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Three experiments compared the performance of domesticated hooded rats and nondomesticated black rats under signaled and unsignaled free-operant leverpress avoidance. There was no difference between groups in asymptotic shock rates under unsignaled avoidance; however, the black rats avoided much more successfully when the signal was present, while the hooded rats showed little or no improvement. When a longer signal was employed (10 vs. 5 sec), the effects were essentially the same. The black rats generally had higher response rates, and this difference was most pronounced in extinction, where the hooded rats made very few responses. The domesticated rats received a disproportionately large number of shocks early in the session (warm-up) under unsignaled avoidance, but this tendency was much less pronounced for the black rats. However, both groups showed appreciable amounts of warm-up during signalled avoidance. The findings are discussed in terms of differences in levels of activation/arousal between domesticated and nondomesticated animals.  相似文献   

In a conditioned suppression experiment, rats received a single, massed session of conditioning in which one backward conditioned inhibitory stimulus (CS-) followed shocks that were signaled by a visual cue, and a second backward CS-followed shocks that were unsignaled. Conditioning was preceded by a preexposure phase in which some groups of rats were preexposed to unsignaled shock, while others were not preexposed and remained in the experimental apparatus in the absence of shock. The groups were further distinguished by whether US preexposure and conditioning occurred in the same or different contexts, and by whether conditioning began immediately or after a 24-h rest period in the home cage. Although the conditioning itself was effective in establishing the visual cue as a conditioned excitor in the nonpreexposed groups, it was not effective in establishing the two backward cues as reliable inhibitors with either signaled or unsignaled USs. After 210 US preexposures, however, the same conditioning sessions did yield conditioned inhibition to both CS-s. A 24-h rest period in the home cage reduced the magnitude of, but did not completely abolish, the facilitative effect of US preexposure on inhibitory conditioning. Other tests demonstrated that US preexposure had retarded excitatory conditioning to the visual cue. This interference with excitatory conditioning was unchanged in magnitude after the 24-h rest period. The facilitative effect of US preexposure on backward inhibitory conditioning, and the interference effect on excitatory conditioning, were both eliminated by a change in context between US preexposure and conditioning. These observations encourage predominantly associative accounts of the effects, but allow for a small nonassociative habituation component.  相似文献   

Four groups of 16 rats were trained in a go-no go discrimination with symmetrical negative reinforcement (active-passive avoidance task). A 2 by 2 design was used with stimulus combinations as one factor [light-go, noise/light-no go, (L+ NL?) vs noise-go, light/noise-no go (N+ LN?)] and noise intensity as the other factor (90 dB, high, vs 70 dB, low). The two N+ LN? groups learned both active and passive avoidance responses much more rapidly than the L+ NL? groups. In later phases of training, high noise intensity facilitated passive avoidance in the L+ NL? condition and exerted a slight effect in the opposite direction in the other condition. While the differences in active avoidance learning were the same as in previous work on light and noise CSs, the interactions between stimuli of different modalities appeared to be more important than stimulus modality or stimulus intensity per se in determining rate of passive avoidance learning.  相似文献   

Running in an activity wheel generates pica behavior (kaolin clay intake) in rats. Wheel running also results in Pavlovian conditioned avoidance of the taste solution consumed immediately before the running. Since pica has been considered a behavioral marker of nausea in rats, these findings suggest that wheel running induces nausea, which is the underlying physiological state for establishing taste avoidance. This article reports a replication of running-based pica in rats (Experiment 1) and concurrent demonstrations of running-based pica and taste avoidance in the same animals (Experiments 2 and 3). Also shown is that pica does not alleviate running-based taste avoidance (Experiment 3). Another finding is that pica is generated by a nausea-inducing lithium chloride injection but not by a pain-inducing hypertonic saline injection (Experiment 4). These results, when taken together, support the hypothesis that pica behavior generated by wheel running reflects nausea in rats.  相似文献   

