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The relation between Christian practical theology and religious education is discussed from a contextual perspective, commencing with a number of distinctions between various teaching processes which are then applied to the teaching of religion. The implications for a Christian philosophy of education are considered, and it is suggested that the argument would also apply to relations ­between other religions and education in a pluralist Europe.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is threefold: First, the theoretical background for a model-based framework of argumentation to describe and evaluate argumentative processes in science education is presented. Based on the general model-based perspective in cognitive science and the philosophy of science, it is proposed to understand arguments as reasons for the appropriateness of a theoretical model which explains a certain phenomenon. Argumentation is considered to be the process of the critical evaluation of such a model if necessary in relation to alternative models. Secondly, some methodological details are exemplified for the use of a model-based analysis in the concrete classroom context. Third, the application of the approach in comparison with other analytical models will be presented to demonstrate the explicatory power and depth of the model-based perspective. Primarily, the framework of Toulmin to structurally analyse arguments is contrasted with the approach presented here. It will be demonstrated how common methodological and theoretical problems in the context of Toulmin’s framework can be overcome through a model-based perspective. Additionally, a second more complex argumentative sequence will also be analysed according to the invented analytical scheme to give a broader impression of its potential in practical use.  相似文献   

由于眼球追踪可以用来记录人们观看自然场景图片和理解信息时的实时眼球运动,因此,采用眼动技术考察"句子图片"范式中,呈现顺序和信息特征对语义失配效应的影响.实验采用3(句法)×2(语义关系)因子设计,句法和语义关系是被试内变量.实验发现,语义失配会增加人们的认知负荷,即第1遍通过时间、回视路径时间和总注视时间显著增加;双重否定没有显著增加图片和信息的加工难度.实验结果表明,人们能够从长时记忆中提取特定的句法策略来处理不同语义关系的图片和句子.这种句法加工策略使得读者能够将双重否定转换成肯定.研究结果证明成分比较模型可能无法适用于其他类型的语言.  相似文献   

Seventy-two Internet documents promoting creationism, intelligent design (I.D.), or evolution were selected for analysis. The primary goal of each of the 72 documents was to present arguments for creationism, I.D., or evolution. We first identified all arguments in these documents. Each argument was then coded in terms of both argument type (appeal to authority, appeal to empirical evidence, appeal to reason, etc.) and argument topic (age of earth, mechanism of descent with modification, etc.). We then provided a quantitative summary of each argument type and topic for each of the three positions. Three clear patterns were revealed by the data. First, websites promoting evolution were characterized by a narrow focus on appeals to empirical evidence, whereas websites promoting creationism and I.D. were quite heterogeneous in regards to argument type. Second, websites promoting evolution relied primarily on a small number of empirical examples (e.g., fossils, biogeography, homology, etc.), while websites promoting creationism and I.D. used a far greater range of arguments. Finally, websites promoting evolution were narrowly focused on the topic of descent with modification. In contrast, websites promoting creationism tackled a broad range of topics, while websites promoting I.D. were narrowly focused on the issue of the existence of God. The current study provides a quantitative summary of a systematic content analysis of argument type and topic across a large number of frequently accessed websites dealing with origins. The analysis we have used may prove fruitful in identifying and understanding argumentation trends in scientific writing and pseudo-scientific writing.  相似文献   

认知语言学研究在逻辑上存在着一定缺陷。宏观上看,从作为论据的语言现实中推导出论点,又用论点来解释作为论据的语言,属于循环论证的关系。微观上来说,把不完全归纳论证得到的结论假设为真,作为演绎论证的前提,其论证可能是无效的。另外,认知语言学的几个主要的具体观点也存在逻辑问题。  相似文献   

The role of formal logic in the development and investigation of science education is analysed. Firstly, the way in which teachers use language, logical and otherwise, is described and the necessary use of logical relations in the learning of abstract concepts and ideas is investigated. The conclusions drawn from the literature indicate that learners have great difficulty in comprehending the normal logic implied in ordinary words such as ‘because’ and ‘therefore’, and that the more difficult the context, the more likely it is that even the most common logical argument will be misunderstood. Less common logical words may be misunderstood by a majority of typical pupils in science lessons.

Secondly, the development of efficient cognitive processes in the context of science curricula is investigated. The conclusion drawn from literature describing experiments (rather than suggestions based more in philosophy) suggests strongly that formal logics probably have little to offer science educators. It is argued that until science teaching starts to base itself more on ‘natural strategies’, in much the same way as it is now looking seriously at ‘alternative frameworks’ as the basis for concept development, process development in science teaching will not seriously affect the ability of most pupils to solve either scientific or everyday problems more efficiently.  相似文献   

