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Garter snakes (Thamnophis radix), hognose snakes (Heterodon platyrhinos), and rattlesnakes (Crotalus species) flick their tongues and crawl about in an open field containing no food or sexual (i.e., reproductive) odors. As Experiment I shows, the taxa differ reliably in both rate of tongue flicking and rate of locomotion. In Experiment II, garter snakes (Thamnophis radix) placed into an open field for 5 min showed more tongue flicking than snakes that were handled and placed directly back into their home cages, indicating that the first group was exploring the apparatus rather than responding only to handling. During Minutes 3 through 5 (Experiment III) in the open field, garter snakes emitted fewer tongue flicks than they did during the first minute, and after 20 min, the rate of tongue flicking was virtually zero. However, snakes were capable of responding to presentation of new objects and/or odors, indicating that the previous response decrement was not derived from effector fatigue but rather from some habituatory process. Experiment IV revealed that satiated snakes habituated more rapidly than hungry snakes during exploration of the open field. Hence, exploratory behavior in these snakes is at least partially under the control of the same factors which mediate food-related appetitive activities.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 compared the responses of 10 laboratory-reared and 10 wild-reared rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to a real snake and to a range of snake-like objects. Most wild-reared monkeys showed considerable fear of the real, toy, and model snakes, whereas most lab-reared monkeys showed only very mild responses. Fear was indexed by unwillingness to approach food on the far side of the snake and by behavioral disturbance. Experiment 2 examined the effectiveness of seven flooding sessions in reducing snake fear in 8 wild-reared rhesus monkeys. Mean latency to reach for food, trials to criterion (four consecutive short latency responses), and total exposure time to criterion declined significantly across flooding sessions. Behavioral disturbance declined within sessions but not across sessions. Results of a final behavioral test revealed that substantial long-lasting changes had occurred in only 3 of the 8 monkeys. The results are discussed in the context of dissociation between different indices of fear.  相似文献   

Gaiter snakes (Thomnophis sirtalis) accustomed to a fish diet were injected with either saline or lithium chloride 30 min following the ingestion of earthworms. On subsequent tests at 4-day intervals, the LiCl-injected snakes showed significantly increased attack latencies to worms, which were often refused, but not to fish. Behavioral observation of feeding and concurrent tests with surface substance extracts of worm and fish indicate that chemosensory mediation is involved.  相似文献   

Newborn wild house mice (Mus musculus) were fostered upon maternal conspecifics, prairie deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi) or laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Male subjects were weaned into individual cages, in which they remained until testing commenced. At 35 days of age, subjects were given a four-choice test in which they had the opportunity to investigate tunnels scented with clean wood chips or with chips soiled by an adult male conspecific, deer mouse or rat. Compared to theMus-nursed andPeromyscus-nursed mice,Rattus-nursed mice were more active during the test and less reluctant to investigate theRattus-scented tunnel. These results were replicated in a two-choice test (Mus- vs.Rattus-scented tunnels) that included a group of mice fostered onto conspecifics, but withRattus scents present in the maternity cage throughout the nursing period. Early exposure to the scent ofRattus had no significant effects on the responses ofMus-nursed mice to the scent ofRattus.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed in which either White Plymouth Rock chicks or domestic turkeys were reared under three maintenance conditions (with a mirror, with a conspecific, or in visual isolation) from Day 1 posthatch until Day 7. On Day 7, the Ss were given a preference test to determine whether they spent more time before a mirror or with another bird. Ss reared with a mirror spent approximately two-thirds of their time in the vicinity of the mirror, whereas socially reared Ss spent approximately two-thirds of their time with an agemate. The social isolates, on the other hand, failed to show a preference for either mirror image of conspecific stimulation. A third experiment evaluated the choice behavior of turkeys socially reared in the presence of a mirror, and revealed that, like the social isolates, these Ss also failed to exhibit a reliable preference. The results are interpreted in terms of the effects of early rearing conditions upon social stimulus preferences.  相似文献   

Prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) received exposure to a mouse carcass misted with diluted perfume during predatory strikes, just before or after striking, or in the absence of a strike. They then received a choice between a pair of nonenvenomated carcasses, one misted with the perfume and the other misted with a novel solution. Snakes that struck a perfume-misted carcass preferred the nonenvenomated carcass with chemical cues matching those on the carcass they had struck. However, exposure to chemical cues without striking produced no such preference even when the concentration of perfume solution was 100 times that used in the strike condition. Moreover, exposure to chemical cues just before or after the striking of an unscented carcass produced no subsequent preference for a carcass with matching cues. These results indicate the importance of the predatory strike rather than simple familiarization in the formation of chemical preferences in rattlesnakes.  相似文献   

