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一、谐音记忆法。这是一种利用谐音的汉字,把某些历史知识编成顺口溜来记忆的方法。如李渊在618年建立唐朝,可用谐音“李渊见糖留一把”(李渊建唐618)来记。二、联想记忆法。这是一种借助联想,在熟悉与陌生的知识之间建立某种联系以便于记忆的方法。如,根据“爱国之心,人皆有之”可推想出拜伦是英国人,因为他崇“拜”首都“伦”敦。三、数字记忆法。要记住一些重要的历史事件发生的时间,可以运用数字运算来记忆。如,李时珍写成《本草纲目》的时间是1578年,可分解为“15=7+8”来记。四、形象记忆法。对有些历史知…  相似文献   

陶红艳  母剑耀 《课外阅读》2011,(12):125-125
现实中,许多人为记忆力不好而苦恼。特别是许多学生因此而影响了成绩。本文介绍了几种增强记忆的方法:联想记忆法、赋予意义记忆法、节奏记忆法、讲话记忆法,方位记忆法、谐音记忆法,希望对大家有所帮助。  相似文献   

英语词汇的教学方法有直观联想教学法,利用构词法,利用图片、情景和实物教学,还可利用反义词、同义词对比教学;词汇的记忆方法有:集中突击、分步要求、循环记忆法、卡片记忆法、排列组合记忆、分析单词结构记忆法、形象化识记法。  相似文献   

学政治,记忆不是万能的,但没有记忆是万万不能的。记忆准确和全面是做好高考试题的前提和基础。古人说过"授人以鱼不如授人以渔"。笔者结合多年的教学经验,总结概括了联想记忆法、顺序口诀记忆法、谐音口诀记忆法、图示记忆法、判断记忆法、推理记忆法、分析记忆法、归纳记忆法、公式记忆法、寓言典故协助记忆法等十种政治课记忆教学技巧,以期与同仁分享。  相似文献   

讨论了英语学习的基础问题-英语词汇学习。提出了记忆英语单词的技巧或方法:熟记基本词汇,利用构词法、归纳记忆法、联想记忆法、比较记忆法、语境记忆法等。利用各种技巧记忆英语单词会为词汇积累带来意想不到的收获。  相似文献   

讨论了英语学习的基础问题--英语词汇学习。提出了记忆英语单词的技巧或方法:熟记基本词汇、利用构词法、归纳记忆法、联想记忆法、比较记忆法、语境记忆法等。利用各种技巧记忆英语单词会为词汇积累带来意想不到的收获。  相似文献   

中学历史内容丰富、头绪繁琐,常常使学生在记忆的时候发愁犯难.通过联想记忆法、谐音记忆法、歌谣记忆法、比较记忆法、口诀记忆法等能轻松的记忆繁琐的历史知识,让历史学习达到事半功倍.  相似文献   

目前,在二语/外语教学领域已存在一个共识,即词汇在语言学习中起核心作用。根据多年教学经验,总结了五种提高词汇记忆力的策略:1.利用构词法。2.归纳记忆法。3.联想记忆法。4.重复法。5.机械记忆+理解记忆。  相似文献   

肖益军 《考试周刊》2014,(58):83-84
本文提出运用记忆规律、构词法及联想记忆法等策略进行词汇教学,帮助学生记忆掌握词汇,扩大词汇量。  相似文献   

陈晓磊 《文教资料》2020,(1):230-232
研究显示信息贮存的时间由信息加工的程度决定而非时间和复述,加工水平说认为对信息进行深层次的加工处理能产生更深的记忆痕迹。加工水平说理论支持下的不同编码水平的词汇记忆法有深编码法,包括联想法、构词法、语境法,还有浅编码法,包括语音法、谐音法等。可以综合运用于听障生英语词汇的记忆和学习,强化听障生英语学习效果。  相似文献   

The objectives of this series of 3 studies were (a) to evaluate whether French-speaking children mainly use phonological mediation in the first stage of reading acquisition in a silent-reading task and (b) to examine the role of phonological processing in the construction of the orthographic lexicon. Forty-eight French children were followed from kindergarten to the end of Grade 2. Their phonological skills were assessed using a semantic categorization task with homophone and visual foils (Study 1); their orthographic skills were assessed using a choice task involving a correct exemplar, a homophone, and a visual foil (Study 2). In the semantic categorization task, the differences between the visual and homophone foils increased with time, as the homophone foils were more and more likely to be chosen. In the orthographic choice task, performance improved with time, but errors were more likely to involve homophone foils. The results obtained by two subgroups of children who differed in their level of orthographic expertise at the end of Grade 2 (Study 3) indicated that, 1 year earlier (at the end of Grade I), the future "expert" spellers were more likely than the future "poor" spellers to use phonological processing in silent reading (semantic categorization task). Moreover, in Grade 1, future expert spellers' phonological skills in reading aloud and in spelling from dictation (pseudoword tasks) were better than those of future poor spellers, and future expert spellers also had better phonological awareness skills at the beginning of the last year of kindergarten. These results suggest that French-speaking children use phonological mediation in silent-reading tasks and that phonological processing contributes to the construction of the orthographic lexicon.  相似文献   