Purpose of the present study was to test a conceptual model of relations among achievement goal orientation, self-efficacy, cognitive processing, and achievement of students working within a particular collaborative task context. The task involved a collaborative computer-based modeling task. In order to test the model, group measures of mastery-approach goal orientation, performance-avoidance goal orientation, self-efficacy, and achievement were employed. Students’ cognitive processing was assessed using an online log-file measure. As predicted, mastery-approach goal orientation had a significant positive effect on achievement, which was mediated through students’ use of deep processes. No significant relationships could be found between performance-avoidance goal orientation and surface processing and between surface processing and achievement. Results are discussed with respect to general theoretical implications and lead to suggestions for the design of appropriate scaffolds.  相似文献   

Achievement and cognitive tests are used extensively in the diagnosis and educational placement of children with reading disabilities (RD). Moreover, research on scholastic interventions often requires repeat testing and information on practice effects. Little is known, however, about the test-retest and other psychometric properties of many commonly used measures within the beginning reader population, nor are these nationally normed or experimental measures comparatively evaluated. This study examined the test-retest reliability, practice effects, and relations among a number of nationally normed measures of word identification and spelling and experimental measures of achievement and reading-related cognitive processing tests in young children with significant RD. Reliability was adequate for most tests, although lower than might be ideal on a few measures when there was a lengthy test-retest interval or with the reduced behavioral variability that can be seen in groups of beginning readers. Practice effects were minimal. There were strong relations between nationally normed measures of decoding and spelling and their experimental counterparts and with most measures of reading-related cognitive processes. The implications for the use of such tests in treatment studies that focus on beginning readers are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews some problems in aptitude treatment interaction (ATI) research, which is the knowledge base for adaptive instruction. Inconsistent ATI results were attributed to findings indicating that varying instructional methods do not necessarily invoke different types or frequencies of cognitive processing of instruction nor are individual difference measures consistently related to such processing. It is suggested that more consistent processing, and more replicable ATIs may be found by training students in the cognitive processes presumed to be invoked by instructional methods. Finally, it is suggested that the inclusion of affective variables in research on cognitive processing of instruction may lead to findings of more effective and consistent processing by students and to more reliable ATIs.  相似文献   

This study proposed a path model of the effects of message comprehensibility on attitude change with the measured cognitive mediators suggested by dual-process models of persuasion. An experiment was conducted using a 2 (strong arguments vs. weak arguments) × 2 (easy vs. difficult to understand arguments) fully crossed independent-groups design with 120 participants. The data were consistent with the traditional impact of message comprehensibility on difficulty of processing the message such that the effect of argument strength was diminished when the arguments were difficult, rather than easy, to understand. The path models were not consistent with the data, and the model was revised to produce adequate fit.  相似文献   

"王冕死了父亲"等是领属性致使句,其中动词受致使范畴扩展,有相应的把字句,主语是致使范畴为动词选择的论元,可以关系化,也可以被转指。主语由致使范畴指派致事角色,它通过成分统制跟役事的领属者建立领属关系。有领属关系的两个成分不一定构成结构体,它们可以是非连续成分。动词的论元由扩展它的功能范畴选择,论元跟动词的关系可以很松散,甚至可以是另一成分的领属者。  相似文献   

In this article we give a survey of recent literature on the use and value of the history of geometry in mathematics education. It turns out that many authors have contributed to the debate why we should apply history. Their arguments can be divided into conceptual, (multi-) cultural and motivational ones. The number of authors who concentrated on the methodological question “How could we introduce history into mathematics lessons?” is considerably smaller. Those who want to make history an integral part of mathematics education have to bridge the gap between theoretical arguments and practical ideas, and, connected with this,between historians and teachers, and ultimately between mathematicians from the past and present day students. We divided the various surveyed publications, mainly journal articles, into categories according to a framework in order to clarify the discussion on the role of the history of geometry in education. Details about content and purpose of the articles are presented in two appendices, which make the articles more accessible both for further research and for practical teacher purposes.  相似文献   

对于句子"(天)正在下雨"中是否存在着John Perry所称的"未述成分",以表明下雨地点的这一问题,当代语言哲学各家给出了不同的解答.本文着重分析Stanley反对"未述成分"的两个论证,即"约束论证"和"强生成论证",试图反驳Stanley的观点.进而表明在言语交流中,"(天)正在下雨"这一语句确实存在着没有明白说出的构成成分,说话者通过运用语用规则来"填充"这一成分.最后,借助Lewis的框架,作者刻画了"未述成分"是如何由语用规则衍生并且限制的.  相似文献   

An implicit assumption underlying many educational and psychological theories is that the brain is a memory system. Modern information processing theory, which dominates computer science, linguistics, psychology, economics, and biology, is a theory of the storage, organization, and retrieval of information. But did human intelligence evolve as the nervous system's solution to memory requirements or to some other problem (set) more inherently related to survival than memory? Taking an evolution-inspired (Edelman, 1987) biofunctional (Iran-Nejad, 1980) approach, this article argues that the human nervous system and its processes evolved in the natural environment to solve and generalize survival problems associated with what Gestalt psychologists identified as figure-ground relations in the realm of perception. It is concluded, therefore, that the brain's functional processes and their counterparts in learning can be more appropriately explained as fundamental figure-ground than memory processes.  相似文献   

