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The urine of individual dominant and subordinate male mice was tested for aversive and aggression-promoting properties using open-field and aggression tests The results indicate the presence of (1) an aversive factor in male mouse urine which discourages investigation of an area marked with such urine and (2) an aggression-promoting factor. Dominant male urine proved far more effective in both respects than subordinate urine, the latter having similar effects to water. The results are discussed in terms of androgen output and possible territorial functions.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to examine the relationships among the sexual cycle of the female, sex pheromones, and the agonistic behavior of male rats. Data suggest that the presence of an inaccessible sexually receptive female provokes increased intermale fighting. The present research investigated the possibility that a sex pheromone from the female mediates the change in male hostilities. In Experiment 1, a combination between-subject and within-subject design was used to expose half the males to the female by several sensory modalities. The other males were exposed to the female primarily by olfaction. In Experiment 2, a completely between-subject design was used to expose some males only to the soiled bedding of the female. The results suggest that olfaction is sufficient to increase the male’s aggressiveness in the presence of an estrous female, although additional sensory input, such as the female’s movements, may be necessary to produce the full aggression-inducing effect.  相似文献   

Mating behavior of male and estrous female rats was observed in a large cage through three ejaculatory series. Movement, 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations, sexual behavior, and distance between animals were studied during the postejaculatory interval (PEI) to help establish how copulatory contact is maintained and reinitiated for successive ejaculations. Females moved more than males throughout the three series. The duration of vocalization by the male during the PEI increased in the presence of an experienced female. During the male’s vocalization, the rats exhibited a period of immobility that usually began with the experienced female’s terminating contact by moving away from the male and ended when the female reinitiated contact by moving toward the male. Virgin females did not show this pattern of movement. Experienced females maintained a greater distance from the male during the PEI than did virgin females. We conclude that the behavior of the experienced estrous female assures both considerable spatial separation during the male’s refractory period and the reinitiation of contact.  相似文献   

Male and female rats were weaned at 14 days of age and raised in social isolation or with three other animals. At maturity the male isolates displayed less male sexual behavior than the socially reared Ss. Female isolates, after ovariectomy and injection with androgen, exhibited much less male sexual behavior than control females similarly tested. After being brought into estrus by injections of estrogen and progesterone, the female sexual behavior of female social and isolate Ss did not differ. Data were interpreted as indicating that social isolation during development deprives rats of critical experiences necessary for development of appropriate responses to social stimuli eliciting male copulatory behavior in both sexes.  相似文献   

迟子建在小说《河柳图》中,以极其敏锐的眼光和独特的女性视角,展示了女主人公程锦蓝的人生轨迹。作为传统女性,"男尊女卑"思想和"男权主义"严重地影响着她;"依附人格"和"贞节观"在她的身上沿袭;传统文化中的"和谐"观念也是导致她丧失自我的重要因素。程锦蓝的情感、婚姻悲剧是男权意识的悲剧,是传统婚姻观念的悲剧。  相似文献   

小说《孙行者》中的主人公阿新对性别的焦虑、对男性气质的追求,反映了华裔男性在美国主流社会被女性化、被阉割的华裔移民史。在写作策略上,汤亭亭跨越性别界线,以女性第三人称作为叙事者,正是其颠覆男性叙事者、女性主人公这一传统二元对立,改写女性被书写、被构建的“他者”形象的尝试:  相似文献   


An investigation to determine if on the basis of behavioral trait “classroom teacher” could Identify students who would later quit school. Two groups were established from Ss entering: the ninth grade during: a two-year period (N = 96). One group graduated four years later. The second group left school prematurely. Ratings were obtained from 506 teachers on Ss in seven areas of behavior. The findings Indicated that male dropouts were rated significantly less favorably on all criteria when compared with male graduates. Similar findings were obtained with female dropouts and graduates. Teacher evaluations of student behavior were reliable predictors of future school attendance and reflective of pupil adjustment.  相似文献   

汉语中的称谓歧视主要从两个方面体现出来:第一、女性多侮称.说女性多侮称首先是相对于男性而言,女性多侮称还体现在女性美称与侮称的不平衡上.第二、称谓以男性为中心,女性为附属.亲属称谓男性为中心;社会称谓男性为中心;两性称谓的使用频率和范围也不平衡.汉语中的女性称谓歧视是汉民族男尊女卑、男主女从文化传统在汉语中的映像.  相似文献   

