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浅析知识经济时代默会知识教育的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
默会知识有其独特的内涵和特点;默会知识教育在知识经济时代具有重要性;应该探索默会知识 教育的适宜模式。  相似文献   

In this issue of Cultural Studies of Science Education, Mack and colleagues (Mack et al. 2011) seek to identify the necessary components of science education in Indigenous settings. Using a review of current research in informal science education in Indigenous settings, along with personal interviews with American educators engaged in these programs, the authors suggest some effective practices to use Indigenous ways of knowing to strengthen science programming. For the past 4 years, we have been interested in the importance of place in culturally relevant science education. We have explored the role of place and have used Gruenewald’s critical pedagogy of place (2003) to examine the importance of place in a variety of Indigenous contexts. In response to Mack and colleagues, in this paper we explore the importance of place as a means to reinhabituate Indigenous youth who live in urban, First Nation, and rural Costa Rican contexts.  相似文献   

Science education, since the end of the nineteenth century has been a formal vehicle to ensure the perpetuation of scientific knowledge necessary for general scientific literacy and the creation of a society of scientists. However, since then, beliefs about knowledge and knowing have changed from science being described as being just a pile of chronologically documented facts, through the dynamic growth of scientific knowledge as explained by Kuhn in his Structure of Scientific Revolutions, to the present twenty-first century concept of knowledge societies by which new scientific knowledge is being interpreted. Science education perspectives in relation to teacher education and pedagogies need to be frequently revisited. Indeed, many nations in the Asia-Pacific region are doing just that. How then is the teaching and learning of scientific knowledge in the region? This article will review and compare research related to science achievement, quality of science education and approaches to teaching science in the Asia-Pacific region in particular five nations, in an attempt to answer this question.  相似文献   

对科学文化和科学教育的思考——兼谈素质教育的几个问题   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
“科学求真 ,人文求善” ,“科学教人做事 ,人文教人做人”的二分观点值得商榷 ,传统的事实价值二分模式和主客二分模式是其理论渊源。科学作为一种文化 ,不仅求真而且求善求美。对真善美的追求是科学文化的价值内蕴。科学在本质上是人文的 ,这是科学文化与人文文化“和而不同”的根基。缺乏完整的科学文化观和科学教育观 ,是科学教育最大的不足。完整的科学教育应当并且能够既教人做事也教人做人。要充分挖掘科学文化蕴含的人文价值来教育人 ,关键在于教师要提高自身的科学文化素养  相似文献   

我国教育理论界著名学者王策三先生恰当地把知识比喻为“百宝箱”,[1]把教学工作的第一步比喻为“打开”知识“百宝箱”,包括拙作[2]在内的论及知识教育价值的文章中也有过类似的比喻。人们之所以把知识形象地比喻为“百宝箱”,是因为知识是人类在长期社会历史实践中对世界万事万物(包括对人类自身)认识的结果,是人类精神文明的宝贵财富。知识以概念、原理、公式、定律、法则等等形态,反映着自然界和社会各种事物的属性、事物间的联系和关系,构成了各门学科体系,供人们学习、进一步研究和指导实践,并经实践检验使之不断发展和越来越接近绝对…  相似文献   

Science and technology are widely regarded as the dominant drivers of transformation to a ‘knowledge’ economy and society — a transition in which higher education has a critical role. This paper reviews the influence of successive NZ governments intention to ‘proactively steer’ the tertiary education system towards the achievement of this critical role, and describes an initiative at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) specifically designed to meet New Zealand's needs for a well trained, articulate and flexible workforce of scientists, engineers, technicians and support staff. The ‘staircasing’ model is the culmination of an effort to adapt, modify and extend traditional models of professional science and technology education to provide a mechanism for ‘life‐long learning’ through a flexible and responsive network of purpose‐built courses.  相似文献   

Science has been an important partner of the field of learning disabilities since its inception. Special educators have used science to confirm or reject approaches to identifying and teaching students with disabilities. Current research and practice is using science to find better approaches to preventing learning difficulties and reducing the number of students referred for special education. However, I caution that if we want science to have the desired impact on the educational and social outcomes of students with learning disabilities, we must take care not to misuse it.  相似文献   

