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This paper reviews the results of a citation analysis conducted to determine the extent of references to African American scholarship in American criminology texts published between 1918 and 1960. The analysis showed that African American graduates from the University of Chicago's “Chicago School”, including Charles Johnson, E. Franklin Frazier, Monroe Work, and Earl R. Moses, were cited most often. They were usually cited in discussions of either race or culture areas and crime. African American scholars' discussions of the effects of social, economic, and political conditions such as slavery, segregation, racism and oppression on crime and criminality, especially among African Americans, were generally not cited. These findings suggest that while claims that African American scholarship cannot be found in mainstream publications might be somewhat overstated as they relate to early American criminology texts, the most important themes found in the writings of African Americans were excluded.  相似文献   

The term “democracy” is ambivalent—in the history of the United States, it has played both god term and devil term, and inspired both sacrifice and trembling. Robert L. Ivie has mapped the discourse by which American policy elites have said “no” to democracy—the rhetoric of “demophobia.” This essay complements his analysis by mapping the discourse by which Americans began to say “yes” to democracy during President Thomas Jefferson's administration—the rhetoric of “demophilia.” Understood as a discursive formation, demophilia creates space for rhetoric and deliberation that is closed by demophobia. In the process, demophilia disciplines democracy by producing deliberative subjects properly attuned to civil speech.  相似文献   

This article examines the establishment and early history of the first Boys’ Club for African American boys—the Wissahickon Boys’ Club—through the thoughts and actions of its Quaker founder, John Thompson Emlen. The purpose of this article is not only to document the founding of this historic organization but also to describe Emlen's conception of racial advancement through the implementation of vocational education programs within the context of a “colored” Boys’ Club. In examining Emlen's thesis and subsequent work, the article analyzes the similarities of his ideas to W. E. B. DuBois's charge to White Americans in The Philadelphia Negro.  相似文献   

Malaika Favorite's Furious Flower Poetry Quilt (2004) is an acrylic painting that depicts 24 portraits of leading poets of the African Diaspora. Commissioned by Dr Joanne Gabbin, English professor and director of the Furious Flower Poetry Center at James Madison University, the painting is part of a larger programme of poetry education. The painting's interweaving of the portraits with fragments from the poets’ writing functions to create an interactive visual‐textual body of poets and poetry, a collection which has been taught at all levels of education from primary school to university. Its quilt structure pays homage to the historic role of women in preserving history and memory. The painting also serves to construct a pan‐African identity and collective memory about slavery, African American history and empowerment.  相似文献   

This article answers critical and theoretical calls for the study of ordinary talk by analyzing a transcribed speech in which Alvertis Simmons, a member of the Denver, Colorado, African American community, engaged a panel of school board officials on the topic of racial stereotypes in an elementary school science experiment. Simmons's discourse can be shown symbolically to reorganize features of integrationist and nationalist ways of speaking-two dominant strands of mid- to late-twentieth century African American public address. Building a theory of "oratorical influence" from these intertextual relationships, this essay concludes that the force of public discourse may reside less in a speaker's ability to persuade an audience than in an audience's willingness to recycle and revise figural aspects of a speaker's discourse in their everyday talk. An interpretive stance such as this can encourage rhetorical critics to expand their objects of critique, to include more ordinary ways of speaking that follow after highly styled public texts.  相似文献   


The Mulberry Bush is a residential special school in Oxfordshire. Founded in 1948, it caters for children of primary age (5–12) with severe emotional damage due to the accumulation of adverse experiences in infancy and early childhood. Children usually stay at the school for 3–4 years. The aim is to prepare them to return home or to live with adoptive or foster families by the time of secondary school transfer. The therapeutic philosophy of the school is based on psychodynamic principles and understanding. This emphasizes the importance of individual adult–child relationship building, and of allowing a child's expression of unmet dependency needs in a safe environment. The article describes the legacy of the school's founder and first principal, Barbara Dockar-Drysdale, and was originally given as a lecture before an invited audience of the Friends of The Mulberry Bush School in January 2001.  相似文献   

Scholars have celebrated the spoken word in King's “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” but they have overlooked the significance of the Letter's writing. In this essay I closely read King's act of writing the Letter, along with the figures of speech he employs in it, and I show how both—by enacting the mass media's ability to cross contexts—are essential to King's political strategy of nonviolent direct action, as well as to the Letter's argument against segregation—an argument that, before the fact, follows the steps we have since come to associate with deconstructive analysis.  相似文献   

