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对海德堡大学校长的选拔与任命由不同的机构负责:由评议会、大学理事会和州政府代表组成的遴选委员会负责选拔与提名,大学理事会负责选举,评议会和州科学部负责认可,巴登—腾堡州州长负责任命。这些机构既分工也合作,有助于选出同时得到政府、社会和大学认可的校长。这种校长选任制度既尊重大学的自治权,又允许政府和社会可以对校长选任施加恰当的影响;既保证让大学里的不同群体民主参与决策,同时又基于教授治校的传统赋予教授群体最大的影响力。海德堡大学校长选任制度对我国大学校长选任制度的改革和发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

日本的大学分为国立大学、公立大学和私立大学,各大学属于法人机构。大学的教师分为教授、副教授、讲师和助教四个类型。聘任教师实行公开招聘制度,由大学的教授会负责审议申请者,最终由大学校长来任命。聘任教师有着明确的程序规定,对教师的任职条件有着严格要求。但是,日本的大学教师存在着学阀意识,且近亲繁殖现象比较严重。传统上,大学教师基本上是终身任职制,但是目前正逐步推行任期制度。  相似文献   

法国的高等学校教师属于国家公务员,而且是国家公务员中的A级,地位较高,待遇丰厚,职业吸引力强。因此成为人们竞相角逐的热门职业。正因为如此,法国政府和高等学校对教师的聘任非常慎重,程序也比较复杂。聘任高校教师主要由全国大学理事会负责。全国大学理事会的各...  相似文献   

探析美国大学校长的权力制衡制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大学中存在着相对完善的权力制衡制度,董事会、评议会等在某种程度上对大学校长的权力起着制约与平衡的作用。本文对美国大学校长的权力制衡制度进行分析,以期对解决我国大学中普遍存在的校长及其行政机构权力过大的问题以及平衡学术权力和行政权力的关系等方面有所启示。  相似文献   

大学校长职业化是新时期大学改革的热点,本文从大学校长由职务观念到职业观念、权力本位到能力本位、管理思维到经营思维的转变,以及落实大学校长聘任和培训制度,健全监督机制,推行激励与退出机制六个方面,阐述我国当代大学校长职业化的现实路径。  相似文献   

大学校长职业化是新时期大学改革的热点,本文从大学校长由职务观念到职业观念、权力本位到能力本位、管理思维到经营思维的转变.以及落实大学校长聘任和培训制度,健全监督机制,推行激励与退出机制六个方面,阐述我国当代大学校长职业化的现实路径。  相似文献   

近代国立大学校长之任命,其路径取向基本上是沿着行政干预减少、教育渐趋独立的方向发展,而校长的任职资格,虽然没有明文专门规定,但于近代中国高等教育法律法令体系中亦可略见其概。析其源流,近代中国国立大学校长的任命与任职资格乃深受德美法大学之综合影响。在校长与教师聘任之关系上,历经了校长独具权责至与其它机构共享聘任权力的过程。  相似文献   

教师群体对于一所大学的发展具有举足轻重的作用,教师聘任也是现代大学制度的一个组成部分.文章以京师大学堂、民初以及蔡元培掌校三个不同时期的北京大学为例,通过明确教师选聘标准、设立聘任委员会和制定聘任程序,描述中国近代大学教师聘任的制度化过程.大学教师的聘任权力由校长一人独揽转由教授群体集体掌控,教师主体则从拥有科举功名的官员转变为拥有留学背景、学有专长的学者.这与聘任者的阅历及其理念以及留学生群体的回归有着密不可分的关系.  相似文献   

在美国大学治理结构中,学术评议会(Academic Senate)占有重要的地位,它是董事会下设的学术管理机构.本文以加州大学学术评议会为例,以加州大学学术评议会法和章程为依据,简要介绍了评议会的组织结构、职能、成员构成和自身组织制度建设.美国大学学术评议会制度为我国大学内部的学术管理改革提供了一定的参照与启示.  相似文献   

欧洲大学校长选拔制度与治理结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧洲西班牙、瑞士、意大利和英国的大学校长选拔制度特色明显。几乎所有大学的校长都由全校师生通过直接或者间接的方式选举产生,政府只是履行批准任命手续。选举坚持尊重教师意志、公开透明、充分竞争等原则,具有较为严格的制度基础和程序规范。大学校长在任期内的职权和责任比较明确。大学议会、董事会、学术委员会等内部管理体制和机制保障大学校长既能够充分行使职权,又能够承担相应的责任。  相似文献   

The 1993 merger between Jordanhill College of Education and the University of Strathclyde is analysed by the Principals of the two institutions. They examine such factors as the nature of the merger itself, the importance of the timing of the proposal, the influence exercised by prior experiences, and the attitude of the key players - Senate, Academic Board, Court and Governors, students, academic and non-academic trade unions, the Funding Council and the Scottish Office Education Department. The authors then proceed to compare their merger with mergers which have occurred in higher education in the Netherlands and in Australia. While there was a major difference, in that there was no government pressure to merge, there were other significant ways in which the process was similar. Many of the lessons learned in those countries apply equally in the UK.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present the latest Education Lending Policy (ELP) of the European Investment Bank (EIB), adopted by the Board of Governors in 2008. It is structured in two parts. The first briefly presents the EIB in general and the evolution of its education lending portfolio in particular. This sets the stage for the second part of the article, which reproduces the Bank's new ELP — only the second such formal education sector policy statement adopted by the institution to date.  相似文献   

