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"顶岗实习"是教育实习的一种创新模式,是针对传统的教育实习时间短、上课少,真实课堂教学体验不足,实习效果不理想而提出来的。通过对湖南第一师范学院2007级顶岗实习生开展教学反思的行动研究,发现加强实习生教育反思是促进职前教师专业发展一种重要途径,可提高自我专业发展意识,树立教育信念;可提高理论与实践相结合的能力,增强专业素质、有利于实践性知识的形成。在顶岗实习的指导中,实习学校指导教师及带队教师应重视实习生教育反思能力的培养并采取多种措施促进实习生教学反思能力的提高。  相似文献   

从八四年起,我一直承担教育实习带队教师的任务。九六、九七两年同样接受了此任。九六年是屯溪一中实习组带队老师兼休宁中学实习组生物系实习生的业务指导,九七年是黟县碧阳中学实习组带队教师兼任黟县中学实习组生物系十一位实习生的业务指导。我一贯来坚守实习阵地,全身心地投入,精心组织、指导实习生的实习,关心实习生的生活,通过努力两次  相似文献   

师范院校教育实习的强化措施辽宁外语师专穆凤良关键词:师范院校教育实习实习生师范院校的教育实习,是教师职前培训的重要环节,关系着就业后的工作质量。然而,近年来实习管理措施没有与社会发展保持同步。主要表现在以下三个方面:(1)实习生由指导教师带队改为取消...  相似文献   

单科集中定点的实习模式有许多弊端,混合编队教育实习模式整合了多学科的实习生与指导教师到一实习点,容易得到实习学校的支持与认同,但在实践中存在的问题是实习生在教育实习过程中难以得到指导教师的专业支持。本研究提出了一个基于电子对话的混合编队教育实习模型,以此促进实习点、实习生与指导教师的协作与对话,提高教育实习指导效率,促进实习生主体意识的形成和完善教育实习评价。  相似文献   

教育实习是师范院校值碍认真研讨的课题之一,以前这方面的探讨偏重在实习生,实习学校.师范院技技内的教育教学午方面.而对带队教师的研讨是艰不够的.本文认为带队教师的思想素质、业务素质是影响实习质量的重要目素.思想素质包括:实习的指导思想.②务实严谨的工作作风,⑤艰苦扑素的生活作风:业务素质包括:①教育能力.②组捉能力,⑤指导能力,④交际托力.  相似文献   

一问题的提出教育实习是师范生在大学或实习指导教师的指导下到附属学校或实习学校进行教学实际锻炼的一种形式。教育实习的过程是依赖性的,必须在专业人员辅导下进行。目前师范院校教育实习的指导小组通常由大学学科教学法教师和中小学优秀教师组成。由大学教师、中小学合作教师和实习生组成的教育实习三人组是确保实习生顺利完成实习任务的一种实习合作机制。但现行实习制度对大学和中小学实习辅导教师的工作却很少有明确的规范,也没能提供给合作双方教师  相似文献   

教育实习是师范院校整个教育的一个重要部分,又是培养合格师资的必要途径和重要措施。要搞好教育实习,带队教师是关键。要教育实习生诚诚恳恳地向指导教师学习,以主人翁态度努力为中学生服务。要教育实习生互帮互学、共同得益。  相似文献   

教学实习是师范教育一个重要环节。它既可使实习生初步了解社会、学校以及教育对象、教学环节等;也为实习生提供了一个学习教学方法和教学技巧的机会。 英语师范专业的教学实习,与其它学科师范专业教学实习有相同之处,但也有不同的地方,所以,指导这一学科的教学实习,也应有其特殊性。 一、教学实习的目的 教学实习的目的是什么?概括起来有以下几点: (1)为实习生提供一个实践教学方法的机会。 (2)为实习生创造一个能自如地从简单教学过渡到复杂教学的机会。 (3)为实习生提供教学评估的机会。 (4)帮助实习生总结自己的教学方法。 (5)使实习生了解学生学习上的问题和影响他们学习的情感因素。 (6)培养实习教师对学生的责任感。 二、指导教师的任务和工作 为了达到上述教学目的,就要求实习指导教师在实习生实习的各个阶段做好以下工作: (1)分组 为便于指导教师对实习进行管理,需要把实习生分成若干个小组。要做到合理分组,指导教师必须对实习生有个全面的了解,包括他们的学习成绩、应变能力、性格特点等等。划分小组  相似文献   

平利县吉阳中学是安康师专一九八六年开始定点的实习学校,从八六年到九二年,学校先后接待了六个中文实习组和两个数学实习组。由于吉阳中学高度重视对实习生的接待、管理和指导工作,在全校教职员工的紧密配合下,认真负责,严格管理,精心安排,六年中的八个实习组的实习工作都达到预期目的,取得了较好的效果,受到了安康师专领导、带队教师和历届实习生的高度肯定。通过在我校的短期  相似文献   

本文通过研究中韩教育实习模式,分析中韩教育实习模式的异同点,为加强我国师范院校教育实习,提出了教育实习目标明确化、实习生实习內容具体化,大学教师的指导工作及实习学校教师的指导工作等方面的几点建议.  相似文献   

实习过程中,要保持自己的工作热情,但不必对实习地的师生期望过高。实习生不能将上课权利的获得仅仅理解成是大学方面的安排,应注意自己的言行举止对实习地可能产生的影响。实习生可以依照称职指导教师的指点进行工作;对于不称职的指导教师,最好在沉默中多作反思和批判。实习生应努力学习指导教师从大学生转变为中学教师的人生经验;应思考大学所学知识与中学语教学之间的关系;主动去了解中学语教学的禁忌。  相似文献   

