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刑法学意义上的暴力犯罪是对以暴力手段实施的某些犯罪客观方面特定情状的一种抽象,它的具体表现是刑法有关条文中规定的暴力手段。由于刑事用语的相对性、具体罪名的特殊性,刑法条文中的暴力在暴力对象、暴力表现形式、暴力程度、暴力"致人重伤、死亡"等方面存在很大差异。  相似文献   

Better Everyday English. By H. G. Paul, University of Illinois. Lyons and Carnahan, Chicago, 1924. pp. 279.

Selected Orations. Compiled by Albert Mason Harris. Cokes‐bury Press, Nashville, Tenn., 1924. Pp. 439.

Gentlemen of the Jury. By Francis L. Wellman. The Macmillan Company. 1924. Pp. 298.

Costuming A Play. By Elizabeth B. Grimbal and Rhea Wells. New York. The Century Co. 1925. 135 pages.

Abraham Lincoln: Master of Words. By Daniel K. Dodge. D. Appleton, New York. 1924. Pp.178.  相似文献   

The issue of violence and strategies for its attenuation present perennial conundrums for those seeking to reduce the quantity of avoidable suffering in the world. Despite the best efforts of committed practitioners, activists, and scholars, violence its various forms remain rife at all levels of social life. Paradoxically and tragically, at times, the proliferation of violence accompanies those very efforts aimed at its eradication or resolution. Education – understood in its narrower sense as a set of formal institutions as well in its broader sense as a ubiquitous sociocultural process – is perhaps exemplary of this paradox, being cast variously as a cause or instrument of violence on the one hand, and as a panacea to violence on the other. In this essay review of Etienne Balibar's Violence and Civility: On the limits of political philosophy (2016), I draw on the author's imaginative attempt to theorise the relationship between different forms of violence and link this to existing scholarship on violence more broadly, and studies that consider the role of education within economies of violence more specifically.  相似文献   

网络暴力事件是指大量隐匿的"网中人"群体,借助现实或网络当中某个真实或虚无的事端,在有组织或自发的状态下,进行非理性表达或集群并走向暴力,对相关"当事人"或社会造成不良后果。本文以2006年以来发生在中文互联网的"铜须"、"虐猫"、"陈易"、"意卢"等事件为案例,分析网络暴力事件的表现特征,提出防范策略。  相似文献   

Violence is one of the most prevalent elements in the lives of homeless families with young children. This violence may come in various forms: domestic violence, street violence, violence in one’s childhood, witnessing violence, and other avenues and modes. Violence disrupts the normal bonding between parent and child. It isolates and degrades families. Early childhood professionals can support parents and children who are victims of violence through support, education, and nurturance.  相似文献   

Violence against children (VAC) in Afghanistan is a serious issue in the context of many decades of conflict and poverty. To date, limited studies have explored the extent of VAC in Afghanistan and the settings where VAC takes place. To understand (i) the extent of VAC, (ii) settings where VAC takes place, (iii) parental forms of VAC and (iv) regional differences, an interview administered cross-sectional survey was employed among a community sample of 145 children and 104 parents living within Kabul, Torkham, and Jalalabad. Demographic information was collected as well as items from the International Child Abuse Screening Tool (ICAST-CH). In this study, 71% of children reported experiencing physical violence is some form in the past year. Home was the most likely location of violence. The overwhelming majority of parents reported using physical violence as a discipline method. Parents who attained higher levels of education and had more skilled occupations used violence less as a discipline method. However, consistent with international research, children cited their parents as their preferred source of support in situations of violence. Interestingly, parents did not see violent forms of discipline as more effective than non-violent strategies. The results offer a disturbing yet ‘on the ground’ insight into VAC in Afghanistan from the experience of children and parents. The results have important implications for programming design and provide a focus for stopping and preventing VAC in Afghanistan and similar contexts.  相似文献   

电影"暴力美学"的变化与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以吴宇森为代表的一代大师创造了"暴力美学"这个名词,然而随着时间的流逝,观众的欣赏兴趣已经发生了变化。昆廷的几部电影引发了新的"暴力美学"潮流。但是仔细分析,最符合"暴力美学"名号的,还是以北野武风格的作品——最大的暴力是无常。  相似文献   

BackgroundThere have been estimates that over 150,000 Haitian children are living in servitude. Child domestic servants who perform unpaid labor are referred to as “restavèks.” Restavèks are often stigmatized, prohibited from attending school, and isolated from family placing them at higher risk for experiencing violence. In the absence of national data on the experiences of restavèks in Haiti, the study objective was to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of restavèks in Haiti and to assess their experiences of violence in childhood.MethodsThe Violence Against Children Survey was a nationally representative, cross-sectional household survey of 13–24 year olds (n = 2916) conducted May–June 2012 in Haiti. A stratified three-stage cluster design was used to sample households and camps containing persons displaced by the 2010 earthquake. Respondents were interviewed to assess lifetime prevalence of physical, emotional, and sexual violence occurring before age 18. Chi-squared tests were used to assess the association between having been a restavèk and experiencing violence in childhood.FindingsIn this study 17.4% of females and 12.2% of males reported having been restavèks before age 18. Restavèks were more likely to have worked in childhood, have never attended school, and to have come from a household that did not have enough money for food in childhood. Females who had been restavèks in childhood had higher odds of reporting childhood physical (OR 2.04 [1.40–2.97]); emotional (OR 2.41 [1.80–3.23]); and sexual violence (OR 1.86 [95% CI 1.34–2.58]) compared to females who had never been restavèks. Similarly, males who had ever been restavèks in childhood had significantly increased odds of emotional violence (OR 3.06 [1.99–4.70]) and sexual violence (OR 1.85 [1.12–3.07]) compared to males who had never been restavèks, but there was no difference in childhood physical violence.InterpretationThis study demonstrates that child domestic servants in Haiti experience higher rates of childhood violence and have less access to education and financial resources than other Haitian children. These findings highlight the importance of addressing both the lack of human rights law enforcement and the poor economic circumstances that allow the practice of restavèk to continue in Haiti.  相似文献   

