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Nonlinear effect induced in thermally poled glass waveguides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION Because of high transparency of glass to light and the very stable physical properties of glass, waveguides made of it are popular structures and building blocks in optoelectronic applications. Par- ticularly they are often used to fabricate passive components or devices with good compatibility with optical fibers in optical communication. By adopting the technology available in microelectronics, fabri- cation of glass waveguides can be a standard process with mass production,…  相似文献   

关于建立教育激励机制的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在现代教育管理工作中建立健全教育激励机制非常必要,但目前无论从社会外部环境、人员选用制度,还是在业绩评估方法、报酬制度、激励方式等方面看,都存在一些问题和弊端。为了适应形势需要,必须进行全方位的改革。根据市场经济的外界条件,现代化的工作目标和教育人员的心理需要、个人目标,建立与之相适应的教育激励机制,以促进教育快速发展。  相似文献   

Recent investigations have found a multiphasic retention function associated with avoidance training (e.g., Holloway & Wansley, 1973a, b). The present experiment was done to determine if a similar retention function also describes appetitively motivated behavior. Rats were allowed access to preferred solution in the shock compartment of a passive avoidance apparatus. Then either .25 h after the appetitive preexposure or at successive 3-h intervals up to 24 h, the rats were administered one-trial passive avoidance training consisting of a strong shock presented in the shock compartment. The retention of the appetitive preexposure was determined by its effect on performance of the passive avoidance task as measured 24 h after the shock trial. The results demonstrated that the retention function associated with the appetitive preexposure was phasic with an alternation between high and low retention every 12 h. Specifically, retention was higher after the .25-, 9-, 12-, and 24-h intervals than after 3-, 6-, 15-, and 18-h intervals. These results are consistent with prior research on the retention of avoidance training.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的不断发展,以及我国高等教育体制改革的持续推进,我国此前传统的教育管理和教育教学模式已经在很大程度上不能适应现代教育形势特别是高等教育形势发展的需要。这个时候,激励理论的引入与推进就显得非常必要。它的核心就是通过一系列措施的实施,通过多个层面、多个角度不断地激励大学生非常主动进入学习和思考的状态,从而全面地调动广大大学生的积极性与主动性,以使他们能够更好更早地成为高层次的优秀人才。  相似文献   

A total of 169 rats, distributed across six experiments, received training in a straight runway with a 5-min intertrial interval. A variety of shifts in reward schedules, to and from partial reward, were employed to assess the effects of partial reward on the successive negative contrast effect. The results were seen as supportive of an incentive averaging approach to partial reinforcement.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Theoretical developments in second or foreign language motivation research have led to a better understanding of the convoluted nature of motivation in...  相似文献   

随着社会全球化趋势的不断加强,英语在我们道德生活和工作中开始占据越来越重要的地位。但是,由于一些因素的限制,我国高校大学英语教学方面存在一些问题亟待解决。由大量的英语教学实践证明,情感与教学有着极其密切的联系。因此,情感激励的教学方法开始逐步被运用到大学英语的教学中。本文就从情感激励的内涵出发,探究情感激励在大学英语教学中的重要作用,并寻求积极措施发挥情感激励的最大作用。  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments, forty Sprague-Dawley females were randomly assigned to groups which differed in incentive magnitude in the goalbox. The subjects were then trained for 10 days in a straight alley with no obstruction of approach to the goal. During testing, the rats received two nonblocked and four blocked (delay) trials per day for 11 days. Groups receiving four or nine 45-mg pellets on each trial ran significantly faster following delays than following no delay and tended to be faster following a 4-sec delay than following longer delays. Delay had a similar effect on both running speeds and ingestion rates, with the 4- and 20-sec delays producing a significant frustration effect for running and ingestion in the third experiment.  相似文献   

