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不同等级女子标枪运动员身体素质发展水平的检查与评定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对我国女子标枪运动员身体素质指标的测试、函调和查阅大量文献资料,获得二级、一级、健将级标枪运动员12项身体素质指标的数据,运用统计学方法分析处理,建立了3种级别运动员身体素质发展水平的回归方程,制定了身体素质发展水平的评分标准以及检测性项目综合发展水平、均衡程度、与专项成绩的适应程度的评定方法,为教练员制定计划、控制训练过程和预测运动成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

运用特尔菲法、问卷调查法、格拉布斯法、因子分析以及回归分析等方法,对我国优秀女子跳高运动员专项身体素质进行研究.研究结果:(1)建立我国优秀女子跳高运动员专项身体素质指标体系;(2)建立关于专项身体素质的专项成绩预测模型;(3)研制包括专项身体素质典型指标的评价标准和评价方法,专项身体素质综合发展水平、专项身体素质发展均衡程度、专项身体素质综合发展水平与专项成绩相适应程度一系列评价标准和评价方法.  相似文献   

通过对我国17~18岁年龄段优秀男子足球运动员1999年春训身体素质测试成绩和1998年我国17~18岁年龄段优秀男子足球运动员身体素质测试成绩进行比较分析,制定出比较客观地反映青少年体能指标测量标准和评价标准。  相似文献   

李柱  郭国兵 《体育学刊》2005,12(6):119-121
通过收集我国27名女子铅球一级运动员65次运动成绩以及相应的专项身体素质指标测验结果,得出影响我国女子铅球一级运动员成绩的专项身体素质的主要因子为:最大力量因素因子、专门投掷训练因素因子、专项速度力量因素因子.并在此基础上,研究得出影响我国女子铅球一级运动员成绩的专项身体素质指标依次是:后抛4kg铅球、30 m站立式起跑、立定跳远和卧推,并给出相应回归方程.依据统计学正态分布原理,运用相应的计算公式,制定出专项身体素质综合发展水平、专项身体素质总体发展均衡程度以及专项身体素质综合发展水平与运动成绩适应程度的3种评定标准.  相似文献   

影响铅球运动员专项成绩的素质评价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
将数理统计的因子分析模型、回归分析模型应用于运动员素质的评价。将直接影响运动员专项成绩的身体素质指标建立了相关的数学模型,研究了各身体素质指标与专项成绩之间的相关关系,提出对青少年运动员应优先发展其速度素质、爆发力素质和灵活性素质,并给出了身体素质指标与铅球成绩的预测与控制方案。  相似文献   

对链球运动员身体训练水平评定的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
检查与评定链球运动员的身体训练水平是实现链球运动训练科学化的基本环节。它不仅可以评价运动员身体素质的综合发展水平、发展均衡程度以及与专项成绩相适应的程度,而且还能揭示出不同身体素质与专项成绩之间的内在联系,最佳地选择训练手段与方法,建立运动员身体训练模型,从而最优地控制链球训练过程。作者主要采用聚类分析与多元回归分析的研究方法,对我国13名优秀链球运动员(运动成绩为65.86±4.94m)的12项身体素质进行了研究。通过聚类分析,12项身体素质被分成4类。第1类有4项指标(30m  相似文献   

对4项身体素质与运动成绩的相关分析可以看出,儿童体操运动员身体素质与运动成绩的关系密切,进行身体素质打分形式的竞赛是可行的。个别身体素质的指标选择和扣分标准有待进一步修订。  相似文献   

本文通过对6~8岁少儿速滑选材与训练的生理和身体素质指标,冰上成绩与技术的对比分析,得出少儿速滑宜自6岁开始训练的结论。  相似文献   

蔡冠蓝  吴鸿春 《体育科技》2011,32(2):55-57,67
通过对世界优秀男子铁饼运动员的各项身体素质指标与其运动成绩的灰关联度分析,列出它们之间的灰色关联顺序,找出影响中外优秀铁饼运动员成绩的主要身体素质指标因素。结果表明:中国运动员优先发展身体素质的顺序是加速跑〉立定跳远〉抓举〉深蹲〉高翻〉卧推,外国运动员优先发展身体素质的顺序是抓举〉立定跳远〉加速跑〉卧推〉高翻〉深蹲。由此可见,中外运动员在铁饼身体素质训练上存在差异。说明影响世界优秀男子铁饼运动成绩的最关键因素在加速跑、立定跳远、抓举这三项身体素质指标,它们与专项投掷力量紧密相关,是发展爆发力和速度力量的重要途径。  相似文献   

