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从世界游泳强国成功经验探讨我国游泳发展的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对世界游泳强国发展竞技游泳的成功经验进行客观分析.研究表明,合理开发、利用及配置竞技体育人力、财力、物力、科技、体制等资源,是各国竞技游泳保持持续发展的重要成功经验.针对我国游泳项目的落后状况,从不同的视角与世界游泳强国进行比较分析,找寻出我国游泳项目存在的差距,并在不断借鉴世界游泳强国竞技体育成功经验的基础上,探讨出振兴我国游泳项目的改革措施和发展对策,从而促进我国游泳事业全面可持续化发展.  相似文献   

世界竞技游泳水平飞速发展的今天,我国竞技游泳水平的发展速度已跟不上步伐。当今国际国内游泳赛场上进入决赛的都是天才,这是先进的训练理念和科学化训练的结果。根据我国的训练体制,95%以上的优秀游泳运动员来自于业余体校,而天才游泳运动员的天赋又有早期化表现的特点,重视基础训练的理念创新已是当务之急。随着专项运动的迅速发展,对基础训练的要求更高了。提高选材理念和创新训练理念是当今我国竞技游泳加速发展的重要思路。[第一段]  相似文献   

优秀游泳运动员最佳竞技年龄特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用文献资料和数理统计法,对现阶段国内外优秀游泳运动员最佳竞技年龄特点进行分析,认为我国优秀游泳运动员的最佳竞技年龄区比世界优秀游泳运动员保持短。我国优秀游泳动员最佳竞技年龄明显早于世界优秀游泳运动员,世界优秀男女游泳运动员的平均最佳竞技年龄均为22岁;我国优秀男女游泳运动员的最佳竞技年龄分别为20岁和17.5岁。建议早期训练避免专项化过早;加强对运动员综合能力的培养;正视并且重视比赛和训练中运动成绩的短暂停滞。  相似文献   

不同训练阶段下我国优秀游泳运动员形态结构的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以界定我国优秀游泳运动员各训练阶段为切入点,在研究游泳运动员专项形态基础上,比较其在不同训练阶段下的形态差异。结果表明:我国游泳女子运动员的专项提高阶段为13~15岁,最佳竞技阶段为16~22岁,竞技保持阶段为23~26岁,男子各阶段相对女子晚1~2年。此外,游泳专项特征主要体现在“倒三角”的体型、身高、臂长和质量较高的肌肉群4个方面。不同训练阶段下游泳运动员形态特征为:不论男女,在专项提高阶段,形态上某些指标尚具有一定的发育与挖掘潜力,相对于最佳竞技和竞技保持阶段,不具有形态上的专项优势,其差异性主要表现在基本形态因子上;最佳竞技阶段与竞技保持阶段的形态差异不具有显著性。  相似文献   

G861.103 20034870影响我国竞技游泳水平滑坡及后备力量不足的主要因素=Prior factors to induce competitive swimminglevel decline and insufficient of reserve talentsin China[刊,中,A]/刘明辉,刘英杰,陈少坚,王德平,赵克(集美大学体育学院),黄力生(厦门大学),原家玮(国家总局游泳运动管理)//广州体育学院学报.-2003,23(3).-50-53表3参11(SJ)游泳//竞技体育//后备力量//影响因素针对我国竞技游泳水平下滑现状,全面分析我国竞技游泳的滑坡原因及存在的问题,旨在延长高水平游泳运动员的运动寿命,培养2008年北京奥运会我国竞技游泳后备力量。  相似文献   

以第29届北京奥运会为切入点,对近20年来国际重大赛事成绩进行对比、分析,以竞技游泳成绩的变化特点对我国竞技游泳发展现状进行描绘;同时,针对现阶段我国竞技游泳存在的问题提出参考建议。  相似文献   

竞技体育发展至今,科学选材、科学训练已成为竞技水平提高的重要因素,优秀运动员的成长过程是贯穿科学选材、科学训练的系统工程。少儿游泳训练是优秀游泳运动员训练过程关键的时期。在刚刚结束的悉尼奥运会上,我国游泳项目成绩不尽人意,落后的原因是多方面的。我国优秀选手整体水平不高,实力单薄,与选拔、培养少儿运动员有着必然联系。  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会我国竞技游泳后备人才的培养对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从社会学、运动训练学、体育管理学、人才学等视角,针对我国竞技游泳下滑现状和影响发展的因素,以及2008年北京奥运会我国竞技游泳后备力量的培养形式等问题,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、走访调查法、专家咨询法,比较分析法、数理统计法以及趋势研究法等综合研究方法对我国部分地区(北京、上海、广州、辽宁等)、不同水平的游泳运动员以及他们的教练员、领队进行调查研究,全面分析我国竞技游泳的滑坡原因及存在的问题,旨在延长高水平游泳运动员的运动寿命,提出培养北京奥运会我国竞技游泳后备力量的可行性措施。  相似文献   

