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对3239名学习者的CET4、CET6考试成绩调查显示,男、女生在四、六级考试的总成绩上有明显差异,女生明显高于男生。女生在四级考试的听力、阅读、写作与综合测试四个分项的成绩上明显高于男生。女生在六级的阅读与写作两个分项的成绩上明显高于男生,但双方在听力与综合测试两个分项上的成绩差异不显著。  相似文献   

大学生心理健康性别差异主要表现在:对学业、就业期待的差异:男生对学习的期望值高于女生;女生就业压力高于男生。交往能力的差异:在交谈、待人接物、与异性交往方面女生处理能力较强,而在交际与交友方面男生比女生理智成熟。受挫能力的差异:男生在学业方面受挫更多,而女生在恋爱方面受挫更多。自我认同的差异:女生更注重外表,对自己相貌的满意度低于男生。而了解并接受自己的男生比例低于女生。情绪疏导的差异:情绪易于"烦躁"的比例男生明显高于女生。男生选择找种"发泄"方式的较多,女生则倾向于"找人倾诉"。男生不如女生更重视心理咨询。  相似文献   

本文以学习者性别差异为切入点,通过对348名大学新生所做的定量研究,观察并分析学习者英语自我概念与英语水平之间的关系。研究发现:(1)女生的整体英语自我概念、听力自我概念和阅读自我概念都明显高于男生,但在口语自我概念和写作自我概念上男女生不存在显著差异;(2)女生的综合英语水平及各项技能水平均高于男生,尤其是听说水平;(3)男生的英语自我概念与英语各项技能水平间的相关系数均高于女生,同时男生和女生的口语自我概念与口语水平的相关系数均最高;(4)在英语自我概念高分组中,女生只在口语水平上明显地高于男生,而在低分组里,女生的英语各项技能水平都明显高于男生,最为突出的是写作水平。  相似文献   

通过对尼泊尔2013至2016年8次YCT的性别差异研究,发现考生人数维度的性别差异不太明显,但是每个级别的人数都有女生倾向的趋势。在YCT一级和二级层面,女生的合格率总体上高于男生,女生的总分分布比男生更加明显地呈现出负偏态的倾向,并且女生的听力、阅读和总分成绩都高于男生,多次呈现出显著性差异。8次YCT三级的平均合格率男生高于女生,但总分分布的性别差异不太明显,各项成绩在性别维度也没有达到显著水平。  相似文献   

选取高考数据为研究样本,对男女学生数学成绩及能力优势特点进行探究。结论如下:男女生成绩差异显著,男生明显高于女生;高分段男女人数与试题难度有关;男女在数学能力上各有所长:女生在数据处理、运算求解、应用意识(知识方法的应用、综合应用)方面明显优于男生,在空间想象能力、抽象概括、创新意识方面男生明显优于女生。  相似文献   

采用人格健康调查表“UPI”对师专484名一年级大学生进行调查,结果表明:一年级大学生中有16。7%有明显的心理健康问题,有34.1%可能有某种心理障碍,这些学生中女生多于男生,文科学生多于理科学生。一年级大学生心理健康问题主要表现为焦虑、强迫、抑郁三种神经症倾向,占31%-51%左右,其中男生焦虑症倾向高于女生,女生强迫症倾向高于男生,女生有比较明显的抑郁症倾向;文科学生强迫症倾向高于理科学生,理科学生焦虑症倾向高于文科学生,文科学生抑郁症倾向明显。  相似文献   

目的:旨在观察运动前补服支链氨基酸对人体无氧功率的影响.方法:随机抽取忻州师范学院健康男生6名作为实验对象.分为实验组与对照组,两组分别在运动前半小时补服不同补剂后在无氧功率自行车上做3组持续10s的全力蹬踏运动,组间休息2min,运动结束后,系统将自动测出其最大无氧功率值、每千克体重无氧功率值.采用SPSS 11.5 for Windows统计软件处理.结果表明:无氧功率测试后,采用自身对照法,氨基酸组与安慰剂组相比,氨基酸组有4人无氧功率值略大于安慰剂组,但无显著性差异(P〉0.05).结论:补服3克支链氨基酸后,受试者无氧功率并无显著提高.  相似文献   

