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对外汉语教学中修辞教学的研究比较多的是论述修辞教学在教学中的重要性,但除提出提高认识外,没有提出更有效的解决办法.其次是研究修辞教学方法的,但研究的多为传统意义上修辞的教学方法.本文提出应学习借鉴新的理论方法,拓宽研究范围,深化对外汉语教学中修辞教学法的研究.  相似文献   

What university teachers teach and how they teach it   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this article we make three related arguments. The first isthat different teachers have different intentions concerning whatstudents will learn and consequently in their teaching they constitutethe topic or subject to be taught quite differently. The second is thata teacher's intentions concerning what it is that students should learnis closely aligned with a teacher's expectation of how students learnand how they can be helped to learn through teaching. The third is thatwhen teachers focus specifically on the teaching of a particular topic,within a specific context, there is a close relationship between theirintentions and their teaching practice. In this article we explore thesearguments through an empirical study which considers the different waysin which 26 university teachers intended to constitute a subject ortopic for their students to study, how they then taught the subject andsubsequently how consistent were their intentions and their practice.The analysis shows that when the context of teaching and learning istightly defined there is a clear relationship between a teacher'sintention and their practice. In particular, university teachers whoadopt more conceptual change and student-focussed approaches to teachingconstitute objects of study which are more relational and focus on thestudent's knowledge. Approaches which are more information transmissionand teacher-focussed constitute objects of study which are moremulti-structural and have a focus on knowledge which is as constitutedas being external to the student.  相似文献   

俗语透露出某一文化背景下特定文化内涵,是语言表达的精华。并且俗语一般富有深刻的生活信息,反映出独具特色的民族和地方文化,在英语俗语中的分析,能使我们对英语产生更好的了解,丰富英语文化,实现英语学习中的深刻文化交流。本文主要从英语俗语类别入手,对英语俗语修辞以及英语俗语蕴含的文化进行了分析。  相似文献   

This essay examines a set of memoranda, speeches, and other official discourse issued during the Global War on Terrorism that transformed the legal paradigm under which the enemy was defined and authorized new norms of conduct previously prohibited by law. It argues that these texts employ “deconstitutive rhetoric,” defined as discursive action that undermines the existing legal status of those to whom it refers and produces a disarticulate, destitute subject by denying the individual access to the civic forums in which rhetorical agency may be exercised. The essay begins with an analysis of the use of deconstitutive rhetoric in the decision to legally re-define Afghanistan as a “failed state” in order to absolve the United States of treaty obligations with that nation. It then addresses the emergence of “unlawful enemy combatant status,” a new legal category not recognized under the international laws of war. The essay concludes with a discussion the Obama administration’s detention and drone strike policies, which have continued to use deconstitutive rhetoric to undermine the legal status of those captured and killed in the Global War on Terrorism.  相似文献   


Recent news cycles have illuminated the disparate, racialized experiences of Black people in the United States but university leadership responses have been reactionary, or worse non-responsive. This study examines how university responses to national racial incidences such as the police brutality affect how faculty of color in one discipline understand the university’s commitment to diversity and ultimately how it affects the faculty experience. Illuminating how university actions affect not only faculty attitudes, but also faculty work has implications on broader university diversity outcomes and rectifying the racist, colonial founding of universities as national institutions. Findings show that there was increased race-related service taxation that was paired with resiliency and resistance tactics, and self- and community-driven coalition building. There are implications for institutional leaders around increasing a diversified student body through attention to community incidences and redefining community relationships to the university.  相似文献   

广告语作为一种重要的跨文化交际手段,对开拓市场、引导消费、丰富生活起着重要的作用。广告语中修辞艺术的翻译质量直接影响着跨文化广告的传播效果。本文从关联理论的角度出发,讨论了跨文化广告的修辞艺术特点和相应的翻译方法。  相似文献   

This essay argues that corporeal sound, including the spoken voice and the auscultated heartbeat, can be understood as material rhetoric, and that material rhetoric, by extension, should be understood as both a force and a networked fluid. I illustrate this argument through the case study of abortion practices and policies, arguing that both mandated heartbeat auscultation and physician speech-and-display provisions represent the forceful fluidity of material rhetoric and demonstrate the power of such rhetoric to carve out networks of meaning. Through this networking, sound’s material role in defining autonomy takes on a powerful role in debates over fetal personhood.  相似文献   

“民工潮”是城乡分离的“二元经济模式”下产生的一种特殊现象。一方面民工为经济、社会进步和城市正常运转作出了巨大贡献 ,另一方面民工犯罪问题却日益突出。民工犯罪的原因非常复杂 ,除个人 ,社会 ,直接诱发等因素外 ,还包括 :文化冲突、道德观念差异 ;城乡贫富不均 ,导致心理失衡 :人格被歧视 ,诱发犯罪 ;劳资纠纷处理不当 ,激化矛盾 ;综合素质偏低、法律意识淡泊。关注民工弱势群体、关心民工的心态和情绪 ,改善他们的生活状况 ,维护民工法定权益 ,预防民工犯罪 ,是本文要探讨的主要内容  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨唐诗在音乐美的创造中所采取的句法修辞策略。分别考察了唐代近体诗、古体诗的局部音乐美建构、整体音乐美建构与句法修辞手段运用的密切关系。唐诗句法修辞在服务于诗歌的音乐功能方面,占据着重要地位,既有直接作用,也有通过语音修辞的间接影响。  相似文献   