For some children, school failure is attributed to a lack in motivation. This article reports a study of motivation from an ecological perspective, considering the individual in interaction with the meaningful environment. Unlike much of the motivational literature that measures motivation in terms of constructs that are assessed largely via self-report, the dependent variables used in this study were three measures of more immediate classroom behaviours: participation, self-reported engagement, and task completion. The results show that aspects of classroom climate are significantly related to all of these measures of motivation. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

一切内心要争取的条件、愿望、动力都构成了对人的激励。人的一切行动都是由某种动机引起的,动机是一种精神状态,它对人的行动起激发、推动、加强的作用。在语文教学中顺应学生的心理发展特点,采用合理的激励策略,可以调动学生的积极性,让学生主动学习、乐于学习、勤于探索,有自信心、自尊心和上进心。在教学中,采用多元化、多样性的激励方式有助于提高教学质量,达到更好的教学目的。  相似文献   

This commentary reviews seven papers that study motivation with new media, contained in this special issue of Educational Technology Research & Development edited by Ruth Small. For each paper, this commentary summarizes exemplary contributions, offers an assessment of what is exciting, and suggests directions for future research. Some exciting contributions include using new media in an attempt to promote motivation such as game-making, collaborative wiki construction, and interaction with onscreen agents. Some important challenges for future research on motivation with new media are to develop testable theories and to collect evidence based on rigorous methodologies including evidence concerning the relation between motivation and learning outcomes  相似文献   

中国古代激励思想举要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"士为知己者死"的情感激励法 这种激励的方法在于鼓励下属并统一其所思所想所为。我们知道,人的行为是由人的意识意志指导的行为。意识在先,行为在后,有了一定的意识,才能相应产生一定的行为。而人的意识又是不断发展的。这就要求管理者在实施管理的过程中不断设计、构造、维持、协调、诱导他人意志行为的情境,以期  相似文献   

The main aim of this series of experiments was to clearly establish the spontaneous development of retention performance following partial aversively motivated training. Experiment 1 indicated that following 15 training trials of a brightness discrimination in a Y-maze, performance spontaneously and transitorily deteriorated 1 h following inital training (Kamin effect) before it improved 8 to 14 days following training (long-term spontaneous improvement). Both of these fluctuations preceded the more durable deterioration that corresponds to long-term forgetting. Experiment 2 replicated the basic findings of the first experiment, always with a brightness discrimination, but using an avoidance paradigm. These results demonstrated the multiphasic nature of the retention curve and emphasized the reliability of retention performance fluctuations.  相似文献   

This paper combines biological, biochemical and psychological data toward the construction of a bio-psychological theory of behavior. The fundamental assumptions are that the environment favored the evolution of organisms possessing receptors sensitive to periodic or repetitive stimuli. Moreover the presence of periodic stimuli in space and time have induced, through natural selection, the appearance of highly advanced forms of living organisms capable of exploiting the environment by utilizing information in periodic stimuli. Indeed, this dependency on periodic stimulation, such as light energy and movement of surrounding matter, has induced a psychological, perceptual bias to readily assimilate repetitive stimuli thereby producing changes in behavior. This perceptual bias favored by organic evolution and reinforced by stimulation of the organism during development produces communication patterns in higher animals characterized by repetitive sounds. The relationship of this theory to current learning models is discussed and applications are made to human learning.  相似文献   

In this article the process of developing a policy for the recent comprehensive retrenchment operation in the Dutch university system is analysed from a theoretical point of view on decisionmaking. The article especially addresses the question whether some empirical evidence can be found for the rationalist view of collective decision-making, which states that a process of social communication should eventually lead to a unanimous and rational consensus concerning the selection of the optimal policy.The actual analysis concerns the way a retrenchment policy has been developed in a process of social communication between the most important actors: the Minister of Education and Science and the thirteen Dutch universities. It is assumed that the various communicative linkages between these actors can be interpreted as a policy network in which both governmental and non-governmental actors operate.The article concludes that in the Dutch university policy-network a complicated balance of interdependencies exists and that several sub-networks can be distinguished. It is also concluded that the Minister, while recognizing the interdependencies in the network, was able to use a special kind of (negative) incentive, inducing the universities to act as he wished.This negative incentive steering, however, also persuaded the universities to go to the utmost in their consultation efforts, thus trying to reach the rationalist ideal of collective decision-making. The final conclusion therefore is that the rationalist view of collective decision-making does not appear to be unrealistic. The article ends with a warning against a common mistake made regarding the normative appearance of the rationalist perspective.The case of the policy development process concerning the retrenchment operation in the Dutch university system in 1982 and 1983.  相似文献   

