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Newborn wild house mice (Mus musculus) were fostered upon maternal conspecifics, prairie deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi) or laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Male subjects were weaned into individual cages, in which they remained until testing commenced. At 35 days of age, subjects were given a four-choice test in which they had the opportunity to investigate tunnels scented with clean wood chips or with chips soiled by an adult male conspecific, deer mouse or rat. Compared to theMus-nursed andPeromyscus-nursed mice,Rattus-nursed mice were more active during the test and less reluctant to investigate theRattus-scented tunnel. These results were replicated in a two-choice test (Mus- vs.Rattus-scented tunnels) that included a group of mice fostered onto conspecifics, but withRattus scents present in the maternity cage throughout the nursing period. Early exposure to the scent ofRattus had no significant effects on the responses ofMus-nursed mice to the scent ofRattus.  相似文献   

Although rats emit different odors in a goalbox upon receipt of unsignaled reward and nonreward, recent studies have failed to find odor differences from unsignaled large and small reward, apparently disconfirming the generalization that frustration-producing manipulations lead to a distinctive emission. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that providing discriminative runway signals, permitting subjects to anticipate the large and small rewards, would lead to different odor emissions. Results supported the hypothesis: donor rats emitted odors sufficiently different to provide cues for differential responding in test subjects. However, an attempt to replicate the recent observations on unsignaled rewards suggested that these, too, occasioned goalbox emissions. Therefore, Experiment 2 again gave donors unsignaled large and small reward, but increased the incentive for discrimination in test rats. Test subjects readily discriminated, confirming the conclusion that large and small rewards occasion different emissions even without discriminative signals and supporting a frustration-odor interpretation.  相似文献   

The urine of individual dominant and subordinate male mice was tested for aversive and aggression-promoting properties using open-field and aggression tests The results indicate the presence of (1) an aversive factor in male mouse urine which discourages investigation of an area marked with such urine and (2) an aggression-promoting factor. Dominant male urine proved far more effective in both respects than subordinate urine, the latter having similar effects to water. The results are discussed in terms of androgen output and possible territorial functions.  相似文献   

When women encounter the criminal justice system, it is typically as victims rather than as offenders. Consequently, there is limited empirical research on women who have sexually offended against children, but there is a clinically-significant group of victims who have experienced female-perpetrated child sexual abuse (CSA). In a database of 4237 CSA cases that were heard in criminal courts between 1986 and 2012, we found 70 cases that involved female accused. We compared female-accused cases against a randomly selected sample of 70 male-accused cases from the same database. We investigated associations between gender of the accused and characteristics of the victim, offense, and criminal proceeding. Several important differences between female- and male-accused cases were found: proportionally more male complainants were in female-accused cases; female-accused offenses were longer in duration; and despite offenses being similarly intrusive, female perpetrators received shorter sentences. This research indicates that there are potentially unique pathways to abuse for women and men, and unique experiences in the criminal justice system. Although female perpetrators are involved in a small proportion of CSA offenses, the cases that we describe herein are important to consider when developing appropriate support and intervention programs for offenders and victims of CSA.  相似文献   

搜集166个自改革开放以来中国出现过的有关女性的社会称谓语,分别对它们的概念、类别、特点进行考察。最后,归纳它们所折射出的现代女性的时代特征。  相似文献   

二十世纪八十年代以后出现了对女性写作的命名热潮,这些命名可以折射出商业化社会与男权文化对女性写作的态度与影响。从各式各样或游离于写作本身或独断霸权的命名名称,可以看出热闹背后女性写作的尴尬。  相似文献   

This study determined if test rats could utilize biological odors, generated from donor rats receiving reward (R) and frustrative nonreward (N) treatments, to predict reward and nonreward goal events equally well. In Phase 1, two groups of test rats were exposed to R and N odors that signaled, respectively, either R and N goal events (“same” condition) or N and R goal events (“opposite” condition). Rats demonstrated significant discriminative use of these odors under both conditions. Subjects in the “opposite” condition, however, were slightly slower to learn the discrimination. Reversal learning was readily accomplished in Phase 2, regardless of the same-opposite factor. Thus, little evidence for a constraint on learning was found, and an interpretation in terms of interfering response tendencies and their habituation seemed favored.  相似文献   

The urine of individual dominant and subordinate male mice was tested for male-aversive and female-attractant properties using dominant and subordinate male donors and Ss and estrous and anestrous female Ss in open-field tests. The results indicate (1) the presence of a factor in the urine of dominant males which proves aversive to both dominant and subordinate Ss, (2) the presence of a female attractant in the urine of dominant males, (3) naive females must be in estrous to respond positively to male urine. The results are discussed in terms of preputial and coagulating gland contents, androgen levels, and possible territorial functions.  相似文献   

