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In the analysis of polices for lifelong learning, the gap between the rhetoric and reality has become the focus for much debate and concern. Reality is compared with rhetoric and both are found wanting. In this paper, we argue that such critiques misconceive the significance of rhetoric and we outline the form a rhetorical analysis of lifelong learning policy could take. Using the UK government's 1998 Green Paper and 1999 White Paper on lifelong learning as illustrations, we suggest that rhetorical analysis helps to point to the politics of discourse that is at play in policy-making processes. This is a politics - often dismissed as spin-doctoring - with which we need to engage if our own attempts to develop lifelong learning are to be persuasive.  相似文献   

The aim of the special strand on ‘Revisiting the rhetorical curriculum’ is to explore the educational potential of a new rhetorical perspective, specifically in relation to different traditions within educational and rhetorical studies. This implies that we do not only look at education in rhetoric, but that we position education also as a rhetorical practice. In this introductory article, we introduce a broad perspective on rhetoric by exploring concepts from new rhetoric to set the scene for this special strand. We elaborate briefly on the relationship between rhetoric and education, which is reflected in the classical concept of paideia. We specifically relate the new rhetorical perspective to curricular issues and introduce the different contributions that are part of this special strand. The article ends by discussing what can be learned from (new) rhetoric about language, culture and education in a post- (or anti-) foundational world.  相似文献   

Serious considerations of intersectionality are critical to the future and viability of feminist rhetorical scholarship and scholars have made impressive methodological shifts in response to this exigency. However, though feminist rhetorical scholarship has painted a rich picture of how intersectionality operates at the level of the critic, I suggest that there needs to be more critical investigation of how intersectionality functions at the level of discourse—how it is constituted by and through rhetoric. To this end, I develop a theory of intersectional rhetoric, which I argue emerges at the point where intersectionality as an analytic sensibility and embodied rhetorical praxis converge. I theorize the ways in which intersectional rhetoric manifests junctures between (1) theory and experience, (2) discourse and materiality, and (3) academic and activist intellectual spheres to develop more nuanced political arguments about structural oppression on multiple axes. I use the work of body positive activist Ashleigh Shackelford as a case study for examining how, through what techniques, and to what end rhetors craft these links in performances of intersectional rhetoric. I conclude by discussing the implications a theory of intersectional rhetoric has for rhetorical theory, rhetorical critics, and intersectional feminist activism.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss some aspects of recent scholarship on rhetoric and the curriculum, making a distinction between approaches that use insight from rhetoric to analyse formal and informal curricula and approaches that develop programmatic suggestions for the conduct of education. In the paper I deploy an educational perspective which I distinguish from a perspective that sees education mainly as a process of the socialization of individuals into existing social, cultural and political ways of doing and being. I focus on three aspects of the discussion: the conceptions of education that are being used in the discussion and, more specifically, the way in which the rhetorical approach is connected to the ideas of paideia and Bildung; the particular understanding of language in the rhetorical approach to the curriculum; and the question whether the rhetorical curriculum should be understood in terms of empowerment or in terms of emancipation. I argue for a more consistent and more radical adoption of insights from rhetorical scholarship in order to make the rhetorical curriculum more educational and more politically aware. I capture this with the idea of becoming ‘world-wise’ as an alternative for the idea that the rhetorical curriculum should contribute to making students ‘symbol-wise’.  相似文献   

后凯恩斯经济学是自“凯恩斯革命”以来 ,一直致力于完成“流产”的“凯恩斯革命” ,并以反新古典主流面目存在的一支异端经济学流派 ,它是对凯恩斯经济学范式的恢复和拓展。凯恩斯、卡莱茨基、斯拉法和老制度主义的思想构成了其理论渊源 ,该学术传统经历了三代的传承演进 ,今天 ,后凯恩斯主义者在方法论、宏观经济学、微观定价理论和内部综合等方面已经取得了重大进展 ,成为西方经济学中不可忽视的一个重要流派  相似文献   

