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本文着重讨论了农业科技类论文英语摘要的写作特点、方法及其翻译的两种标准,旨在规范农业科技类论文英语摘要的翻译或写作。  相似文献   

议论文写作在我国的语文教学中扮演者极为重要的角色,它不仅仅能够让学生们在日积月累的写作过程中,不断锻炼自己的抽象逻辑思维能力和思辨能力,还可以让学生的议论能力得到大幅度的提高。但是,从我国学生整体的写作水平来看,学生们在议论文写作上仍旧令人堪忧,无论是学生自身的写作能力还是对议论文写作的态度都存在着严重的问题。本文从我国当前议论文写作教学的现状入手,深入分析了造成议论文写作现状的原因,从而对如何加强学生在议论文写作过程中"活用"能力提出了相关建议,希望能为我国的议论文写作教学起到一定指导作用。  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest in the topic of conceptual understanding especially as found in mathematics and the sciences. The present paper discusses recent studies related to conceptual understanding in the domain of history, comparing the nature of understanding as found in history to that other domains. Included are considerations of the role of the sources of historical knowledge, narrativization, causation and explanation. In addition, it is pointed out that conceptual change in history may differ from that in the sciences because of the former’s emphasis upon the motives of people and the central role of the historian.  相似文献   

Beginning writers need to consider their audience; but this is only possible when the writer has reached a certain stage of cognitive development, as it is necessary to consider an absent reality (e.g. an audience reading the piece at a later point). Adapting the text to the audience is only possible when the physical task of writing becomes automatic and the writer is no longer absorbed by it. Then the writer is free to pay attention to other aspects of the task without overloading cognitive processes. Procedural facilitation involves the use of external aids to support a simplified version of the processes used by expert writers. It may function as a way of enabling beginning writers to adapt what they write for their audiences. At the same time, as this task becomes automatic, it may be seen as a way of promoting writing development. A quasi–experimental study is described in which a procedural facilitation strategy is used to promote writing skills, in particular, the skill of suiting the text to the communicative context. The study was with fifth and ninth grade Portuguese students. The results of the post–test show significant progress for the experimental groups in contrast to the control groups.  相似文献   

梁衡 《高中生》2011,(31):16
所谓有影响力的美文,一要有思想,要提出影响中华民族文明或人格与行为的观点;二要文字美,要有名句广为流传,载入辞典。贾谊的《过秦论》探讨一个政权为什么会灭亡。说明为政必须施仁政,不能反人民。后来说到农民起义时常用的句子"斩木为兵,揭竿为旗",即出自本篇。  相似文献   

宋渭棠 《教育学报》2002,(12):30-33
历史小论文是展示研究性学习成果的重要形式。本文从选题、拟题等八个方面阐述了历史小论文写作的基本要求 ,以企对学生有所帮助  相似文献   

形成历史概念对于全面完成中学历史教学三项任务具有极为重要的作用.形成历史概念是落实历史基础知识教学的关键,是深化思想教育的重要手段,是开发和培养学生智能的基本途径.  相似文献   

略论高素质写作人才的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
写作对写作主体自身人格的完善、素质的培养、能力的提高,起着极大的促进作用。写作教学的根本着眼点是“人”,引导学生热爱生活,投入社会,体察事物,广采博取和注重创造性思维能力的训练,乃是培养高素质写作人才的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文运用现代语言学和教学心理学方面的知识分析了反馈在后写作阶段中的作用,探讨了如何运用反馈信息有效地提高学生的英文写作能力,并提出了一些行之有效的学生。  相似文献   

Effective teachers of young children include symbolic play in their early education curricula. They design and prepare play environments, knowing that children learn through play. Piaget's (1962) research contributed greatly to teachers' understanding of how such play functions as a medium for learning, as a vehicle for understanding and constructing knowledge. For example, the child who has experienced meal preparation and child care at home will use those experiences in the housekeeping center with available props and adultlike behavior and language. According to Piaget (1962), this symbolic representation is a way of abstracting elements from life experiences and manipulating them so the learner can facilitate his or her construction of knowledge.Carol Taylor Schrader is an assistant professor at The University of Maryland at College Park.  相似文献   

