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宗教与学之间存在诸多的同一性:从本体构成上看,原始宗教和学都生成于主体自我意识的觉醒;从情感表现上看,它们都带有情感特性;从致思方式上看,它们都运用想象和幻想把握世界;从表现手段上看,它们都借助形象表达自身;从观照的对象看,它们都注重对人的研究。  相似文献   

This selection unpacks scientific prose and claim substantiation for Nobel Prize winner, Stan Prusiner, in the transmissible spongiform encephlopathies field (i.e., mad cow disease). Applying linguistic strategies such as M. A. K. Halliday's “favorite clause type”, the author examines argumentative strategies in dense scientific prose both in bold and cautious rhetorical styles and invented lexical changes in new scientific development.  相似文献   

从近代科学诞生起,科学与宗教一直处在冲突状态。科学与宗教的发展,共同经历了中世纪科学作为神学婢女、近代科学革命、达尔文革命等重要事件而到达现代。其间,科学与宗教的活动领域经历了此消彼长的演化,在相互冲突、对抗、交融的过程中,双方的个性特征也更加鲜明。  相似文献   

宗教与哲学,一如世界上所有矛盾着的事物一样,都是既相互对立又相互统一的。长期以来,人们往往片面地强调它们之间的对立,而忽视乃至根本否认它们之间的统一。针对这样一种情况,本文在肯认二者相互对立的前提下,从历史和逻辑两个层面特别地论证和强调了宗教与哲学的统一性。一方面,我们强调指出,自哲学产生之日起,它就同宗教结下了不解之缘。另一方面,我们又强调指出,宗教不仅对形而上学或本体论有明显的助推功能,而且对人学或人生哲学和认识论也有明显的助推功能。  相似文献   

During the German Occupation from 1940 to 1944, members of the French Resistance sang folk songs to legitimize their movement in the face of widespread support for collaboration and brutal police attacks. Reprising a performative tradition of French political singing, Resistance fighters deployed national narratives and parody to define themselves as transhistorical French heroes while also practicing democratic forms they sought to safeguard. In this way, the songs represented resisters as the guardians of true “Frenchness,” an identity that excluded collaborators from the national community and robbed them of political legitimacy.  相似文献   

语法构式与修辞构式共处于同一个连续统中,之间不可能有一个分明的界线,重“通”或重“工”的语用功能是分别构式性质的前提。修辞构式必有语法构式的依托,语法构式衍变为修辞构式基于构式词变、义变、式变等多种因素的相互作用,是构式意义压制的必然后果。修辞构式向新的语法构式的转化是语法类推机制作用的结果,修辞构式有限的能产性磨蚀了构式不可推导性的根基,也成为衍生新的非典型语法构式的基础。  相似文献   

中国的文化研究不单是一个纯粹学理层面的问题,它与言说者的文化身份密切相关。在文化研究的译介过程中明显存在着“中国与西方”二元对立的思维模式。在对文化工业批判中建立了文化研究的“边缘文化身份”;文化研究中的现代性、历史主义立场初步建构了其“混合文化身份”;阶级分析、政治经济学分析的回潮形成了“重构文化身份”。文化研究及其言说者的身份嬗变还远远没有结束,文化研究的文化身份是一个开放的结构。今天的文化研究者必须首先对自己的文化身份进行深刻的反思,然后才有可能对文化研究及其文化身份有清醒的自觉。  相似文献   

人类是一种历史性的存在,因此人的认同问题必须从历史发展的角度去看。在经济全球化的现时代,人员、信息与货物的跨国流动,使人们的身份认同、文化认同和国家认同日益成为一个必须时刻思考和作出选择的问题,人们都会遇到文化认同、民族认同和国家认同的问题。在文化认同与民族(族群)认同、国家认同的关系,在全球化背景下如何强化国家认同的维度上,从发展的角度看,我们必须把国家认同放在高于民族(族群)认同的地位,这就是说,族群的认同不能超越或凌驾于国家认同之上,国家的文化认同必须大于族群的文化认同;应该通过构造中华民族文化共同的文化基础和文化象征符号的重建,增加民族认同与国家认同的重叠内容,以形成统一的中华民族共同体。必须把经济社会的区域均衡发展置于今后工作的重心位置,并且通过人口的流动促进人民之间的交流与文化融合;强化国家认同还必须有政策和法规的支撑,譬如,共同的语言、政治仪式、文化符号等等的规定。总之,在历史进程之中,我们必须把国家认同置于文化认同之上,用公民的国家认同促进文化认同。  相似文献   

