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This research paper, from the perspective of cross-cultural communication, intends to analyze the cultural misconcep?tions Chinese have about North American culture. Inspired by the data the author col...  相似文献   

闻晖  王晓军 《海外英语》2012,(11):287-289
This paper is a case study on three negative stereotypes that Chinese have about North American culture on the basis of the theory of Kluckhohn’ s Value System,Hofstede’ s Value Dimensions and Edward T.Hall’ s Model.This study is a qualitative study which is mainly based on analyzing.Then some good ways are provided to help Chinese people overcome some negative stereotypes about North American culture so that they can have a more accurate understanding on American people and American culture and communicate with Americans with less obstacles.  相似文献   

舒亚萍 《海外英语》2012,(11):232+234
Nowadays,intercultural communication is no longer an option,but a necessity.However,stereotypes might impact intercultural communication.Therefore,it’ s of significance to overcome stereotypes.This study is designed to find out how some North Americans are stereotyped toward Chinese and help them overcome their stereotypes and help Chinese people understand themselves thus make the communication between these two parts easier.  相似文献   

Language is a vehicle for culture. It is also a key component of culture. It not only reflects culture but also influences culture. As a variety of British English, American English, especially America...  相似文献   

何玉红 《海外英语》2011,(9):271+274
Cultural knowledge has some influence on successful inter-cultural communication.In order to help Chinese people communicate well with foreigners,this paper discusses some misperceptions of Chinese people about North American culture based on the data collected from several Chinese and American participants.And MK.Mayer’s model of basic values and Kluckhohn-Strodtotbeck’s model are adopted to analyze the reasons why Chinese people have such misperceptions.Based on the findings,three suggestions are provided to help Chinese to overcome some misperceptions with the hope that they can conduct a good communication with foreigners.  相似文献   

与综合国力中的经济力、政治力、军事力等相对而言,文化力是文化因素对一国经济发展和社会进步所产生的影响力,主要由以人为主体的相关因素构成,包括人们的文化心理、价值观念、思维方式、宗教思想、创造力、道德规范等。本文从文化力的角度阐述美国高等教育的诞生和发展,指明强大的文化力是该国高等教育取得杰出成就的决定性因素。  相似文献   

美国华裔作家拥有双重文化身份,具有双重文化视野,他们在后殖民语境下塑造出了想象中的中国文化形象,同时根据切身观察体验塑造出了他们心目中的美国文化形象。从形象学的角度研究这些可以发现美国华裔作家在后殖民语境下塑造中美文化产生的影响、存在的问题以及美国华裔作家还应做的努力,以便在全球化进程中更好地促进美国华裔文学的发展、增进世界文化的交流。  相似文献   

本文通过美国大学校园文化特色研究,提出中国高等院校校园文化建设应更多借鉴美国大学校园文化先进和成熟的经验,争取创办更多的世界一流大学。  相似文献   

This critical review presents studies of Mexican American fathers in the United Sates to provide researchers with an understanding of contemporary fatherhood. It describes the myths that cause methodological and conceptual problems in interpreting the results of studies on Mexican American fathers. Several common challenges and limitations in those studies are identified and discussed, such as conflicting cultural perceptions, traditional and contemporary perceptions, and social stereotyping of the Mexican American fathers’ family roles. This review also provides guidelines for future research and practical applications on Mexican American fathers’ involvement in their children’s education. In doing this, it contributes to an emerging understanding of the complexity of Mexican American fathering.  相似文献   

语言作为文化重要组成部分,是文化的载体。本文从英文姓名、禁忌语与委婉语、习惯用语、日常交际用语等四个方面,分析了一些语言现象,折射出了英语语言中的英美文化痕迹。  相似文献   

美国英语所反映出的美国文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张莉娟 《陕西教育学院学报》2007,23(1):123-124,F0003
美国英语作为美国文化的载体,承载着美国文化的方方面面。本文试图从美国英语所反映的印第安文化、移民文化、价值观念、新文化等方面来审视美国英语与美国文化的关系,以便人们更好地掌握美国英语,从而达到顺畅交流的目的。  相似文献   

现代美国大学制度及其文化是资本主义制度下大学文化较为典型的形态它建立在资本主义社会的三个文化原则基础之上 ,这就是 :充分发育市场经济。系统、完备的法律体系及严谨高效的管理制度 ;思想自由与学术自由。在观察和分析的基础上 ,我们形成了以下看法 :美国的大学文化存在着较为深刻的内在矛盾 ,表现为科学主义或者说工具理性与人文主义或理想精神的对立 ;也表现为审美的要求和原则与体育的方式及原则的对立 ;甚至还表现为精英主义文化与大众文化之间的对立。这种矛盾和对立 ,在校园文化中具体化为一系列十分复杂的现象。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the misconceptions of Chinese people about American culture based on the data collected from some Chinese participants and my actual and closer observations and experiences.The principle of seeking similarities and respecting the differences in political stage is still effective in the process of dealing with cross-cultural problems and conflicts for al those involved.Misperceptions are not just from the ignorant of facts but also formed from the people's mind.Change of the concept and action are both important in solving the problem arouse from misunderstanding.Further study of the age,religion and education background difference on this topic is necessary.I hope it can facilitate both Chinese people and Americans around to be more open and flexible in the course of the adaptation to the different cultures.  相似文献   

本文从文化生成背景的角度出发,探讨了中国传统文化和美国社会文化在形成过程中的差异。比较的目的并非强调差异,而在于增加相互了解、相互认同,从而促进跨文化交流。  相似文献   

英语专业初始阶段“美国历史文化”课程教学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对英语专业“美国历史文化”内容依托教学实验进行了个案分析,探讨英语专业初始阶段实施“美国历史文化”内容依托教学的可行性、教学效果以及在教学过程中的问题。  相似文献   

关于文化传播规律的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文化传播是有规律的过程。一种文化的传播程度,既取决于文化自身的性质、发展水平、风格特点以及由此而确定的功能和价值,又取决于文化所赖以生存国家的综合国力和国际关系状况。另外,文化的载体形式对于文化的传播也是不可忽略的因素。  相似文献   

Language is a key component part of culture. It reflects culture. As a variety of British English, American English,especially American words reflect American culture, including their custom, their view of value, their character traits. Being amelting pot, American words melt a lot of loanwords. The exaggerated use of words shows Americans are self-confidence.They also use beautified words to show their wish to life, to future. They can use common words, usually slang to express spe-cial ideas. By doing so, they create something new and original. Learning American English, especially studying Americanwords, we can see some typical traits of American culture.  相似文献   

该文以高校课程《英美文化与礼仪》为研究对象,梳理了《英美文化与礼仪》课程实践体系的理论基础,包括语用行为及其效果理论、社会交往理论以及共同场景理论。同时本文分析了该教学体系建设的文化基础,涉及全球化及文化多元性、教育国际化视野下的文化研究及跨文化传播。最后本文探讨了英美文化教学体系实践优化的路径与方法。  相似文献   

北美印第安人对美国英语与文化的形成功不可没。他们对早期的欧洲移民做出了很大的贡献,曾教他们种植农作物,开发森林,捕捉猎物,发展生产等。北美印第安人在帮助欧洲移民度过难关的同时,将自己的土著语汇传授给了他们。从美国英语中的很多地名、农作物及用具、动植物等语汇及其他文化现象,如图腾文化中可以体现出印第安人对美国英语和文化的巨大影响,极大地丰富和充实了美国语言与文化,为美国英语与文化的形成注入了土著民族的力量。  相似文献   

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