经典作品包含作者对于人生的深层思考,往往是时代思潮的艺术化表现,对经典作品纯文学的解读具有天然的狭隘性和弊端。发掘作品思想与时代思潮的深度联系,由作品而了解民族文化,把知识的传授导向人生智慧的养成,应成为文学教学的一种追求,而教育者具备必要的思想史知识及其研究方法是拓展文学教学的重要途径。  相似文献   

本刊特别邀请东方和休·唐士力为我们撰写了下文,将分两次刊完。希望能提高您的写作能力,加强您对跨文化的了解。EAST AND WEST——Improving your writing skills and your CROSS-cultural under-standing  相似文献   

休·唐士力出生于伦敦,受教育于英国,他最先学习拉丁和希腊“传统” (或者说死)语言,继而改学“现代”(或者说活)语言:法语、德语、西班牙语。其大部分的职业生涯都在位于法国的一家国际宇航公司的商务部度过,但他始终对语言、语言结构和语言发展保持了浓厚的兴趣。他因为工作原因第一次去中国是在1990年。在后来的12年里,他以每年10次的频率频繁出  相似文献   

Employers want students who are able to work effectively as members of a team, and expect universities to develop this ability in their graduates. This paper proposes a framework for a collaborative writing assignment that specifically develops students’ ability to work in teams. The framework has been tested using two iterations of an action research project, with this paper focusing on the second iteration. The paper provides detailed information on how the framework was implemented, and then reports on the students’ perceptions of their learning about teamwork.  相似文献   

There are many evidences of motivational and educational benefits from the use of learning software. However, there is a lack of study with regards to the teaching of creative writing. This paper aims to bridge the following gaps: first, the need for a proper framework for scaffolding creative writing through learning software; second, the lack of technical scaffolding in creative writing learning software; third, the need for customizable learning software that requires little programming knowledge; and fourth, personalized learning. To develop our initial framework, Merrill??s First Principles of Instruction is used as pedagogical scaffold and story setting, characters and story structure as component-based technical scaffolds. These were tested in a low-fidelity prototype. User testing indicates an increase in creativity, improvement in story development, clarity of ideas and language skills. We also derive two design principles, i.e. identity and interactivity. Based on these findings, a high-fidelity prototype, named Storyworld, is developed. T-test analyses on results indicate significant improvement in overall creative writing skills, as well as grammar, structure and creativity. The prototype utilizes component-based design in the technical scaffolds, which is encapsulated in a tidy framework that can be personalized for individual learning needs. Our most important contribution is a proper framework combining technical scaffolds and pedagogical scaffolds that not only makes learning more effective and motivating for students, but is also cost-effective in redesigning and personalizing lessons and systems.  相似文献   


As a student enters an academic field and seeks to become a member of a discourse community, they must learn to write in ways that are appropriate to that discipline. Academic success depends on determining what the rules are and on learning to follow them. A study of undergraduate writing in history is reported. Essays by 87 students were analysed and sentences were classified according to their bold, tentative or evaluative features. Findings were analysed by gender and by essay grade. They showed that there was more similarity than difference overall in the writing styles of men and women but that, in addition, men tended to use more bold constructions than women. The writing contained a predominance of assertive statements, lending weight to the view that argument is a key feature of academic writing. However, there was a greater occurrence of very assertive or bold statements in work receiving lower grades, which suggests that students must not write too boldly. Similar findings are reported in relation to the use of tentative and evaluative statements, leading to the conclusions that 'good' writing in history is a very finely judged performance and that learning to write history may be a very complex process.  相似文献   

综述了有机化学的发展过程.主要从三个时期进行阐述,即萌芽、经典,现代有机化学3个时期.  相似文献   

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