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黑人自传是美国自传文学极具特色的一部分,尤其是黑人女性自传。因女性身份、肤色原罪等群体特征,黑人女性自传揭示了多重自我、呈现了“我”与“我们”的代表与被代表关系。然而,近年来被关国文学界重新发掘的黑人女作家赫斯顿的自传《路上的尘埃痕》,却打破了黑人女性自传揭示群体性自我的传统,通过消解“我”的种族身份、女性身份而构建了“纯我”,而其现实生活中“真我”却被作者以迂回式叙事策略而遮掩了。“纯我”与“真我”在自传文本中以复调式叙述结构、以此消彼长的延展而达到最终的对立统一  相似文献   

Utilizing a Critical Race Mixed Methodology framework, the purpose of this concurrent (QUANT +qual) mixed methods study was to investigate the relationships between the racial identity, science identity, science self-efficacy beliefs, and science achievement of 347 African American college students who attend historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The quantitative data identified several statistically significant relationships between science identity, racial identity, science self-efficacy, and science achievement. The results of a path analysis suggested that college science achievement is significantly explained by science identity (indirect effect = 0.09, p < 0.01), and marginally by racial identity measures (centrality, nationalist, and public regard), with science self-efficacy serving as a mediator. In the qualitative strand, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 students from the quantitative strand in order to corroborate the findings between the two methods. The qualitative data revealed that HBCUs facilitate the development of the constructs of interest by establishing Black racial cohesion and Black science cohesion, as well as by building students’ science cultural capital. Overall the qualitative findings corroborated several key quantitative findings.  相似文献   

Signithia Fordham’s theory of “racelessness” purports that while interacting with teachers, administrators, and peers in the school setting, academically successful Blacks must suppress the racial identities of their home worlds to secure and maintain the label of high achiever. My objectives were to examine how young Black women navigate between racially homogenous public schools in their neighborhoods to a racially integrated setting, and to highlight their involvement in work groups and social clubs as a way of expressing their racial identity and burgeoning womanhood. This study used interviews and questionnaire data gathered from a cohort of high-achieving young Black women in a highly selective honors high school to dispute Fordham’s theory, and to examine the various strategies that these women use to become and remain academically successful. This study revealed that through social club participation these female students are not raceless, and consciously identify as Black, and develop and demonstrate versions of Black womanhood that allow them to negotiate diversity. Implications for promoting racial integration, the development of Black identity, and the academic success of Black female students are provided.  相似文献   

Questions pertaining to racial and cultural identification are salient among social work educators in their role as teachers in the classroom. In the context of the 21st century, as an increasing number of people cannot be classified by race, an awareness of the complexities of cultural and racial identity is more important than ever. For social work pedagogy there is a need for critical reflection, increased awareness, sensitivity to multiculturalism, and cultural diversity. As social work educators, it is crucial for us to teach through the lens of multiculturalism and create spaces for voices of students who belie traditional racial and ethnic categories. This article elevates the voices of Black ethnic women, underscoring the complexity of identity construction within the United States. Qualitative interviews explore the dynamic social constructions of identification for 10 women who identify as Black and ethnic, as one example of a nuanced differentiation of race and culture. This article is a discussion of research findings and includes implications for teaching social work practice that broaden our range of understanding and highlight representations of women with marginal identities, thus furthering our social justice mission.  相似文献   

Using the unique form of a composite counterstory culled from the experiences of 13 Black women at historically and predominantly White colleges and universities in a Western U.S. state, this paper explores the psychological tensions and silencing Black college women face as they navigate social constructions of their selfhood under a White gaze. This study centers these Black women’s voices through a tradition of storytelling and examines the ways they try to carve their own place by often engaging liberating, yet repressive, historically constructed STRONGBLACKWOMAN imagery to counteract equally silencing Angry Black Woman imagery. The historically and predominantly White institutional spaces within which these women study, live, and play exacerbate this tension, propelling them to model and rely upon stereotypically ‘positive’ representations of Black womanhood to deal with the pain of microaggressions. Altogether, these factors create instances of enhanced racial battle fatigue.  相似文献   

Black gay/bisexual male youth are one of the groups most affected by HIV in the United States, but few behavioral interventions have been created specifically to address this health inequity. Oppression related to these youths’ multiple social identities—including racism, heterosexism, and HIV stigma—contribute to increased health risks. Primary and secondary HIV prevention interventions created specifically for Black gay/bisexual male youth that address the negative impact of oppression are urgently needed. We present empowerment as a framework for understanding how oppression affects health, and critical consciousness as a tool to be utilized in behavioral interventions. This approach helps to move Black gay/bisexual male youth from a place of oppression and powerlessness that leads to elevated health risks to a position of empowerment that promotes feelings of control and participation in healthy behaviors. Finally, we present a case example of our own critical consciousness-based secondary HIV prevention intervention created specifically for Black gay/bisexual male youth.  相似文献   