因为跳远运动员的专项成绩是由专项身体素质和专项技术决定的,因而专项身体素质在某种程度上决定了运动员的专项成绩。本研究通过对我国10名男子跳远运动员的专项成绩、专项身体素质以及下肢髋、膝和踝三大关节等速屈伸肌力矩等指标进行测  相似文献   

郭静  吴玉华 《福建体育科技》2012,31(1):23-24,32
近年我国对体适能的研究成为热潮,其中以健康体适能测试作为评价身体健康标准与以体质测试作为评价标准成为当前我国对国民健康评定的两股主流势力。通过对体质测试指标与健康体适能的测试指标进行比较分析,认为体质的测试指标与健康体适能的测试指标都不能体现"完全健康"的范畴;在身体健康测试指标中,健康体适能相对于体质更能准确、有效的反映人体的健康状况;但也必须加入心理健康、社会健康、情绪健康、精神健康的测试指标,健康体适能才能更好的体现人体的"完全健康"水平。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法对高校毕业生健康体适能理论缺失的原因及干预措施进行研究。结果显示:目前健康体适能理论尚未被引入普通高校体育课教学内容;"三自主"体育课程模式存在缺陷;体育教师理论知识更新不及时;以及目前高校对于毕业生是否达到课程目标缺少把关等都是高校毕业健康体适能理论缺失的原因。针对性干预措施为:在国家层面,应出台政策倡导普及健康体适能理论;在学校层面,应深化体育课程改革,规定健康体适能为必修内容;加强高校毕业离校前对健康体适能理论掌握的把关;加强体育师资在健康体适能理论方面的培训。  相似文献   


Numerous epidemiological investigations have shown that low physical fitness and low physical activity are related to the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Most studies, however, have not examined both variables concurrently to determine which has the strongest association with CAD risk. The purpose of the investigation was to cross-sectionally examine the relationships among physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD. Male law enforcement officers (N = 412) from the City of Austin, Texas, were subjects for this study. Physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD were assessed through health screenings and from data collected as part of an annual physical fitness assessment. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed that physical fitness, but not physical activity, was related to several single CAD risk factors. Percent body fat, smoking habits, and Type A behavior score were negatively related to physical fitness level, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was positively related to physical fitness level. Univariate analysis of variance found both physical fitness and physical activity to be significantly related to a composite CAD risk score. Low physical fitness and low physical activity were associated with a high CAD risk score. These data suggest that physical activity must be sufficient to influence physical fitness before statistically significant risk-reducing benefits on single CAD risk factors are obtained, although minimal engagement in weekly vigorous activity provides a significant benefit for the composite CAD risk score. It is plausible, however, that physical fitness is a stronger measure than physical activity and optimally characterizes the relationship among physical activity and CAD risk factors.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实地测试法等研究方法,探索高校普通大学生田径选项课种类的开发以及各种类型体适能课对学生身体素质的影响,试图揭示运动处方教学模式背景下,究竟那一种类型体适能选项课对普通大学生身体素质的提高意义深远。研究结果表明:力量核素主导的体适能课、耐力核素主导的体适能课、速度核素主导的体适能课和柔韧核素主导的体适能课四种类型,对大学生身体素质水平反馈指标提升的辐射面不同,其中力量核素主导的体适能课辐射面最广,其次是耐力核素主导体适能课,再次是速度核素主导体适能课,最后是柔韧核素主导体适能课。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和访谈,发现两个城市的全民健身服务体系存在以下问题:体育健身场地器材不足,健身指导员的数量较少,且知识结构偏低,难以保证居民健身的需求,全民健身计划、健身知识、健身方法的宣传不够,经费不足,来源渠道单一等等。针对存在的问题提出以下建议:国家应出台一套适应于社区体育健身服务体系法规;完善全民健身服务体系建设;加大城市体育设施的建设力度;多渠道筹集资金,保障居民健身活动的顺利开展;进一步加强全民健身计划的宣传;加速全民健身服务多元化管理体系的人才建设,以保证全民健身服务体系的不断完善与发展。  相似文献   