Following tests for initial responsiveness, the suppressive effect of ingestion ofArtemia salina on the contraction response of the sea anemone,Anthopleura elegantissima, was assessed. During testing, repeated presentations of a water-stream stimulus occurred over a period of 70 min. All subjects also underwent control testing in which the water-stream sequence was presented in the absence of priorArtemia ingestion. Significant suppression of oral disk contraction to the water stream was observed followingArtemia ingestion with and without water exchange during testing. The relationship of this finding to similar results obtained withHydra is discussed.  相似文献   

In this report the relationships between cognitive preferences and patterns of achievement in chemistry for grade 12 students in Australia are investigated. The results of the study are consistent with the following two general propostions:
  • 1 Students who develop the cognitive preferences consistent with those implied or stressed by the Higher School Certificate chemistry course tend to perform better on an end-of-course achievement examination than do students whose cognitive preferences are not consis tent with these implied preferences.
  • 2 Higher cognitive preference for a particular preference is positively correlated with performance on the sorts of cognitive tasks implied in that preference.


This study aims at exploring gender differences in text-type-specific reading competences via readers’ gender-specific reading preferences. Women were expected to read more often for the sake of entertainment (entertainment preference), whereas men were expected to read more often to gain information (information preference). We further assumed that individuals who read for entertainment would have higher reading competence in fictional literary texts compared with non-fictional informational texts, and vice versa for individuals who read to gain information. The analysis was based on a sample of 830 adults between 19 and 71 years (M = 31.04; SD = 12.53) from a pilot study of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). A structural equation model confirmed that women and men show different reading preferences during leisure time. The preference to read for entertainment was predictive for reading competence in literary texts; however, the preference to read for information had positive effects on reading competence in both informational and literary texts.


The purpose of this study was to examine prospective middle and secondary teachers’ preferences for unique versus relevant student responses during classroom discussions. Results indicate that, on average, prospective teachers (N = 70) preferred relevance to uniqueness in student responses. In addition, results of regression analysis indicate that prospective teachers’ preference for unique responses varied as a function of grade level and academic subject area. Finally, analysis of written explanations revealed nuanced reasons for prospective teachers’ preferences ranging from viewing unique responses as potentially distracting to viewing any response as acceptable because of a desire to encourage student participation. Implications for future research and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   



Cognitive‐preference measurements have in recent years become a major research area, with particular reference to curriculum evaluation work. Several questions concerning the nature of cognitive preferences and their measurement have so far remained unsolved. The author indentifies and discusses some of these in this article.  相似文献   

Opportunities for American Indian youth to meaningfully engage in school-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences have historically been inadequate. As a consequence, American Indian students perform lower on standardized assessments of science education than their peers. In this article we describe the emergence of meaning for students—as well as their community—resulting from Indigenous culturally-based STEM curriculum that used an American Indian tradition as a focal context. Specifically, the game of snow snakes (Gooneginebig in Ojibwe) afforded an opportunity for STEM and culturally-based resources to work in unison. A case study research design was used with the bounded case represented by the community associated with the snow snake project. The research question guiding this study was: What forms of culturally relevant meaning do students and the community form as a result of the snow snake game? Results indicate evidence of increased student and community engagement through culturally-based STEM experiences in the form of active participation and the rejuvenation of a traditional game. Implications are discussed for using culturally-based contexts for STEM learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present experiment was to describe a pattern of reinforcement sufficient to produce an unpredictable pattern of choice response by rats. On each trial two levers were inserted into an experimental chamber. If the reinforcement was always contingent upon single alternation (a simple pattern), Ss learned to alternate at significantly better than chance level; if reinforcement was contingent upon alternation on 50% of the trials (an insoluble pattern), Ss developed a position preference. To produce apparently random responding, the less preferred response (an alternation) was differentially reinforced on 75% of the trials. A simple stochastic model adequately described the results.  相似文献   

Student epistemic preferences have been found to be important in student learning and achievement. The present study proposed a new conceptualization of student epistemic preferences in the epistemic match model, assessed the match between student epistemic beliefs about chemistry and their epistemic preferences, and, most importantly, examined how this epistemic match may be associated with chemistry course achievement. We adopted latent class analysis and found three distinct profiles of epistemic preferences based on the dimensions of simple and certain knowledge, attainable truth, and alternative knowledge claims. Students in Latent Class 3 (Moderate Preferences) demonstrated the closest match between chemistry epistemic beliefs and epistemic preferences, and had more students who obtained higher grades and fewer students who had lower grades in an introductory chemistry course compared to the other two classes. Students in Latent Classes 1 (All Preferred) and 2 (Alternative-Claim Disliked), however, demonstrated certain degrees of epistemic mismatch between chemistry epistemic beliefs and epistemic preferences, and had noticeably lower achievement in the chemistry course. The study findings highlight the importance of achieving a close match between epistemic beliefs and epistemic preferences for higher achievement in a subject domain.  相似文献   