Forty sexually mature Mongolian gerbils served as subjects in a study designed to examine responsiveness to samples of urine. In a two-choice comparison situation in the home cage, each isolated gerbil was tested for amount of time spent with each urine sample during a 3-min period. Male gerbils spent significantly more time with estrus female urine than nonestrus female gerbil urine, and with nonestrus female gerbil urine than with either male gerbil urine or water. Female gerbils did not respond differentially to any of the stimuli. Neither sex discriminated between gerbil and hamster urine of either sex. Results suggest that female gerbil urine communicates sexual identity and, especially, sexual readiness to the male gerbil.  相似文献   

Play-solicitation and social investigatory behaviors were observed in male and female juvenile rats exposed to playful and nonplayful juvenile social stimuli. A nonplayful state was induced by treatment with scopolamine HBr. In Experiment 1, the play-solicitation behavior of males exposed to nonplayful stimuli was reliably greater than that of females; social investigation did not differ by gender. In Experiment 2, males and females were exposed to nonplayful male and female stimuli. Male subjects engaged in more soliciting than did female subjects, and male social stimuli were subjected to more soliciting than were female social stimuli. Experiment 3 compared the influence of varying social deprivation intervals on play soliciting by male juveniles. Although social investigation did not vary reliably with interval of social deprivation, play soliciting increased reliably with longer intervals of isolation. In Experiment 4, play-soliciting behavior of males exposed to nonplayful males correlated positively and reliably with play fighting behavior upon exposure to normally playful males. The results support the proposal that some specific behaviors functionally provoke interactive play fighting.  相似文献   

萧红和张爱玲是20世纪两位坚强而独立的女性作家,她们追求个性的自由与独立,喊出了真正的女性之声——女人是独立的,不是男人的附庸。她们以各自独特的视角,反映了那个时代女性的独立觉醒和抗争意识。  相似文献   

Whereas a lot of studies examine cognitive processes in chess players, personality profiles of elite chess players are still not described well. The aim of this study was to examine personality of strong chess experts and its influence on chess skill. We tested elite male and female chess players with Freiburg Personality Inventory Revised (FPI-R), which also provides population norms for males and females. Elite male players' personality profile did not significantly differ from the population norms. Female players were more satisfied with life, had less physical complaints and higher achievement motivation in comparison with female population norms. Personality was also related with chess skill but showed different patterns in males and females. Stronger male players were more introverted, while we found the opposite pattern in female players. These results indicate that personality plays an important role in the highest level of complex intellectual activities.  相似文献   

Male and female laboratory rats invariably investigate a novel conspecific placed in their home cages. In Experiment 1, mature male rats were exposed in their home cages to active and inactive juvenile males. Inactive juveniles were pretreated with haloperidol to induce behavioral stasis in a normally upright, quadrupedal stance. In repeated daily observations, males exposed to active juveniles displayed significantly longer intervals of investigation than did males exposed to inactive juveniles. In Experiment 2, mature males and females were repeatedly exposed to active and inactive castrate females. Males investigated significantly longer than did females, active female castrates were investigated significantly longer than were inactive female castrates, and sex of subject interacted significantly with activity-nonactivity of the social stimulus animal. In Experiment 3, mature males and females were repeatedly exposed to active and inactive castrate males. Males investigated significantly longer than did females, active male castrates were investigated significantly longer than were inactive male castrates, and sex of subject interacted significantly with activity-nonactivity of the social stimulus animal. The results demonstrate that sexual dimorphism in persistence of social investigation may be interpreted as a sex difference in response to normal movement cues of a stimulus complex characterizing a conspecific.  相似文献   


Sexually naive male hamsters were paired with ovariectomized females or with castrated males. On half of the trial days, the stimulus animals were scented with vaginal secretion from estrous females, and on half of the trials they were left unscented. Added vaginal secretion resulted in an increased frequency of mounting and decreased latency to mount, and an increase in the amount of time the males remained near the stimulus animals. These results demonstrate that the vaginal secretion has attractant and sexual excitant effects on naive males and thus is a source of sex pheromones. Presence of the secretion also resulted in a decrease in some measures of agonistic behavior, suggesting anti-aggressive functions as well.