论《紫色》的黑人妇女形象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用女权主义和文化研究批评方法分析了《紫色》中的四个黑人妇女形象:西丽的新生、独立的女性莎格、具有抗争意识的内蒂和敢做敢为的索菲亚。黑人妇女不仅受着男性的压迫,同时作为黑人,她们同她们的种族还一起受着白人的压迫。所以,黑人妇女的解放是以黑人种族解放为前提的。  相似文献   

"歌唱"是黑人历史、文化的一个重要符号.在许多黑人作家笔下,这一符号是漂泊、流落在异国他乡的非洲子民追根寻祖,确立自我身份的隐喻.美国当代著名的非裔女作家艾丽丝@沃克在她的<紫颜色>一书中对这一古老的黑人文化符号进行现代女性主义的阐释.深入文本进行分析,发现该作品中的"歌唱"意象代表一种黑人女性反抗种族歧视和父权社会,发展和完善自我人格,努力寻找自由和幸福的声音.  相似文献   

Marginalized communities cannot and do not have decontextualized experiences with how socioscientific issues, such as exposure to COVID-19 as frontline essential workers, high Black infant mortality rates, air pollution leading to respiratory problems, and other issues, affect their communities. As PreK-12 science teachers and teacher educators strive to dismantle oppressive practices in their classrooms and curriculum, it would be helpful to learn from Black women science teachers who have been engaging in anti-racist practices before the racial awakenings of Summer 2020. In this study, three different virtual focus groups, or Sista Circles, were conducted with 18 Black women secondary science teachers. Ranging from 1 to 22 years of experience, Black women teachers across the country and international participants in Canada and Qatar participated in the Sista Circles. From intersectional qualitative analysis and narrative inquiry, the findings of the study reveal that Black women science teachers enact anti-racist science teaching by bringing something new to the community; using NGSS standards within the context of the community; teaching at the intersection of history, culture, and science learning and teaching; and building critical consciousness in the science classroom. Furthermore, the findings of the study have implications for the use of anti-racist frameworks within the context of science education that were authentically the practices of the Black women in the study. This study offers insights into how the critical consciousness of Black women teachers can be represented in the science classroom even in times of nonsupport from peers and administration. The power and necessity of Black women teachers are paramount in science classrooms specifically because of the neutral, apolitical ways science teaching has been approached in the past. The narratives and stories shared here exemplify how Black women science teachers transform science teaching and learning by displaying various acts of Criticality.  相似文献   

Black students face repeated racial microaggressions that may challenge their mental health and academic performance in engineering doctoral programs. Researchers attribute this to stereotypes and institutional climates that juxtapose their STEM and racial identities as incongruent. In this article, we analyzed the perceptions of environmental, behavioral, and verbal racial microaggressions of 33 Black doctoral students and postdocs, with a focus on their interactions with non-Black peers. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with Black doctoral students from 11 Predominantly White Institutions in the United States. To analyze the experiences of our participants, we utilized two theoretical frameworks: Racial microaggressions and identity nonverification. Across the interviews, participants described various forms of racial microaggressions that greatly challenged their sense of belonging and identities as engineers. This research affirms the need to develop initiatives at the departmental and institutional levels to encourage more inclusive spaces for diverse students in STEM doctoral programs and to combat the types of exclusionary practices found in this study.  相似文献   

黑人女性长期遭受双重压迫——种族歧视和性别压迫。美国黑人女作家托尼.莫里森聚焦黑人历史和黑人女性,成功地书写了黑人女性在白人为主导和男权统治的社会环境中积极建构种族身份,寻找自我的艰难历程。莫里森的创作不仅促进了黑人女性主体意识的发展,也推动了美国文学的进步。  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, young women are at the highest risk of HIV infection. Comprehensive sexuality education and open parent–child communication about sex have been shown to mitigate risky sexual practices associated with HIV. This study aimed to identify sources of HIV prevention knowledge among young women aged 10–14 years and community-based strategies to enhance HIV prevention in Zambia. Focus group discussions were conducted with 114 young women in Zambian provinces with the highest rates (~20%) of HIV. Discussions were recorded, transcribed and coded, and addressed perceived HIV risk, knowledge and access to information. Participants reported that limited school-based sexuality education reduced opportunities to gain HIV prevention knowledge, and that cultural and traditional practices promoted negative attitudes regarding condom use. Parent–child communication about sex was perceived to be limited; parents were described as feeling it improper to discuss sex with their children. Initiatives to increase comprehensive sexuality education and stimulate parental communication about sexual behaviour were suggested by participants. Culturally tailored programmes to increase parent–child communication appear warranted. Community-based strategies aimed at enhancing protective sexual behaviour among those most at risk are essential.  相似文献   