金融英语是英语的分支语体。在对美国联邦储备委员会(简称美联储)于2005年2月递交美国国会的货币政策报告(简称货币政策报告)等进行全文汉译过程中,结合翻译理论,探讨了金融英语文本词汇的英汉理解与翻译的语境解译、术语翻译和规避疏忽等三方面问题。  相似文献   

法国的大学作为学术性、文化性、专业性的“公共设施法人”,对教育、研究、管理、财政享有自主权。大学教师主要有教授、副教授、助教。大学教师的身份是公务员,因此,大学教师既要遵循作为国家公务员的规则,又要符合大学教师特别身份的规程。大学教师系终身性质,不能解聘,如有不称职者,惩罚措施是不予升职。大学教授作为国家公务员,是由校方先定候补者,再由国家进行任命,并决定其工资待遇。聘任助教,是根据国民教育部长公布的助教缺额一览表,以大学区为单位进行公开招聘,由聘任的大学专门委员会经过个别审查做出决定。  相似文献   

The development of external, nontraditional degree programs has stimulated discussion as to the usefulness of the diplomas received through such programs. Questionnaires completed by 686 graduates of Illinois' statewide Board of Governors Bachelor of Arts Degree Program measure the extent to which the degree is acceptable to graduates and their employers, the degree to which student goals were met upon graduation, the quality of program services, and the success rate of students applying to graduate schools. The results are overwhelmingly positive, suggesting that non-traditional degrees are gaining general acceptance among a wide variety of groups.For assistance in collecting, tabulating and analyzing data for this article, the authors are grateful to C. Edward Gilpatric, Judith Hofstrand, Elizabeth Stanley, and Donald Tedder.  相似文献   

Boards of Governors have been in existence since the early 1970s as part of Papua New Guinea's effort to allow local participation in educational decision-making. This study investigates their role in the governance of provincial high schools in Papua New Guinea. From the findings, lessons that can be learnt by those who are intending to introduce school governance at the individual institution level have been stated. The data were obtained through a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, observation of meetings, and document analysis. Participants included principals, teachers, students and community representatives. In general the Boards are involved in administrative functions only. They are not involved in the main technology of the schools: teaching and learning. It is recommended that consideration be given to delegating some curriculum powers to the Boards. Further, training is required for principals and Board members to strengthen the Boards' effectiveness.  相似文献   

美国西部州长大学是美国远程教育领域具有特色的非盈利性虚拟大学,自创办以来为美国高等教育领域的发展提供了新的模式和动力,促进了美国高等远程教育领域的改革和发展.它的管理模式独具特色,在行政管理、教师管理、教学管理以及质量管理等方面的成功经验值得我们借鉴.  相似文献   

东南亚七国议会体制之组成、权力重心的配置和议员的产生以及与行政权的关系各异,其中一院制已全部或部分实现普选,由其他政治力量对其制衡;二院制以众议院(下院)为优,与参议院(上院)互有制衡.以委任议员使立法结合经验与民主、融合代表性与理性,为基本权利提供双重保障;议会与政府之间以倒阁权、解散权和否决权相互抗衡.各国司法体系均按审级制设立法院,但审理特殊案件的宗教法院和苏丹法庭的作用因国而异.各国之宪法或政治现实均确立司法独立的宪制地位,提供法官身份保障和法院经济保障.法院与政府之间的制衡不仅仅体现在司法审查方面,同样重要的是,在组织方面政府或专门机关对司法的任命权能够割断它与其他政治力量的联系并抵御议会和政府的侵蚀.通过内部性和具体性的解构分析,表明除文莱外,为避免再现威权主义国家危机,立宪主义的权力分立和制衡已经深入其余六国权力组织和配置体系中.  相似文献   

The newly appointed Secretary-General of the International Association of Universities (IAU) reflects on her years of association with UNESCO-CEPES, first as one of its Liaison Officers, representing Canada, and then as a member of its Advisory Board. The Centre has played--and still plays--a key role in East-West co-operation in higher education. Her organization (IAU) and UNESCO-CEPES are called upon to play major roles in assisting higher education in meeting the many challenges of the future. She ends her article with a plea for networking and partnership building.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the selection and professional development of a newly appointed teacher educator at the Institute for Teacher Education at a Dutch university. The situation described is, in our view, representative of the Dutch situation in general. A senior teacher educator and a newly appointed teacher educator were interviewed. The first interview presents mainly information on selection, the second interview covers the professional development of the appointed teacher educator. Both interviews indicate the importance of informal aspects. Personal factors of both colleagues and the teacher educator himself have influenced selection and development. We suggest both elements should be elaborated on and formalised. Notwithstanding, the position of a teacher educator in The Netherlands will remain an uncertain one.  相似文献   

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