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This essay follows up on an article published in Soccer & Society prior to the 2018 World Cup in Russia. There it was argued that this edition of the World Cup served as particularly interesting for the academic field focussed on sport-mega events (SMEs) and ‘security’, because of its uniquely securitized climate. Written immediately after the 2018 World Cup, the present essay reflects upon the event’s ‘security’ and mega-event security more broadly. It revisits some ‘security-related’ episodes. Then, special attention will be given the media discourse vis-à-vis ‘hooliganism’. The essay argues that the media discourse took an unorthodox ‘turn’ with regard to English ‘hooligans’, who, compared to past events, were portrayed as being ‘in risk’ – rather than being the group generating ‘the risk’ of football-related violence and public disorder.  相似文献   


Russia’s (and the USSR’s) use of sports mega-events (SMEs) makes this BRICS country (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) not only an outlier among emerging states, but also among key SME hosts generally. Both the historic Moscow Olympics (1980) and the more recent hosting of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics provide evidence that Russia has, on both occasions, focussed on geopolitical priorities using hard power (military might) at the expense of soft power acquisition. Furthermore, both Olympics were, first and foremost, used to pursue domestic soft power goals. This, again, makes Russia an outlier in terms of the political use of SMEs by states in the literature on this subject. The 1980 Olympic Games, therefore, in terms of their potential to generate soft power and national unity, turned out to be a mis-used opportunity for Russia. To what extent is this specific to Russia and could the first Russian Olympics provide valuable insight into the modern-day hosting of SMEs by Russia (2014/2018)?  相似文献   


The Games of the New Emerging Forces (GANEFO) often serve as an example of the entanglement of sport, Cold War politics and the Non-Aligned Movement in the 1960s. Indonesia as the initiator plays a salient role in the research on this challenge for the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The legacy of GANEFO and Indonesia’s further relationship with the IOC, however, has not yet drawn proper academic attention. This paper analyzes Indonesia’s interactions with the IOC until the present time, with a focus on the country’s involvement in sporting events under the patronage of the IOC (such as the Asian and Southeast Asian Games). In addition, two case studies demonstrate the variable relationship between the two actors. First, Indonesia only narrowly escaped sanctions over a dispute on the use of the Olympic logo in 2015. Yet, the country is named as host of the 2018 Asian Games, hence showing high ambitions to re-enter the international sports arena. These incidents illustrate the significance of conformity of local agencies towards the IOC with regard to political positions and power structures. The study opens the field to local – Asian – perspectives on interactions with the IOC.  相似文献   


On April 1, 2018, the new standards of compliance to the code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) came into force. The new standards impact all sports. An important amendment has been made to an article of the existing code ‘Additional Roles and Responsibility of the Parties’. Now, all international federations and the unions in agreement with WADA are obliged to reject applications for holding all sporting events from countries that do not comply with the WADA code. By then, Russian elite sport remained in isolation because the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) had no license from WADA until a compromise agreement allowed Russia back into international sports in September 2018. The probability of obtaining permanent return to international sport was extremely low. In order to obtain the license, Russian sport authorities were asked to agree with the reports of Professor McLaren and to admit the existence of doping support in the country at the state level, which seemed improbable. In Russia, although the new standards of the World Anti-Doping Agency code have not caused special concerns it directly impact Russian elite sport. Unless certain conditions were met by 2019, there was a high probability that Russia would not be able to attend large international competitions in the near future, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The situation dictates the choice of the new strategy of development for Russian sport and new model for the fight against doping, which can be not dependent on WADA. To date, there have been no real checks on WADA’s authority other than occasional decisions in the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Academics who are critical of WADA’s functions often find themselves marginalized when the purported global doping “crisis” should bring “all hands on deck” to provide a humanistic and scientific approach that is best for athletes past, present and future. The functions of WADA in investigating, charging and punishing athletes do not contribute to sustainable development of sport and the sports industry around the world, and create unipolar environment of influence on sports development. Therefore, in this article, we describe some alternative forms and new order of regulation of the anti-doping relations in sport.  相似文献   