In a conditioned suppression paradigm, a partially overlapping compound stimulus signaled occurrences of electric shock. That compound CS consisted of 3 min of continuous illumination of the houselight with three discrete 5-see presentations of a tone superimposed. A .5-sec electric shock was coterminous with each tone presentation. Rats that received this treatment in early conditioning sessions showed considerable recovery from conditioned suppression to the houselight as the experiment progressed. However, the effect was not reversible, and it could not be demonstrated in rats that experienced extensive prior conditioning to the houselight alone. These results are discussed in relation to a hypothesis concerning the modulation of behavioral control exerted by elements of compound stimuli and as they relate to a recent theoretical model for Pavlovian fear conditioning.  相似文献   

Following 300 training trials in two-way shuttle avoidance signaled by a tone (CS+), two groups each of weanling and adult rats were given Pavlovian discrimination training in which the CS+ was followed by inescapable shock, and a more intense tone (CS—) signaled no shock. An additional group at each age level received both tones paired randomly with shock or no shock. Subsequent generalization tests along the frequency dimension indicated that both pups and adults tested at the CS+ intensity showed similar gradients of frequency control. Gradients for the adults tested at the CS — intensity tended to be inverted, with least responding at CS—, a result not found in the young subjects. The results were considered in light of Pavlovian extradimensional influences on the control of avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, rats given a 5-min period of preexposure (simple exploration) to a two-compartment box showed poorer passive avoidance of the compartment where they were subsequently shocked than a control group which was not preexposed to the apparatus. The second experiment involved preexposure to sugared milk (SM), flashing light and loud noise (LN), or simply the apparatus (EC). One group received no exposure to the apparatus (NC). Following one shock trial, the groups were ordered LN > NC > EC > SM from most to least passive avoidance. The results were discussed in the context of latent inhibition and an averaging model of positive and negative events.  相似文献   

Three experiments measured orienting of rats to stimuli varying in intrinsic significance. In the first, rats showed greater reactivity to a recording of a conspecific’s distress squeal than to a simulated mimic squeal when the stimuli were presented at 100 dB but not at 80 dB, and orienting to all stimuli habituated rapidly with repeated stimulus exposures. Experiment 2 showed that, following several stimulus exposures, recovery of orienting after rest periods of 1 and 7 days was a function of the stimulus: Orienting to the distress squeal presented at 100 dB recovered more rapidly than did orienting to the mimic squeal at 100 dB or to either the mimic or the distress squeal presented at 80 dB. Experiment 3 showed that habituation to the most significant stimulus, the distress squeal presented at 100 dB, was retarded at long (24-h) interstimulus intervals, presumably a consequence of less stimulus-to-stimulus transfer of habituation with this stimulus. The results are discussed in terms of biological constraints on habituation of orienting and on recovery of orienting following habituation.  相似文献   

Recent research highlights the potential benefits of practice without feedback on learner’s strategy knowledge. However, most prior work has been conducted in one-on-one settings with short retention intervals. We compared the effects of mathematics practice with and without correct-answer feedback on immediate and 1-week delayed performance in a classroom setting. In a randomized experiment, 243 second- and third-grade children received strategy instruction and then practiced solving relevant problems in small groups within their classroom. During practice, children received immediate feedback (after each problem), summative feedback (after all the problems in the set), or no feedback. During the practice task, immediate feedback led to the best performance. However, practice without feedback led to higher levels of mastery on the 1-week knowledge retention test. Thus, instructional practices that seem less effective at first can, for some children, ultimately result in more desirable learning.  相似文献   

Experiment I demonstrated shuttlebox avoidance conditioning using intense white noise as a UCS. Ten rats were given 25 trials a day for 6 days. Escape latencies declined and avoidance responses increased over trial blocks. Experiment II provided support for a functional similarity between shock as a UCS and intense noise as a UCS by demonstrating the Kamin effect following incomplete shuttlebox training to noise. Separate groups of rats were given 25 trials followed by an additional 25 trials either 0, 1, 4, or 24 h later. The U-shaped Kamin effect was evident in the avoidance measure. A similar but inverted U-shaped function was obtained for the escape latency measure. Escape latencies were longer on retraining than on original training at 1 h but not at 0, 4, or 24 h after original training.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to avoid unsignaled shocks with response-shock intervals of 30, 60, or 120 sec. When CSs of 60 sec duration paired with unavoidable shocks were then superimposed upon the avoidance baseline, responding decreased during the CS. Reductions in responding resulted in extra shocks which were potentially avoidable in all response-shock interval conditions, with the greatest increase in shocks in the response-shock 30-sec condition. Decreases in responding were greater when the CS was paired with a 2.0-mA unavoidable shock than with a 1.0-mA shock.  相似文献   

