机、服务器及网络三个层次组成。在这三个层次中,人们往往把过多的注意力放在对服务器和网络的保护和管理上,而忽略了对终端主机的保护和管理,这是不合理的。在信息系统中,主机是人们日常工作的主要平台,用户在主机上进行各种事务处理,存放重要信息,同时绝大多数攻击事件也是从主机发起的。因此,主机的安全保护在系统安全体系结构中居于极其重要的位置。解决安全问题应从主机安全问题入手,增强主机自身的安全性,本文通过分析主机系统结构,提供了一套针对主机安全问题的解决方案。  相似文献   

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