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"一代辞宗"沈约,在<宋书·谢灵运传论>中展示了他的文学思想,认为文学的发展本以情变.文学创作与情志为本,六情是文学生命所在.他的"文以情变"的思想有着深刻的内涵.  相似文献   

通变是刘勰创作论中的重要思想,这一思想在<文心雕龙·物色>篇中具体体现在状物、述情两个方面,分别是以"简"应通变、"情变"才能"晓会通".<物色>篇是从提倡"情变"的角度来强调情在创作中的重要意义的.  相似文献   

在王安忆小说的负心情变母题里,痴情女性以受虐来认同男权文化,导致了自我身份认同的严重危机。本文从这一母题出发,提出当代女性应该如何建构自我身份的问题。  相似文献   

元散曲中的情变作品突破了传统诗歌的弃妇诗模式,展现了一副副的"泼妇"百态图。而这些与蒙古族游牧文化注入后人们的妇女观、婚恋观、道德价值观的变化分不开。  相似文献   

李跃荣 《广西教育》2010,(29):38-38
马卡连柯说过:"爱是教育的基础,没有爱就没有教育。"师爱的最高境界是师情变友情,是坚持把爱洒进学生的世界,走进学生的心灵,并最终成为他们的好朋友。  相似文献   

在拯救公主,寻找到真爱.稳住了Far far away王国,并且有了“小史莱克”后。我们的史莱克成了一个居家好男人。自然的,随着时间的飞逝。史莱克开始情变自己本性中“怪物”的一面。  相似文献   

刘勰在《文心雕龙.神思》“赞”中提出“神用象通,情变所孕”,用最简洁的语言概述了创作的首要步骤。创作主体只有在虚静的状态中达到“神与物游”的境界才能诞生“神用象通,情变所孕”的“意象”;这样创造主体才可以进入到文学创作阶段。此为创作关键阶段。同时刘勰还敏锐指出“意象”转化成文字时,即使作者拥有着良好的文学创作的素养,也可能出现完全表述的困难。这里就显示出在文学自觉和兴盛的魏晋时期,刘勰自觉地意识到“言”与“象”之间存在不可完全表述的客观困难。  相似文献   

在文学创作过程中,由于作家主观情感的作用,形成了作品中特定的情感逻辑。情感逻辑一直伴随着作家的整个创作过程,它以情感发展的内在支配力量为主导,有时甚至会超越事理逻辑的规范与约束,使作品呈现出"神用象通,情变所孕"的特点。  相似文献   

文学作品中,主要人物形象是表达作品主题和思想内容的关键,但次要人物形象在文学作品中的作用也是不容忽视的。吴趼人写情小说《恨海》《劫余灰》《情变》中的次要人物形象形色各异丰富多彩,在表达主题意蕴和完善作品结构上有着重要作用和价值。  相似文献   

一个在青年时代经历过“文革”,又惨遭家变和情变,被电打过,火烧过,炮崩过,房子塌了扣住过,翻车出过大祸的人,如今写出十大卷共400万字的康熙、雍正、乾隆系列小说,本本畅销,这在当前文坛可能是独此一人。真是——  相似文献   

王海的婚姻爱情系列小说,以女性为主体,但是在大家普遍把关注的目光投射到小说中的女性的情爱心理活动的时候,相应地"冷落"了小说中的男性。实际上,王海鸰的小说中的知识男性是非常有典型性的,王海鸰作品中的知识男性对婚姻爱情的态度也是非常具有探讨价值的。她不仅描写了男性"心的背叛,身的背叛,身心的背叛",更多次关注了男性的ED问题以及面对爱情婚姻困境的矛盾和冲突。  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated a positive association between child maltreatment and adult interpersonal trauma (Arata, 2000, Crawford and Wright, 2007). From a betrayal trauma theory perspective, evidence suggests that the experience of trauma high in betrayal (e.g., child maltreatment by parents or guardians) increases ones risk of betrayal trauma as an adult (Gobin & Freyd, 2009). However, the mechanisms explaining these associations are not well understood; attachment theory could provide further insight. Child maltreatment is associated with insecure attachment (Baer and Martinez, 2006, Muller et al., 2000). Insecure attachment is also associated with deficits in interpersonal functioning and risk for intimate partner violence, suggesting insecure attachment may mediate the relationship between child maltreatment and the experience of betrayal trauma as an adult. The current study tested this hypothesis in a sample of 601 college students. Participants completed online questionnaires including the Child Abuse and Trauma Scale (CATS), the Experiences in Close Relationships – Revised (ECR-R) and the Brief Betrayal Trauma Survey (BBTS). Results indicated that child maltreatment is associated with adult betrayal trauma and anxious attachment partially mediates this relationship.  相似文献   

