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1929年至1933年,流亡于土耳其的苏联政治家托洛茨基对正在兴起的德国纳粹主义展开了广泛的分析,严厉批判共产国际和德共的极左政策,认为德共只有同社会民主党工人结成联合阵线进行斗争,才能避免希特勒登上德国政权。他预言,如果纳粹分子取得胜利,就会全面取缔一切工人组织,重新武装德国,发动对外战争,给人类文明带来巨大的灾祸。托洛茨基的批评和建议没有被共产国际和德共接受,导致工人阶级一直处于涣散状态,纳粹党通过合法手段取得了政权。  相似文献   


When Jewish Sensibilities were formulated (2003) as a framework, it was not for the purpose of teaching Jews how or why to be Jewish. Rather, Jewish Sensibilities were a way for Jews to reflect on the Jewish content already in their lives; they also allowed practitioners in the field of health care to think about the Jewish patients and families they were encountering with greater comprehension and compassion. But of late, Jewish Sensibilities have been used in an “off-label way” to teach Jewish wisdom and codes of behavior to those who are unfamiliar with them. This article considers the efficacy of that strategy.  相似文献   


A crucial historical intersection of war and education asks how schooling contributed to convincing people to fight and to sacrifice their own lives, and those of their loved ones, in wars. This article addresses this question by asking how primary schools, in one country, namely Germany, over several tumultuous generations, used songs to teach children about soldiers’ lives and deaths. Songs, because they are short, often repeated, and laden with emotion, merit attention in studies of education for war. Examination of school songbooks and curricula shows that songs commonly taught in German primary schools from the late German Empire, through the First World War and the Weimar Republic, and into the Third Reich and Second World War consistently exalted sacrificial death for fatherland. The routine presence of these songs contributed to presenting death for the fatherland as a holy cause, and making sacrificial death in battle imaginable. Wartime sources suggest that songs learned at school also went to war. Engaging with scholarship concerning continuity and change in the history of German education, as well as with work concerning sacrificial death in the construction of the nation, this article compares older soldier songs with songs introduced by the Nazis, showing how National Socialism appropriated older songs, while imposing its own more expansive, less personalised conception of war and resulting death.  相似文献   

Terezin, the gateway to Auschwitz, a town commandeered by the Nazis to serve as a “model” relocation camp to demonstrate the Third Reich's generosity and kindness toward the Jews, was an elaborate hoax. In an environment where truth was twisted beyond recognition, artists, writers, actors, and musicians used their work to revive the spirits of the condemned and to leave a legacy of truth in the face of an insidious lie. The arts became the foundation for a “curriculum” that shaped the lives of the inmates surviving in hell.  相似文献   

Stephan Marks 《Interchange》2007,38(3):263-284
The article outlines a deficit in Holocaust education: The motives of the perpetrators and bystanders are often not dealt with. In order to explore these motives, interviews with former Nazis were conducted and evaluated in the Geschichte und Erinnerung (History and Memory) research project; two of the findings are presented here. Subsequently the question of how these findings can be applied in school teaching about National Socialism and the Holocaust is discussed. The author recommends teachers not to expose students to whole narrations of former Nazis, but to use brief excerpts from those narrations in order to develop an analysis of the Nazis’ motives. Ultimately, teaching about the topic of National Socialism and the Holocaust should be integrated with students’ own narrations, with their knowledge of the topic based on family stories, family secrets, and other sources.  相似文献   

Heavy consumption of alcohol pervaded the student world in Germany to an even greater extent than elsewhere. Many of the fraternities, to which a substantial proportion of the student body belonged, required their members to undergo regular, formal and compulsory drinking bouts. The temperance movement had little effect on students until a general mood of austerity dawned after the First World War. The National Socialists identified themselves with the new sobriety in many policies aside from drink. After Hitler's seizure of power in 1933, one can identify a certain ambivalence in alcohol policies. On the one hand, the puritanical conscience of the Nazis wanted to purge Germany of all decadence, but there was an equally strong impulse for a prolonged victory celebration in traditionally alcoholic terms. This unresolved dilemma can be neatly illustrated through an examination of the universities at the time.