女性在科学能力上的表现以及科学职业中的弱势地位逐渐为国内学者所关注。基于2014年全国六省市中学生的基线调查数据,估算了学习意志力对于中学生科学能力的影响效应。结果发现:女生的平均科学能力显著低于男生,但学习意志力较高的女生的科学能力显著高于男生;学习意志力对男生、女生群体的科学能力均有显著的正向影响效应,而且女生群体从增强学习意志力中获得科学能力收益明显高于男生群体。由此,增强学习意志力有助于缩小女生与男生在科学能力方面的差距。面对科学界关于"女性都去哪儿了"的疑问,建议通过培养和增强女生群体的学习意志力来促进女生科学能力的提升,鼓励她们克服社会刻板印象,选择从事科学相关的职业。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查241名3~6年级受欺负儿童,发现学龄儿童的受欺负对象、受欺负后的求助行为及心理、同伴关系与同伴地位均存在性别差异:男生主要受一个男生欺负,女生主要受几个男生欺负;受欺负男生向教师及朋友求助的比例低于受欺负女生,也更少体验到求助成功的积极体验;受欺负男生的同伴接纳程度低于受欺负女生,其同伴拒绝程度高于受欺负女生;受欺负男生的受欢迎比例低于受欺负女生,其被拒绝的比例高于受欺负女生。根据研究结果,文章提出了针对性的干预策略。  相似文献   

为了解小学生考试焦虑的现状,为学校开展心理健康教育提供科学依据,作者采用考试焦虑测验表对沈阳市某所小学部分10—12岁学生进行调查。结果表明:考试焦虑在各年级中普遍存在.并且中、重度焦虑者占很大比重;女生考试焦虑高于男生:六年级男生重度考试焦虑明显高于女生;五年级重度考试焦虑者明显高于四、六年级。学校、家庭等应采取相应措施帮助小学生调节考试焦虑。  相似文献   

为探讨不同等级男子短跑运动员的无氧代谢能力特征,作者对东北师范大学、吉林体育学院及吉林省体工队共22名男子短跑运动员进行了30s Wingate测定(采用MONARK 894E功率自行车)。结果表明:不同运动等级男子短跑运动员的无氧代谢能力呈显著差异,即一级运动员总体无氧做功能力强于二级运动员,其中值得注意的是相对最大功率较绝对最大功率的差异更为显著;男子一级短跑运动员较二级运动员能在更短时间内达到自身无氧做功能力的极限,但同时功率下降的速率也高于二级运动员。  相似文献   

This study investigated visual arts college students’ perceptions of the gender stereotyping of creativity and the influence of this stereotyping on creative self-efficacy. The sample consisted of 1198 Chinese visual arts college students. The results showed that (a) both male and female students identified stereotypically masculine traits as more important to creativity than stereotypically feminine traits are, (b) male students demonstrated higher creative self-efficacy than their female counterparts did, and (c) students’ gender significantly moderated the effect of the gender stereotyping of creativity on creative self-efficacy. Specifically, the gender stereotyping of creativity had a positive effect on male students and a negative effect on female students. These findings revealed that gender stereotypes dominate concepts of creativity in Chinese art education and may hinder female students’ development of creative self-efficacy, resulting in gendered inequality in the visual arts field. The implications of these findings for visual arts education in China are discussed.  相似文献   

This research seeks to contribute to current discussion of gender differences in experience of higher education. Its specific focus is to compare the assessment of various university services by male and female students. The research sample consisted of 9793 students who participated in three University of Western Sydney surveys in 2004 and 2005. The results suggest that, first, female students place higher importance on the majority of the university’s services than do male students; second, as female students advance through their studies, they appear more demanding about the quality of services, while male students remain comparatively tolerant; and third, while all students consider that some areas warrant improvement, this is significantly more so for female than for male students. Specifically, the key areas for improvement from female students’ perspective are the relevance and instructional clarity of the course and efficiency of administration. It is recommended that, considering the current trends in higher education across gender, a sharper focus on these areas for improvement action could help the university ensure equity and better manage competition.  相似文献   

本研究随机选取东肯塔基大学、爱荷华大学、杭州师范大学、新疆大学等多所高校的1071名大学生,比较中美大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量的差异,探究大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量间的关系,研究表明:第一,中美两国大学生的关系型自我构念存在差异,虽都偏向独立,中国大学生比美国大学生更倾向于以非亲密关系来构念自我,美国大学生的关系型自我构念存在性别差异;第二,美国大学生的亲密关系质量高于中国大学生,女性大学生的亲密关系质量均高于男性;第三,大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量正向相关,前者对后者有正向影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand the motivating factors behind students’ choices in their decision-making process and also get an insight on their perception of different engineering branches. A survey was prepared and the results were evaluated amongst 1163 answers. Two major influences on student's decision in their professional choices are shown to be career services and family members. Generally, students have claimed to choose a profession based on ‘finding a job’ and ‘being happy’. Some engineering branches such as Genetic and Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering, are shown to be distinctly preferred by female students, whereas mechanical, civil and electronic engineering are favourites for male students. The survey results were also compared with the distribution of male and female students in various engineering departments. This study clearly shows that certain engineering branches are perceived as more appropriate for women and are thus favoured by female students, while those perceived as more appropriate for men are favoured by male students.  相似文献   