Rhetoric has claimed Chapman's Coatesville address as its own, but the hermeneutic tradition adds to our understanding of it. As a speech act it was intentionally a non‐event, a memorial for its own failure. This was its strange rhetorical purpose and its claim on a posthumous textual life. In a strange way, it is more a hermeneutic than a rhetorical act, an anticipation of its own future life after death. The open‐ended strategy of the speech is a self‐reflexive enactment. Chapman's Coatesville address is a textual model, illustrating the passage from autobiography to rhetorical engagement, from self to community. Because its community is the nation that as yet has not dealt with its darkest problem, the narrative identity of the speech's audience is an identity in process. Caught up in the reception of the speech, we are still being invited to respond to that lynching at Coatesville.  相似文献   

Thabo Mbeki's 1996 “I Am an African” address, delivered on the occasion of the Constitutional Assembly's passage of a new constitution for a truly democratic South Africa, was successful and memorable. Three strategies account for its success: its use of what Bakhtin termed “stylization,” which allowed the rhetor to invest the speech with the aura of John F. Kennedy; its strategic shifting from the first-person singular to the first-person plural; and, most important, its construction of a narrative history of South Africa that, modeled on Scripture, celebrates the South African people's past, present, and future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how the social practices of African American families—with children in grades K-2—changed as a result of participating in a family literacy program utilizing African American children’s literature. The families were exposed, through a series of workshops, to an abundance of children’s literature written by and about African Americans. Data sources included pre and post interviews conducted with parents, parental reading logs, and a reflective journal kept by the researcher. Findings suggested that parents increased the amount of time reading aloud to their children, passed along the information that they learned about African American children’s literature to family, friends, and co-workers, and began seeking out and developing an appreciation for quality African American children’s literature. This study was unique in that it involved collaboration between a public university, a local church, an African American sorority, and an innovative teacher recruitment initiative designed to increase the number of Black, male elementary school teachers.  相似文献   

吴盈  汪蓝翎 《海外英语》2014,(8):236-237
Slavery is probably the gloomiest page in human history,full of the nonhuman actions of white slaveholders and the misery of African Americans.After escaping from slavery successfully,Frederick Douglass present the inhumanity of such a world in"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass."The work is generally held as one of the most famous narratives of former slaves during the same period.Basing on a close discussion of the work,this paper would try to figure out what strategies Douglass has used to build the authenticity of his narration.  相似文献   

The First Crusade speech of Urban II has been acclaimed one of the most effective orations in history. The far‐reaching impact of the speech can be attributed to a number of factors, such as the Eleventh‐Century events and issues which preceded the Pope's call to arms. But probably the major reason for the intense reaction to the address can be traced to Urban's unique shaping of a new image of redemption for members of his audience who had been burdened by guilt. The address also appears to fit a discernible pattern of war rhetoric which has been instrumental in motivating men to take up arms.  相似文献   

Much of what U.S. students know about history is shaped by the textbook presentation of the subject. By high school, students should be exposed to an inclusive view of U.S. history. Previous research suggests that U.S. history has often centered on the stories of men, particularly from the perspective of white men in positions of power. It is important to continually assess how far textbooks have come in terms of including women—not just the quantity of such inclusion, but the quality as well. In our research, we use Banks' scale of curriculum integration to evaluate how well women's experiences during WWII have been integrated into high school textbooks. Our findings suggest that women are “counted” in the depiction of WWII; however, this inclusion lacks attention to women's agency during the war and to the unique experiences of African American women during the war. Without such explorations in the textbooks, the written version of history becomes an exclusive and distorted body of knowledge.  相似文献   

Irony,Silence, and Time: Frederick Douglass on the Fifth of July   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frederick Douglass's oration, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" is a rhetorical masterwork of irony. It illustrates a strategy for enlisting the liberatory potential inherent in the detached and multiple perspective of irony without allowing that detachment to culminate in political impotence. The speech accomplishes this through opening before its audience the expansive visual and temporal spaces in which irony thrives, then collapsing those spaces so irony cannot be sustained. The speech therefore exemplifies a kairotic management of irony's scopic attitude, emphasizing for its audience the importance of seeing when irony is appropriate and when it is not.  相似文献   