Thirsty rats were tested on a four-armed radial maze with three water locations and one distinctive taste location (saccharin). Rats that were injected with lithium chloride after drinking a novel saccharin solution visited the saccharin location less than did unpoisoned animals, primarily during the later portions of the test sessions. When saccharin was moved to a different location, previously poisoned rats rapidly avoided the new saccharin location and increased visits to the original saccharin location, now rebaited with water. A similar pattern of learned avoidance and approach was obtained in Experiment 2 with three water locations and one vacant location (no water). These results indicate that: (1) sampling the contents of alternative patches mediates both learning to avoid the location of an aversive substance and returning to a newly viable patch, and (2) avoiding the location of a novel substance after a single poisoning occurs because the location does not contain an edible substance, not because of an aversion conditioned to environmental cues.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats received preexposure to three compound flavor stimuli, AX, BX, and CX, where X represents a saline solution. AX and BX were presented in alternation; CX, on a separate block of trials. The value of X was then modified, being devalued by aversive conditioning in Experiment 1, and rendered valuable by the induction of a state of salt need in Experiment 2. When given a choice between BX and CX, the rats consumed more of BX than of CX in Experiment 1, and more of CX than of BX in Experiment 2, suggesting that B and C differed in their ability to modulate the response governed by the X element. It was suggested that blocked preexposure to CX reduces the salience of the C stimulus but that the salience of B is maintained by preexposure in which BX is alternated with AX. The implications of this result for the phenomenon of perceptual learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats that were given nonreinforced preexposure to either a warning signal or a safety signal were significantly retarded in the subsequent learning of a two-way shock-avoidance response compared to rats that were not preexposed. These results are consistent with Mackintosh’s “learned-irrelevance” formulation of latent inhibition. They do not support a prediction derived from an extension of Kalat and Rozin’s “learned-safety” hypothesis. These findings suggest that preexposures in the total absence of aversive events do not endow a stimulus with safety properties.  相似文献   

A series of studies of shuttlebox-avoidance learning in the gerbil evaluated the efficacy of an exteroceptive feedback stimulus (FS). Experiment 1 assessed the relative effectiveness of a FS at 30- and 90-sec intertriai intervals (ITIs), and found that the FS and warning signal termination contingencies were additive sources of avoidance reinforcement; i.e., they produced “supernormal acquisition” at the short ITI, but not at the 90-sec ITI. The effectiveness of a FS at the 30-sec ITI was further explored in Experiments 2 and 3, in which FS duration was varied in delayed and trace avoidance conditioning, respectively. In both studies, a FS facilitated acquisition but FS duration was not a critical determinant of performance. These results were interpreted in terms of an expectancy account of the informational value of a FS, and the problem of experimentally distinguishing between cognitive and inhibition-of-fear accounts of avoidance learning was discussed.  相似文献   

Stationary visual scanning and sniffing of novel stimuli were measured using a head-poke response to supplement existing equivocal data on sex differences in exploration. With a short exposure to a novel apparatus, males and females showed a similar frequency of exploratory bouts, but the bouts were longer in females, showing that the sex difference is independent of a simple activity difference. With longer exposure, the difference was reversed, with males “compensating” for their initially lower level. Following familiarization to the apparatus, the sexes did not differ in exploration of an introduced novel stimulus. These results are consistent with males being more susceptible to inhibitory influences, such as disturbance and extreme novelty. Differences in within-trial changes in the level of exploration of a novel stimulus in novel and familiar environments were also observed.  相似文献   

