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温社生 《中学文科》2000,(11):25-27
这两个词组修饰形容词时,其用法相同。如:I feel a little cold.The weather is a little cold.但修饰名词时,用法不一样。a little可直接修饰不可数名词。如:“There is a little water in the bottle。”“a bit”不能直接修饰名词,要在其后加上of才能修饰不可数名词。如:Give me a bit of water.He knows a bit of French.  相似文献   

1.There are a few chopsticks on it.(L.57)它(桌子)上面有一些筷子。句中的few意为“少数的,不多的”,单独使用时,表示否定意义;而a few意为“几个,一些”,表示肯定意义。few与a few均用来修饰可数名词。例如:She has a few friends.她有几个朋友。注意few,a few和little,a little的区别:它们的相同点是:few与little意思相同,都表示否定意义;a few与a little意思相同,都表示肯定意义。不同之处为:few与a few用来修饰可数名词,而little与a little用来修饰不可数名词。例如:  相似文献   

1.他有那么多的好朋友。[误]He has such many good friends.[正]He has so many good friends.[析]修饰名词一般应用such,但如果可数名词前有many,few修饰,不可数名词前有 much,little(少的)修饰,就只能用so,而不能用such。请记住“so many/much/few /little(少的) 形容词 名词(复数或不可数)”结构。  相似文献   

so/such…that在新教材中十分活跃,它们都连接表示结果的状语从句,但由于so(adv.)和such(adj.)的词类不同,其用法和句子结构也不同。请看下表:注意:1.such a(n)+形容词+单数可数名词=so+形容词+a(n)+单数可数名词。如:such a fine day=so fine a day2.当主句中的名词有many,much(多),few,little(少)等词修饰时,该词前只能用so而不用such。如:so many people=such a lot of people;so much water,so few friends请做巩固性练习:1.He hadbookshe couldn蒺t finish reading them.A.too many…to B.so many…thatC.such man…  相似文献   

李世荣 《初中生》2007,(5):52-55
a little/afew/little/few 辨析: A.a little和a few都可以表示“有一点”,“有一些”的意思。a few修饰可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词。  相似文献   

旧版课本中what出现的次数较少,用法也比较简单。新版教材中又出现了what的新用法。请先看下面四个句子或结构。1.(NMET2001)The home improvements have taken what little there is__my spare time.A.from B.in C.of D.a 解析:这道题看似在考查介词的用法,但实际是在考查what little的用法。当时的课本从没有提过what little的意义和用法。在这里what和little不是两个孤立的词。what little意为“虽然少,但把所有的都……”。there is what little of my spare time是宾语从句的原形。整个题干的意思是:“装修房屋占据了我仅有的一点空闲时间。”不难看出答案是C。  相似文献   

一、考查SO与such的区别 1.so常修饰形容词或副词;such常修饰名词。常用结构有:①such+a(n.)+(adj.)+单数名词;②such+(adj.)+复数名词;③such+(adj.)+不可数名词。如:  相似文献   

请先看一道选择题:How can little cats eat much food?A.such,so B.so,such C.so,so D.such,such 此题不少同学会感到疑惑。老师也曾对这两词的用法讲解过:在选用such或so修饰名词时,如果名词前有表示数量的形容词many,much,few,  相似文献   

张容 《今日教育》2009,(7):28-28
活动目标: 1.幼儿喜欢唱歌活动.愿意大胆歌唱 2.复习色彩单词,能唱会歌曲《sing a little song》;  相似文献   

龚磊 《今日中学生》2012,(11):24-25
Things always know when a person isn’t well.They know,but they do not care. At such times,in little ways,things make life hard for people.They have special ways of doing this.  相似文献   

Two little hands go clap,clap,clap.两只小手拍一拍, Two little feet go tap,tap,tap.两只小脚轻轻踏, Two little eyes are open wide.两只眼睛睁得大, One little head goes from side to side.小脑袋儿摇摇吧。  相似文献   

"Oh,Father! " said a little frog to the big one sitting by the side of a pool. "I have seen such a terrible monster (怪物) I It was as big as a  相似文献   

The first little pig成功地完成了他的毕业论文,并且获得了教育博士学位。The first little pig is very happy.十天以后,he will go back to China.但是,他非常舍不得他的老师和同学。三年来,他们给了小猪 a lot of help.“I will email you.Goodbye.”“Goodbye,little pig.”The little pig坐飞机回北京了。On the plane, the little pig遇到了一位来自日本的年轻人。他要到北京学习呢。他发现the little pig因为离开了自己的老师和同学而伤心,就对the little pig说:“我可以给你讲一个日本故事让你高兴起来。OK?”The little pig说: “OK.Thank you.I love stories.”The little pig到底听到了一个什么故事?播放光盘你就知道了。  相似文献   

make作动词时。通常有以下几种含义,请看: 1.做、制作、制造。例如: She made a kite for her little sister yesterday. 她昨天为她妹妹做了一个风筝。  相似文献   

anonymous  寒星 《英语辅导》2017,(11):32-33
On a warm sunny island,little Harry was born.Flowers bloomed all the year round.The sun shone most of the time. When Harry was six years old,his family moved to New York. It seemed very 1)odd to the little boy to live in a place where there were so many people,and such great houses.After a while,the weather grew cold and he had to wear thick clothing.  相似文献   

教学步骤及说明 Step 1. Warming-up Let' s chant: Hop a little. Jump a little. One.Two. Three. Run a little. Skip a little. Tap oneknee. Bend a little. Stretch a little. Nod yourhead. Yawn a little. Sleep a little, in your bed!  相似文献   

一、限制性定语从旬只能用that的几种情况 1.当先行词是anything,everything,nothing(something聊外),few,all,none,little,some等代词时,或者是every,any,all,some,rio,little,few,much等修饰时:  相似文献   

郝俐丽 《甘肃教育》2008,(16):45-45
词汇是语言交际的基础,不掌握一定量的词汇就无法进行成功的交流,正如语言学家威尔金斯所说:“Without grammar very little can be conveyed.Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”  相似文献   

1 introduction 1 With the establishment of the Digital Video Encoding Standard H.264 by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG), distortion digital video encoding technology matures little by little. As is known, H.264, which is a new video coding standard, adopts many new technologies, such as multi-model frame prediction, multi-reference frame motion estimation, variable dimension block motion compensation, 4×4 integer transformati…  相似文献   

Every man is fool for at least five minutes every day;wisdom consists ofnot exceeding that limit.每个人每天至少愚蠢五分钟,而聪明的时间也不会超过这个极限。History must repeat itself because we pay such little attention to it the  相似文献   

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