高职教育工作是一项要求很高的工作,高职教师既要有理论能力,又要有动手实践能力。努力成长为"双师型"教师是高职教师的努力和发展方向。而原有的高职教师显然距离"双师型"教师的要求还有很大的一段距离。因此,帮助高职教师树立"职业经营"的观念,从高职教师的职业精神、职业知识、职业能力和研究创新意识等路径进行研究,是使高职教育健康、可持续发展的紧迫课题。  相似文献   

班主任作为连接学校工作与学生教育实践的重要桥梁,在学生教育工作中具有重要的影响作用。文章立足班主任班级管理工作实践,分析现阶段班主任在班级管理工作中存在的问题,并对班级管理工作中班主任的角色定位及转换策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

以高校文化管理构建大学生思想政治教育新平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校文化管理作为一种现代学校管理方式,从“以人为本”出发搭建了大学生思想政治教育的新平台。将文化管理与大学生思想政治教育相结合,把思想政治教育融于学校文化管理之中,用文化管理促进思想政治教育实践,既符合思想政治教育规律,又丰富了思想政治教育手段。  相似文献   

This paper researches students’ and teacher trainees’ personal experience of student-centred teaching during their education in grades 1–4 of primary school. The questionnaire comprised 45 statements and was completed by 403 primary school teacher trainees and 535 students (future teachers) at Faculties of Teacher Education in Croatia. The research results show that students do not have sufficient prior experience that they could use as inspiration in their future teaching practice and that in the course of their education they were mainly exposed to traditional approach to teaching. The majority of teacher trainees are aware of the importance of student-centred teaching although they cannot fully give up the control of students and educational process. This research opens up the issue of a paradigm change within the teaching system and education in Croatia as well as the issue of changes within education and professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

跨区域学校委托管理是成都市实施城乡教育统筹发展、城乡教育一体化的重要形式,这种办学制度的转变以实现优质教育资源满覆盖为目标。在结成的学校委托管理中金牛区茶店子小学和邛崃市十方堂小学就是典型模式之一,通过规划引领、师资结对、学生发展、文化打造等发展策略与途径的转变,学校发展取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Each year an overwhelming number of students apply to join teacher training courses to become primary school teachers in Brunei Darussalam. This article analyses some of the factors that teacher trainees find attractive in the teaching profession. Among 25 factors listed in a questionnaire, the factors concerning more opportunity to further education through the BA Education course received the highest score. Other factors considered important were classified under various categories such as status of teaching, salaries, conditions of service and benefits. Under these categories, it was revealed that teacher status, respect by community and salaries were among the dominant factors that influenced teacher trainees’ attraction to teaching. The article concludes with implications for the teaching profession in Brunei Darussalam particularly in issues pertaining to continuing education for teachers.  相似文献   

教师管理是学校管理的重要内容之一,教师评价是教师管理的重要环节,也是对教师进行管理的重要手段。但是在当前的学校管理实践中,教师评价仅仅实现了为人事决策提供科学依据的目的,而忽视了促进教师成长的目的。近年来发展性教师评价引起人们的关注,与传统的以奖惩为目的的教师评价相比,它能更好地实现教师评价促进教师成长的目的,因而它将成为促进教师专业发展的一个重要手段。  相似文献   

Community participation in school management—and in hiring and firing of teachers in particular—has been actively advocated as an effective reform to improve school and teacher accountability in the Global South. This paper examines whether such reform functions in practice as suggested in theory, drawing on the findings of a case study of community schools in rural Zambia. Using the concept of the ‘context of practice’, efforts have been made to understand the local meanings of community participation in school management rather than that of the central government or development partners. Such analysis illuminates the important roles that local economic and cultural capital, complex cultural norms and unexpected micro politics play in shaping the way parents and communities are actually willing and able to participate in school management, and how these issues influence school and teacher accountability. The findings also underscore the difficulty that teachers face when attempting to respond to the local demands, especially in the context of grossly inadequate resources being allocated to them by the state. The paper concludes by arguing, first, that community management of schools in Zambia was an unfunded and unclear policy that shifted financial responsibility to already marginalized rural communities and, second, that direct hiring relationships between parents and teachers will dilute the importance of the political accountability of the state to ensure quality education for all.  相似文献   

The project reported in this paper addresses the issue of trainee teacher learning with regard to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) during the school placement element of one-year postgraduate teacher training programmes in England. Through a focus on the university/school partnership, school organisational and classroom pedagogic processes, the project aimed to improve knowledge and understanding about teacher education relevant to the special educational needs and inclusive education fields. Specifically, the project examined and compared the school-based learning and outcomes of postgraduate teacher trainees in primary and secondary programmes that used different approaches to preparing teachers for the special needs aspects of their future teaching. Three kinds of school-based approaches are examined: one that involved a practical teaching task; a second which involved a pupil-focused task (but not practical teaching); and a third where there was no specific pupil-focused SEND task other than class teaching practice.

The paper reports on what and how trainees learned about teaching pupils with SEND and on differences related to the use of SEND tasks. Findings indicate that what trainees learn about teaching pupils with SEND is strongly interlinked with what they learn about teaching in general. The pedagogic knowledge learned from undertaking planned pupil-focused SEND tasks, however, centres on pupils’ personal learning needs, something that was less likely to be learned from only whole-class teaching experience. Implications for schools, initial teacher education (ITE) providers, national and international policy are presented as evidence-informed questions with possible options.  相似文献   

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