Rats’ leverpressing was reinforced on variable-ratio (VR) schedules. As ratio values increased, response rates initially increased with them, then eventually decreased. In Experiment 1, rates were uniformly higher with one-pellet reinforcers than with two-pellet reinforcers—theparadoxical incentive effect. Killeen’s (1994) mathematical principles of reinforcement (MPR) described the data quantitatively but failed to predict the advantage for the one-pellet condition. In Experiment 2, rats received one-, two-, and three-pellet reinforcers with counterbalanced preloads of pellets; the continued superiority of the smaller reinforcers ruled out a satiation explanation. Experiment 3 introduced a 20-sec intertrial interval (ITI), and Experiment 4 filled the ITI with an alternate response to test a memorial/overshadowing explanation. In Experiment 5, the rats received one or two standard grain pellets or one sucrose pellet as reinforcers over an extended range of ratios. Once again, rates were higher for one than for two pellets at short to moderate VR values; thereafter, two pellets supported higher response rates. The diminution of the effect in Experiment 3 and its reversal in Experiment 4 and in Experiment 5 at large ratios provided evidence for overshadowing and reconciled the phenomenon with MPR.  相似文献   

From the perspective of asymmetric information, a principal-agent model is used to put forward a new theoretical explanation for the validity and effectiveness of tenure. Furthermore, through an analysis of the conditions of implementing an effective tenure system, it is argued that such a system is more efficient in research universities. Based on the above conclusions, the paper also discusses the condition or time for the implementation of tenure in Chinese universities. __________ Translated from Fudan Jiaoyu Luntan 复旦教育论坛(Fudan Education Forum), 2007, 15(3): 57–62  相似文献   

Our contemporary moment is characterized by the pervasiveness of economics in social life, and the extension of “incentives” into new areas represents this movement’s keystone. Originally a fairly narrow term from neoclassical economic theory, politicians, journalists, and cultural ?gures deploy “incentives” to explain all manner of activity: judicial rulings, gendered wage gaps, and even whether soccer players score penalty kicks. To address this, I elucidate the trope of metastasis – the rhetorical mechanism by which social life is “economized.” Metastasis entails a ?gurative displacement, wherein cause shifts from one place to another. More than simply a spread of narrow economic ideas into culture, incentive rhetoric metastasizes. It displaces alternative explanations onto neoclassical market axioms. Since its proponents insist that incentives are causal mechanisms, I introduce Jacques Lacan’s interpretation of Aristotle’s discourse on causality. Lacan rereads Aristotle’s “?nal cause” from a rhetorical perspective, and forwards the retroactive causality of the symbolic order. Incentive rhetoric exempli?es this concept, in which all outcomes are explained as having been caused by a prior, unseen market force. Incentive rhetorics promise a universal code that unlocks the mysteries of human behavior that reduces all context to discrete individual choices, thereby providing a discursive alibi for economic inequality.  相似文献   

教师管理是学校管理中最重要的内容之一,对教师的激励是实现教育教学目标的关键。现代教育管理中的激励艺术包括:学校管理合理运用需要理论,激发教师工作的动力;适当利用期待效应,使人尽其才;发挥教师评价功能,实现公平竞争;为教师的长期发展提供的环境保障。  相似文献   

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