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Serious considerations of intersectionality are critical to the future and viability of feminist rhetorical scholarship and scholars have made impressive methodological shifts in response to this exigency. However, though feminist rhetorical scholarship has painted a rich picture of how intersectionality operates at the level of the critic, I suggest that there needs to be more critical investigation of how intersectionality functions at the level of discourse—how it is constituted by and through rhetoric. To this end, I develop a theory of intersectional rhetoric, which I argue emerges at the point where intersectionality as an analytic sensibility and embodied rhetorical praxis converge. I theorize the ways in which intersectional rhetoric manifests junctures between (1) theory and experience, (2) discourse and materiality, and (3) academic and activist intellectual spheres to develop more nuanced political arguments about structural oppression on multiple axes. I use the work of body positive activist Ashleigh Shackelford as a case study for examining how, through what techniques, and to what end rhetors craft these links in performances of intersectional rhetoric. I conclude by discussing the implications a theory of intersectional rhetoric has for rhetorical theory, rhetorical critics, and intersectional feminist activism.  相似文献   


The American Female Moral Reform Society was one of the first ante‐bellum reform movements to be founded and controlled by women. This paper examines the rhetoric of the society's primary organ, The Advocate of Moral Reform, to discover how these women justified abandoning their traditional feminine roles to pursue social change. The analysis reveals that through skillful casuistic stretching of the feminine ideal, the women were able to justify non‐traditional actions in the name of traditional values. In so doing, the movement also created a new feminist consciousness that recognized the essential victimage of all women and their power to instigate social change.  相似文献   

Dow and Tonn's feminine rhetorical style is used to evaluate the argument structures used in presidential debate discourse. Results suggest that the feminine style element of references to personal experience is prevalent in debate discourse but that inductive structure and use of anecdotes and examples are less prevalent than one might expect. Further, feminine style elements, including references to personal experience and use of inductive structure, have decreased over time since the 1960 debate. Differences were also found in use of specific feminine style elements by political party, incumbency status and election outcome.  相似文献   

现代西方女性主义批评存在着盲点。《红楼梦》的女性观,在女性思维模式、女性性别论、女性主体论、女性审美意识等方面,对西方现代女性批评要素具有补正功能,从而警示我们建立一种双向互动的、协同文化研究的批评模式。  相似文献   

This essay highlights and explores a point of tension between theoretical writings on style and moral frames. Past political communication scholarship points to the importance of the feminine style in today's televisual era of politics. In this same political era, the conservative strict parent moral frame has dominated most policy debates. Surprisingly, this highly successful moral frame appears squarely at odds with the feminine style so closely connected with political success. This essay attempts to unravel this tension between styles and frames by examining discourse drawn from the 2007 debate over comprehensive immigration reform. To account for the success of conservative messages within this debate, this essay both (a) calls into question the nature of the relationship between the television medium and the feminine style and (b) expands our understanding of the discursive operation of deep moral frames by drawing a distinction between intra-familial and extra-familial policy discourse.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初,西方女性主义文学批评思潮传入中国。在历经20多年的理论研究中,女性主义文学批评在中国的发展大致经历了"译介引进"、"批评实践勃兴"及"研究深化"三个阶段。在此期间,女性主义文学批评不断地被中国的文学批评家们源引、借用、改造,最终被有效地植入中国当代文学批评话语体系之中,成为现当代文学批评多元格局中的一员,初步发展成为一个富于特色的学术领域,并形成具有中国特色的女性主义文学批评,为推动中国女性文学的研究发展起到了不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

The following essay provides an analysis of the rhetorical strategies employed by Leonora O'Reilly, a Progressive Era labor reformer. The essay argues that O'Reilly's use of enactment and empowerment are representative of a “feminine style” as defined by Campbell (1989) and extended by Dow and Tonn (1993). As a subject of analysis, O'Reilly's rhetoric provides an opportunity to examine the public voice of a working‐class female reformer.  相似文献   

This article assesses the ways in which electoral systems present unique rhetorical challenges for women running for elective office, using German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a case study. In proportional systems, much of the rhetorical work occurs at the level of the party, requiring the political woman to capitalize on the rhetorical resources of the party structure in which she finds herself, advancing to party leadership, and eventually localizing the national election via the party structure. However, Merkel's performance demonstrates that the presence of women and of feminine norms of communication can sometimes mask the hegemonic masculinity that continues to govern democratic electoral systems. The authors conclude by considering the utility of the theory of “feminine style.”  相似文献   

Plato on Political Rhetoric Generally, Plato was regarded as being hostile to rhetoric. However, I will show that in Plato's some important political dialogues he still verifies the significance of rhetoric or persuasion. Then, I list the attacks of Plato on his contemporary rhetoric, which is called in the essay as "politician rhetoric". On the other hand, Plato also articu- lates the characteristics of true rlhetoric, which I name as "dialectical rhetoric. " In order to elaborate "dialectical rhetoric", I take Pericles as an example to show how the dialectic rhetoric could work in the real political world. Finally, I point out that dialectical rhetoric still can give some reflection for today's political rhetoric. It contains the ideal of the good, caring the soul of the audience, speaking the truth, insisting the right thing with reason, etc.  相似文献   