Denmark's commitment to childhood characterized by equality, democracy, and social cooperation stands in stark contrast to public discourse about immigrant children, who are sometimes branded with negative stereotypes and cast as the cause of school problems. This study examined ethnic-group membership, ethnicity salience, and peer preferences of 399 children in 21 classrooms in two Danish cities to explore whether anti-immigrant sentiments tracked into classrooms, socially marginalizing minority children, and whether any such disadvantages derived from ethnicity salience, in-group favouritism and/or out-group bias. Researchers introduced an index to control for class differences in the relative number of ethnic minority and majority children and analyzed both child as chooser and child as chosen dynamics. They found that minority/majority status was associated with in-group preference, social preference, and social status, disadvantaging minority children, especially in the smaller city. Salience was associated with minority status only. In-group preference did not correlate with out-group bias. Findings revealed potential risks and protective factors for minority children. Evidence contradicted stereotypic characterizations of minority children.  相似文献   


Three groups of fifteen children about 8 years of age were selected such that one group displayed a distinct preference for auditory over visual stimuli, one group displayed a distinct preference for visual over auditory stimuli, and one group displayed no preference. The Ss then learned lists of CVC trigrams presented through preferred and nonpreferred modalities. Results indicated that recall was best when the stimuli during learning were presented through the preferred sensory modality and worst when presented through the nonpreferred modality. Children without a sensory preference scored between the other two extremes, learning equally well under either modality. It was concluded that modality preference can be an important variable in learning and that providing congruity between a learner’s preference and mode of instruction should be investigated.  相似文献   



A special cognitive‐preference inventory dealing with agriculture was developed, validated and administered to 943 middle‐school students and their teachers. This is the first reported study of cognitive preferences of 7th and 8th grade (12 to 13 year‐old) students. The inventory was found to be a valid and reliable measure of cognitive preferences related to agricultural topics studied in Israeli schools.

Preference for application (A) was found to be negatively correlated in different students with either recall (R) or principles (P) or critical questioning (Q).

Studying the ‘new’ agriculture compared with the ‘old’, resulted in a lower preference for R and a higher preference for A. Female students had, on the average, a higher preference for R and P while males tended to prefer A and Q. Children whose fathers were simple workers had the highest preference for R while children whose fathers were academics had the lowest preference for R. Teachers, when compared with their students, had a much higher preference for P and a much lower preference for R. A close correspondence was found between reported emphasis in classroom tests and the cognitive‐preference modes of teachers.


The Learning Preference Scale—Students and the Learning Preference Scale—Teachers were administered to large samples from Sydney schools (n = 1,814 and 619, respectively). With corresponding American versions, a large sample of students and teachers was tested in Minneapolis schools (n = 1,059 and 342, respectively). Data were analyzed first in separate batches by country, and then combined using country as a variable. School year and sex findings are discussed for students. Teaching subject, sex, and years of teaching experience findings are discussed for teachers. The Sydney and Mineapolis data are similar when each data set is analyzed separately. In both cities the girl-boy differences are identical: the girls show stronger cooperative preferences and the boys stronger competitive and individualized preferences. The overall trends with regard to school year, too, are the same, with cooperative and competitive preferences increasing with year level and individualized preference decreasing. In addition, teachers in both cities show striking similarities. Males have more orientation to competitive learning than females. Primary/elementary teachers express more cooperative preferences than secondary teachers, whereas high school teachers, especially those of science and mathematics, are more strongly competitive in their preferences. Dissimilarities become evident, however, when direct comparisons are made between the sets of data for the two locations. Both students and teachers in Sydney are more competitively inclined, more individualistically inclined, and less cooperatively inclined than the sample of their American counterparts. Although the emphasis on competition and individualization in American schools has been seen as excessive and has drawn loud criticism from social commentators, this emphasis in Australia, which is even greater, has attracted very little attention. Because of geographic and social isolation, certain aspects of Australian society have been relatively free from criticism. Comparative data such as those from the present study offer the chance to bring the competitive/indivudalistic ethos predominant in Australia under critical examination.  相似文献   

Pigeons’ preference between fixed-interval and variable-interval schedules was examined using a concurrent-chains procedure. Responses to two concurrently available keys in the initial links of the concurrent chains occasionally produced terminal links where further responses were reinforced under either a fixed- or variable-interval schedule. In previous studies, preferences for the variable schedule with such a procedure have been interpreted as reflecting atemporal scaling process that heavily weights the shorter intervals in the variable schedule. The present experiment examined whetherpredictability, i.e., the presence of external stimuli correlated with the reinforcement interval, might also influence preference in such situations. When the two intervals in a variable schedule were made predictable by being associated with different key colors, preference for that schedule increased. This increase was reliable but small in magnitude and transient when initial-link responses only occasionally produced terminal links; it was large in magnitude when only one response in the initial link was required to produce the appropriate terminal-link schedule. The results suggest that preference between fixed and variable schedules may be influenced both by temporal scaling and to a lesser extent by predictability of the reinforcement intervals.  相似文献   

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