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苏州一条条寻常的巷子,一座座旧居古宅,让人们追忆起往昔的人文荟萃。在小巷不起眼的墙门里,走出多少大名鼎鼎的文人墨客,隔着早已长出鲜苔的黛瓦粉墙,随处都有让人如雷贯耳的名字出现:潘祖荫、顾文彬、金侃、黄丕烈、吴梅,他们在阅尽了人世的千山万水后,在苏州的小巷深处,筑一安静的藏书楼,作为他们终老的归依。  相似文献   

3年前,一位做外教的美国姑娘爱上了一位在出租屋安身的衢州小伙子。不久,男友患上了尿毒症。美国姑娘不离不弃,一直守护着他。她说:你若安好,便是晴天。屋内没有奢华的摆设,也没有高档的家电,除了一些并不时兴的桌椅床凳外,客厅地面上还散落着几件儿童玩具。摆在  相似文献   

展华 《文化交流》2009,(5):84-86
榴花照眼红,粽子扑鼻香,又是一年端午节。节日前夕,我家不少乡亲从对岸台湾回到闽南祖家过节。在与台湾房亲交谈中,我得知台湾和祖家闽南一样,同称端午节为“五月节”。台湾四面环海,水域辽阔,岛内还有一些河川,端午节最有气氛、最为热闹的便是“扒龙船”(龙舟竞赛),闽南台湾方言“扒”与“爬”同音,是划的意思。  相似文献   

"四月樱桃百果先",眼下正临采摘樱桃时节。春风荡漾的上虞岭南乡覆卮山,俨然成了樱桃花的舞台。车子还在山路上盘旋的时候,窗外的远山上泛出亮色的一簇簇就已经分外夺人眼球。再往上走,连成一片的樱桃花慢慢地映入人们的视野。那时还是早春。山上的村落埋在樱桃花海中,深深的。春风拂过,花海漾漾。偶尔浮出的黑瓦一角,犹如海浪中缓缓移动的舟楫。看着看着,一幕幕的呈现就愈发像一幅幅鲜活的中国画了。眼前的"风景如画",完全是因为有了通人心的樱桃花的灵气。回环的山路,恰好印证了"曲径通幽"。到了东澄村一带,这里就是可以近距离欣赏樱桃花的最佳地方。千百年来,覆卮山民一直以石为邻,依山筑宅。所建的住宅往往是就地取材,  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners are increasingly turning to maps as tools for promoting health and development communication. These maps are often criticized for privileging the interests of the global North and for authorizing (neo)colonial approaches. The authors offer a case of community mapping incorporating asset-based community development that offers an alternative cartography. Drawing on the maps produced by members of four communities in rural Ecuador, the authors articulate how their maps productively use and challenge assumptions about maps. Following this analysis, the authors offer some implications that community-scale maps have for articulating rhetorical alternatives in health and development communication.  相似文献   

展华 《文化交流》2012,(12):71-73
台湾人习称家为"厝",意思是安身的住处,如家宅叫"厝宅",祖家叫"祖厝",家里人叫"厝内人",房东叫"厝主",房租叫"厝租",房地产契叫"厝契",乔迁新居叫"入厝",等等。台湾所属市县含"厝"的地名相当多,这些"厝"大都是同姓人聚居的地方,联系姓氏根源与宗族关系,显示出古色古香的部落色彩。位于台南玉井、楠西间的江家古厝,是人们公认的全台湾最大且保存相当完善的闽南式传统农村聚落。江家古厝占地面积3.5公顷,保留了130多栋房屋,其中多栋有百余年历史,包括土角厝、竹编厝、铁皮  相似文献   

A group of 51 shards of medieval polychrome glazed pottery, coming from Canosa castle archaeological site (Bari, Italy), has been investigated through surface analytical techniques, such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and elemental ones, such as Inductively Coupled Plasma–Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP–OES) and Absorption Atomic Spectroscopy (AAS) by flame and electro-thermal atomisation. The investigation was aimed at defining the elemental composition of pottery findings, identifying pigments and clarifying glaze types. The results of the analytical characterization allowed the identification of materials and technological expedients used for pottery manufacturing, highlighting original features in the production of the investigated pottery.The quantitative analysis performed on ceramic paste, glaze and painted decorations provided a significant number of results, thus enabling their effective exploitation for multivariate statistical techniques, in order to find out possible groups of pottery items with defined similarity within the samples.  相似文献   

This study shows that the sandstone used in the construction of the Church of San Mateo in Tarifa (Cádiz, Spain) is highly sensitive to processes of decay because of a combination of factors that are intrinsic and extrinsic to the material. The mineralogy, texture and porous system of the sandstone and the proximity of the church to the sea all play a part in these processes. X-ray diffraction reveals that there are interstratified chlorite/smectite clays among the minerals that make up the rock. These mixed layer clays have been shown to undergo hydric expansion. This phenomenon may be accompanied and augmented by the presence of NaCl which acts as an electrolyte in osmotic swelling processes. Two varieties of sandstone were used in the construction of the church, namely grey sandstone and brown sandstone. The latter is more porous and undergoes greater hydric expansion, showing a higher degree of deterioration. Ultrasound analysis has demonstrated that both varieties are anisotropic because they contain bedding planes and are affected by the preferred orientation of the phyllosilicates in the rock. The anisotropic nature of these stones was confirmed by capillary suction tests. The capillary front reaches a relatively low height which means that when water is absorbed, the anisotropic textural properties combined with the presence of chlorite–smectite mixed layers in the sandstone result in mechanical (shear) stress between the first few centimetres of the wet stone and the dry area behind. The latter effect favours the development of flakes, so causing the decay of the ornamental stone and the church façade.  相似文献   