This essay offers a reading of President Bill Clinton's address on August 28, 1998 in which he commemorates the 35th anniversary of the March on Washington. Specifically, Clinton's August 28th address reveals how the presidency has become a hermeneutic site for the formation of collective memory and political nostalgia. This analysis discusses the uses of political nostalgia for the purposes of political image (re)construction as evidenced by Clinton's exploitation of the civil rights movement to explain and excuse his personal failings and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. We also present a divergent version of Clinton's rhetoric, giving specific attention to how his particular use of nostalgia in this address works to articulate and confront many of the powerful dichotomies (masculine/feminine; war/peace; black/white; private/public) that define his presidency, his public persona, and the larger political culture in postmodern America.  相似文献   

政治语言是政治主体在政治活动中用来交流政治信息的语言.为了有效地传播政治信息,政治主体在运用语言时会采用一定的修辞手段。以十七大报告的汉英翻译来研究修辞的特点。在进行政治语言翻译时要注重语言上的修辞实现一种政治上的修辞,以体现国家实力的文化的“软权力”。  相似文献   

伊莱娜·肖瓦尔特在《她们自己的文学》一书中把女性写作传统分为三个阶段,即"女性的"阶段,"女权"阶段和"女子"阶段。第一阶段是女作家模仿并内化主导的男性审美标准,该标准要求女作家人人都是淑女阶段;第二阶段是女性主义女作家抗议男性价值,提倡建立分离主义者乌托邦和争取独立和权力阶段;第三阶段是继承了前两个阶段特点,在"在自我发现"时期发展出特别的女子写作和女子经验阶段。虽然《虹》中三名女性人物莉迪亚、安娜和厄秀拉不是女作家,只是普通女性,但笔者认为,她们正好分别再现这三个阶段——女性阶段、女权阶段和女子阶段。  相似文献   

海明威的作品素以"硬汉"形象著称,也有评论家认为它具有强烈的女性意识。本文在前人研究的基础上,运用碎片化和及物性分析这两种女性文体学的重要研究方法,分析其短篇小说《在密执安北部》中的女性形象,旨在阐释其女性意识在文本中的具体体现,同时说明女性文体学为读者理解和鉴赏小说语言提供了一个新的视角,为文学批评提供了一种更为客观的分析方法。  相似文献   

在文艺美学观上,孔子倡导诗乐舞等文学艺术应肩负起移风易俗之重要使命,其风格可谓雅正中透着严肃(彰显阳刚之气);而其政治美学观则倡导仁德礼治,其风格可谓雅正中透着温情(刚中带柔);其生活美学观倡导在日常生活中循礼修德,其风格可谓雅正中透着鲜活(刚柔并济)。在共有风格上,三者皆显“雅正”(阳刚);在风格差异上,其文艺美学观更为严肃(阳刚),其政治美学观和生活美学观则更为活泼(阴柔)。  相似文献   

女性心理学在批判心理学理论男性偏差的同时,站在女性的立场上提出了女性心理学应该由女性来研究的另一种不利于其发展的性别极端。这表明在研究中做到价值中立,促进“没有女性的”女性心理学的发展是很有必要的。  相似文献   

女性电影的情感视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电影家们在创作中自觉地探讨女性意识,以鲜明的颠覆父权中心化的女性主义创作方式书写女性的生存状态与喜怒哀乐,以独特的视点和非凡的胆识在电影史上赢得重要的席位;运用女权主义的观点对女性重新定位,其化视角主要是对父权中心化的颠覆、消解与反叛;对女性主题的深刻的人化的关注;对女性的欣赏甚至膜拜;对男权化或隐或显的嘲弄与抨击。同时,运用各种细腻圆熟、精雕细刻的手法对女性喜怒哀乐的抒写,构成独特的女性化的话语诉说。女性电影美学无疑是对百年的电影艺术的一大贡献。而在女性电影繁荣下的隐藏的深刻危机,恰是强大的男权话语笼罩的危机所致。  相似文献   

转折词语的连用是指在同一个句子中两个表示转折意思的词语连用。本文以不同语体的文章为对象,考察了转折词语在公文语体、科技语体、政论语体和文艺语体中的连用情况,并从功能和修辞的角度分析了转折词语连用的原因。  相似文献   

语言作为文化的重要载体,随着文化的变化而变化。文章分析了俄语中表示职业、社会地位、政治定位等称谓的阳性施事名词与其因社会需要而派生的阴性名词词义上的区别,讨论了因词义劣化、贬低而导致的阴性派生词修辞特征减弱的语言现象,提出了要特别注意使用阴性施事名词的敏感性和重要性。  相似文献   

修辞策略的风格是修辞学研究的一个新课题,对深化修辞策略研究、提升修辞策略艺术水准以及进行高品位鉴赏具有重要意义.文章着重探讨、论述修辞策略风格的概念、审美价值、分类主要标准和形成条件等四个主要问题.  相似文献   

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