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对小说《重返巴比伦》所蕴含的《圣经》"再生神话"这一原型及"U"型叙事结构进行剖析,从神话—原型批评的角度,揭示了小说的精巧构思、寓言式的笔调以及作者自身经历在小说构思中的作用。  相似文献   

当前的文艺批评遇到了前所未有的挑战,这种挑战有着深层次的时代背景和社会环境因素,那就是,文学所依存的经济基础、文化环境和传播手段都发生了巨大的改变,正在经历市场化、大众化和传媒化的过程。在这个不断变化的过程中,文艺批评的发展面临着各种症结,不只是文学的问题,批评的问题,更多的是社会的问题,文化的问题。当下的文艺批评,可谓任重道远,值得批评家们认真对待,身体力行。我们期待着学界在反思与自省中能寻找到一个共同的批评标准,逐步接近被掩盖和遮蔽了的文艺批评的真相。  相似文献   

剑桥夫妇教授F·R.利维斯和Q·D.利维斯是20世纪具有重大影响的狄更斯研究专家.他们的狄更斯批评经历了一个由贬而褒的过程:将狄更斯从一个广受欢迎、津津乐道于伤感煽情的“娱乐高手”擢升到与莎士比亚比肩的、既受大众欢迎又深刻严肃的最伟大的创造性艺术家之一.他们或褒或贬的狄更斯批评皆以道德判断即生活的严肃性为尺度.这种悖谬的批评根源于他们的文化观、社会观和人生观.我们只有将它置于批评家所在时代的语境中,才能发现利维新遗产的价值与意义.  相似文献   

Fewer and fewer programs are training graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the classical anatomical disciplines. Nonetheless, there remains a need at all levels of clinical and basic science education for skilled instructors of anatomy, histology, and embryology. Two sessions at the 2006 annual meeting of the American Association of Anatomists (AAA) explored whether a system of accreditation would benefit students, institutions, and training programs. Although the value of accreditation was controversial, three challenges for the various anatomical societies emerged from these discussions: (1) To identify the skills and knowledge that should be shared among all anatomists, and the more specific skills and knowledge needed for the diverse settings in which anatomists work. (2) To address the historical inattention of institutions to the training of educators. (3) To develop strategies to lobby institutions and national organizations to support the training and work of educators in the anatomical sciences. One approach to meeting these challenges would be to develop guidelines for training programs. These guidelines would help graduate students seek the training they need, provide institutions with a benchmark to assess or develop training programs, and provide the basis for focusing lobbying efforts targeted at institutions or existing accreditation bodies. Anat Sci Ed 1:60–67, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

为了阐明班级辩论赛在高职语文教学的应用价值,运用了教育叙事的方法对高职语文课教学过程中举行的两次班级辩论赛进行回顾与检查,找出存在问题,通过分析辩论的得与失,摸索改进的方法与策略,从而进一步发挥其对高职学生学习语文的兴趣、思辨水平、倾听与表达方面的积极作用。  相似文献   

在分析辩论式教学模式优势基础上,阐述《经济地理学》教学中辩论题目选择的原则和课堂中辩论组织形式,并通过问卷调查的方法对辩论式教学模式应用在《经济地理学》中的教学效果进行了评价。结果表明,辩论式教学模式在活跃课堂气氛、锻炼学生思维和表达能力及提高学生学习兴趣等方面起到积极的作用,与传统课堂教学方法相比教学效果更明显,也更容易被学生接受。  相似文献   

统筹城乡经济,更多地关注农村,关心农民,支持农业,是保证我国粮食安全、国家安全的重大战略措施。但在理论和实践中,还存在诸多不利于农业发展和农民增收的问题,只有正视这些问题,科学地予以批判,才能正确统筹城乡经济,树立科学的发展观。  相似文献   

中国哲学对于加强和提高在校学生对中国传统思想有着重要意义;应采取灵活多样的教学手段,并加强授课教师自身素养的提高。  相似文献   

Problems and prospects in ecocritical pedagogy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Place‐based ecocritical pedagogy (PBEP) has been a key part of ecocriticism since the 1980s. In the last 10 years, the critical, theoretical, scientific and philosophical assumptions with which it has been associated have been subject to sustained critique, and yet PBEP remains the dominant model in pedagogical thinking within the field. In particular, developments in ecocritical thought associated with queer theory, globalisation and postcoloniality, indicate some severe limitations of PBEP. Moreover, published material on PBEP practice and research seems largely ignorant of developments in environmental education generally. I argue for a closer relationship between ecocriticism and environmental education and for ecocritical pedagogy to assume a more sceptical and empirical approach.  相似文献   