张灵 《怀化学院学报》2006,25(1):115-117
儒家男尊女卑的女性观在中国封建社会的女性观中占主导地位,但是从《世说新语》的记载中,我们看到了一个在中国古代女性史上独树一帜的群体,这一群体的产生正是魏晋时期儒学衰微而玄学盛行,以及其崇尚才智的审美风尚和品藻人物的社会风气的反映。  相似文献   

《芭芭拉少校》这部作品中,萧伯纳塑造了一个富有独立人格、坚韧勇敢、脱离女性特征的女性。她摆脱男权社会的控制,参与社会活动,推动社会文明的发展。萧伯纳通过这个特立独行的女性唤起女性自强的意识,促进女性参与社会发展的积极性,展示了他与众不同的女性主义观点。  相似文献   

文章从女性主义的视角,对菲茨杰拉德的著名短篇小说《重返巴比伦》中的女性形象进行分析,发现该作品中的女性形象都是男权中心价值观下的产物。这些女性形象,无论是“强势”型,还是“受害者”型、“天使”型、“堕落”型,都是男权文化下的消费品形象,与此同时,这些女性形象模式也表现了社会对于女性的矛盾心理。  相似文献   

运用女性哥特相关理论分析达夫妮·杜穆里埃的<蝴蝶梦>,通过对文本中显性的无名女叙述者、隐性的亡灵吕蓓卡及男主人公迈克西姆·德温特三个人物及其关系的审视,考察父权制下女性身份多元化的建构及其负性生存状态,认为女性破茧成蝶的成长过程是以二位一体的身份建构和二元对立的性别抗争为核心事件的哥特式体验过程.  相似文献   

段成式在《酉阳杂俎》中塑造了丰富的女性形象,这些女性在曲折离奇的故事情节中充当着受难者、解救者和加害者角色,展现不同的性格特点和叙事作用。与此同时,表现了《酉阳杂俎》中对女性美好品质的赞扬和对有悖于道德伦理女性的批判,展现唐人对女子再嫁行为的开放思想,以及对女性独立意识的忽视。  相似文献   

班昭是历史上著名的才女,巾帼不让须眉,参与编撰《汉书》,让女子扬眉。与此同时她的《女诫》却成为历代妇女的精神枷锁,为后人所批判,我们应该一分为二地看待她的《女诫》,祛除其中的糟粕,发扬其倡导的中华妇女传统美德,使其于今仍然能够保持强大的感召力和生命力。  相似文献   

在中外教育史上,女性教育家有其自身不同的特质。她们是教育的集大成者,更是女性中的佼佼者。她们具有坚强的性格和顽强的意志;具有勇敢的挑战精神和对教育的创新自觉;具有高尚的人格魅力,超群的实践智慧,广泛的社会影响;她们的成长对我们有很多重要的启示。  相似文献   

女性主义作为西方一种影响广泛、意义深远的政治运动、社会思潮,在我国学术界已有了相当的研究,教育领域中也不乏其相关内容。但在我国成人教育中对其的相关研究仍显薄弱。本文从女性主义视角分析我国成人教育中存在的女性冲突,其中包括成人教育教育目标设定中、教学过程中以及课程设置中的两性冲突,还包括女性自身的角色冲突以及与周围环境产生的一系列冲突,进而提出一些缓解策略。  相似文献   

从女性写作角度评张欣的创作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张欣站在女性的立场上,以特有的细腻和敏感,把视点投注于都市里深陷红尘的平凡女性身上,深入挖掘她们人性本质的最深处,并毫不掩饰地表达了她由衷地喜爱、理解和同情。  相似文献   

在中外教育史上,女性教育家有其自身不同的特质。她们是教育的集大成者,更是女性中的佼佼者。她们具有坚强的性格和顽强的意志; 具有勇敢的挑战精神和对教育的创新自觉;具有高尚的人格魅力,超群的实践智慧,广泛的社会影响;她们的成长对我们有很多重要的启示。  相似文献   

女性角色意识的觉醒从来都是同社会进步的程度紧密联系的。日本作家紫氏部在《源氏物语》中刻画了一系列的"弱者"女性形象,而她对这些形象的态度也反映出当时人们的女性观和价值观,体现了当时社会的发展程度。  相似文献   

丁璞 《培训与研究》2008,25(11):17-20
亨利·詹姆斯的小说大部分以“国际题材”为创作主题,塑造了栩栩如生的女性人物形象。在叙述技巧上大胆突破常规,开拓了心理现实主义小说的文学领域。本文选取了亨利·詹姆斯小说代表作品中的女性群象进行了分类比较分析。按文化地域分,她们可以分为美国文化女性形象、欧洲文化女性形象、欧化了的美国女性形象。按人物特性分类,各自又分为天真无知型女性、高雅型女性、表里不一型女性等。  相似文献   

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