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目的 :探讨特发性水肿病人早期肾损害诊断指标。方法 :对 5 0例正常对照和 4 0例特发性水肿患者采用ELISA方法检测尿微量白蛋白 (mALB)、视黄醇结合蛋白 (RBP) ,尿转铁蛋白 (TRF)和α1-微球蛋白 (α1-M ) ,终点法测尿N -乙酰 - β -D -氨基葡萄糖苷酶 (NAG) ,比色法测尿肌酐。结果 :正常对照组尿mALB为 (3.6 1± 2 .4 6 )mg/L ,RBP/Cr为 (7.4 6± 5 .0 2 ) μg/mmol,TRF/Cr为 (0 .0 5± 0 .0 3)mg/mmol ,α1-M /Cr为 (0 .78± 0 .5 1)mg/mmol,NAG/Cr为 (0 .5 2± 0 .4 6 )U/mmol,特发性水肿患者尿mALB为 (12 .4 2± 11.2 5 )mg/L ,RBP/Cr为 (18.75± 17.16 ) μg/mmol,TRF/Cr为 (0 .0 8± 0 .0 1)mg/mmol ,NAG/Cr为 (1.89± 1.6 4)U/mmol,α1-M /Cr为 (0 .86± 0 .14 )mg/mmol;其检测的阳性率分别为 :mALB :30 % ,NAG :4 0 % ,RBP :2 7.5 % ,TRF :2 .5 % ,α1-M :5 % ,两项指标联合检测其阳性率分别为 :NAG+mALB :4 0 % ,NAG +RBP :4 0 % ,mALB +RBP :32 .5 %。结论 :尿NAG酶的检测是诊断特发性水肿早期肾损害的最灵敏、可靠的实验室指标。  相似文献   

研究了人工老化处理时间(1、2、4、6、8、10、12、14、16、18 d)和自然老化1 a对卫红花一号种子发芽势、发芽率和简易活力指数的影响.结果表明:随着人工老化处理时间的延长,红花种子的发芽势、发芽率和简易活力指数呈下降趋势,其中人工老化处理1~4 d对种子发芽势、发芽率、简易活力指数的影响不大.自然老化1 a的红花种子活力与老化处理6 d的红花种子活力水平相当,与对照相比各项指标差异显著.  相似文献   

1 病例介绍患者未婚 ,2 2岁 ,主因“双卵巢瘤”切除术后 5年 ,发现下腹肿物 4个月而于 1996年 1月 2 4日 16 :5 0入院。患者于 5年前因“卵巢瘤”而在当地医院行双侧附件切除术 ,术后病理报告良性 (具体不详 ) ,术后一般情况好 ,当地医生嘱咐患者口服已烯雌酚 2mg ,一日二次 ,一直口服 ,不能间断至 6 5岁。患者口服此药物后月经不规律 ,周期 15~ 90d不等 ,经期 4~ 10d不等 ,量时多时少 ,末次月经 :1995年 10月 2日 ,4个月前在当地医院复查发现“下腹肿物”而转我院就诊 ,以盆腔肿物 ,子宫肌瘤 ,阴道肿物入院。入院后查体 :体温血压正常 ,…  相似文献   

1 病例介绍 患者男,67岁.患者主因双下肢浮肿月余加重伴全身无力5d,于2009-10-10日入院.既往患者于13年前因进食哽咽感间断发生,病理诊断贲门高分化腺癌,进行胃切除术后以氟脲嘧啶+阿霉素+丝裂霉素化疗6个周期,2个周期间隔3周.术后并化疗后病情稳定,未再使用其他可能导致M5b的药物.  相似文献   