朱怀 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(3):117-118
动词所带论元数量并非固定的,大多数动词都具有带不同数量论元的能力,事件结构理论将决定论元实现的意义归结于动词的性质和事件组合的规则,克服了单一依靠词汇范畴化规则无法解决某些论元实现的问题。  相似文献   

The development of argumentative writing is studied here by examining the structural organization of argumentative texts. It is assumed that the ability to construct supporting relationships, that is, a conclusion statement supported by argument statements, is acquired gradually with age. The following stages of acquisition are postulated: (1) a preargumentation stage, where at first no explicit position is stated, and then an explicit position is stated but is not supported by an argument; (2) a minimal argumentation stage, where a position is explicitly taken and supported by one argument; and (3) an elaborated argumentation stage, where at least two unrelated supporting arguments are used, and then two related arguments are used. Two corpora were gathered under similar conditions: collective debate in the classroom, followed by individual essays written on the chosen topic. The first corpus was produced by 147 children aged 7 to 14, and a group of 34 college students. The second corpus included the protocols of 92 children aged 11 to 16 the essays were graded for the presence or absence of each structural level, and then classified at the highest structural level exhibited. The resulting classification largely confirmed the hypothesized order for the stages of argumentative development. The minimal argumentative structure (standpoint + one supporting argument) was mastered by nearly 90% of the 7 and 8 year-olds. The most elaborate structural level in our model (two related arguments) was attained later: less than one out of four 7–8 year olds versus three out of four beyond age 14. Techniques involving more complex argumentative relations such as refutations and counterarguments, or restriction of one argument by another, are mastered even later and seem to be strongly linked to the nature of the issues under debate. Three main conclusions can be drawn from these results: precocious argumentative skills exist in children before age 11 or 12, argumentative discourse complexity continues to increase up to age 14 and beyond, and the characteristics of the referential domain of argumentation have an impact on this structural elaboration process.  相似文献   

Rapid automatized naming (RAN) is associated with children's arithmetic performance, which is multifactorial by nature and consists of arithmetic fluency, arithmetic procedure, and word problems. Yet, it is unclear whether RAN can predict all key aspects of arithmetic skills independently and what cognitive mechanisms may explain this relation. Using a sample of Chinese primary school students (N = 170), results showed that while RAN was associated with all key aspects of arithmetic skills, the relations of RAN–arithmetic procedure and RAN–word problems may be dependent on that of RAN–arithmetic fluency. Supporting the processing speed hypothesis, results further suggested that processing speed may underlie the relation between RAN and arithmetic performance. Findings made unique contribution to understanding the effect of RAN on arithmetic performance and cognitive mechanisms that may underpin this association in the context of Chinese culture.  相似文献   

Regulatory aspects of development can best be understood by research that conceptualizes relations between cognition and emotion. The neural mechanisms associated with regulatory processes may be the same as those associated with higher order cognitive processes. Thus, from a developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective, emotion and cognition are dynamically linked and work together to process information and execute action. This article highlights the authors' recent efforts at integrating emotion regulation and cognitive processing during the first year of life by focusing on the methodological criteria outlined by Cole, Martin, and Dennis (this issue), and it discusses the idea that emotion and cognition are an intricately bound developmental process.  相似文献   

In setting the cut-scores on National Curriculum tests it is important to maintain standards. In the process of test development, both within and across years, changes are made to the style of the questions in order to increase their ‘accessibility’. This raises the question of whether a more accessible test should have higher cut-scores. Purely statistical definitions of equating are blind to differences between ‘accessibility’ and ‘easiness’ and cut-scores derived from statistical equating methods will be higher for a more accessible test. Arguments about the increased validity of the more accessible test are sometimes used to justify not raising the cut-scores as much as would be indicated by statistical methods. These arguments are shown to be equivalent to postulating that changing the accessibility is changing the construct measured by the test. Using a statistical measurement model can provide a rational basis for understanding accessibility and identifying types of question where accessibility issues are causing a measurement problem.  相似文献   

A critical component of science is the role of inquiry and argument in moving scientific knowledge forward. However, while students are expected to engage in inquiry activities in science classrooms, there is not always a similar emphasis on the role of argument within the inquiry activities. Building from previous studies on the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH), we were keen to find out if the writing structure used in the SWH approach helped students in Year 5, 7, and 10 to create well constructed arguments. We were also interested in examining which argument components were important for the quality of arguments generated by these students. Two hundred and ninety six writing samples were scored using an analysis framework to evaluate the quality of arguments. Step-wise multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine important argument components. The results of this study suggest that the SWH approach is useful in assisting students to develop reasonable arguments. The critical element determining the quality of the arguments is the relationship between the student’s written claims and his or her evidence.  相似文献   

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