This essay’s purpose is to recover Fiskean deconstructive criticism as a means of examining the complexities of texts. Specifically, we argue that Lost in Translation’s moments of spectacle reveal that even in a text that reinforces White Orientalist views of Japan, the text’s obtuse meanings subvert, though not upturn, this dominant narrative. The film’s text reifies heteronormative masculinity and femininity with the blending of the pre- and postmodern Japan, yet obtuse meanings subvert the Western gaze and present hybrid queer spaces that complicate Western neocolonial domination. Subversion cannot completely overturn those meanings, but guerrilla opportunities allow for tactical resistance.  相似文献   

前不久,我随山东老年书画研究会去台湾采风观光,面对高雄县大树乡佛光山名家百人碑墙,对中国书画文化闪烁出的绮丽光彩,不禁又一次由衷地击节赞叹!  相似文献   

2009年5月22日下午,浙江电视台公共新农村频道与台州市黄岩区在橘乡院桥繁荣村联合举办“浙江农民创富大赛”文艺专场演出。在村剧场里,来自省、区的文艺工作者和当地农民联袂演出了歌舞、魔术、武术、器乐等节目,赢得了四邻八乡观众的阵阵掌声。  相似文献   

那个大雨的晚上 1942年4月18日,美国B-25轰炸机轰炸日本东京、名古屋、大阪等地之后,返航飞到中国大陆已是晚上。当时气候条件恶劣和飞行员对航线陌生,由于衢州机场没有得到美机返航时间提早的补充通知,未能及时开放机场,致使15架B-25油料用罄后全部坠毁,飞行员跳伞。  相似文献   

邱雯 《文化交流》2009,(5):72-75
浙江山清水秀,地灵人杰,是中国的绘画大省,早在7000年前的河姆渡就诞生了刻有猪纹图案的方钵和刻有稻穗纹的陶盒,它们向世人展示了中国原始绘画的风采。宋元明清以来,浙江更是画家辈出,流风不绝。如南宋的刘、李、马、夏,元初的赵孟频,元末的吴镇、王蒙,明初戴进、吴伟,明中期的徐渭,明末的陈洪绶,清代的董邦达、金农,晚清的赵之谦、任伯年、吴昌硕等,都是彪炳中国绘画史册的人物。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是一个全球性的问题,如何破解这一难题,浙江省宁波市鄞州区正在探索一条"文化养老"的路子,让老人由衷开怀。找到了新生活在寒气降临的季节,鄞州有一些文化活动倒是挺热,比如在区老干部活动中心,一个叫蔡明的耄耋老者和其他几位年龄相仿的书画同好,办了一场展览。  相似文献   

周军 《文化交流》2009,(8):53-57
2009年3月1日,北京故宫博物院院长郑欣淼与台北故宫博物院院长周功鑫在台北圆山大饭店面对媒体热情握手,标志着故宫部分文物迁台60年后,两岸博物院正式实现了互访。双方约定,台北故宫博物院举办雍正特展,将通过第三机构,向北京故宫博物院借展文物27组件(共37件)。  相似文献   

杨宽 《文化交流》2016,(9):86-89
正2016年1月11日至2月20日,受英国诺丁汉大学湖边艺术中心邀请,红牡丹书画国际交流社在英国开展为期40天的中国书画艺术国际教学与文化交流活动。这是"红牡丹"自创立以来首次走出国门,在海外传播中国艺术文化。"红牡丹"在英国40天的中外文化交流活动,掀起了英国民众学习中国书画的热潮,创造了百米牡丹长卷英伦绘画传奇。  相似文献   

一凡 《文化交流》2010,(1):78-80
康熙五十年(1711),重阳节刚过,扬州城内群情沸腾。原来,乡试榜揭晓,中第的大部分是扬州盐商和权贵的子弟。落第秀才们情绪激动,要求惩治腐败,查处科考案。新上任的江苏巡抚张伯行立即派人察问,得悉副主考赵晋出卖关节,受贿纹银十万两;主考官左必蕃欺上瞒下隐情不报。  相似文献   

新中国文学研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图通过对中国当代文学若干史实的剖析和评价,对至为重要的文学政治的关系、文艺真实性与思想倾向性的关系以及文艺与人性、人道主义的关系等理论问题作出辩证的阐述,为文学史研究提供符合辩证唯物史观的理论导向和价值导向,并澄清上述领域曾有过的错误观点.  相似文献   

近日,经国家“汉办”批准,杭州师范大学将与美国中田纳西州立大学合作举办孔子学院。美方代表表示要把它打造成全美最好的孔子学院。  相似文献   

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