自70年代以来,异位妊娠发病明显增加。输卵管切除会对生育带来严影响。异位妊娠保守治疗始于1953年的输卵管切开术。保守治疗的关键是早期诊断,目前主要诊断方法有:HCG检测的数值和倍增时间低于正常妊娠;B超显示未孕子宫、附件包块及异位妊娠破裂时的盆腔游离液体;孕酮(P4)测定多数浓度<15ng/ml;腹腔镜可以直观观察病变位置、大小、是否破裂、出血等。异位妊娠保守治疗的目的在于完全破坏绒毛组织,终止异位妊娠,减小机体损伤,最大限度地保留生育功能。与发病程度、病变部位及保守治疗方法有关。如希望保留生育功能,妊娠输卵管未破裂,血液动力学稳定。血HCG<2,500mIU,附件包块<3cm可以保守治疗。具体方法有:1、输卵管切开术:即切开输卵管,取出妊娠组织,开放输卵管切口二期愈合。2、输卵管切开缝合术:与上相似,但缝合输卵管切口。3、节段切除术:用于峡部妊娠,及已破裂但病情稳定者。把包含妊娠组织在内的输卵管段连同系膜切除。4、伞端挤出术。5、腹腔镜:可诊断、手术及局部药物注射,如氨甲喋呤、KCL、高渗糖、前列醇等。6、氨甲喋呤(MTX)是当前首选的保守治疗方法之一。全身用药有以下几种方案:(1)15mg/d,肌注,5d为一疗程,两疗程问可停药48h;(2)1mg/kg/d,肌注,隔日一次,共4次;每次注射MTX后20h给leucovorin 15mg口服解救;(3)疗程的1,3,5,7日肌注MTX1.0mg/kg,2,4,6,8日肌注Citrovorum因子(CF)0.1mg/kg。还可直接向妊娠囊内注药。7.前列腺素:在腹腔镜的引导下,经腹穿刺进入妊娠输卵管壁及卵巢,注入PGF2a,可同时肌注合成PGF2a,前列腺素治疗有心血管副作用,不宜卵巢内用药。8.高渗糖:经腹穿刺,向妊娠输卵管内注入50%的葡萄糖10~20ml,高渗糖治疗安全有效,未见副作用报道。除了维持输卵管的通透性外,还能够保持其拾卵、运卵功能。9.氯化钾:经腹穿刺,向妊娠输卵管内注入15%~20%的氯化钾0.5ml~5ml。10.RU486是终止早孕的药物,也可用于异位妊娠。异位妊娠保守治疗监测与评估包括B-hCG、B超、临床表现及生育功能。如HCG持续不降或升高,B超显示盆腔大量积液,腹痛加剧等提示病情恶化,应及时开腹手术。  相似文献   

目的通过对头孢匹胺钠致严重白细胞降低1例病案报道,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法病例回顾。30岁女性患者,胃镜检查为非萎缩性胃炎伴胆汁返流及十二指肠球部炎症,给予0.9%氯化钠注射液250mL+注射用头孢匹胺钠2g,泮托拉唑80mg及维生素B60.1g,均为每日1次,静脉滴注治疗。结果用药2d后患者反馈头痛难忍,血常规WBC由8.95×10^9·L^-1降为2.5×10^9·L^-1,立即停用头孢匹胺钠,另两药继续3d,头痛缓解,5d后WBC恢复至正常水平。结论注射用头孢匹胺钠可致WBC严重降低,临床应密切注意,停止用药后可逐步恢复。  相似文献   

目的:研究非洛地平缓释片与小剂量氢氯噻嗪合用治疗老年轻、中度原发性高血压的疗效与安全性。方法:将120例轻中度老年原发性高血压患者随机分成两组,对照组(60例)服用非洛地平缓释片5mg/d,2周后如血压下降不理想,第2周非洛地平缓释片调整为10/d。治疗组(60例)在对照组用药基础上加服氢氯噻嗪25mg/d。为期4周。观察用药前后生化指标、血压变化及疗效。结果:2组治疗前后血液生化学指标无明显差异,治疗后治疗组和对照组组间血压下降幅度比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),治疗组显效率、总有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:非洛地平缓释片与小剂量氢氯噻嗪合用治疗老年轻、中度高血压具有疗效好、安全性高等特点,值得临床推广运用。  相似文献   