Booker T. Washington has long been considered a great compromiser—but not in a way that reflects positively on him. In his infamous Atlanta Exposition Address, he supposedly compromised with the segregationist South in a push for mere economic opportunity for African Americans. This essay, however, reconsiders Washington’s rhetoric, including his speech in Atlanta, by exploring the ways he spoke about human hands, deploying a language that positioned his listeners as agents of resistance capable of pushing back against systems of oppression. Beyond offering a reinterpretation, however, I argue that Washington adeptly navigated the tensions of race, geography, and body of his era and thereby expanded the constituency of civil-rights participants beyond those clustered in Northern urban communities. Ultimately, Washington’s rhetoric of hands prompts us to reconsider his place in the American and African American rhetorical traditions, and it demonstrates the importance of geography in rhetorical criticism.  相似文献   

This edition of the Peabody Journal of Education analyzes the historical and contemporary role of after-school programs in the development of African American males. In this introduction, the author places after-school programs within an historical context of progressivism, progressive education and social change in 19th-century America. As these new ideas of children and childhood were conceptualized, four significant social changes in America—industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and an “American reformation”—sparked the implementation of remedies for social ills within urban settings. This article suggests that the early 20th-century focus on after-school programs for African Americans were the results of lessons learned from early “remedies” targeting “new” immigrants. Moreover, the later desire to assist African American youth through these national and local youth development organizations was spurred by the rapid migration of African Americans to the urban northeast and Midwest during the first quarter of the 20th century. Moreover, the failed efforts of African Americans to acquire decent housing, the resulting crowding into segregated neighborhoods, and the deteriorating conditions of these urban, African American neighborhoods drew the attention of progressives, both African American and White, who were knowledgeable of and/or serving immigrant communities to provide similar services in urban, African American communities. 1 This statement does not suggest that the African American community lacked interest in the development of organizations to serve their youth; however, these conditions did spark the interest of the larger community to act. View all notes  相似文献   

On June 11, 1963, Thich Quang Duc sat in a lotus position in the middle of a busy Saigon intersection and set fire to himself. His self‐immolation was caught in an award‐winning series of photographs by Malcolm Browne. The “Burning Monk”; photographs — now recognized as some of the most powerful visual images to have come out of this period of history — became a frame through which many Americans perceived the events unfolding in South Vietnam during the Summer and Fall of 1963. This essay suggests that although these visual images engaged the American audience, their meaning — and thus the frame they provided — was the subject of a dispute within the American print media. How this frame was constructed depended largely upon whether the images were situated against a backdrop of religious oppression, or a war for freedom against the communists.  相似文献   

Elsie Dinsmore, the first book in a late 19th century childrens series, is unique because it had not been adapted, just reprinted, until 1999. It is also unique in the setting, the mythic Southern plantation life of the 1850s. The 1999 edition ameliorated what is now recognized as racist language based on the images of the minstrelsy tradition, though consonant with the views of the time period. However, the deep structure of the story—its dependence on the plantation myth, its belief in the basic inferiority of African Americans, and its acceptance of slavery as compatible with Christianity—is not changed. The new edition is a comment on the publishing industrys disregard of racial history and the importance of context for understanding literature.  相似文献   

种族问题与黑人生活是福克纳文学创作的主要内容,但福克纳仅限于从人道主义的角度来看待奴隶制与种族主义,他不能认同黑人的文化和他们非白人化的生活方式。这造就了福克纳小说创作的基本立场,表现出他在人道主义理性思考和南方种族主义情感偏见上的深刻矛盾。  相似文献   

Although not a well-known figure either in educational or South Carolina history, John Eldred Swearingen had a profound impact on the schools of the Palmetto State. Guiding the schools to transition from 19th-century academies to 20th-century schools, Swearingen held office from 1907–1922. During these years, Swearingen oversaw unprecedented legislation impacting attendance, funding, and curriculum. Swearingen's stance on African American education was unlike many of his contemporaries—he used a variety of methods to improve education and raiseconsciousness amongst his White politician counterparts.

All of these facts would make him a worthy subject of biographical study; however, that he achieved all these things while blind makes his life and career all the more worthy. Almost as overlooked as Swearingen's contributions to South Carolina is the role the state played in the Brown v. Board of Education decision via the Briggs v. Eliott case. Drawing from Swearingen's own words, the papers of his contemporaries, and both legal and historical analysis of the involved legal cases to present an overview of both Swearingen and Briggs, this article argues that without Swearingen's visionary leadership—or if he had not been undone politically—the road to Briggs would have been quite different—if it existed at all.  相似文献   

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