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心理健康教育是我们当前关注的热点,但不可否认,我们关注更多的是学生心理问题,对教师的心理问题有所忽视。其实,教师的心理健康极为重要,没有教师的心理健康,就不可能有学生的心理健康。问题是目前我们的教师的确存在心理健康问题,如何解决这一问题,我们应给予高度的关注并进行认真研究。  相似文献   

教师心理健康应引起高度重视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,有关教师体罚和变相体罚学生,暴力虐待学生的事件多见报端,令人触目惊心。其中一些还都是被学生和同事认为工作一贯兢兢业业,勤于钻研业务,对学生和蔼可亲的好教师。这样的教师为什么会出现这样的问题呢?一位长期研究教师心理问题的专家说:“这首先表现出来的是师德问题。  相似文献   

目前中小学教师已经成为心理问题的高发人群。维护和促进中小学教师的心理健康,不仅可以提高教师的生活质量,保证教育教学质量,也是学生心理健康发展的保障。要使教师有良好的身心素质,提高教育教学质量,加快对中小学生的心理健康教育步伐,就必须重视教师的心理健康。因此加强心理健康教育,发展中小学教师健康心理已成为十分紧迫和重要的课题。  相似文献   

教师的心理健康不容忽视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
只有心理健康的教师,才能培养出心理健康的学生。教师是一个容易产生心理问题的职业。一般说来,教师多多少少都会存在一些心理健康问题。例如,一些教师常感到疲惫不堪,心力交瘁,有的还伴有身体症状。遗憾的是,教师的心理健康问题还没有提到议事日程上来,受到应有的重视。如何维护和促进教师的心理健康?一方面,需要有关的行政措施;另一方面,更要靠教师的自我保健。  相似文献   

车红 《陕西教育》2007,(9):36-36
作为一名教师.其心理品质和心理状态是开展教育教学活动的基础.教师的心理健康与否.直接影响学生的心理状态,也影响教育教学的质量与效果.甚至关系到国家与民族的兴衰存亡.所以.教师的心理健康问题就显得极为重要。[编者按]  相似文献   

在新课程改革的实施中,由于新的教育教学方式和传统的教育教学方式的激烈碰撞,加上社会对教师工作的要求越来越高,教师工作面临的压力越来越大,有很大一部分教师觉得现在的孩子越来越难教育,教育工作越来越不好做了,这些都直接影响着教师的心理健康。  相似文献   

简论教师的心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探索教师的心理健康,心理问题以及增进教师心理健康的对策,为中小学全面实施素质教育提供坚实的基础.  相似文献   

引发教师“心理危机”的三大因素 种种迹象表明,教师的心理健康问题,已到必须引起全社会高度重视的时候了!那么,是什么原因引发教师的“心理危机”呢?心理问题向来就被视为一个敏感的领域,而教师由于其所从事职业的特殊性,其心理问题产生的原因在某种意义上就显得更复杂。有关专家认为,目前引发教师“心理危机”有三大因素:  相似文献   