传统的连续性教育囿于追求教育规律和人的发展规律,把关注的焦点放在人的身心发展的有序性和因果性上,而忽视了生活世界中各种偶然因素对儿童身心发展的影响。非连续性教育是完整教育的重要补充,它赋予了危机、遭遇等以新的意义,启示我们不再回避它们的挑战,把它们视为儿童心智发展的一个重要机会和转折点。如何利用这种教育资源,非连续性教育思想为我们提供了一条崭新的思路。  相似文献   

The disadvantages of the conventional small group teaching method are discussed and two procedures designed to overcome these are outlined. Both procedures are variants on the single theme of dyadic interaction in which the two participants ask questions of each other. The writer's own experience with dyadic interaction as a teaching approach is outlined and a modification to the basic format is suggested. Use of the technique as a means of “breaking the ice” with a new group is also discussed.  相似文献   

于铁军 《教学与研究》2005,36(11):51-55
近年来,中国国际关系研究中所存在的种种问题,如理论与现实脱节、理论创新缺失、方法论滞后、学术规范和学术批评薄弱等引起学界的积极关注与反思。作者指出,加强自身研究中的“问题意识”是一条连接国际关系的理论与实践、探索理论创新的有效途径;应充分发挥我国重视历史的优良传统,努力促进理论与历史之间的对话;推动方法论的建设,既需要补充定量研究方法的知识,也需要提高定性研究的品质;同时,要重视学术体制和学术规范的建设,开展健康的学术批评。  相似文献   

软件工程是高校计算机专业学生的一门必修课程,文章分析了软件工程教学过程中存在的问题,并从教学内容、教学设计和教学评价体制三个方面对其解决策略进行了的探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,随着世界经济的不断发展,全球文化也不断呈现出多元化交流的发展趋势。各国文化相互影响,相互融合,在我们的生活中也越来越多的能够接触到不同的外国文化。但是,我国在进行高等英语教学时,依旧忽视将文化深入教学中,只是注重对学生语言能力的培养。这样的教学方式过于僵化,严重影响教学成果,也影响了大学生在跨文化交际能力方面的积累。文章把大学英语教学中的文化教学问题进行详细分析,并寻找相应的对策。经济全球化发展的趋势已经显现,国际交流不断加强,文化交流也将成为发展的必然趋势。也正是这种趋势,给语言的学习带来了新的挑战,文化之间的差异,让语言的学习困难重重。因此,如何有效的运用英语进行跨文化的交流,将对大学英语教学提出新的挑战,带来新要求。  相似文献   

生命的发展是连续性和非连续性的统一,但以往教育学对人的发展的研究,注重的是发展的连续性,忽视了发展的非连续性.针对这一缺陷,本文论述了生命发展非连续性的原因以及它的教育形式,重点评述了博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想.  相似文献   

This paper draws on findings from a research project funded by the Scottish Executive which analysed the gender balance in teaching and explored the underlying reasons for the decline in the number and proportion of men, particularly in secondary schools. As in other developed countries, such as Australia, the USA and Canada, the proportion of men entering teaching has declined fairly rapidly over a ten‐year period. At a time when women are participating in paid work in greater numbers than ever before, their concentration in certain areas of work, particularly in the service sector and the ‘caring’ professions, is increasingly apparent. Despite the clarity of this trend, it is evident that responses from academics and policy‐makers have been very different, with some policy‐makers linking the declining proportion of men in teaching with the problem of boys’ underachievement and a perceived ‘crisis in masculinity’, whilst some feminist writers have questioned these views, drawing on recent gender theory which questions the utility of the binary categories of ‘man’ and ‘woman’, instead suggesting that gender is performed and may have little to do with the body of the person who is involved in the particular performance. Sex and gender thus become decoupled, with the focus on individual actors freely choosing the version of gender they wish to practice. This line of argument suggests that the sex of the teacher is irrelevant; what really matters is the way in which they perform gender in the classroom. Work on the gender balance in teaching therefore provides an opportunity to reflect on underlying tensions in gender theorising and policy‐making. The paper begins by considering tensions between modernist and post‐structuralist accounts of sex and gender. Having outlined the underlying theoretical tensions, it then goes on to consider the accounts given by teachers and students of the reasons for their own choice of teaching as a career, their experiences in teaching and their views of the reasons underlying the declining proportion of men in teaching. The aim is to consider whether students and teachers believe that sex is an important variable structuring their lives, including their decision to become a teacher and their experiences of working as a teacher, or whether they regard gender as something which is chosen from a wide repertoire of options and is relatively free from the constraints of embodiment. In relation to research on the gender balance in teaching, the paper concludes by suggesting that there is a need to make use of the idea of gender as performance, whilst at the same time holding on to the foundational concepts of ‘woman’ and ‘man’. This is necessary to monitor and understand the career paths and underlying power relations of women and men in teaching and to transform these over time.  相似文献   

从民办高校的特点入手,阐述了民办高校加强实践教学环节的重要性,分析了民办高校实践教学中不足的原因,提出了民办高校加强实践教学环节的建议和措施。  相似文献   

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