从宽泛意义上说,人与宗教的关系是人与自己世界观的终极者的关系,因此这种关系具有一种必然性。人生存的过程性质,决定了人与宗教关系的变动不居和复杂性,并且,只有终止这种生存过程,才能从根本上消灭人与宗教的关系。人与宗教关系的质量取决于世界观的终极者定位,只有把宇宙的终极者作为自己世界观的终极者时,人才能获得最大实现的可能性。  相似文献   

海明威的名著《老人与海》有着多种解读方式:直观解读、宗教隐喻解读、女性主义解读等等。文章从来自中国报纸的两篇报道入手,提出在中国文化语境下,《老人与海》另有一种独特的解读方式。这种方式反映了中国传统的文史合一的观点,从而有其不可忽略的价值。  相似文献   

象征意蕴是指文艺作品中形象或意境的深层意味。文学作品的象征意蕴是由文学话语含义的丰富性、文学作品的符号性以及读者理解作品的差异性等原因而形成的。《老人与海》的象征意蕴从根本上说是对人类的精神风貌,以及人类的生存环境、生存态度、生存心态的深刻揭示。  相似文献   

论海明威独特的文体风格--以《老人与海》为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从文学文体学的角度对《老人与海》独特的文体特色进行较为系统的分析,运用统计法和描写法揭示其风格要素即小说的语言材料,表达方式和叙事方式的具体特征,进而指出《老人与海》是海明威客观、简洁、朴实的创作美学思想的完美体现。  相似文献   

2003年布克文学奖获奖作品《弗农小上帝》是作家DBC·皮埃尔一部反映当代美国社会现实的杰作,该小说人物弗农形象具有显著的"上帝"特征。在校园枪杀案惨剧之后,浮现的是主流社会边缘化少年受难者的形象,是大众传媒形塑并供上祭坛的符号化"上帝",弗农小上帝的悲剧是当代西方社会的精神悲剧。  相似文献   

刘泽江 《唐山学院学报》2005,18(3):33-34,67
海明威的《老人与海》不仅揭示了人与自然的对抗,更多的则是从悲剧性的视角去审视和表现人类的生存、命运与环境的冲突。作家用他的世界观对人类进行了人道主义的审视、评价与批判,潜藏着作家对自然、人类、社会诸种关系的深沉忧患和哲理性思考。  相似文献   

Prior research suggests violent narratives can transport viewers, affecting attitudes and beliefs. This research project explores whether a factor related to a media text —vividness—affects the degree to which audience members become transported into a violent narrative. Furthermore, this study focuses on the various subcomponents of the transportation experience (e.g., attention, emotional involvement, and mental imagery processes) to see if vividness affects some components more than others. In an experiment, 179 participants were exposed to vivid or non-vivid versions of violent television programs. Findings reveal that viewers of vivid violence exhibited stronger emotional reactions and higher attention levels. Vividness did not impact mental imagery processes or excitation levels, however. Implications for transportation, vividness, and media violence research are discussed.  相似文献   

英语和汉语是隶属于两个不同语系的"非亲属"语言。学习英汉两种语言需要对这两种语言的特性进行对比分析,从而分析出它们的差异。文章以海明威的《老人与海》和沈从文的《边城》为例,分别从语义、词法和句法这三个层面来分析英汉语言的差异。  相似文献   

海内外的张爱玲研究是以其传奇作家身份为核心,对其文学创作进行了较为全面且深入的论析,而忽视了张爱玲的翻译活动与成就。文章通过阐述张爱玲的译者素养与翻译《老人与海》的缘起,探析其译本特色,可以管窥她作为译家的翻译才华。  相似文献   

在《老人与海》中,海明威竭力扣紧超越与反超越这一尖锐的两极对立,即桑地亚哥与大海、鲨鱼、马林鱼之间的对立,并在他们之间形成一种超越与反超越的相互循环,正是在这种超越与反超越的循环中凸显出古希腊以来形成的勇于进取、主动抗争、那怕失败也是轰轰烈烈这一西方悲剧精神。为此,在海明威笔下的桑地亚哥的结局尽管是悲剧性的,然而我们被桑地亚哥所打动的不是悲剧结局而是隐含其中的悲剧精神。这种悲剧精神就是面对失败超越失败,在失败面前顽强地保持着人的尊严,展现出直面惨淡人生的勇敢精神。而海明威在桑地亚哥身上赋寓的这一精神也体现了作者本人的超越意识及其对社会现实的认知。  相似文献   

《青年艺术家的画像》是二十世纪现代主义文学大师詹姆斯·乔伊斯(1882—1941)的自传体小说。这部小说主要描写都柏林青年斯蒂芬是如何试图摆脱妨碍他发展的各种因素最终成为一名青年艺术家的故事。通过对斯蒂芬宗教态度的转变进行分析,来揭示其走向艺术与美这条道路的必然性。  相似文献   

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