陈映红  张竹武 《游泳》2007,(5):18-25
全运会是我国最高水平的综合性运动会,我国各个竞技体育项目在全运会上的表现是突出的,特别是游泳项目,因此,本研究力求通过对我国两届全运会游泳比赛的成绩水平与奥运会游泳比赛以及世界游泳锦标赛的成绩进行分析比较,从中看到我国游泳所取得的进步以及世界游泳的发展速度,为备战2008年北京奥运会的赛前形势分析提供参考依据。  相似文献   

从社会学、运动训练学、体育管理学、人才学等方面,指出影响我国竞技游泳运动下滑的因素,并提出新时期我国竞技游泳运动的发展策略。  相似文献   

Much research has examined shoulder range of motion adaptations in overhead-unilateral athletes. Based on the void examining overhead-bilateral athletes, especially competitive swimmers, we examined shoulder external rotation, isolated internal rotation, composite internal rotation, and total arc of motion range of motion of competitive swimmers. The range of motion of registered competitive swimmers (n = 144, age = 12-61 years) was compared by limb (dominant, non-dominant), sex, and age group (youth, high school, college, masters). Significantly (P < 0.05) greater dominant external rotation was observed for both men and women high school and college swimmers, youth women swimmers, and men masters swimmers compared with the non-dominant limb. The isolated internal rotation (glenohumeral rotation), composite internal rotation (glenohumeral rotation plus scapulothoracic protraction), and total arc of motion (external rotation plus composite internal rotation) of the non-dominant limb was significantly greater than that of the dominant limb by sex and age group. Youth and high school swimmers demonstrated significantly greater composite internal rotation than college and masters swimmers. Youth swimmers displayed significantly greater total arc of motion than all other age groups. These data will aid in the interpretation of shoulder range of motion values in competitive swimmers during preseason screenings, injury evaluations and post-rehabilitation programmes, with the results suggesting that differences exist in bilateral external rotation, isolated internal rotation, composite internal rotation, and total arc of motion range of motion.  相似文献   


Few studies of young competitive swimmers have measured the swimmer in the water, but many have utilized the treadmill or bicycle ergometer on land. The maximum oxygen uptake of 31 (17 male and 14 female) competitive swimmers, 9 to 17 years of age, was determined during an intermittent tethered swimming test which consisted of a series of 3-minute workloads followed by 3-minute rest intervals. Each new workload was increased by multiples of 1.1 kg, and the work was continued to voluntary exhaustion. The subjects were members of a competitive swim club that took part in vigorous swim training throughout the year. Testing was conducted at the peak of the competitive out-door season. Over a period of a year, the daily training distance of these swimmers averaged approximately 7,000 yards, or almost four times that reported by others. The mean maximum oxygen uptake was 48.8 ml·kg?1·min?1 for the females and 55.8 ml·kg?1·min?1 for the males. Although the values for the younger swimmers were comparable with other published studies, the older male and female swimmers exhibited consistently higher values. The natural decline in maximum oxygen uptake per unit weight (ml/kg) reported by others in pubescent females was reversed by the over-distance training in the present study.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown the contribution of genetic determinants to athletes’ physical ability. However, despite the fact that cognitive abilities like self-control and stress-tolerance influence athletes’ competitive performance, few studies to date have investigated the association between genetic polymorphism, which is linked to cognitive ability and athletic performance. The present study investigated the link between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are known to exert influences on dopaminergic neural function and competitive performance of swimmers. The results have revealed superior competitive performance in competitive swimmers with Met allele of catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism than those with Val/Val genotype. The investigated SNPs of DRD2 and DRD3 were not associated with swimmer’s competitive performance. This finding indicates that genetic polymorphism linked to cognitive ability influences the athletes’ performance.  相似文献   