With global media attention and a global reach, mega-sporting events play a crucial role in sports communication. Although the audience of these events has traditionally been overwhelmingly male, in recent years they have attracted an increasing number of women. The present paper therefore explores women’s and men’s motives for watching three mega-sporting events – FIFA World Cup 2006, the UEFA European Championship 2008 and FIFA World Cup 2010 – and compares the intensities of the three central motives of thrill, entertainment and information, especially as they relate to participants’ levels of general interest in sport. The results indicate that as their interest in sport increases, the differences between the motives of women and men decrease. This finding provides valuable initial insights into the increasing popularity of mega-sporting events among women.  相似文献   

企业赞助大型体育赛事目的是为了提升企业的市场价值,针对多家中国企业赞助2018年俄罗斯世界杯的事件,用事件研究方法考察了企业签约赞助和开赛日2个阶段股票价格的异常收益波动,并用百度指数研究了网络关注度对异常收益的影响关系。研究发现,中国企业赞助俄罗斯世界杯,在签约事件窗口内企业获得正向的市场绩效,而在开赛日事件窗口内企业获得负向的市场绩效。百度指数与股票异常收益的关系,说明网络关注度对事件影响产生催化剂的作用。研究结果表明,企业赞助大型赛事需要注重短期和长期的效果,注意防止过度炒作,并要积极采用营销组合的手段扩大赞助带来的影响和收益。  相似文献   

我国沙滩排球运动于1994年被正式列为比赛项目,在近几年的发展中取得了较大的进步,但是男子沙滩排球与世界强队还有较大差距,本研究通过文献资料法、录像分析法、梳理统计法等方法针对2019年沙滩排球世锦赛男子决赛德国和俄罗斯在比赛中每一次得分所用的技术,观看录像统计德国每次得分前的技术和俄罗斯每次得分前的技术,以此作为研究基础,试图寻找各国强队运用最多的得分技术,为我国沙滩排球提供借鉴,并提出建议,以期为我国男子沙滩排球的针对性训练和运动成绩进一步提高提供数据参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the eight-month 1904–1905 Indian tour of world-renowned strongman and physical culture pioneer Eugen Sandow, which occurred as nationalism surged and Japan shockingly defeated Russia during the Russo-Japanese War. Using Sandow’s writings, numerous newspaper accounts and several fascinating Indian texts it penetrates beyond Sandow’s claims that he ‘learnt little’ in the subcontinent to explore processes of cultural exchange despite the power imbalances inherent in the colonial context. The paper provides details about Sandow’s itinerary, shows and reception in key cities such as Calcutta, Bombay and Madras between October 1904 and June 1905, when the strongman headed further east to the Straits Settlements and China, but it also reveals the voices of Indian physical culture practitioners, including wrestlers and pahlwans such as Ramamurti Naidu – the ‘Indian Sandow’ – who repeatedly challenged Sandow. The paper suggests that through the careful reading of a variety of sources it is even possible to glimpse moments of recognition and respect between Sandow and Indian strongmen or physical culturists. In Sandow’s case this was particularly apparent in his use of Indian knowledge to produce a new health product named ‘Sandow’s Concentrated Embrocation’ following his stay in India.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法和数理统计等研究方法,对中国女子体操队在第42、43届体操世锦赛中比赛成绩进行分析,总结目前中国女子体操队存在的优势和不足。研究结果显示:中国女子团体冠军的主要竞争对手是美国队、俄罗斯队,女子个人全能型选手相对缺乏。单项中高低杠和平衡木项目优势已不在明显,自由操和跳马项目成为突破的致命短板。在43届世锦赛中,动作完成分(E分)扣分相当严格,中国队在高低杠上的转体和前摆成倒立被扣分最多,应要引起重视。在"533"赛制下,比赛偶然性和不可预测性增大。因此,每一项目参赛队员们都要尽量减少失误的发生,增加比赛的稳定性。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的不断提高,社会保障体制的不断完善,医疗技术的不断进步,人的寿命也有了延长。现如今,我国的老龄化问题已备受社会的关注,老年人的健康生活也引起社会的重视。本文对山西省洪洞县老年人体育锻炼目的、锻炼项目、锻炼频数等现状进行调查研究,为老年人健康科学的锻炼提供可靠的数据。  相似文献   