每一种语言在语音、词汇、语法等方面,都有自己的独特之处。郭绍虞认为:“中国旧文学之修辞技巧,实在以选择词语为重要条件。选词得当可以求其匀整,可以求其俪对,更可以求其音调之谐和,随心所欲,无施不可;有时可使为谐隐,有时可使成回文,更有时可以运用古典。我们即使说中国文词上所有的种种技巧,都是语言文字本身所特具的弹性作用未尝不可。因此可以看出,汉语的特征与汉语的修辞方式之间存在着一定的互为表里的依存关系。  相似文献   


Education in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was primarily held in colleges led by Jesuits and Piarists. There were disputes between them – regarding both the content and methods of teaching, as well as the prestige of the institutions and teachers employed in them. The competition at the symbolic level of two orders was also unitary – in the middle of the eighteenth century a dispute arose between two representatives of these orders: the Piarist Ubaldo Mignoni and the Jesuit Franciszek Bohomolec. Mignoni in his essay Noctium Sarmaticarum vigiliae used the concept of geographical determinism and climate theory to prove that not all peoples, including the peoples of the North (also the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), were capable of developing science and art at the highest level. The next year Jesuit Franciszek Bohomolec in his work Pro ingeniis Polonorum oratio opposed the theory of climate as the decisive factor of intellectual and artistic development of individual societies. The main part of the article is the analysis of the arguments used by those writers. The paper ends with a similar education dispute with the theory of climate in the Apennine Peninsula between Jérôme Lalande and Michele Torcia.  相似文献   

楚雄地区的歇后语作为当地各民族交际最直接的口语,借助了口头语言的思维方式,以口语表达的形式,利用诸多修辞艺术手段及词语之间的关系进行超语言常规的精妙组合,使其具有丰厚的妙不可言的审美意蕴。楚雄歇后语不仅题材广泛、幽默风趣、哲理丰富,而且还具有感情真实,全方位表现的特点。它是楚雄地区各族人民人生经验的结晶,智慧的奇葩,心灵的闪光,是语言大树上一枝永不凋谢的花朵。  相似文献   

在修辞话语建构的过程中,通感(联觉或移觉)的作用只是其中一个方面的问题,修辞话语的产生往往是感觉、知觉变异(包括错觉、联觉、幻觉)的结果。当人们用语词去描摹人的感觉、知觉的细微变化时,主体以变异错位的方式对人类主观心灵世界和客观物质世界进行变形重构,事物超越其常态属性,修辞主体把不同的感觉、知觉经验在语词层面重组,从而给我们以新异奇特的审美享受。主体在求新、求异、求变、求奇中建构话语,使话语变成“有意味的言语形式”。  相似文献   

从认知角度看,名词的指称性是名词成为语言范畴的根本动因,名词的属性义依附于指称义。在一定的环境中,属性义可以被激活,激活的程度在语言中表现为一个连续的等级;属性义有寄生性、游移性、综合性等特点;属性义在修辞上有多种表现,体现出不同的修辞价值。  相似文献   

本文拟从西方修辞学的角度探究构建和谐社会的途径.关于修辞学在发展和维护社会和谐方面的作用是一个值得探究的广泛而深刻的问题,它探索在建立和维护一个社会时修辞学的特殊功能,探讨人类是否依靠修辞创造和谐,达到一个理性社会所需要的在工作和生活中的协作、最终取得同一性以及共同的社会价值取向.本文将修辞置于社会结构关系和社会人际互动的背景中进行考察,分析社会心理认知、话语认知与修辞行为的动态共变关系,揭示修辞的规律与目的,探讨修辞的本质与功能.  相似文献   

修辞手段的运用是为了把思想感情表达得鲜明、有力,这是对修辞功能的传统认识和实践.但这种传统认识和实践在当代小说的修辞运作中却遭到了反叛意义上的突破.在具有新潮特质的小说文本中,修辞往往不是用于表现感情态度,恰恰相反,是用来消解叙事主体的感情评价和认知态度的.本文深入分析了这种消解运作的方式及目的,揭示了其深层思考背景以及它与当下社会现实、思维方式的联系.  相似文献   

吕祖谦的《古关键》开评点修辞之宗,他在评点中对修辞的贡献,主要表现在他的从整体到部分也就是从篇章到字词的修辞接受思想和辩证。求新的修辞表达思想,其思想对当时及后世产生了巨大影响。  相似文献   

公文修辞的理性、情感和美感蕴涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于修辞的论述向来无一定的范围。本文主要依据谭永祥的“修辞说”,从公文的内容和形式上看其理性、情感和美感蕴涵,从而揭示公文语言的修辞特点。  相似文献   

托尔斯泰笔下的安娜与曹禺笔下的蘩漪以其震撼人心的爱情悲剧吸引着一代又一代读者。两者的悲剧命运既有惊人的相似性,又表现出显著的不同。他们在执着地追求幸福、爱情这一进程中,既面临社会、家庭的迫害,男性的背叛,亲情的牵挂,又受自身性格所局限。探讨两者悲剧命运的主客观原因,可以更清醒地认识两部伟大作品中女性爱情悲剧的深刻性。  相似文献   

网络性能测量是网络行为分析的基础。对网络性能测量的相关内容以及网络性能指标的测量与分析进行了系统的介绍,并对网络性能测量的下一步发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

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