Nazi student leaders indulged in rowdy celebrations after 1933, while denouncing the fraternity world for its alcoholic excesses. This double standard persisted throughout the Third Reich. The Nazis persecuted fraternity members for harmless, drunken horseplay which looked like expressions of political discontent, while plying freshmen with beer and wine themselves, in order to persuade them to join the rather dull, Nazi student organizations. Where alcoholic misdemeanours did occur within the Nazi students’ own ranks, they were treated in various ways, according to political convenience. There was little chance of a strong stand against excessive student drinking with an outright alcoholic as Education Minister during this whole period. In more general terms, the production of beer and wine formed an important part of the German economy, which the government was trying to stimulate, not depress. Drinking remained, then, as a central part of student life despite a promised revolution in all aspects of the academic world. The old traditions persisted, and were sometimes even taken up by the Nazis themselves in their concern for historic roots and legitimacy.


The article reconstructs the image of Turkey and the Turks that German education portrayed between 1820 and 1930. The analysis is based on educational periodicals and reference works from the historical eras of the German Confederation, the German Empire and the First World War, tracing the way old stereotypes persisted and new stereotypes arose. The study especially focuses on the opinions of German educationalists about schools in Turkey, Turkish women, Islam, the question of whether Turkey was part of Europe, and last not least on whether Ottoman educational policies were appropriate. Closely following the historical sources, the article shows how the opinions of German educationists changed according to the shift of Germany’s geopolitical interests, how their outlook went hand in hand with the views of the general press, and how they gradually came to a professional self-concept that contrasted ‘their’ educational system with what they believed was a ‘backward’ system in Turkey. At the same time they began to develop an interest in doing professional work in Turkey. The article can also be regarded as a contribution to the history of educational thinking in Germany in the course of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

By examining writing about Israel education since the founding of the State, this paper highlights three questions that have surfaced repeatedly in Jewish educational discourse: What is the purpose of teaching American Jews about Israel? Who is best equipped to teach American Jews about Israel? How can Israel education foster positive identification with Israel without whitewashing over the imperfections of the Jewish State? By exploring how each question has manifested in Jewish education, it examines why—for very different reasons—these questions have endured over time, and considers what it might take to arrive at lasting conclusions about them.  相似文献   

No previous research has directly examined the relationship between attending a public or private school as a child and people’s attitudes toward Jews when they become adults. This article sheds new light on this issue by using a large, nationally representative survey of over 1,500 adults in the United States to see how childhood schooling is related to adult anti-Semitism. It finds that even after controlling for a variety of background characteristics, people who attended private schools exhibit more positive attitudes toward Jews than those who attended public schools.  相似文献   

英国1939年《关于巴勒斯坦问题白皮书》的出台,既有其历史背景,又是对犹太复国主义态度的转折性的改变,并认为1939年的《白皮书》就是英国30年代对德、意绥靖政策的另类表现,是英国绥靖总格局中的一部分,它所带来的直接后果是助长了欧洲法西斯势力的气焰,导致了二战期间欧洲大量犹太人惨遭纳粹杀害,同时也间接成为以色列建国的一个催化剂,从而埋下了中东问题的隐患。1939年的《白皮书》的出台也从侧面反映出英国实力正逐步走向衰弱。  相似文献   

This article explores how some children in Denmark, Estonia, Germany and Sweden describe their perspective on learning. The aim of the international study is to gain knowledge of how preschool children in Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Germany reflect and perceive their learning in preschool and other surrounding social contexts. The results are based on 51 focus group interviews from 181 children. The results indicate that, in general, children from all four countries seem to be aware of their own learning. One can conclude that encouraging children to think about what they are doing and why they are doing it makes the activities more goal-oriented from the children’s perspective and thus more conscious. Children are able to describe their own perspectives on learning.  相似文献   