目的:本研究通过1:1配对的病例对照研究方法,分析外源性环境因素暴露、COMT基因多态性与乳腺癌的关系,为乳腺癌的病因学研究及防治提供科学依据.方法:采用以医院为基础1:1配比的病例对照研究.自2010年10月~2011年10月止,收集唐山市各大医院就诊的120例新发且经病理学确诊的女性乳腺癌患者,同时选取与病例同期住院非肿瘤、非生殖内分泌系统疾病的120例女性患者为对照,年龄相差在5岁以内,根据统一的调查表进行流行病学调查,并采集患者外周静脉血,用盐析法提取研究对象全血中DNA,采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法检测各研究对象的COMT基因多态性,所有资料用Excel建库,数据分析采用SPSS16.0软件,计算相对危险度(OR)及其95%可信区间(CI).结果:居住地环境污染(OR=13.17,95%CI:2.73~63.56),被动吸烟≥10年(OR=17.80,95%CI:4.04~78.47),农药使用≥10年(OR=5.66,95%CI:1.24~25.94)为乳腺癌危险因素.地震后一年内很少闻到农药气味(OR=0.10,95%CI:0.03~0.35),烹调时使用排油烟设备(OR=0.16,95%CI:0.03~0.88)为保护因素;病例与对照基因型频率分布差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.28,P<0.05),基因型位点至少携带一个突变等位基因(杂合型GA和突变纯合型AA)的为易感基因型,野生纯合型GG为参照基因型,结果提示病例与对照野生型杂合子基因型分布和突变型纯合子分布频率差异均有统计学意义(OR=1.79,95%CI:0.57~5.56;OR=1.15,95%CI:0.35~3.85),即携带杂合型和突变纯合型者患乳腺癌的风险分别为野生纯合型的1.79和1.15倍.结论:居住地环境污染、被动吸烟≥10年、农药使用≥10年为乳腺癌危险因素.地震后接触有机氯农药少,烹调时使用排油设备为保护因素;携带COMTAA突变基因型的患者患乳腺癌的风险性增高.  相似文献   

目的:观察分析米非司酮并冰水囊和米索前列醇用于中期妊娠引产之效果与副反应。方法:米非司酮25mg,每日早6点服药,2h后进食,晚饭后2h服药,连服三天后行冰水囊引产。24h取出水囊未分娩者后穹窿放入米索前列醇0.2mg,并与雷凡诺羊膜腔内引产对照。结果:米非司酮并冰水囊引产一次成功率100%。79%24h内自然分娩,21%后穹窿放米索前列醇后分娩。米非司酮组宫缩开始时间平均为2.5h,雷凡诺平均为6(4/15)h,总平均时间分别为20(1/6)、40(1/3)h,产后出血平均分别为80.6ml,120.2ml,胎盘胎膜残留刮宫者6%、84%,米非司酮组服药后12%有轻微恶心,雷凡诺40%有低烧,分娩后好转。结论:米非司酮并冰水囊引产必要时加米索前列醇缩短了产程,减少并发症,提高了引产率,为安全、有效的方法之一。  相似文献   

目的:评价国产新福菌素对老年非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的疗效和不良反应。方法:选取老年NSCLC病例81例,随机分治疗组43例给予新福菌素6μg/kg(第1~4d)。卡铂(CBP)300mg/m^2(第1d),依托泊苷(VP-16)100mg(第1~4或5d)静脉滴注;对照组38例单纯使用CBP和VP—16,剂量和方法同治疗组。21~28d为一个疗程.2~3个疗程评价疗效,随访缓解期和生存期。结果:治疗组有效率为53.49%,对照组有效率为31.58%,差异有显著性(P〈0.05);中位缓解期分别为6和4.5个月,中位生存期分别为9和7个月.一年生存率分别为39.53%(17/43)和26.32%(10/38)。结论:新福菌素联合CBP、VP—16治疗老年NSCLC有较好的临床疗效及应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:分析CYP81A6基因在苯达松及甲磺隆处理下的诱导表达模式,解释该基因与两种除草剂代谢相关的可能原因。创新点:从两种除草剂降解途径中产生的小分子物质的结构相似性出发,通过基因诱导表达的特点分析,解释CYP81A6和两种除草剂降解相关的原因。方法:通过实时定量聚合酶链反应(PCR)来分析基因表达的特点;利用CYP81A6启动子与GUS报告基因构建的载体来分析组织特异性表达;通过亚细胞定位来确定CYP81A6发挥功能的场所。结论:CYP81A6基因受苯达松及甲磺隆诱导,在不同的时间点开始上调,说明了甲磺隆的降解中间产物可以诱导这个基因的表达;CYP81A6是组成型表达,在根、茎、叶中均有表达;亚细胞定位结果证明CYP81A6是一个内质网上的蛋白。  相似文献   