Bill Clinton's 1993 Memorial Day speech at the Vietnam Wall is an example of amnestic rhetoric, which seeks to discourage public debate and to diminish public memory. In this essay I argue that Clinton's epideictic discourse camouflages an act of apologia in which he defends his controversial opposition to the Vietnam War. Second, I argue that Clinton simultaneously directs his audience's attention away from the past and toward the future, urging them to remember the buried, but to bury the memory of Vietnam. Third, I argue that the speech culminates with an act of rhetorical investiture for Clinton as commander in chief. Finally, I propose the concept of amnestic rhetoric as an addition to public memory scholarship.  相似文献   

Examining the nascent rhetoric of the Young Lords Organization's (YLO) 1969 “garbage offensive,” this essay argues that the long-standing constraints on agency to which they were responding demanded an inventive rhetoric that was decolonizing both in its aim and in its form. Blending diverse forms of discourse produced an intersectional rhetoric that was qualitatively different from other movements at the time. As such, the YLO constructed a collective agency challenging the status quo and, in some ways, foreshadowed more contemporary movement discourses that similarly function intersectionally. Examining the YLO's garbage offensive, then, presents rhetorical scholars with an opportunity to revise our understanding of how marginalized groups craft power through rhetoric.  相似文献   

本文拟从西方修辞学的角度探究构建和谐社会的途径.关于修辞学在发展和维护社会和谐方面的作用是一个值得探究的广泛而深刻的问题,它探索在建立和维护一个社会时修辞学的特殊功能,探讨人类是否依靠修辞创造和谐,达到一个理性社会所需要的在工作和生活中的协作、最终取得同一性以及共同的社会价值取向.本文将修辞置于社会结构关系和社会人际互动的背景中进行考察,分析社会心理认知、话语认知与修辞行为的动态共变关系,揭示修辞的规律与目的,探讨修辞的本质与功能.  相似文献   

Rhetorical critics, whether evaluating or explaining rhetorical experiences, are more useful when they argue than when they do not. Critics who argue provide information and invite confrontation that tests the intersubjective reliability of their argument and hence contribute to a more dependable understanding of a rhetorical experience or of rhetoric.  相似文献   

矛盾修辞在应用时常和对比、对偶、映衬、警策等修辞手法交融,因此,汉语修辞学著作往往把这种句式归入相关辞格。事实上,矛盾修辞的独立性是很强的,其修辞特征也是很明显的。分清矛盾修辞和相关辞格的关系,有助于确立矛盾修辞法在汉语修辞学中应有的地位。  相似文献   

我国广告事业快速发展,但广告语言却陷入了修辞困境:一方面广告语中运用的修辞手段层出不穷,不断翻新,广告语制造修辞幻象的能力不断增加;另一方面,广告语对受众的实际影响力和作用力却在不断下降。广告人的修辞努力不仅未能对广告语的效用进行增值,反而导致了其语用效力的下降,广告语正遭遇着严重的语言贬值。导致这一困境的根本原因在于广告创作者的修辞努力背离了语言运用的基本规律和修辞的根本出发点,从而催生了种种造成不良语用效果的负面修辞现象,其中较典型的有比比皆是的抄袭模仿、夸饰性用语的过度使用、语言的过度变异、言与实的严重不符等。在这些负面修辞现象的背后,掩藏着功利至上和技巧至上这两大流行观念误区。中国的广告语的创作只有抛弃这些流行的观念误区和错误的修辞导向,才能摆脱当前的修辞困境,走上健康发展的道路。  相似文献   

文章以西方修辞学、言语交际学、新修辞学、对比修辞学为发展脉络,探讨了西方修辞学的语言学科性质、跨学科发展趋势。新修辞学派继承和发扬西方古典修辞学理论并充分发挥其社会认知体裁观的最大优势,结合哲学、文化学、社会学、人类学等不同学科,把语言的修辞现象作为社会行为加以综合描述和阐述,并逐步成为现代修辞学发展的主流,同时为对比修辞学理论的构架和产生提供了可靠的背景条件。  相似文献   