Adult Syrian hamster females (Mesocricetus auratus) learn to discriminate against familiar heterospecific males (Turkish hamster, M. brandti). We investigated whether females learn to avoid any heterospecific male after exposure to just one heterospecific male. We predicted that, after being exposed to one heterospecific male, a female would avoid mating not only with that familiar male but also with any unfamiliar heterospecific male. We exposed females to a heterospecific male across a wire-mesh barrier for 8 days and then paired the female with (a) that same heterospecific male or (b) an unfamiliar heterospecific male. Females exhibited lordosis faster and for a longer duration toward the unfamiliar than toward the familiar heterospecific male. However, females were similarly aggressive toward familiar and unfamiliar heterospecific males. Perhaps exposure to stimuli from several heterospecific males (a likely scenario in the wild) would result in females behaving similarly toward familiar and unfamiliar heterospecific males.  相似文献   

In 2 studies, we assessed concepts of personal entitlements in more and less hierarchically organized cultures. Study 1 assessed the judgments of 88 adolescent and adult males (mean ages 17-6 and 34-7) from Druze and Jewish communities in Israel. Subjects were presented with conflict situations in which a person in a dominant position (husband, father) objects to the activities of a family member in a subordinate position (wife, daughter, son), and vice versa. Druze subjects attributed more power than Jewish subjects to husbands and fathers over wives and daughters, but concepts of personal entitlements were prominent in both groups. Study 2 assessed the judgements of Druze females (mean ages 12-10, 17-5, and 38-6). Results show that females accept the legitimacy of males' power and personal autonomy, recognize the consequences for those in subordinate positions, and regard the existing social arrangements as unfair. Overall, the findings indicate that social reasoning is heterogeneous in different types of cultures.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated the stimulus properties of female mice that influence ultrasound production by adult males. Female urine alone was less effective in evoking ultrasounds than was the female in male-female pairs. Visual cues were not necessary, since there was no difference in the incidence or latency of ultrasounds from male-female pairs when tested in light and dark conditions. A presently unspecified chemical cue produced by females, whose effectiveness is mediated by olfaction, was sufficient to evoke ultrasounds from male mice. The role of this chemical cue in a multimodal sequential communicative chain is discussed.  相似文献   

本文以女性与自我,女性与男性,女性与女性这三个研究角度为切入点,重点探究奥地利女作家埃尔弗里德·耶利内克的两部剧作《娜拉离开丈夫以后》(《又名社会支柱》)与《克拉拉·S的音乐悲剧》中所反映的女性生存状况,旨在分析两部剧作中所刻画的女性生存书写的问题:生存在男权社会下的女性处于客观从属的地位。  相似文献   

A study was performed in which attacks by four different types of “resident” rat (males housed with fertile females, males housed with sterile females, paired males, and isolated males) on six different types of intruder (isolated males, grouped males, castrated males, isolated females, grouped females, and ovariectomized females) were investigated. The objective was to study features of resident and intruder rats that would allow the designing of an aggression test that used a minimum of animals and produced a rapid behavioral response. In some combinations of residents and intruders, attack was generated within a 10-min test period. Isolated resident males attacked as much as males housed with females; however, paired rats showed only low incidences of attack. The fertility of the female partner did not influence the male’s aggressiveness. Most male attacks were directed towards like-sexed intruders. Only isolated males differentiated between the different treatment types of male intruder, attacking group-housed and castrated rats less intensely than isolates. Of the females, only those that were fertile produced significant amounts of attack behavior and almost exclusively attacked female intruders. Group-housed intruder females received more attacks than isolates. The results suggest optimal conditions for generating two models of attack behavior in the laboratory rat.  相似文献   

Male courtship of nonreceptive females and male-male agonistic encounters were monitored daily for eight heterosexual groups of guinea pigs. Typically, one male (the associating male) accounted for much more courtship of a given female during her pregnancy than did any of the other males. Associating males were high ranking animals but were not always the group’s normal alpha male. Nonalpha associating males invariably ranked higher on the day of the female’s litter and postpartum estrus than their modal daily rank during her pregnancy. In 10 of the 18 cases, a nonalpha associating male took over the alpha position on the day of the litter. The courtship of females by associating males was found to differ from that by nonassociating males in that associating males displayed circling, rumping, swaying, and pursuit in a significantly higher percentage of the total number of courtship bouts.  相似文献   

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