Although US goalkeeper, Hope Solo, had guided the women’s national soccer team to the semi-finals of the 2007 Women’s World Cup, head coach Greg Ryan benched Solo in favour of 1999 World Cup winning goalkeeper, Briana Scurry. The US lost, 4 – 0, the worst loss ever in World Cup play. The loss did not capture news headlines; rather, Hope Solo’s post-game comments about Ryan’s decision to bench her went viral. I contend that Solo’s outburst interrupted the historical narrative of the US women’s national soccer team. Solo’s action revealed an oppressive team culture of female containment. In a 30-second sound bite, Solo disrupted the discourse of power on the team and in the media, temporarily producing a space for various conceptions of the female athlete to be recognized.  相似文献   

Rivalry games – or derbies – are special. They involve emotions and identities that reach way beyond the playing field. This article submits that the emotional content and normative expression of college football rivalries in the United States are less defined by the respective teams’ actual athletic results in the competition but rather by their institutions’ perceived prestige as well as their social and cultural capital encapsulated by their academic ranking. Fans of the institution that is lower ranked in its academic status display envy towards their opponents representing an institution with higher academic ranking, whereas the latter express scorn for the former. They both hate each other but the nature of their respective hatred differs: envy up, scorn down. The paper analyses a bevy of college rivalries before focusing on two featuring the University of Michigan.  相似文献   

刘兵 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(4):399-401
体育教学环境是学生进行体育活动的重要因素,是影响教学质量和对教学效果有直接联系的重要环节,但历来被人们所忽视,特别是在人文环境这一方面,在以人为本的和谐社会里,体育教学环境作为体育教学的一个重要因素,它对于提高教学质量,促进学生身心发展具有重要的影响。因此,清醒地分析学校体育学科的现状,从中找出存在的问题,并根据有关法规和学院的实际情况,进一步探讨学校体育深化改革发展的思路,是非常必要的。  相似文献   

This article delves into the meaning of the 1950 World Cup, held in Brazil after a 12-year hiatus due to the Second World War and two decades after a South American country (Uruguay) had hosted the tournament. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the role of sport memoirs in the cementing of a collective imagination on the Brazilian National Team's defeat in 1950. Anchored on a triple dimension – organisational, tactical and technical – the analysis explores the way in which the loss of the title to the Uruguayan team was experienced by a number of actors – among them players, management personnel and fans – and set in writing by many generations of sports writers. Through the diachronic choice of works published by journalists (which include memoirs, news stories, biographies and autobiographies), the objective is to point to the congealing of a rhetoric made up of negative remarks associated to the football event, such as ‘trauma’, ‘drama’, ‘tragedy’ and even ‘catastrophe’. Contemporary historical perspective, which questions the deep-rooted opposition between memory and history will be turned so as to support the consideration of whether the former can in fact direct, or even shape, the latter's features.  相似文献   

钟俊 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(3):260-262
运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法等研究方法对第十九届世界杯足球赛冠军西班牙队与亚洲球队运用快速反击战术的情况进行比较分析。最后得出结论:亚洲球队对快速反击战术的运用都有了足够的重视,但由于后场发动的快速反击战术的效果不佳,使其运用快速反击战术的质量与冠军队西班牙队有较大的差距;亚洲球队发动快速反击时在传球路线和传球次数的合理性上与冠军队西班牙队有较大的差距。  相似文献   