目的:评价瞬时受体电位通道(TRP通道)TRPV1、TRPA1和TRPM8拮抗剂在小鼠神经源性、持续性和神经病理性疼痛模型中的作用。方法:通过辣椒素实验、异硫氰酸烯丙酯(AITC)实验和福尔马林实验,评估TRP通道拮抗剂在小鼠神经源性疼痛模型中的镇痛作用;通过建立紫杉醇诱导的小鼠神经病理性疼痛模型,对TRP通道拮抗剂的抗痛觉(冷、热、触觉)过敏效应进行评估;通过旋转法实验对小鼠的运动协调性进行评估。结论:TRP通道家族包含了不同的小鼠疼痛模型。TRP通道拮抗剂能减轻神经源性、持续性和神经病理性疼痛,但是其镇痛效果与疼痛模型有关。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the protective effects and mechanisms of action of dexamethasone and Salvia miltiorrhiza on multiple organs in rats with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). Methods: The rats were divided into sham-operated, model control, dexamethasone treated, and Salvia miltiorrhiza treated groups. At 3, 6, and 12 h after operation, the mortality rate of different groups, pathological changes, Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) protein expression levels in multiple organs (the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and lungs), toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) protein levels (only in the liver), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) protein levels (only in the lung), and terminal deoxynucleotidy transferase mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate (dUTP) nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining expression levels, as well as the serum contents of amylase, glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT), glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine (CREA) were observed. Results: The mortality rate of the dexamethasone treated group was significantly lower than that of the model control group (P<0.05). The pathological changes in multiple organs in the two treated groups were relieved to different degrees (P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively), the expression levels of Bax and NF-κB proteins, and apoptotic indexes of multiple organs were reduced (P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively). The contents of amylase, GPT, GOT, BUN, and CREA in the two treated groups were significantly lower than those in model control groups (P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively). The expression level of ICAM-1 protein in the lungs (at 3 and 12 h) in the dexamethasone treated group was significantly lower than that in the Salvia miltiorrhiza treated group (P<0.05). The serum contents of CREA (at 12 h) and BUN (at 6 h) of the Salvia miltiorrhiza treated group were significantly lower than those in the dexamethasone treated group (P<0.05). Conclusions: Both dexamethasone and Salvia miltiorrhiza can reduce the inflammatory reaction, regulate apoptosis, and thus protect multiple organs of rats with SAP.  相似文献   

