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新近不少见解认为,一般预防不应作为刑罚目的的内容。但是支持这些见解的理由并不能令人信服。这是因为:"刑罚永远把人类当作一种目的而绝不仅仅是一种手段来对待"这一命题是虚伪的,将一般预防作为刑罚目的不会加重犯罪人的刑罚量,刑罚的一般预防效果是客观的。  相似文献   

佛事故事中相思病母题,包括因情不堪得相思病而死,女病貌丑不欲夫见,相思病疗法,女性因相思病死,被盗墓辱尸等.外域传来的这一母题,借助宗教载体在下层民众中产生较大影响.一者,母题带来了外域较为自由纵放的情爱观念,使华夏传统情爱观受到冲击;二者,后世男女情愫自由大胆表达,有了文本依托;三者,母题以其最有人性活力藏蕴,成为此后叙事文学表现青年男女性格行为不可忽视的重要母题之一,持久地产生着先在辐射作用。  相似文献   

许地山小说描写了众多女子的坎坷命运,因作者并不把她们的品质具体化为可供观照的感性情节,并没在矛盾冲突中展示她们内心的纷争,而使女性形象缺乏活泼的生命情致。原因有二:一、许地山的宗教观制约着他对人性丰富性的表达,他把人性等同于佛性,这就使得他创造的女性形象缺乏人性深度;二、女性在他的男性视角打量下,已成为他表达自我观念的象征符号,不可能具有真实的生命力度。  相似文献   

人们对我国报社自办发行的成功一直津津乐道,并认为其效率一定优于委托发行.然而,通过调查与分析表明,相对自办发行而言,委托发行有明显的分工效应,"邮发合一"逐步退出历史舞台并不意味着委托发行必然劣于自办发行.一般而言,报商可以遵循成本法则选择合适的发行方式.在中国,自办发行的风靡并不仅仅是出于成本的考虑,而且也是报社初次逐鹿广告市场的必然选择,更是管理层在报业市场引入竞争机制的意图使然.  相似文献   

《中国哲学史》蕴涵丰富的有关荣辱观的内容,可以为大学生进行社会主义荣辱观教育提供可资借鉴的智慧资源。在教学中渗透社会主义荣辱观教育的途径主要有:通过评述古代哲人的荣辱观,培养大学生的知耻之心;通过讲授古代哲人的忧国情怀,渗透以忧国爱民为荣的观念;通过分析儒家的仁学思想、墨家的"兼爱"原则、佛家的慈悲精神,渗透以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻的观念;通过分析儒家的义利之辨,渗透以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻的观念;通过挖掘儒家、道家、墨家的"俭"的思想,渗透以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻的观念。  相似文献   

This article takes up Foucault's politics of human rights and suggests that it may constitute a point of departure for the renewal of HRE, not only because it rejects the moral superiority of humanism—the grounding for the dominant liberal framework of international human rights—but also because it makes visible the complexities of human rights as illimitable and as strategic tools for new political struggles. Enriching human rights critiques has important implications for HRE, precisely because these critiques prevent the dominance of unreflexive and unproductive forms of HRE that lead toward a declarationalist, conservative and uncritical approach. It is argued that Foucault's critical affirmation of human rights—that is, an approach which is neither a full embrace nor a total rejection—provides a critique that can be disruptive to the conventional HRE approach and creates openings that might renew HRE, both politically and pedagogically.  相似文献   

Today, many liberal philosophers of education worry that certain kinds of education may frustrate the development of personal autonomy, with negative consequences for the individuals concerned, the liberal state, or both. Autonomy liberals hold not only that we should promote the development of autonomy in children, but also that this aim should be compulsory for all schools, private or public, religious or nonreligious. In this article, Anders Schinkel provides a systematic overview, categorization, and analysis of liberal arguments for compulsory autonomy-promoting education. He finds that none of these arguments can justify compulsory autonomy-promoting education, whether because they depend on empirical evidence that is not available, because they have as their basis an overly demanding concept of autonomy, or because they are intrinsically flawed in some way or another. Schinkel concludes with some suggestions as to what this means for the direction future research should take.  相似文献   

我国现行法律所确立的混合型行政强制执行体制在一定程度上发挥了立法者所期待的积极作用,但其在实施和运行中也存在很多问题。文章从理论和现实出发,结合行政强制执行权的属性、行政强制执行的目的和我国行政法发展的传统与政治哲学理念阐述了行政强制执行权应当交还给行政机关的观点。  相似文献   

