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所谓网络战是指以己方战场网络为武器,以瘫痪敌方战场网络,进而瘫痪敌方整个作战体系为目的的一种全新的战争样式。它的出现既有时代的背景、技术的牵引,也有其历史的渊源。1991年的海湾战争和1999年的科索沃战争中,网络战已初露锋芒。随着科学技术的迅猛发展,网络战在21世纪将更显峥嵘。  相似文献   

高职技能大赛的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以石家庄职业技术学院5年来的技能大赛实践为例,说明通过职业技能大赛的牵引,可以积极推动职业教育改革深化和职业院校技能竞赛的制度化建设,从而促进职业教育"以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向"办学方针的进一步落实,推动"工学结合、校企合作、顶岗实习"人才培养模式的不断完善。  相似文献   

本文分析了苏芬冬季战争与苏德战争之间的关系,指出苏芬冬战在一定程度上加速了苏德战争的爆发,从而加快了法西斯侵略战争由局部战争走向全球战争的步伐.  相似文献   

竞技体育中的人际关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在社会交往中,建立良好的人际关系对于事业和生活都是很有必要的。本文以竞技体育中的人际关系模式,以及竞技体育在建立良好的人际关系中所起的作用等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

介绍了学科竞赛的主要功能与作用,阐述了搞好大学生学科竞赛的几点要素,并结合我校近几年来电子类学科竞赛取得的优异成绩,介绍了在组织学科竞赛中以本科培养计划为根本,构建学科竞赛培训机制、建设全天候开放式实验平台、加强学科竞赛科学管理和绩效考核等方面经验和体会,指出了学科竞赛存在的主要问题和不足之处。  相似文献   

对国内外机器人竞赛的现状、特点以及功能进行了分析,提出我国高校的机器人教育应以开展高水平的机器人竞赛为契机,有针对性地调整和改革现行的机器人教育教学,以推动我国机器人事业的发展.  相似文献   

Mediaeval Artes Praedicandi: A Hand‐List. By Harry Caplan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1934; pp. 52. $1.50.

“The Four Senses of Scriptural Interpretation and the Mediaeval Theory of Preaching,”; Speculum, IV, No. 3, July, 1929.

“Classical Rhetoric and the Mediaeval Theory of Preaching,”; Classical Philology, XXVIII, No. 2, April, 1933.

“ ‘Henry of Hesse’ on the Art of Preaching,”; Publications of the Modern Language Association, XLVIII, No. 2, June, 1933. All by Harry Caplan.

The Making of a Pulpit Orator. By John A. McClorey, S.J. Macmillan, 1935. $2.00.

Public Speaking. By Donald Hayworth. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1935; pp. 442.

The Debaters’ Workbook: State Medical Service. Prepared by A. W. Heath. Waverly, Ill.: Waverly Forensic Press, 1935; pp. 82. $.75.

Language and Its Growth. By H. F. Scott, W. L. Carr, and G. T. Wilkinson. Chicago: Scott, Foresman &; Co., 1935; pp. 389. $2.00.

A Dictionary of Modern American Usage. By H. W. Horwill, New York: Oxford University Press, 1935; pp. ix+360. $3.25.

The Thorndike‐Century Junior Dictionary. By E. L. Thorndike. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1935; pp. x+970. $1.32.

On the Teaching of Junior High School English. By Emma Glaser. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Co., 1935; pp. 307.

Stammering and Allied Disorders. By C. S. Bluemel. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1935; pp. 182.

The Gentleman from New York: a Life of Roscoe Conkling. By Donald Baer Chidsey. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1935; pp. 438.

How to Win a Sales Argument. By Richard C. Borden and Alvin C. Busse. New York: Harper and Bros., 1935.

Public Speaking for Everybody. By Charles W. Mears. New York: Harper and Bros., 1935.

French Pronunciation. By Jeanne S. Marie. Philadelphia: Plank Printing Co., 1935; pp. 70.

The Best English. By H. C. Wyld. New York: Oxford University Press, 1934.

