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W hy does the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy lean?It leans because of a m istake.It has leanedalm ostsince the day the tower was built.In1173,the people ofPisa,Italy,wanted to build a belltower.They wanted the tower to be them ost beautiful bell tower in all of Italy.The city also needed a bell tower because the church did nothave one.H owever,there was a problem.As soon as the firstfloor ofthe building was finished,the towerstarted to lean.Builders tried to m ake the building straight ag…  相似文献   

In a Zoo     
Tony was very poor and wanted to get a job. One day he read in a news-paper that a man was wanted to work in a zoo.“That will be wonderful,”he thought,“I like animals, and looking after them will be interesting.”So Tony went to the manager of the zoo and asked for the job.“You look  相似文献   

Love and Time     
绿叶 《初中生必读》2012,(Z2):36-37
Once upon a time,there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness,Sadness,Vanity and all of the others including Love. One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean.All the feelings prepared their boats to leave except Love.She wanted to hold out and try to save the  相似文献   

A statistician wanted to take a plane to SanFrancisco,but he was very afraid of bombs.Hegathered some figures and did some calcula-tions.He found that the probability of having  相似文献   

Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange and that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help to make him lesslonely.  相似文献   

The classroom was packed with those of us who wanted to work on the school newspaper.I hadn't written much before.Still,working on the paper sounded like fun.We had to turn in a 1)sample of our writing.I had written a piece about the joys of summer.  相似文献   

I Call Him Tom     
A man wanted to sell his old horse, so he took him to the market. Because the horse was old, nobody wanted to buy him, but at last a young man stopped in front of him and said, "How old is he?" "He is twenty-one years old," said the older man. "Ho…  相似文献   

Humor Page     
Silly Sue was on vacation in Australia where there were many shoe stores selling crocodile shoes. She too wanted a pair of those, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.  相似文献   

Daniel Defoe (1660-1730) is a famous journalist(记者) and novelist in the 18th century in Britain. Defoe wrote his first novel "Robinson Crusoe" in 1719, at the age of 59. The novel was his most famous writing. Let's read some parts of the story. Ⅰ. Go to sea I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family. At a very early age I wanted to go to sea. My father was a wise man, and he begged me not to do so. For a time I decided not to think of it any more. But one day in…  相似文献   

A couple of years ago, when I was going tocollege, I volunteered to be a finish-line "hugger" atthe Kentucky Special Olympics held in Richmond1.Because I was studying to become a special-educationteacher, I was very interested in the games and thepeople and wanted to be more involved.The day of the event dawned dreary, wet andgray. I arrived early and watched as the participantsarrived with their families, friends and school groups.Even though it started to rain and a cold wind blew,I didn…  相似文献   

Once there was a little ant. She wanted to get married, but she only wanted to marry the strongest creature.23She wanted to marry the strongest crea-ture,but she didn’t know who is the strongestone.One day,she saw the wind blow housesdown.So she thought the wind was thestrongest creature.She wanted to marry thewind.But the wind told the little ant that hewasn’t the strongest creature.“There was atower in the forest.He had stood there for athousand years against my force.The towerwas the strongest creature.”...  相似文献   

Last Monday was a sunny day. I got up early in order to get to schoo l early, because it was the first day of a week. On my way to school, I saw a ma n standing beside the street with a walking stick in his hand. He was wondering there and moved slowly. It seemed that he wanted to cross the street. At that ti me, a car passed by and nearly hit him. I ran to him only to find out that he wa s a blind man. It was not easy for a blind man to cross the street. I decided to lead him to the othe…  相似文献   

Unit 19 JobsIt is very difficult of a woman to find a job now. Here is an example to explain to it. Ms King wanted to find a work in a company but she was turned up only because she was a woman. She thought a way. She pretended to be a man and got the job. But later an accident happened with her. Her secret was discovered by others. She told lie but she was good at her work. Could she stay in the company? An discussion was hold. At last the company let her stay.  相似文献   

One of the worst days of my life landed on Friday the 13th. My mother was a kind of superstitious and wanted me to be superstitious with her for once. I told her that this would only be the first. So she told me that if I broke a mirror I'd have bad luck…  相似文献   

Yesterday it was raining heavily all day.I wanted to go to the post office.My mother asked me to take an the street,I suddenly foud Lucy,one of my classmates,riding a bike without any hesitation I handed my umrella to her.  相似文献   

During Christmas break from college, a young man wanted to borrow his father蒺s car to drive to a New Year蒺s Eve 1 to be held in Vermont. The father was 2 about the son hitting one of the roadblocks that people set up all over the place on New Year蒺s Eve. The 3 that was reached was that the son would be allowed to use the car, but he would not drink at all.So he drove to Vermont, got completely 4 and attempted to drive home. On the way home he hit a roadbl…  相似文献   

A group of friends wanted to get together on weekends. The lady of the house was to prepare the meal.  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(11):34-35
The only Chinese person who worked in my office was Gillian Tang. She had come to London from south China to complete her education and this was her first job. To us westerners she was a most unusual person. She was kind to everyone, and never suspected that anyone might abuse her kindness. She was the sort of person who, if she heard any of us talking about a book or a video or something else which we wanted to borrow or buy, she  相似文献   

Stupid Orders     
When Nasreddin was a boy,he never did what he was told,so his father always told him to do the opposite of what he wanted him to do.One day,when the two were bringing sacks of flour home on their donkeys,they had to cross a shallow river.When they were in the middle of it,one of the sacks on Nasreddin’s donkey began to slip,so his father said,"That sack is nearly in the water!Press down hard on it!"His father of course expected that he would do the opposite,but this time Nasreddin did what his  相似文献   

(A) More than seven hundred years ago,the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert. One day the Prince wanted to go hunting with his men.He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son.The baby was in a wooden cradle(摇篮),which was like a small bed. When the Prince came back from hunting,Gelert ran out to meet his  相似文献   

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