加强心理健康教育,及时对学生有可能出现的心理问题进行科学指导。是保证青少年身心健康成长的需要。也是推进素质教育的必然要求。  相似文献   

As education systems worldwide embrace inclusive education in some form, pre-service teachers need to be prepared to be pedagogically responsive to diverse students and learning needs. While much learning for inclusion takes place in course work in higher education institutions, field experiences, including practicum placements, can complement this learning. Using Loreman's [2010a. “Essential Inclusive Education-Related Outcomes for Alberta Preservice Teachers.” The Alberta Journal of Educational Research 56 (2): 124–142] seven areas of essential learning for inclusion, with the addition of Waitoller and Kozleski's [2010. “Inclusive Professional Learning Schools.” In Teacher Education for Inclusion, edited by C. Forlin, 65–73. London: Routledge] idea of ‘critical sensibilities’, this article considers the extent to which a practicum experience in a special school might contribute to learning for inclusion. The main findings of a small-scale qualitative study with 15 South African pre-service teachers suggest that the practicum placement exposes them to children with disabilities and learning difficulties, resulting in a growth of understanding of their learning needs. It also enhances pre-service teachers' ability to plan lessons and draw on a range of instructional strategies to enable learning for all. For some pre-service teachers, however, the practicum convinced them of the benefits of separate special education and the unfeasibility of inclusion. We conclude that a special school practicum has value for pre-service teachers, provided that opportunities are made available for critical engagement with the potential for both inclusion and exclusion of students with special educational needs in different types of school.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the identification of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream primary schools by their teachers. Data were analysed from two consecutive measurement occasions of a large cohort study in the Netherlands. The types and severity of pupils’ problems, and their school careers were studied. Around 25% of the pupils were considered by their teachers to have SEN. Results show that a substantial percentage of pupils who had been identified with SEN at the first measurement occasion were not identified with SEN three years later, whereas the same percentage had not been identified with SEN at the first occasion but was at the second occasion. Significant predictors of being identified with SEN include results from skills tests, and the teacher’s views on the pupil performing below expectations, having a less favourable attitude to work, being less popular with classmates, and being more dependent on the teacher. In addition, boys are more likely to be identified with SEN in comparison to girls. Cognitive impairment and/or delayed cognitive development proved to be the most influential predictor of referral to special education. In addition, chances of a pupil being referred to special education are influenced by several other pupil characteristics. Implications of these outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   


The aims and content of training in special education have been extended in recent years as a result of the practice of integrated education and also the recognition of a larger group of children with special educational needs. Provision in ordinary schools is being seen as the development of whole‐school policies for curricula and organization, including the development of systems of support within and sometimes, across schools. These developments have implications for the training of special education teachers and also for the pre‐service and in‐service education and training of all teachers and for the variety of strategies to be employed.  相似文献   

学校心理素质教育强调通过提高学生的心理素质来改善学生的心理健康水平,开创了素质教育和心理健康教育的一个新视角.文章以人本主义心理学为着眼点,深入挖掘了学校心理素质教育可以遵循的理论基础.分别从人本主义心理学的哲学基础、基本理论、方法论和不足之处论述了其对学校心理素质教育的启示,以期能更加有效地开展具体实践工作.  相似文献   

Under the guidelines for Initial Teacher Training, all potential primary teachers are required to learn about teaching religious education. However, religious education is not a high priority on ITT programmes and trainees may often have little introduction to it. Given the sensitive nature of religious education, what is the best way to prepare trainees for teaching religious education, and how far do we need to take into account their views about the subject? This article reports on a study involving trainees on a one‐year PGCE course. All the students were preparing to teach in primary schools and were not specialist religious education trainees. The aim of the study was to discover how trainees felt about teaching religious education in the primary school and how far their feelings linked to their views about religion. The conclusions suggest that any effective preparation of the trainees needs to recognise the diversity of their starting points and allow them opportunity to reflect on their views of religion and religious education.  相似文献   

化学学科"教师教育一体化"的模式中的化学专业有关课程设置,要体现出对教师职前培养和职后培训的全程规划。用"无机化学中的一些热力学问题"这一为高年级师范生开设的课程为例,讨论师范生在职前培养中的大学——中学化学教学的衔接问题的意义。并要注意其与职后培训的相互衔接。  相似文献   

中小学教师教育科研课题选择问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择教育科研课题是整个教育科研活动的起点和难点,决定了教育科研活动的方向、价值和可行性,直接关系到教育科研工作的成败。许多中小学教师在选择教育科研课题时存在不知道选择什么、不知道从何选择、不知道怎样选择、不知道为什么要选择等问题。要正确选题,中小学教师应当理解教育科研课题的内涵、把握教育科研课题的来源、掌握选择教育科研课题的标准以及明确选择教育科研课题的目的。  相似文献   

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