Michel Foucault’s famous history of the human sciences focused on “the order of things” and in doing so it overwhelmed a rhetorical perspective that can track the arts of moving souls: pedagogy, politics, and psychology. If we revisit Foucault from a rhetorical perspective there are consequences: (1) at the level of architectonic, we rediscover rhetoric’s role at the inception of the human sciences, and (2) at the level of thematic, we can make better sense of rhetorical phenomena such as the sixteenth-/seventeenth-century sacred arts of listening, which feature a “public ear.” Foucault’s late interest in the pastoral picks up this rhetorical thread, although he never was able to revise the disciplinary and biopolitical history implicated therein. This article initiates just such a revision, paying particular attention to historiographic questions, and to recent discussions of biopower that wind up looking very different from this rhetorical perspective.  相似文献   

Our paper conceptualizes protest rhetoric in order to theorize the underlying relationship between communication and subjectivity. We do this by highlighting how rhetorical protest challenges the sovereignty of voice. Our argument is that Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses is an example of a sign that protests. To make this argument, we use a materialist method from media studies that simultaneously examines the formal capacities of a sign that protests and maps its historical transformation. Our analysis opens with the two prevailing accounts of Luther's theses: disputation and dissemination. We extend both disputation and dissemination by placing them in a “universal history” of protest rhetoric that grounds many accepted critical rhetorical theories in specific systems of representation. Drawing together our findings, we conclude by urging the replacement of logos and logocentrism with the logistics of protest rhetoric in order to link together disputation and dissemination as a mechanism for both change and subjection.  相似文献   

学术界对政治经济学的研究是不断深入的,但在对政治经济学的研究对象和研究方法的创新问题理解上还存在着不同的认识。政治经济学要创新应当是在坚持马克思经济学基本原理和方法论基础上的创新,同时又要注意吸收和借鉴西方经济学的科学成分。  相似文献   

This paper points to a new discursive order in teacher education policy and professional development practice which is actively producing teachers as ‘corporatising’ professionals. The authors note certain rhetoric shifts in Australian teacher education policy which, they argue, constitute quite a radical departure from notions of the professional worker which proliferated less than a decade ago. Drawing on Foucaultian notions of the discursive nature of knowledge and identity formation, they discuss the implications of this rhetorical shift in terms of its impact on the ‘professional’ identity of the teacher.  相似文献   

英语修辞学是英语专业的一门高级课程。多媒体的应用给这门课程的教学带来了革新。与传统教学侧重于文本学习的修辞教学模式相比,多媒体能够展示修辞的呈现环节,能够让学习者生动地感受到修辞的功效和作用,能够激发他们去思考、探究修辞的本质和功能,从而形成以呈现环节为切入点、以实例、效果和实用性为导向的修辞教学模式。  相似文献   

This article explores the rhetorical work done by discourses of professional development in education. In particular it outlines the ways in which the rhetoric of technical expertise, competence and reflective practice are deployed to mobilise professional practices and identities in particular ways and position certain practices and dispositions as specifically professional. The article explores the ways in which audiences are mobilised and the strategies to persuade educators that particular discourses of professionalism are about and for them. This is illustrated through an analysis of a particular discourse of professional development for academics in the UK. The authors argue for and illustrate the illuminating potential of rhetorical analysis to an understanding of different practices of professional development.  相似文献   

This essay takes a metaperspective on what it means to talk about rhetorical education, the subject of this collection. After exploring different senses of what the term may mean, the essay addresses three issues touched upon but not fully developed in the collection: first, the idea that rhetoric has no subject matter of its own but may instead be applied to any subject; second, why there is a cultural and historical moment in which questions of rhetorical education especially come before us; and third, why we should think about rhetoric outside the academy. This review concludes by suggesting that Cicero’s vision of The Orator sums up the aspirations for rhetorical education suggested in this collection.  相似文献   

This essay theorizes a transformation in twenty-first-century war rhetoric in which obstructions in public sensation insulate war from opposition. In contrast to overt persuasive appeals for the mass mobilization of society characteristic of “total war,” “light war” is a mode of violence that operates more freely by placing fewer demands on public reception, participation, and approval. Through an analysis of U.S. drone imagery between 2008 and 2011, I argue that light war cultivates social acquiescence to violence through boring visual rhetoric that subverts the capacity to sense the material consequences of war. In the process of theorizing the anesthetizing force of boring rhetoric, this essay assesses the prospects of peace and outlines future directions for rhetorical scholarship in a post-9/11 landscape.  相似文献   

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