本文采用录像观察法、文献资料法和数理统计法,观察统计了第42届、43届世界体操锦标赛女子体操比赛的团体、全能及单项的比赛情况,分析了当今世界女子体操的格局和我国女子体操的实力状况。研究结果表明:1)我国女队仍处于世界三强之列,俄美两国团体实力相当,竞争激烈,我国团体实力稍逊于俄关两国;2)在全能实力上仍是俄美中三国具有明显的优势,在自由体操、平衡木和高低杠单项比赛中,俄国、美国、罗马尼亚、中国四国优势较为突出,而跳马单项比赛呈现出百花争艳的局面;3)我国平衡木优势明显,高低杠正逐渐被俄罗斯赶超,自由体操在单项决赛上有所突破,整体实力与俄关相比还有差距,跳马仍为弱项。  相似文献   

Recent changes in the sports industry – derived from increasing financial pressures – have led to the update of existing business models. Particularly in football, the dominant clubs develop new business models based on the spectators’ commitment to the sport. Packed stadiums attract more people who consume both the matches and the many other associated goods and services. In an experience economy, the lever is the tapping of their emotions by an increasingly sophisticated value proposal. Groups of passionate supporters lead the way to the establishment of communities with a common interest in the club. Following a qualitative methodology (interviews and other texts’ analysis) our study of the Real Madrid Football Club (RM) business model suggests that one of the biggest football clubs in the world is creating a business model based on the emotions of its supporters. This finding could be useful for other clubs in many different countries.  相似文献   


Ethnic sport offers an important and understudied lens into how newcomers – a key population on the social peripheries – negotiate their entry into host societies. Canada was among the top countries to receive European migrants after the Second World War. Soccer participation and fandom were a gateway in their resettlement and an axis for community formation, identity expression, economic advancement, and personal pleasure. This paper explores what four decades of ethnic soccer on the peripheries of post-war Toronto reveals about the local organization of immigrant life and the European newcomer’s mediated entry into English Canada. It demonstrates that Toronto soccer fans were sufficient in number and electoral voice to transform the urban politics of leisure and organization of social diversity, even as their leisure activities were still heavily contained by host institutions. Paradoxically, soccer’s straightjacketed role in Toronto as an ethnic social adhesive and platform for identity expression rendered it largely irrelevant to the general, more settled population, while its capacity to articulate ethnic differences made it a force and symbol of English Canada’s re-imagination as a multicultural society in the 1970s.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、录像观察、比较分析等研究方法对中俄男篮在第30届伦敦奥运会上的表现进行了比较分析,得出中俄男篮在技术层面上的差距。并通过进一步探究保证俄罗斯男篮崛起的制度因素,得出对中国男篮发展的启示:努力实现后备人才培养模式的多元化,大力发展大学生体育运动,全面提高国内联赛水平。  相似文献   

Among the Greeks of antiquity, the mesomorphic male form had been accorded high status. Two approaches inform the modern world's thinking about ‘the body’ – that which predominates in the biological sciences (the body is a ‘machine’ that is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry) and that which has been receiving intense attention from scholars in the social sciences and humanities (the body is substantially a neutral surface upon which social and cultural values are imprinted). What occurs deep within the body's structures is immensely important but it is anatomical form that commands our attention. The mesomorphic forms that presently pervade the media insistently proclaim that muscularity defines what it is ‘to be a man’. This is by no means the first time that such a message has been heard in the modern world. Among the better educated, by the 1860s the icon of the well-muscled male – and all that this implied – was rapidly replacing the eighteenth-century ideal of manliness as one of proper stances, gestures and countenance. This found particularly powerful expression in new forms of athletics and the concept of ‘athleticism’ that emerged first in England and quickly made its way across the Atlantic, where it became linked to the rising interest in anthropometry and a host of contemporary values. Not everyone agreed, however, that athletics were beneficial; or that the tape measure and dynamometer alone could ‘take a man's measure’. This paper examines the complex matter of the reassertion of the mesomorphic male body in Britain and America from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s – about not only its physical configuration but what was inferred from and about gross anatomical form.  相似文献   

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