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试论体育的审美教育作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育活动可以作这审美教育的途径。它能增强审美主体的审美感知能力,调节审美情感,最终达到与艺术审美教育同样的目的-群体的和谐与道德的至善。  相似文献   

教育期望效应是指教师对学生抱有较高的信心,期待他们向好的方面转变。实验证明这对成人高等教育也是非常有效的教育方式。这是对传统的罗森塔尔试验的发展,在教学实践中要注意做好相应的各环节的工作,并且要遵循试验的技术要求。  相似文献   

Conclusion The OHS, although newly established, has created great interest among all the media. It is evident that this interest will continue to increase. This means that the OHS filled a very important niche in the educational structure. It is believed that most of the problems faced at the OHS will be solved in a very short time, and new ways are continually being sought. But at the moment it is necessary to remember that high quality should be maintained, instead of focusing on quantity. This motive prescribes that educational technologies should be transferred to the educational system. To accomplish this, ways should be found to increase the finances of the OHS, and governmental support should be increased to improve the technical quality. In addition, it is necessary to change the regulation of the OHS as a project of the FRTED to allow the OHS to function independently. The resulting organizational structure should be evaluated effectively. Also, it is necessary to improve the structural effectiveness of local representatives of the OHS for authorization and duties. At the same time, it is essential to use the local high schools to provide face-to-face education for distance education students. If the critics are correct, the OHS will be an original secondary-school-level distance education institute and can be a good example for other countries.  相似文献   

论职业教育中的创业教育渗透   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济发展以及产业结构变化,劳动力供大于求的现状,使就业面临着前所未有的压力。因此,在职业院校渗透创业教育,培养大批具有强烈创业意识和创业能力,敢于创业、勇于创业的人才,具有相当重要的现实意义,是培养大批适应新世纪需要的高素质劳动者的具有前瞻性的对策。渗透创业教育的导向在于加强培养创业精神、掌握创业本领、增设创业教育课程、进行学科渗透教育,重在联系实际和能力的培养,注重知识的生活应用,以体现学以致用的教育原则。  相似文献   

大众化阶段的精英教育   总被引:129,自引:0,他引:129  
精英教育机构不应承担高等教育大众化的任务。为减轻大众化给精英教育机构带来的压力,在高等教育增长的规模速度和增长方式上,应变"控制发展"或"加快发展"为"适度超前发展",变"内涵式发展"为"外延式发展"或两者并重,以外延式发展为主。高等学校可分为三种类型,不同类型的学校应合理定位,办出特色,在各自层次和类型中争创一流。  相似文献   

论人格教育是素质教育的灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大学生素质教育中如何确立人格教育的地位和机制,是当前高校思想政治工作中的首要问题。大学生素质教育的根本任务以及国内教育现实形势和状况,都要求要从教育理念、时代要求、思想教育者意识、人才培养等几个方面牢牢把握大学生素质教育的灵魂一一人格教育。  相似文献   

体制改革以前,我国高中阶段职普教育结构受“左”的思想影响,波动大、不稳定,尤其是十年“文革”的破坏,使职普教育结构严重失衡。体制改革以来,职业教育的比例不断提高,职普比例一度达到6∶4。虽然1999年以来受高等教育扩招等原因的影响,职业教育数量和比例有所下降,但近年来职业教育又取得了长足的发展,职普教育的结构日趋合理。  相似文献   

体育与德育在教育活动中有机结合,相互影响、自然渗透,从而真正产生既健身又育人的双重效应.结合教学实践,从五个方面阐述了体育教学中渗透德育的方法与途径.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究我国高校思想政治教育工作者对信仰教育的认知出现的问题,针对出现的认知错误提出相应的解决策略,为我国高校思想政治教育工作者对信仰教育的分析与认知提供一些可行性的思路。  相似文献   

在基础课程的改革中《体育与健康课程》在指导思想、教学目标、教学内容及评价方法等方面,有较大的变革。特别是学生的身心健康和社会适应方面,必须与个人的品质、人生观、价值观在道德层面上达成一致,强化了德育与体育的联系和有机结合。学校体育既要育体,还要育心。体育教学作为学校教育的重要组成部分,在加强学生德育教育方面具有举足轻重的地位和作用。因此,在进行体育教学的同时要结合进行德育教育,把德育教育贯穿于体育教学的全过程。  相似文献   

素质教育是在全面发展教育的基础上发展起来的,也是对全面发展教育的丰富、深化和创新。素质教育是对教育理念、教育内容、教育方式方法、教育实践的一场伟大变革,正是因为素质教育具备了以上特点,所以,素质教育是新时期实现我国教育目的的根本途径。  相似文献   