The effects of food reward on rats’ behavior in radial and Dashiell tunnel mazes were examined in two experiments. In the first, with animals at ad-lib body weights, food reward reduced speed of movement at the food locations, but did not affect the patterns of movement in either maze. Exploratory efficiency in the Dashiell maze was unaffected by food reward, and spontaneous patrolling of the radial maze by the nonrewarded animals was comparable to the behavior, reported by others, of rats running for food reward on elevated eight-arm mazes. In the second experiment, with subjects maintained at 80% of ad-lib body weights, there was some evidence for “winstay” learning: food-rewarded rats in the Dashiell maze were relatively more active near the food locations than were the nonrewarded animals, and more rewarded than nonrewarded rats revisited all food locations in the radial maze. Nonetheless, exploratory efficiency in the Dashiell maze was unaffected by food reward, as was patrolling efficiency in the radial maze, which was again comparable to that of rats on elevated mazes. The similarity in behavior of rewarded and nonrewarded animals in these mazes implies that the major determinant of their behavior, whether or not food reward is provided, is a spontaneous tendency to avoid places recently visited.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 employed a shock box in which light beams ran at 10, 15, 20, or 25 cm above the floor level of the box. Four groups of nine rats each were trained to avoid shock by cutting the light beams or letting them pass by, which the animal accomplished by upward or downward change of its posture. Training employed a discriminated avoidance paradigm, 60 trials per day for 5 days, with a 5-sec CS-US interval. Acquisition of the rearing avoidance response was observed only in the 15-cm condition. Using the same apparatus as in Experiment 1 and with a beam height of 15 cm, the rearing avoidance response was successfully conditioned in five rats using a nondiscriminated avoidance conditioning paradigm. There was good evidence of temporal discrimination in these animals.  相似文献   

在观察、访谈、调查诸教育研究基本方法中,有结构的研究方法是指事先对所要研究的问题进行系统的研究项目设计的研究方法,在系统设计中一般需要比较雄厚的教育科学理论作基础,这对作为教育研究新手的大多数中小学教师而言是困难的。由于系统设计的观察项目、调查指标、访谈结构等一般要求具有稳定性和一致性的特征,这一特征决定了研究项目系统既可以是经过逻辑演绎而获得协调和一致的结果,也可以是多次研究得到的共同结果或多人研究所得到的相同结果。前者是理论深厚的研究者的基本思路,而后者则具有显著的实践特征,从中小学教师进行教育研究的角度上看,后者具有更好的实用价值。从多次无结构的研究方法或者多角无结构的研究出发,通过修正和补充来逐步实现结构化,具有行动建构的特征,这种建构性的研究方法不仅所需的理论比较少,而且更贴近实际。  相似文献   


The similarity in the discrimination training leading to behavioral contrast and that preceding tests producing response enhancement to combined discriminative stimuli suggested that the two phenomena might be related. This was investigated by determining if contrast indiscrimination training was necessary for this outcome of stimulus compounding. Responding to tone, light, and to the simultaneous absence of tone and light (T + L) was maintained during baseline training by food reinforcement in Experiment I and by shock avoidance in Experiment II. During subsequent discrimination training, responding was reduced in T + L by programming nonreinforcement in Experiment I and safety or response-punishment in Experiment II. In the first experiment, one rat exhibited positive behavioral contrast, i.e., tone and light rates increased while his T + L rate decreased. In Experiment II, rats punished in T + L showed contrast in tone and light, this being the first demonstration of punishment contrast on an avoidance baseline with rats. The discrimination acquisition data are discussed in the light of current explanations of contrast by Gamzu and Schwartz (1973) and Terrace (1972). During stimulus compounding tests, all subjects in both experiments emitted more responses to tone-plus-light than to tone or light (additive summation). An analysis of the terminal training baselines suggests that the factors producing these test results seem unrelated to whether or not contrast occurred during discrimination training. It was concluded that the stimulus compounding test reveals the operation of the terminal baseline response associations and reinforcement associations conditioned on these multicomponent free-operant schedules of reinforcement.


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