忠实与背叛是翻译实践与理论中长久争论的话题。传统翻译论中的忠实与背叛都是在原文本具有确定的中心意义的条件下探讨的。解构主义影响下的翻译理论也涉及这一问题,但却是在否认文本终极意义的基础上引入的。解构主义翻译观拓宽了我们对忠实与背叛的认识,解释了为何在不同的时代甚至在同一时代都有各种译本存在的事实。在从解构主义的视角说明绝对的忠实只能是我们难以企及的梦想,而翻译只是作为一种创造性的叛逆存在着。  相似文献   

Relational satisfaction and stability following discovered incidents of relational betrayal were investigated. Predictions from Social Exchange Theory, specifically Rusbult's Investment Model, were tested along with the effects of communication strategies. Participants (N = 155) completed a questionnaire about a recalled betrayal. Inconsistent with the investment model, relational satisfaction was the best predictor of relational stability. Generally, the more committed and invested the offender, the more likely the reported use of communication repair strategies. The likelihood of apologies, accepting responsibility, and promising change also increased with the severity of the betrayal. Only promising change was related to post-betrayal relational satisfaction.  相似文献   

韩静  胡文莉 《海外英语》2012,(13):173-174
Oscar Wilde’s poems are rarely researched in China,especially his last famous poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol which focuses on the story of the execution of a convict for the brutal murder of his wife and shows Wilde’s meditating on betrayal and the need for prison reform.This paper attempts to discuss the betrayal of form,content and theme in the poem through the brief analysis of the text to give a better appreciation of the thematic and artistic values.  相似文献   

Although research has established the long-term damaging effects of incest, these efforts have suffered from the lack of valid, standardized assessment instruments. The present study reports on the construction and factor validation of the Response to Childhood Incest Questionnaire (RCIQ), a self-report instrument that assesses a range of commonly reported symptoms experienced by adult survivors of incest. A clinical population of 104 adult women who had experienced childhood or adolescent incest completed the RCIQ. A factor analysis of the RCIQ items revealed seven factors which corresponded to hypothesized stress response themes experienced by survivors of traumatic events. These factors include vulnerability and isolation, fear and anxiety, anger and betrayal, reaction to the abuser, sadness and loss, and powerlessness. In addition, four factors corresponded to the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder: intrusive thoughts, avoidance and intrusive emotions, detachment, and emotional control and numbness. The usefulness of the RCIQ as a pre- and post-treatment measure and the need for further research is discussed.  相似文献   


Increasing attention is being paid to the importance of trust in organizations generally, and schools in particular, as an essential ingredient of improvement and effectiveness. The role of trust in leadership and in leaders' interactions with subordinates has been especially emphasized. In a study of the emotions of teaching that included data concerning teachers' recollections of emotionally positive and negative interactions with their colleagues, teachers made almost no explicit references to trust as a source of positive emotion among their colleagues. In other words, in their lateral relations with colleagues, trust was absent or taken for granted. However, what teachers did report as one of the strongest sources of negative emotion with their colleagues was evidence of the opposite of trust--betrayal. The present paper draws on this interview-based study with 50 Canadian teachers in 15 elementary and secondary schools to examine the nature and effects of betrayal among colleagues in teaching. It documents three forms of betrayal: competence, contract, and communication betrayal. Betrayal in teaching is significant not only in a moral sense, but also because its consequence is to lead to teachers to avoid conflict and interaction with each other, and thereby insulate themselves from the opportunities for learning and constructive disagreement. The paper concludes by arguing that if schools are going to become stronger professional learning communities, they must seek not only to establish trust in teaching, but also to avoid the causes of pervasive betrayal.  相似文献   

"背叛"是蕴含在当代作家张炜长篇小说《家族》中的深层主题。在阐述交叉于历史与现实史诗中的忠诚与背叛这一矛盾的产生、发展的基础上,诠释了"背叛"是为了神圣的信仰和崇高的理想这一本质的内涵。在这一主题带来的震撼中又有着史诗般的毁灭与悲凉,凸显了主人公的人格力量、审美内涵以及对人生对人性深层的理解与感悟。  相似文献   

《追风筝的人》是阿富汗裔美籍作家卡勒德·胡塞尼的首部英文作品,也是影响美国现代文学的一部长篇小说。小说主要以主人公阿米尔的个人成长经历为线索,讲述了他背叛与救赎的故事。从文学伦理学批评角度,即从民族伦理、宗教伦理和家庭伦理三个伦理视角来解读阿米尔的背叛。从历史角度对阿米尔的背叛做出公正合理的评价,从而让读者了解和认识阿富汗这个国家特殊的普什图民族和哈扎拉民族之间的民族伦理,逊尼派和什叶派之间的宗教伦理及国家的多灾多难导致家庭成员之间畸形的家庭伦理。  相似文献   

The problem of campus sexual assault is viewed through the theoretical construct of institutional betrayal and the legal construct of Title IX.  相似文献   

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