[目的]本研究通过对26名男大学生和50名男性运动员在纵跳法和w ingate法所测得的无氧功差值进行理论上分析,探讨造成这一差异的原因.[方法]受试者在不同等时间内分别进行纵跳无氧功的测试和利用Monark834E无氧功测定仪(瑞典)进行W ingate无氧功测试,并分别计算出两种不同方法测得的无氧功结果.[结果]受试者的纵跳无氧功比采用W ingate方法测出的无氧功平均高出50%以上.[结论]2种不同的测试方法反映了2种不同的生理机制.W ingate方法更多地反映了ATP-CP系统的供能能力,纵跳法更多地反映了肌肉的爆发力和ATP-CP系统的快速可用性.  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of experimental goal setting and planning on the attitudes toward science, self-efficacy, inquiry performance, and achievement of students with low academic performance. A total of 71 students aged 16–18 were randomly divided into a treatment group (with goal setting and planning) and a control group (without goal setting and planning). A microcomputer-based laboratory focused on Boyle’s Law, coupled with an inquiry worksheet, was assigned. Based on Winne and Hadwin’s model of self-regulated learning, scaffolding was offered to the treatment group to promote goal setting and planning. Data were collected from the worksheet, the Attitudes toward Science Scale, the Self-efficacy of Scientific Inquiry scale, and the Boyle’s Law Conceptual Test. The results showed that both the treatment and control groups improved significantly from the pre- to post-conceptual tests. In the treatment group, the male students gained significantly more conceptual knowledge than the female students. Regarding attitudes toward science, the male students’ scores on the post-test were higher than those of the females. It is concluded that the male students were more positive regarding goal setting and planning in the inquiry activity, whereas the female students did not benefit as much.  相似文献   

The study aims to investigate the views of Omani post-basic education students (Grades 10–12) about religious and cultural tolerance. The sample consisted of 1390 male and female students in grades 10, 11 and 12, from four of Oman’s seven regions. A questionnaire was used to gather data, which consisted of 27 items divided into five domains. The results showed that students place a strong emphasis on the importance of religious and cultural tolerance, both within Oman society and worldwide. They are also not in favour of any type of aggression, religious and cultural symbols or the fuelling of disagreements between religions or cultures. The results also indicated that female students are more strongly concerned with tolerance than males, grade 12 students more concerned than those in grades 10 and 11, and students from Muscat more concerned than those in other less urban areas.  相似文献   

侯芬 《海外英语》2012,(17):270-273
The present research aims to find out(1) What are gender differences of Meta-cognitive Strategy Use and Listening Achievement(2) What are the correlation between male and female students’meta-cognitive strategy use and their listening achievement.236 subjects,including 153 girls and 83 boys,in a medical university located in Guangxi participate in the research.The results show:(1) both male and female have significant differences in their use of meta-cognition,planning and evaluating but this is not the case in their listening achievement.Moreover,female obtains higher means in meta-cognitive strategies use and gets higher listening achievement than male;(2) male and female’s overall meta-cognition and planning significantly correlate with their listening proficiency and male’s correlations are slightly higher than female’s;(3) only male high-achievers highly correlates their listening with meta-cognition,monitoring and evaluating at a significant level and just female low-achievers significantly correlate their listening achievement with meta-cognition.  相似文献   

Increasing the size and diversity of the scientific and technological workforce is a national priority. Investments in policy and programmatic efforts toward increasing the representation of women in science and engineering fields have resulted in significant advances; however, a gender gap remains among PhDs and faculty in these fields. This study tests whether Kanter’s (Men and women of the corporation, Basic Books, New York, 1977) theory of proportions, which suggests that numerical representation of groups influence group dynamics and cultural context, applies to the proportion of female faculty and the probability that female doctoral students will complete their degrees in science and engineering. Using data from two research-intensive academic institutions, results show that female doctoral students are more likely to complete the degree in departments with higher proportions of female faculty. Further, female PhD students working with female faculty dissertation advisors are also more likely to complete the degree than female PhD students working with male faculty dissertation advisors. Departmental faculty sex ratios and whether their faculty advisor is male or female, however, have no effect on the completion probabilities of male PhD students. Consistent with Kanter’s theory, research findings illustrate the importance of organizational demography on the academic outcomes of PhD students, and provide support for initiatives and programs aimed at increasing the representation of female faculty in science and engineering.  相似文献   

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