论通识教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
理论不等于世界,理论的价值在于其与世界的同构度,人们利用它理解世界并创造世界。而知识分化裂解了世界,所以通识教育成为必要。通识教育旨在让学生了解多种学科的视角、方法以及表达方式,从而开阔视野、激发创造。要有效地实行通识教育,必须兼顾教学活动诸多环节,全面统筹,协调发展。  相似文献   

教育知识从研究者到实践者的转化是五种因素共同作用的过程。这五种因素是:教育知识的提供者、教育知识的接受者、教育知识本身、教育知识的提供者和实践者的关系以及教育知识转化的环境。文章在分析影响教育知识向实践者转化的各因素特点的基础上提出了促进教育知识转化的两个策略。  相似文献   

Whilst there is general agreement that primary teachers have a rather limited understanding of science, as Symington and Mackay (Note 1) have shown there is no universally accepted view amongst teacher educators in Victoria about the steps that need to be taken to improve their subject matter competence in science. This paper addresses the issue by taking a topic which is widely included in primary science programs, namely floating and sinking, and asking what knowledge primary teachers should have to enable them to handle the topic in a primary classroom in a way consistent with constructivist ideas. The paper will also address the issue of how that knowledge could be assessed. Specializations: learning theories, history and philosophy of science, chemical education. Specialization: primary school science.  相似文献   

新闻专业通识教育应以培养能力为主   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校通识教育不完全是专业教育的基础。通识教育应注重思维方式这些深层次素质的培养:要注重对能力的培养而不是知识的灌输;要注重与专业教育的联系而不是与之脱节;要注重采取多种形式全面实施。新闻传播类专业尤其应当如此。知识面的拓宽不以量为旨,重要的是要求质,要注意优化知识结构,注重能力的培养:首先是思维能力的培养;其次是以写作能力为主的动手能力的培养。  相似文献   

科学史在沟通人与科学、发扬科学本身蕴含的人精神、提高人素质等方面有着很重要的作用。然而在目前我国理工类大学的教学中,科学史尚未发挥出应有的作用。各院校应把科学史融入专业课教学之中。  相似文献   

论大学人文教育与科学教育的融合   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
作者认为 ,和而不同是人文教育和科学教育融合的前提 ;人文中体现科学基础、科学中内含人文精神是人文教育和科学教育融合的中介 ;素质教育是人文教育和科学教育的基本途径。  相似文献   

This paper describes a study of primary teacher educators reaction to those aspects of theDiscipline Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science dealing with early childhood and primary pre-service teacher education. Interviews with two of the authors of the Review are also reported.  相似文献   

浅议科学教育中的科学素养培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高公民的科学素养已成为世界各国科学教育改革的核心议题。我国中学科学课程标准的目标定位与科学素养的内涵是完全一致的,为提高学生的科学素养提供了保证。在科学教育中,我们可以通过开展HPS教育、STS教育和探究教学来实现学生科学素养的提高。  相似文献   

培养学生创新意识和创造能力是21世纪大学教育的目标所在,也是素质教育的重要内容,物理学的教育在培养大学生创新意识和创造能力方面有着不可替代的作用,本文就物理学的特点及其对社会的贡献,论述它在素质教育中的重要性。  相似文献   

In our paper we argue that (1) autobiography ought to be considered both the telling of one's story and the using of that story with others to understand and use difference productively, and (2) autobiography (as telling and interacting) dismantles the universalistic tug of science and replaces it with a push for science as local knowledge. To accomplish this dual task, we share selective autobiographical accounts of lives (autobiography as telling), and then use these accounts to have a conversation about urban science education (autobiography as interacting). Following these autobiographical accounts we then discuss how our different stories apart and together provide a greater objective insight into what it means to come-to-know science. When talking about their lives, people lie sometimes, forget a lot, exaggerate, become confused, and get things wrong. Yet, they are revealing truths. These truths don't reveal the past “as it actually was,” aspiring to a standard of objectivity. They give us instead the truths of our experiences. (Personal Narratives Group (PNG), 1989, p. 261)  相似文献   

Vreede, E. de. “On the importance of special didactics in teacher education,” Revue ATEE Journal 1980 (3) 109‐117.

Teaching is occasioning learning to the extent that the motives used in this occasioning are derived from the learning content. On the basis of this definition a distinction is made between general and special didactics. The article is a plea for a careful distinction between the two, which would be beneficial to both disciplines and particularly for special didactics. For various reasons, some of which are discussed, this distinction is scarcely implemented in teacher education, much to the disadvantage of future teachers and their students.  相似文献   

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