Learning from equations or words   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of four experiments was designed to study the cognitive load consequences of learning from equations, as compared to words. Cognitive load theory suggests that some instructional procedures require learners to engage in cognitive activities solely because of the manner in which information is presented rather than because of intrinsic characteristics of the material. As a consequence, a heavy extraneous cognitive load that interferes with learning may be imposed. It is suggested that in studying equations with unfamiliar notations, a heavy extraneous cognitive load is generated because mental integration of notations and meanings is required. The results of Experiment 1 supported this suggestion. Experiment 2 found that when an equation format involves simple equations and familiar notations, it is more effective than an equivalent verbal format which requires substantial reading. Experiment 3 showed that when the use of notations becomes automated after extended practice and thus reduces the extraneous cognitive load required to mentally integrate notations and meanings, an equation format can be more effective than a verbal format. Experiment 4 indicated that supplementing a concise equation format with extensive verbal information does not assist learning, because processing the extensive verbal information induces a heavy cognitive load which creates redundancy effects. It was concluded that the efficacy of equations or words may depend, in part, on their cognitive load consequences.  相似文献   

民俗是应人们生产生活的需要而产生,也因这种需要的改变而变化,而民俗的基本社会功能也因此呈现出不同的表现形式。在现代旅游背景下,民俗具有经济诉求、文化展演和社会整合三大功能。  相似文献   

What is it about the work of some great scientists that sets them apart from the admirable work done by many good scientists? Is it because some, if not all, of their contributions stand the test of time? Or is it because their work paved the way for other great ideas to develop? Nikolaas Tinbergen’s life and work suggests that it is a combination of both these factors that characterise a truly great scientist.  相似文献   

Assessment of practical work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, much attention has been focused on the need to develop effective and efficient strategies and procedures for the assessment of laboratory work. Increasingly, the emphasis has moved towards a skills-based approach. The paper addresses a number of philosophical issues concerning this orientation and argues that the skills-based approach is philosophically unsound (because it isn't based on a valid model of science), educationally worthless (because it trivializes learning) and pedagogically dangerous (because it encourages bad teaching). An alternative, more holistic approach to assessment, based on a more valid model of scientific practice, is proposed.  相似文献   

The Journal of Perinatal Education (JPE) is to be admired, not just because of its new look, but because it offers a model of a professional journal that other occupational groups would do well to emulate. Childbirth educators have found a way to organize themselves that avoids the pitfalls of professionalism, and JPE reflects that attitude toward professional service. It is a journal that offers original, high-quality research, translates research for practical use, and treats its readers as whole people.  相似文献   

骆礼刚先生在《王昌龄二题》一文中认为 :王昌龄获当时之诗名非由七绝乃因五古。笔者认为王昌龄引用己诗时多为五古 ,实是其向生徒讲授五古的做法时所致 ,而并非其有意推崇自己的五古。无论从王昌龄对七绝创作所投注的热情和所取得的成就来看 ,还是从当时诗坛五古创作的诗人群落及王昌龄在其中所处的地位来看 ,抑或从王昌龄七绝于当时多被诸管弦争相传唱的实际情况来看 ,王昌龄获当时之诗名确因七绝而非由五古  相似文献   

科学利益说堪称真理,因为它发现:权利是一种具有重大的社会效用的必须且应该得到的利益,因而也就是应该受到权力或法律保障的利益;义务是具有重大或基本社会效用的必须且应该的利益之付出,因而也就是应该受到权力或法律保障的利益之付出。  相似文献   

Williams and I provided a model of the ideal or random flow of people from a pre-selection pool of applicants to a post-selection work force. Dometrius and Sigelman claim that our test of the ideal versus actual work force composition lacks statistical power. They also claim that our assumption of random terminations is unreasonable. I show that their two claims are wrong, because they did not use relative measures of female representation in the work force, and because they base their modification of our model on unsupported supposition.  相似文献   

认为《西游记》和《红楼梦》都受到了"石生人"的神话传说的影响,是按照"石生人"的模式来结构故事的。《西游记》比较严格地套用了"石生人"神话的故事模式,而《红楼梦》则由于创作时间晚,更由于受到《西游记》的影响和其本身主题思想的需要,对这一故事模式有较多的变形。  相似文献   

论述了制度德育的必要性与可能性。其必要性主要表现在两个方面:一是转型时期社会道德失范呼唤制度德育,二是当前学校德育的制度文化缺失呼唤制度德育。其可能性,从制度德育过程中个体的道德学习机制、制度德育的制度伦理学依据两个方面展开论述。  相似文献   

您好,Edwin: 谢谢您对《双语时代》的关注与支持。我们很高兴您选择《双语时代》杂志作为您的妻子巩固英语的帮手,当然,我们也希望能帮助您学习汉语。  相似文献   

专名的指称就是专名所指的对象。专名问题争论的焦点是围绕专名有无涵义展开的。实例证明,一个事物,并非固定地非使用某个名称不可,只是由于人们的相互约定。一个名称,并非固定地非用来指称某个事物不可,也只是由于人们在交往中相互的约定。  相似文献   

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