Black male teachers are consistently positioned in teacher recruitment and teacher education discourse as the potential solution to a myriad of social and educational problems. However, the expectations of Black male performance are at times predicated on limiting and oppressive assumptions. In this qualitative study, the authors use the Black feminist tenet, heteropatriarchy, to examine the life histories of two Black male teacher candidates and one Black male teacher in order to convey the problematic relationship among racial and gendered stereotypes, professional identities, and classroom experiences. Our findings suggest that the expectations Black male educators perceive others to hold of them do not leave space for diverse expressions of racial, gendered, and sexual identities. We conclude by offering recommendations toward identifying and challenging themes of heteropatriarchy within the social, cultural, and professional expectations communicated to Black male teacher candidates and teachers.  相似文献   

文章在以云南省艾滋病人口分性别进行研究的基础上,提出基于女性性别脆弱性的艾滋病防治对策,对于减少女性人口在面对艾滋病时的脆弱性,提高艾滋病防治的效率具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Black Teacher Project (BTP) is an organization that supports, develops and sustains Black teachers for schools in the United States. The organization is building a Black teaching force that reflects the diversity and excellence of Black people in the United States. In our pilot year, BTP offered racial affinity-based professional development supports for Black teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City, and sought to understand the impact on the teachers who participated. This article describes the findings from these supports, including a year-long book study, inquiry groups, and drop-in “Rejuvenation Spaces.” A key finding from this initial pilot study is that racial affinity-based professional development decreases isolation and increases retention for Black teachers.  相似文献   

Community-based organizations have long influenced education reforms, and urban areas are especially vulnerable to community work that transcends racial and economic boundaries. The purpose of this study is to explore how The League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley, a mostly White, middle-upper-class women’s organization, worked to pursue one of the most prominent urban education reforms in the last half century—school desegregation. Using interview and archival data, this historical case study is theoretically framed by various critical constructs to examine how the organization’s racial and economic privileges, and in some cases oppression, coupled with gendered systems of patriarchy and misogyny, influenced the process and outcomes of school desegregation reform in Las Vegas between 1966 and 1972. The organization’s intersectional identities afforded them unique opportunities and barriers. Nevertheless, they ultimately compromised on an inequitable policy that burdened Black children and their families for close to 20 years. These findings suggest that the intersectional identities of organizations can both empower and hinder community engagement in education reform. Because interests often diverge, organizations undertaking education reform should do the collective work necessary to address unintended policy consequences of education reform efforts.  相似文献   

Children prefer learning from, and affiliating with, their racial in‐group but those preferences may vary for biracial children. Monoracial (White, Black, Asian) and biracial (Black/White, Asian/White) children (= 246, 3–8 years) had their racial identity primed. In a learning preferences task, participants determined the function of a novel object after watching adults (White, Black, and Asian) demonstrate its uses. In the social preferences task, participants saw pairs of children (White, Black, and Asian) and chose with whom they most wanted to socially affiliate. Biracial children showed flexibility in racial identification during learning and social tasks. However, minority‐primed biracial children were not more likely than monoracial minorities to socially affiliate with primed racial in‐group members, indicating their in‐group preferences are contextually based.  相似文献   

Black children generally receive poorer sociometric nominations compared with Whites. This effect is not fully understood because Black children rarely hold a classroom majority and teachers' race is rarely investigated. Research from a person-environment perspective suggests that the effects of children's race depend on the racial composition of the classroom and society's racial attitudes. Sociometric nominations were obtained from 1,268 5th graders, between 9 and 11 years old (53% Black), across 57 classrooms (3-95% Black students). Half of the teachers were Black. The results indicated that ratings of Black children were more influenced by the racial context of classrooms than were ratings of White children. The implications of this study are discussed in relation to group dynamics and racial discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on some of the life histories and presents experiences of two Black, professional women: one, a university, academic researcher (Doreen), and the other, a state nursery head teacher and research gate-keeper (Syble). We united with a mutual purpose, that is to embark on research into the success of Black children, now adults, of a 1970s Black-led, inner-city community nursery. Although sharing a research stage/agenda, the same gender, racial and social class grouping and thus seemingly having much in common, this paper will show that our stories sometimes vary substantially due to distinctive social, geographical, time-frame, career-choice factors, and personal and professional values. Issues such as identity, culture, citizenship, and race and racism will feature strongly here among some matters arising with regards to femininity and social class. The paper will conclude by emphasizing that among a homogeneous, gender and racial grouping of apparent generalities, individuals exist—a frequent oversight, especially with regards to African-Caribbean people.  相似文献   


The one-drop rule refers to the process of being racialized Black when someone contains any amount of Black ancestry, i.e. one drop of Black blood. In this article, I use what I call ‘the new one-drop rule’ to explain how even the smallest presence of white discourse can disrupt racial equity work in schools. Based on a critical race study in a racially desegregated elementary school, I illustrate how one drop of white discourse from even one less racially literate white teacher can cause usually more racially literate white teachers to support white supremacy. I also share how collaborative research utilizing critical race theory (CRT) can help schools build greater racial literacy and resist white discourse. I argue that critical research on race with in-service teachers should not forefront the consciousness-raising of resistant white teachers but rather center the wants, needs, and racial knowledge of racially literate teachers and especially teachers of color.  相似文献   

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