何江海 《体育科技》2005,26(2):27-29
长期以来在中国游泳界普遍认为竞技游泳属于青少年而不是成年人的运动项目。基于这种认识,在人才培养方面出现一些决策性偏差,表现在全国少年儿童游泳比赛分龄组中偏重于儿童,造使各级选材年龄相继提前,趋于小龄化;对少年儿童过早实施“成人化”训练,造成男子游泳出成绩的年龄逐年下降,趋于年轻化;在训练各个阶段由于运动员流失过大,导致成材率偏低。这些问题是造成中国男子游泳落后的原因。  相似文献   


Young, healthy varsity swimmers were studied over a period of 14 months with regard to the effect of a typical training and competitive collegiate swimming program on plasma cholesterol and phospholipids. Chemical analyses on blood cholesterol and phospholipids were made and compared for competitive and noncompetitive seasons. A dietary analysis was also made during the competitive season. In both the original and subsequent study involving the current (1960–61) varsity swimmers analyses were made of the acute effect of physical exertion on plasma cholesterol and phospholipids.

The exercise, used for conditioning varsity swimming athletes did not significantly lower blood cholesterol and phospholipids. However, this result is not necessarily at variance with the view of some investigators that exercise does exert a hypocholesterilizing effect. Several factors are discussed which are thought to have influenced ultimate results.  相似文献   

缪佳 《体育科研》2012,33(6):1-6
从对上海运动员(包括引进运动员)在历届奥运会上的成绩的分析,总结上海在奥运会上获得金牌、奖牌及参加人数最多的游泳项目的发展特点,提出上海竞技体育发展应该以国际化的视野、先进的训练理念、科学的训练方法,培养既有国际影响力、又能成为未来社会栋梁的新型运动员。并探析上海竞技体育的可持续发展之路:以奥运会为主要发展目标,在提高上海体育国际影响力的同时,辐射、引领中国竞技体育的良性发展。  相似文献   

随着体育全球化的推进,各种体育赛事层出不穷。游泳是奥运会的重要比赛项目,奖牌多,影响力大。新形势下,世界泳坛百花争艳,各国选手都极具竞争力,而我国游冰运动员的运动寿命短暂,平均年龄低于国外选手,忽视了许多大器晚成的优秀运动员。因此,本文通过介绍“运动寿命”的定义,分析我国优秀游泳运动员的培养现状,讨论造成优秀游泳运动员运动寿命短暂的因素,寻找延长优秀游泳运动员运动寿命的策略。  相似文献   

Task-specific auditory training can improve sensorimotor processing times of the auditory reaction time (RT). The majority of competitive swimmers do not conduct habitual start training with the electronic horn used to commence a race. We examined the effect of four week dive training interventions on RT and block time (BT) of 10 male adolescent swimmers (age 14.0 ± 1.4 years): dive training with auditory components (speaker and electronic horn) (n = 5) and dive training without auditory components (n = 5). Auditory stimulus dive training significantly reduced swimming start RT, compared with dive training without auditory components (p < 0.01), with a group mean RT reduction of 13 ± 9 ms. Four of the five swimmers that received auditory stimulus training showed medium to large effect size reductions in RT (d = 0.74; 1.32; 1.40; 1.81). No significant changes to swimmers’ BTs were evident in either dive training intervention. The adolescent swimmers’ results were compared against six male elite swimmers (age 19.8 ± 1.0 years). The elite swimmers had significantly shorter BTs (p < 0.05) but no significant difference in RTs. Auditory stimulus dive training should be explored further as a mechanism for improving swimming start performance in elite swimmers who have pre-established optimal BTs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of increased high-intensity interval training (HIT) at the expense of total training volume on the stress and recovery levels of elite swimmers. Forty-one elite swimmers participated in the study and were randomly assigned to either a HIT or a control group (CON). Eleven swimmers did not complete the questionnaires. For 12 weeks both groups trained ~12 h per week. The amount of HIT was ~5 h vs. 1 h, and total distance was ~17 km vs. ~35 km per week for HIT and CON, respectively. HIT was performed as 6–10 × 10–30 s maximal effort interspersed by 2–4 min of rest. The Recovery Stress Questionnaire – Sport was used to measure the swimmers’ stress and recovery levels. After the 12 week intervention, the general stress level was 16.6% (2.6–30.7%; mean and 95% CI) lower and the general recovery level was 6.5% (0.7–12.4%) higher in HIT compared to the CON, after adjusting for baseline values. No significant effects could be observed in sports-specific stress or sports-specific recovery. The results indicate that increasing training intensity and reducing training volume for 12 weeks can reduce general stress and increase general recovery levels in competitive swimmers.  相似文献   

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