南北朝时代列锦辞格的转型与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"列锦"作为一种修辞格,滥觞于两汉时代,魏晋时代趋向于稳定而渐成一种辞格.到南北朝时代,随着文学的发展,列锦辞格与两汉魏晋时代相比出现了明显的继承之中有转型、继承之中有发展的趋势.明显有转型的情况有三种,明显趋近于后代典型列锦模式的辞例日益增多,从而最终为初唐列锦新模式的建立奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Special education is losing its identity—its visibility, distinctiveness, budget, and basic functions are all at risk. Special education functions include (a) sorting, categorizing, and labeling students who need it; (b) making the right comparisons; (c) honoring diversity but changing particular differences; (d) managing stigma; (e) making subjective judgments and risking errors; (f) dealing with students’ failures; and (g) adequate financing in addition to maintaining visibility and status and having its own budget and personnel. It cannot exist without these functions, all of which are criticized or on the decline. Special education must also be reconstructed on the basis of sound science, not alternative narratives or nonscientific ways of knowing that do not help students with disabilities learn all they can. The need for a scientific reconstruction and implications for special education’s future are discussed.  相似文献   

常敏 《海外英语》2011,(10):244-245
爱默生的神学思想对美国宗教世俗化运动产生了极其深远的影响,其倡导的个人主义成为美国身份认同的标志。而集小说家,诗人,剧作家,散文家和评论家于一身的美国当代文学大师约翰·厄普代克则将宗教作为其小说中永恒的主题之一。笔者试以《论自然》和《兔子,跑吧》为例,探讨美国文学中世俗化宗教的百年嬗变,指出其经历了从"上帝"到"我"的演变过程。  相似文献   

In this article, I use the rhetorical homology of the urban jungle to conduct an institutional critique of law enforcement in Ferguson, MO, after Michael Brown was killed. Rhetorical homologies and institutions intersect where language and practice coalesce, which is to say where group consciousness takes material forms. I investigate how, in news coverage of Ferguson, a common form was present across verbal devices and nonverbal practices at macro and micro levels that constituted black neighborhoods as subterranean spaces that needed colonization or containment, as frontier scenes with a savage character logic imposed upon its residents. The homology inscribes particular meanings into black and white skin colors with Anglophile cultural codes, which establishes a savage/explorer binary and keeps black people and spaces invisible, impoverished, and susceptible to racialized policing. The tools of institutional critique—postmodern mapping, boundary interrogation, and micro/macro alignment—inform the discourses and practices of those entrusted to keep daily realities well ordered and organized and to safeguard the social systems of everyday life. Scholars can use homology as a strategy to decode why institutional representatives include some and exclude others, and how they naturalize violence in the name of public service.  相似文献   

Education reform policies harvested from neoliberalism, social Darwinism, consumerism, and free-market ideologies have begun to replace the pragmatic progressivism of the pre-World War II era. In this article, I use three federal and state education reform policies and programs—No Child Left Behind Act, Common Core State Standards Initiative, and national standardized testing—as examples of market-oriented ideologies embedded in the reforms. Further, I rely on Critical Social Theory, following Freire, as a framework to examine how the education policies and programs intersect to potentially impede access to quality education opportunities for children from impoverished backgrounds. I use Freire’s conception of Critical Social Theory because of his focus on how education should be used as a transformational mechanism to improve lives rather than a tool to train and inculcate children to imitate and be subservient to the dominant culture. I argue that some federal education policies enacted since 2002 provide examples of the confluence of ideologies that are creating a new meritocracy-based system. The meritocracy-based system will disproportionately penalize poorer students who have less access to out of school experiences that prepare them for formal schooling. Based on punishment triggers embedded in state and federal education policies, a cycle of educational austerity ensues when a student does not achieve a mandatory achievement benchmark. The cycle of austerity can doom some students to under-achievement in the short term and to becoming under-educated in the long term.  相似文献   

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