交叉学科与研究生教育具有良性互动效应:交叉学科是培养研究生创新能力的重要载体,同时研究生教育又是促进交叉学科建设的重要力量。为促进交叉学科与研究生教育的协调发展,提出了加强交叉学科研究生培养的几点建议。  相似文献   

Some years ago when the concept of lifelong education was in vogue and when there was a constant flow of literature about it being published by a core of writers gravitating around or employed by UNESCO, the constant warning was not to confuse the concept of lifelong education with adult education because this would unduly limit the concept and distort the educational philosophy it represented. This warning has not, generally, been heeded by writers and the expression ‘lifelong education’ has consequently lost the distinctive meaning writers like Dave, Cropley, Gelpi and Lengrand tried to give it in the 1970s and early 1980s. In 1979 Cropley edited a book called Lifelong Education: A Stocktaking which, in fact, tried to take stock of the state of the theory and to identify the problems with its promotion. Gelpi took up the latter task in some detail in a subsequent article but failed to address certain problems with the concept of lifelong education itself, raised earlier by Lawson. This paper goes over all this ground and then tries to clarify some confusions with the concept of lifelong education by examining two different interpretations or views of lifelong education, the ‘maximalist’ and the ‘minimalist’, which have evolved through the literature of the subject, identifying the former with the core of writers mentioned above. It then examines the role of adult education within the two interpretations, arguing that the ‘maximalist’ view has largely disappeared to the detriment of adult education, and reproposing it anew to adult education writers and practitioners.  相似文献   

阿普尔批判教育演讲及对中国教育改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迈克尔W·阿普尔的教育演讲阐明了教育评价的四种方式,批判新霸权主义集团的教育政策,揭露“现在教育改革究竟谁获益”的本质.从意识形态、政治制度与多元文化传统的视角对美国基础教育改革的《不让一个孩子掉队法案》进行批判反思,并提出萎于反思性实践的合理性建议,对中国教育改革具有启示意义。  相似文献   

The ‘Bologna process’ is promoting fundamental changes throughout European higher education. Education ministers appear determined to reach, by 2010, a significant convergence of the national educational systems. This implies the necessity of adapting curricula in terms of structures, contents, learning attributes, learning tools and assessment methods. The EC ‘Tuning’ project was set up in order to investigate the feasibility of this process on the basis of ‘available experience and recent developments in several of the Member states… particularly from previous and on-going European co-operation in the context of the Socrates programme’. The Tuning project, initially aimed at five areas only (mathematics, geology, business, history, educational sciences), was later extended to other areas, including engineering: synergy groups were formed for this purpose. This paper summarizes the final report of the Engineering Synergy Group, which examined the ‘tuning’ of engineering education (EE) into European higher education, taking advantage of the work of previous and current thematic networks, such as H3E, EUCEET and E4. A set of recommendations is presented in the final section of the paper.  相似文献   

论养成教育的内容、原则和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养成教育是亲职教育的重要内容和基本实现途径,养成教育就是培养孩子良好习惯的教育.养成教育的内容主要包括心理养成教育、行为规范养成教育、学习能力养成教育、创新精神养成教育、审美情趣养成教育.养成教育要遵守严格,持之以恒, "苦练"与"趣练"相结合的原则.养成教育的方法主要有榜样法和训练法.  相似文献   

谈高校教师在职攻读硕士学位工作中的招生与培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等学校教师在职攻读硕士学位是我国一种新的硕士学位,其针对性较强。本文从招生、培养两个环节谈这项工作的开展。  相似文献   

在体育教学中渗透思想道德教育是毫无疑问的,作为学校教育内容的两个重要组成部分,体育与德育是相辅相成的,在职业院校中,体育教师必须针对学生的特殊性对学生进行有的放矢的品德教育。本文以如何在职业学校体育教学中渗透德育教育为主题展开探讨,具有一定的现实意义和指导意义。  相似文献   


The secondary school system in England has undergone a radical transformation since 2010 with the rapid expansion of independent academies run by private companies (‘academy trusts’) and funded directly by central government. This paper examines the development of academies and their predecessors, city technology colleges, and explores the extent and nature of continuity and change. It is argued that processes of layering and policy revision, together with austerity measures arising from economic recession, have resulted in a system-wide change with private, non-profit-making companies, funded by central government, rapidly replacing local authorities as the main providers of secondary school education.  相似文献   

论述了美育尤其是音乐教育在高校素质教育中的定位、作用,指出音乐教育在人格健全和完善中起着不可忽视、不可替代的作用;随后,探索了新时期高校音乐教育的课程结构模式,即"三层次"(基础类、欣赏理论类、提高类)和"三类型"(理论类、鉴赏类、实践类),其中,"理论类"是指导,"鉴赏类"是主体,"实践类"是亮点;最后,提出一些教学手段改革的建议.  相似文献   

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