目的:研究离体热处理和顺铂联合热处理对术中回收血红细胞功能的影响及其中混杂的肝肿瘤细胞株(HepG2)的杀灭作用。创新点:(1)采用多种评价指标研究了不同时间离体热处理对术中回收血中混杂的HepG2的杀灭作用及对红细胞的影响,并确定了对红细胞安全且能有效杀灭HepG2的离体热处理时间。(2)从多个角度评价了离体顺铂联合热处理对术中回收血红细胞的影响及对其中混杂的HepG2的杀灭作用,确定了该方案中对红细胞安全且能有效去除HepG2的顺铂浓度。方法:采用3-(4,5-二甲基噻唑-2)-2,5-二苯基四氮唑溴盐(MTT)、5-乙炔基-2’脱氧尿嘧啶核苷(EdU)和平板克隆形成评估HepG2的细胞存活率、DNA复制率和克隆形成能力(图1和3);从红细胞渗透脆性、携氧能力(2,3-二磷酸甘油酸(2,3-DPG)、半饱和氧分压(P50))、能量代谢(Na+-K+-ATPase、pH)、膜完整性(游离血红蛋白(Hb)、血清K+和Na+浓度、细胞膜磷脂酰丝氨酸外翻比例)等角度评估红细胞功能(图2和4;表3)。结论:肝肿瘤术中回收血经离体顺铂联合热处理(42°C,50μg/ml)60min后,能有效清除其中混杂的HepG2,但对红细胞无显著影响,值得体内进一步研究顺铂热处理有效应用于肿瘤手术自体血液回输的安全方案。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of hypoxic exercise training on microRNA (miRNA) expression and the role of miRNA expression in regulating lipid metabolism, 20 dietary-induced obese SD rats were divided into a normoxic sedentary group (N, n=10) and a hypoxic exercise training group (H, n=10). After four weeks, measurements were taken of body weight, body length, fat mass, serum lipid concentration, miRNAs differentially expressed in rat liver, and gene and protein expression levels of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α (PPARα), fatty acid synthetase (FAS), and carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1A (CPT1A) in rat liver. Body weight, Lee’s index, fat mass, fat/weight ratio, and serum levels of total cholesterol (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were all significantly lower in the H group than in the N group (P<0.01). Six miRNAs expressed significantly differently in the liver (P<0.05). Specifically, expression levels of miR-378b were significantly lower in the H group than in the N group (P<0.05). Compared with the normoxic sedentary group, hypoxic exercise training resulted in a lower ratio of FAS mRNA to CPT1A mRNA (P<0.05), as well as lower CPT1A protein levels (P<0.01), while a higher ratio of FAS to CPT1A protein levels (P<0.01) was observed. In conclusion, hypoxic training may elevate the resistance of high fat diet induced obesity in rats by reducing the expression of miR-378b, and decrease the fatty acid mitochondrial oxidation in obese rat livers by decreasing the protein expression of CPT1A and increasing the protein expression ratio of FAS/CPT1A.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the expression of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family members in the mouse uterus during the estrous cycle by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry. Uterine samples from Swiss ICR mice were collected and dissected free of surrounding tissue. One uterine horn was snap frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collection and stored at −80 °C for RNA extraction, and the other was fixed in 40 mg/ml paraformaldehyde at room temperature for immunolocalization of BMP2 protein. Real-time PCR analysis showed that the expression level of Bmp2 was significantly higher at proestrus than at estrus and metestrus (P<0.05). The relative abundance of Bmp4 exhibited significant fluctuations, but there were no statistically significant differences between the expression levels of Bmp2 and Bmp4 (P>0.05). The expression levels of Bmpr1a and Bmpr2 remained unchanged during estrous cycles. However, the level of Bmpr1b mRNA decreased significantly at estrus (P<0.05), increasing subsequently at metestrus. Furthermore, the level of Bmpr1b mRNA was significantly lower than those of Bmpr1a and Bmpr2 mRNA at the corresponding stages (P<0.05). All three receptor-regulated Smads (R-Smads) detected were differentially expressed in the mouse uterus and the expression levels of Smad1 and Smad5 were significantly higher than that of Smad8 (P<0.05). In addition, the expression level of Smad4 did not change substantially throughout the estrous cycle. Immunohistochemical experiments revealed that BMP2 protein was differentially expressed and localized mainly in the uterine luminal and glandular epithelial cells throughout the estrous cycle. In conclusion, our results provide information about the variation in the mRNA levels of Bmp2 and Bmp4 and related components of the BMP signaling pathway. The data provide quantitative and useful information about the roles of endometrial BMP proposed and demonstrated by others, such as the degradation and remodeling of the endometrium.  相似文献   