张小林 《海外英语》2012,(6):213-216
Thousands of years ago,the Jews were forced to leave their homeland and began to live an exiled life and gradually melted into other neighboring peoples.However,they were not welcomed by others.For thousands of years,Jews’ "Bible" has become a source of literary and artistic creation,but the image of Jews were excluded from the literary and artistic creation,even if there were some occasions,they were but described as autistic Misers or loan shark.Shakespeare is one of the most outstanding writers;he described many people from all walks of life in his works,the Jews,also included.Based on the corpus of Shakespeare’s works,we can see that most adjectives used by Shakespeare to modify the word "Jew"are derogative words.Therefore,we can prove that anti-Semitism does exist in Shakespeare’s works.  相似文献   

This article takes up categories from literature on political and civic engagement to help make sense of data collected from interviews with 40 American Jewish day high school students about what they think and feel about Israel. Viewed through a set of lenses that distinguish between the manifestations and motivations of political and civic engagement, the article helps clarify why young Jews, even when actively and positively engaged with Israel, are uncomfortable labeling themselves as Zionists. The analysis points to an important distinction between the concepts of Israel as “home” and “homeland.” The article also raises important questions about what is presumed to be an increasing distance or alienation from Israel among young American Jews.  相似文献   

This articles explores how a group of women in the Former Soviet Union grapple with questions of Jewish identity and Jewish “authenticity” as they participate in adult Jewish learning program that employs methods of feminist pedagogy and transformative learning. The study reflects on areas of dissonance between the transformational learning process and the tenacity of the women's world assumptions that are shaped by background, history, and worldview. While the learning process seems to be prompting these women to seriously and critically reflect on and reframe their self-understanding as learners and as Jews, their limited content-knowledge combined with a tentative sense of personal authority about Jewish life seems to impede their ability to harmonize their learning with a clear sense of what constitutes authentic practice of Judaism.  相似文献   

Whether the Jewish supplementary school should be operated as if it were a public school depends on the goals of Jewish education. “In terms of ultimate goals, however, Jewish education is now at a crossroads.”1 While all Jewish educators would probably agree with Harold Schulweis' statement that “it is our sacred task to create Jews,”2 educators are not in agreement over what type of Jews we are to create and how we are to create them. Jewish educators can be divided into two groups. One group wants to create “educated, thinking Jews” — goal #1—while the other desires to shape children into “feeling Jews” —goal #2.  相似文献   

在繁荣的唐代 ,犹太人在西亚和中国进行着穿梭贸易 ,可并未在中国真正定居下来。由于唐末的动乱 ,他们逃离了中国。在宋元时代 ,中国虽有动乱 ,但没有发生大规模的排外事件 ,因而犹太人得以在华生根繁衍。同时 ,犹太人在开封修建教堂的过程 ,也是一个渐渐被大中华社会接纳的过程  相似文献   

银行业计算机网络运用较为广泛。存在许多不安全因素。本就如何加强银行业网络的安全。找出主要问题。采取相应对策,杜绝网络灾难。提高银行业计算机网络安全。为防范和化解金融风险服务。  相似文献   

在欧洲文学作品中,犹太人一般以贪婪、守财、狡黠、多虑的高利贷者、投机奸商等形象出现,且处于陪衬基督徒形象的从属地住。这一形象与犹太民族的客观形象是不吻合的。基督教作家对犹太人的偏见有着社会时代、文化心理、宗教情绪等多方面的原因。莎士比亚和司各特笔下的犹太人以不同的方式反抗歧视和侮辱,使这些形象具有了不同寻常的积极意义。  相似文献   

Eugenic dreams of re‐making people have taken on a new reality against the background of scientific and technological developments in modern genetics. Thus, it seems all the more important to recall the historical experience with the concept of “Rassenhygiene” in the early 20th century and during the Nazi period in Germany. The central ideas that the Nazis tried to implement, had already been formulated by the German eugenic movement before 1933: eugenic perfection combined with “völkisch” and racial purity. This movement and these ideas spread to the educational discourse. Eugenic or “rassenhygienisch” concepts of education were intended to spread eugenic knowledge, to foster a new eugenic ethic, and to instil a new selective attitude in sexual choice. In addition, structural reforms of educational systems were sought in the direction of intensified selectivity, especially of groups and individuals supposed to be not worth living.  相似文献   

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