现代社会,科学技术的愈加进步以及社会制度的日益完善,要求语言交际的精确化。今人写同音字往往造成人们理解的错误,给人们的交际带来障碍,给信息的传递带来麻烦;费心、费力、费时,有百害而无一利。是语言规范的重要对象。古音通假,是古人的一种用字习惯。由于它与今人写同音字有某种类似的地方,从而给一些人当作写同音字有理的借口。因此,弄清写同音字与古音通假的联系与区别,这对深刻认识写同音字的消极影响,提高语文素质和加强规范意识,乃至研究中文信息处理中词语输入问题等都有重大意义。就此出发,主要讨论了写同音字与古音通假的条件、性质、规律和原因等几个方面的区别。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of explicit instruction in the SOLVE Strategy on the mathematical problem solving skills of six Grade 8 students with specific learning disabilities. The SOLVE Strategy is an explicit instruction, mnemonic‐based learning strategy designed to help students in solving mathematical word problems. Using a multiple probe across participants design, results suggested a functional relation between explicit instruction in the SOLVE strategy and increase in strategy use and computation scores on grade level mathematical word problems for all participants. Additionally, all participants generalized the SOLVE Strategy to other mathematic topics and concepts, and the teacher and students felt the intervention was socially acceptable. Finally, limitations, implications for practice, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the role that phonological, orthographic, and contextual sources of information play in a group of adults who were learning to read compared to adult skilled readers. Participants read short paragraphs that contained a correct homophone, an incorrect homophone, or a spelling control. Target words were orthographically similar or dissimilar, and they appeared in context that predicted the target or was neutral with respect to the target. The pattern of data obtained for skilled readers was consistent with past work (Rayner et al., Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 24(2), 476–497, 1998). Skilled readers showed no reading time differences between the correct homophone and the incorrect homophone, as long as the two were orthographically similar, but reading times on these words were faster than the spelling control condition. The pattern of data for the adults who were learning to read was different. These readers were actually better at noticing that an incorrect version of the homophone was present. Importantly, we did find consistent significant differences between the incorrect homophone condition and the spelling control condition. This suggests the adults who were learning to read use phonological codes during word recognition, but they do so less efficiently than skilled readers.  相似文献   

Li  Ping  Yip  Michael C. 《Reading and writing》1998,10(3-5):223-243
This study examined the role of context effects in the processing of homophones in Chinese and Chinese-English bilingual speech. In Experiment 1, Chinese speakers were presented with successively gated portions of a homophone in a sentence context, and they identified the homophone on the basis of its increasing acoustic information. In Experiment 2, Chinese-English bilinguals were presented with a cross-language homophone in a sentence context, and they named a visual probe that had or did not have phonological overlaps with the homophone. Results indicate that prior sentence context has an early effect on the disambiguation of various homophone meanings, shortly after the acoustic onset of the word, in both monolingual and bilingual situations. The results are accounted for by interactive activation models of lexical processing, in which the recognition of a homophone is a result of the interactions among phonological, lexical, and contextual information at an early stage.  相似文献   

This 2‐year longitudinal study examined both concurrent and longitudinal relations of a variety of reading‐related cognitive tasks and Chinese word reading and word dictation among 187 Hong Kong Chinese kindergarteners aged 4–6. Homophone awareness, visual skills and syllable awareness were all uniquely associated with Chinese word reading across time, with age, vocabulary knowledge and nonverbal IQ statistically controlled. Only visual skill and syllable deletion uniquely explained early Chinese word dictation, however. Results extend previous research on cognitive correlates of Chinese literacy and highlight the small but unique contribution of homophone awareness for early reading acquisition in Chinese.  相似文献   

歌剧《鲁斯兰与柳德米拉》作为俄罗斯古典音乐大师格林卡最具代表性的作品,反映了格林卡的创作天赋和多方面才能。格林卡的作品包罗万象,综合运用魔幻现实的想象、史诗般的抒情、喜剧性的幽默等艺术手段,宣扬淳朴的民风民俗和崇高的英雄气概,标志着俄罗斯民族乐派的形成。格林卡在创作的任何领域都可以找到打开人们心底的神秘之门的钥匙。  相似文献   

通过英汉两种语言语音修辞的异同,从尾韵、头韵、谐音在语音修辞方面所起的作用进行对比研究,引导读者从语音修辞的角度了解语言的声音美,语言的传神,从而更好地理解语言,更好地发挥语言在交流中所起的桥梁作用。  相似文献   

今日俄罗斯初等教育的重建与其师资培训息息相关。因此,本文着重介绍了俄罗斯普通与职业教育部推出的旨在提高未来小学教师技能,强化在职小学教师职业自我完善的新举措,并对某些措施在实施过程中出现的一些问题进行概括总结,从而为思考我国小学教师培训与再培训提供良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

谐音词语及其与谐音双关、谐音析字的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谐音词语是一种特殊的词语现象,人们利用谐音手段把本无联系的两个词联系起来,在特定环境中使本词与本词的谐音词的意义建立了稳固的并行关系,造成一个语形中并存两种意义的结果。谐音词语主要有祈福谐音词语、避讳谐音词语、谐趣谐音词语。谐音词语和谐音双关、谐音析字既有区别又有联系。  相似文献   

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