Objective:The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR) C677T excision repair cross-complementation group 1(ERCC1) genetic polymorphisms and the clinical efficacy of gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).Methods:A total of 135 chemonaive patients with unresectable advanced NSCLC were treated with gemcitabine/platinum regimens.The polymorphisms of MTHFR C677T,ERCC1 C8092A,and ERCC1 C118T were genotyped using the TaqMan methods.Results:The overall response rate was 28.9%.Patients with MTHFR CC genotype had a higher rate of objective response than patients with variant genotype(TT or CT)(41.2% versus 19.1%,P=0.01).Median time to progression(TTP) of patients with MTHFR CC genotype was longer than that of patients with variant genotype(7.6 months versus 5.0 months,P=0.003).No significant associations were obtained between ERCC1 C118T and C8092A polymorphisms and both response and survival.Conclusions:Our data suggest the value of MTHFR C677T polymorphism as a possible predictive marker of response and TTP in advanced NSCLC patients treated with gemcitabine/platinum.  相似文献   

Nonscience majors often do not respond to traditional lecture-only biology courses. However, these students still need exposure to basic biological concepts. To accomplish this goal, forensic science was paired with compatible cell biology subjects. Several topics such as human development and molecular biology were found to fulfill this purpose. Another goal was to maximize the hands-on experience of the nonscience major students. This objective was fulfilled by specific activities such as fingerprinting and DNA typing. One particularly effective teaching tool was a mock murder mystery complete with a Grand Jury trial. Another objective was to improve students'' attitudes toward science. This was successful in that students felt more confident in their own scientific abilities after taking the course. In pre/post tests, students answered four questions about their ability to conduct science. All four statements showed a positive shift after the course (p values ranging from .001 to .036, df = 23; n = 24). The emphasis on experiential pedagogy was also shown to increase critical thinking skills. In pre/post testing, students in this course significantly increased their performance on critical thinking assessment tests from 33.3% correct to 45.3% (p = .008, df = 4; n = 24).  相似文献   

Objective:To define the roles of gray-scale,color-Doppler ultrasound,and sonoelastography for the assessment of thyroid nodule to determine whether nodule size affects the differential diagnosis of ben...  相似文献   



Many investigations have studied the associations between matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) C1562T polymorphisms and coronary artery disease (CAD). However, the conclusions of these studies were inconsistent. Therefore, this study was aimed at clarifying the association between MMP-9 C1562T polymorphisms and CAD in a large-scale meta-analysis.


The PubMed and Embase databases were retrieved to collect all publications on the association between MMP-9 C1562T polymorphisms and CAD. Then the odd ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for C1562T TT+TC versus CC genotype between CAD and the control groups were evaluated. Subgroup analysis was also performed according to different races. The meta-analysis was performed by Stata 10.0.


Sixteen case-control studies were included in our meta-analysis, involving 11 032 CAD patients and 4628 non-CAD controls. Compared with C allele carriers, East Asian T allele carriers TT+TC had a significantly higher risk of CAD (OR=1.43; 95% CI: 1.03–1.99; P=0.031); however, there were no significant associations in Western populations (OR=1.06; 95% CI: 0.96–1.18; P=0.240) or West Asians (OR=1.13; 95% CI: 0.75–1.70; P=0.565). When further analyzing the association between C1562T polymorphisms and myocardial infarction (MI, the most serious type of CAD), the risk of TT+TC genotype versus CC genotype for MI was significantly higher for the overall (OR=1.21; 95% CI: 1.04–1.40; P=0.012) and for East Asians (OR=1.58; 95% CI: 1.26–1.97; P=0.000) but not in Western populations (OR=1.12; 95% CI: 0.99–1.26; P=0.078).


Our meta-analysis suggested an obvious ethnic difference in the association between MMP-9 C1562T polymorphisms and CAD. MMP-9 C1562T polymorphism was significantly related to CAD in East Asians. However, no significant associations were observed in either West Asians or Western populations.  相似文献   

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