So‐o‐o‐o You're Going on the Air. By Robert West, M.A. New York: Rodin Publishing Co., 1934; pp. 215.

The Professional Discussions—of the Ninth Annual Convention of the American Speech Correction Association, 1934. Edited by Robert West, Ph.D. Madison, Wisconsin: College Typing Co., 1935.

A Guide to Play Selection. By Milton Smith. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Co., 1934. $1.25.

The Art of the Drama. By Fred B. Millett and Gerald Eades Bentley. New York. D. Appleton‐Century Co., 1935; pp. 253. $2.25.

Parliamentary Law and Procedure. By John Q. Tilson. Washington: Ransdell, Inc., 1935; pp. xv+176. $2.50.

Speech Making. By F. J. Griffiths. New York: Oxford University Press, 1935; pp. 96.

The Technical Man Sells His Services. By Edward Hurst, S.B. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1933; pp. 239.

Scenery Simplified. By Glenn R. Webster and William Wetzel. Eldridge Entertainment House, Franklin, Ohio, 1934; pp. 167. $1.50.  相似文献   

自巴基斯坦独立后政局一直处于动荡不安的局面。内乱必生外患。东巴局势的恶化给蓄谋已久的印度提供了一个发动战争的绝好机会。由于南亚次大陆重要的地缘优势使其成为美苏争霸的又一战场。第三次印巴战争的爆发其背后有着深刻的大国背景。透过在南亚次大陆地区争雄的印巴两国背后,我们可以清楚地看到美苏争霸的影子。本文试图通过对第三次印巴战争这一次局部战役的分析,从中窥视出大国之间在南亚次大陆上的争霸态势,及其对印巴两国对外政策上的深远影响。  相似文献   

Scientific analysis of any phenomenon is likely to suffer when the assumptions of methodology too rigidily restrict theory testing. This problem has arisen in the sequential analysis of social interaction. The assumptions explored center on three aspects of process—coding schemes, the nature of time, and the quality of explanations engendered by sequential analysis methodologies.  相似文献   

在有关高校课余体育竞赛模式研究的基础上,对福州高校课余体育竞赛社会化的实施与发展的情况进行了调查与分析.结论认为:社会化将是高校课余体育竞赛体系完善的重要途径;高校课余体育竞赛社会化不能一蹴而就,应有一个逐渐推向社会的过程;高校要善于利用自身的优势加强与社会的联系,相互支持,优势互惠;高校课余体育竞赛在社会的参与下,应结合社会对多元化人才的要求,为培养高素质人才做出贡献.  相似文献   

两伊战争是美苏冷战格局下一场冷战烙印较少的局部战争。美国出于对自身利益的维护,表面上宣布"中立",未直接参与战争,但却实行"弱势均衡"外交政策,影响两伊战争的进程和态势。根据两伊战争进程,分三个阶段对其政策进行分析,可以更加深刻地了解美国怎样通过外交和间接介入战争实现其国家利益。并指出美国对两伊的政策造成了战争延长,削弱了两伊实力,加剧了阿拉伯世界分裂,改善了以色列安全环境,强化了美国在海湾的军事存在,诱发了海湾战争和伊拉克战争。  相似文献   

在信息时代 ,战争的根源、战争的主体、战争的规则、战争的特点、战争的形式等等 ,都发生了根本的变化。在信息战中 ,美、俄、日、伊和中国台海两岸都各有长处和短处。信息对抗和局部的信息战几乎是不可避免的 ,但全面的信息战必然给全人类带来毁灭性的灾难。为了保卫信息和平 ,中国必须抓紧和平时机 ,持续增长国民经济 ,建立自主的信息产业 ,推进民主政治和体制改革 ,大力培养和妥善使用信息人才。  相似文献   

This study sought to identify and categorize student perceptions of sexism. Respondents were asked to describe critical incidents involving sexism and to supply words and phrases, nonverbal behaviors, and media representations which they interpreted as sexist. Responses were content analyzed, and general hypotheses about the ways sex of respondent and sex of target affected the number and type of responses were tested.  相似文献   

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