利用CitespaceV软件、以及统计学、逻辑分析法、资料法,梳理2000-2019年间我国体质测试研究领域的研究作者、时间、热点、以及相关主题聚类,并绘制相关图谱,旨在解读我国国民体质的研究现状,为后期理论研究与实践探索提供有益参考。结果发现:与我国体质测试相关联的七个研究模块:1.国民体质健康;2.社会群体;3.人才强国;4.基础指标;5.供给结构;6.网络环境;7.地域研究。同时,在整体研究趋势向好、向外发展的期间,核心作者群已初具雏形,以北京体育大学等高校牵头已开展了学术间交流合作,不仅注重国内理论基础实践,也探讨了欧美国家的研究经验,以助于提高我国国民体质健康水平。  相似文献   

体质健康预警针对体质健康等级评定存在的信息缺失、学生体质健康发展的非均衡性、学生对体质健康评价结果不够重视等问题,以体质健康测试数据分析与健康预测为基础而建立的预警警示分析系统.通过对体质健康弱化状态进行分析、监控并发出预警.通过对个体体质健康信息的具体预警,促进学生对体质健康的关注,促进学生从心理上产生健康危机意识,从而产生改善体质健康的紧迫感和危机感,促进主动进行锻炼的自我健康管理.  相似文献   


This study aimed to produce age- and sex-specific physical fitness reference data for Portuguese youth; to report the prevalence of youth in the healthy zone of physical fitness according to the FITNESSGRAM® criteria; to verify the agreement between the Portuguese physical fitness percentiles and the FITNESSGRAM® healthy zones. In 2008, 22,048 Portuguese children and adolescents (10–18 years) were evaluated. Physical fitness (curl-ups, push-ups, 20-m shuttle run and modified-back-saver-sit-and-reach tests) was evaluated using the FITNESSGRAM® Test Battery 8.0. Smoothed percentile curves were estimated using Cole’s LMS method. Boys consistently outperformed girls in every physical fitness test, except for the modified-back-saver-sit-and-reach tests. In both sexes and for all physical fitness tests, higher percentile values were observed at older ages. The 50th percentile of all physical fitness tests had the highest accuracy to discriminate between under healthy zone and healthy zone of the FITNESSGRAM®. Portuguese schools and physical education teachers may considerer the 50th percentile for age and sex or the FITNESSGRAM® criteria for classifying participants in the healthy zone as acceptable cut-offs, above which youth should be considered fit. These reference values can be used as normative data and for baseline values for subsequent surveillance of the physical fitness of Portuguese youth.  相似文献   


As an increase in pain symptoms among children has been shown in the last decades, the aim of this study was to describe perceptions of recurrent pain, measured physical fitness and levels of reported physical activity (PA) in children, and to investigate if any associations between PA, fitness and recurrent pain could be identified. A school-based study comprised 206 Swedish children 8–12 years old, 114 boys, 92 girls. A questionnaire with questions about perceived pain, self-reported PA and lifestyle factors was used. Health-related fitness was assessed by 11 physical tests. A physical index was calculated from these tests as a z score. High physical index indicated high fitness and low physical index indicated low fitness. ANOVA test, chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were used to compare active and inactive children. The prevalence of one pain location (head, abdomen or back) was 26%, two 11% and three 4% (n=206). Female gender, living in single-parent families, low PA and low subjective health were associated with reported recurrent pain. Children reporting high levels of PA had high physical index and reported low prevalence of pain symptoms. The physical index and level of self-reported PA decreased gradually the more pain locations. Physically active children had higher fitness levels and reported less pain symptoms than inactive peers. Coping with pain is an integral part of PA, and active children learn to cope with unpleasant body sensations which together with high fitness may reduce the perception of pain.  相似文献   

The ways in which students make sense of the gendered fitness expectations found in a norm-referenced fitness testing program (i.e. President's challenge physical fitness test) were the focus of this study. Participants were 18 fifth grade students who completed fitness tests in their physical education classes. They were interviewed using a standardized, open-ended protocol designed to elicit their perceptions of the fitness test. Three salient themes emerged from the data: (1) students used notions of essentialism and social construction to explain gender differences; (2) students observed their peers’ performances through gendered lenses; and (3) students provided suggestions for change. Based on the findings from this study, researchers and practitioners may begin to recognize the ways in which fitness testing affects how students socially construct ideologies about fitness, ability and their bodies.  相似文献   

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