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批评性话语分析是国外近二十年来兴起的一种话语分析方法。尽管批评性话语分析对权势与控制的方方面面多有涉及,但社会不平等尤其是性别不平等在这一话语分析方法下却鲜有论及,本文将着力探讨这一问题。在分析性别不平等表现的同时,以批评性话语分析为方法论分析形成原因和解决的途径。  相似文献   

The current study gives voice to a group of remarkable returning college students whose lives are defined by multidimensional marginality. These students are single mothers who grew up in traditional families in the outer periphery of Northern Israel, where they still lived at the time of this study. Drawing on the women’s life stories gathered from in-depth interviews, the purpose of the study was twofold: to examine their multidimensional marginality in the context of the complexity of social situations they are required to face and to understand the impact of higher education upon that marginality and upon their lives. The findings demonstrate, quite powerfully, the impact of the participants’ student status on their discourse with their previously excluding family of origin, and the significance of their status for their personal growth process and for their relationship with their children. The process of matriculating into a higher education degree programme, and their continued progress in the programme, enabled these women to become proactive in moving from the margins towards a more central position of affecting and becoming a role model for their children, their families of origin and their communities.  相似文献   

There is a widespread policy assumption that school leaders such as headteachers and governors need to have 'raining courses' which are constituted by a growing corpus of Education Management Studies (EMS) if they are to achieve successfully current schooling goals of 'effectiveness', 'quality', 'excellence' and 'value for money' Another body of work which attempts to address these issues in a wider cultural framework and which may be called Critical Leadership Studies (CLS) is regarded as interesting for those studying for higher graduate qualifications but hardly relevant for everyday school busyness. While EMS is constructed as 'practical'and therefore a necessary constituent of the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers and other training courses for school leaders, CLS is constructed as 'academic' and more suitable for the EdD seminar. It will be argued here that both cultural analysis and recent research shows this to be a simplistic and reductionist view with dangerous policy consequences. Critical scholarship in education has much to offer to those meeting the everyday challenges of school leadership. In particular, feminist critical scholarship offers oppositional models to both traditional and market forms of patriarchal school leadership.  相似文献   

教师群体活动中涌现的话语,作为教师生活质量和当前教育话语的反映形式,具有日益重要的研究价值。门特话语围绕初任教师和有经验教师的群体活动展开,相关文献研究的回顾体现门特话语分析对教师群体活动和专业发展的意义。通过批判话语分析理论的介绍和门特话语中常用的评课体裁范例的批判性分析,揭示了门特话语和教师教育话语的本质特征。  相似文献   

This essay includes selected examples of interview discourse derived from a larger study exploring how social structures and cultural identification issues of race, sex, and class are jointly negotiated in the relational accounts of black and white interracial marital partners. A dialectic of critical and interpretive perspectives is utilized to uncover complex intersecting cultural and relational identifications. The discourse shows that couples negotiate who they are in their relationships; ambivalence, contradiction, and change over time are evident. At some points, couples' negotiations reveal disassociation from the label “interracial,” and discursive forms that show both problematizing and evading race in their personal relationships and in the workplace. Overall, couples' collaborative interview discourse reveals a vigilance and protection of the partners, their relationship, and family from discrimination.  相似文献   

批评性话语分析是研究语篇形式的话语、权力及意识形态之间关系的一种话语分析形式,其主要以韩礼德的系统功能语言学作为理论基础.本文以《纽约时报》和《中国日报》关于标普降级法国的报道进行对比批评话语分析,使读者能够批判地从媒体中获取信息.  相似文献   

当前高校学生工作"边缘化"倾向刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育的改革和发展,高校学生工作出现了滞后现象,游离于高等教育的改革发展之外,甚至走向了“边缘化”。对目前高校学生工作在认识观念、政策制度、机制和队伍建设方面出现的一些“边缘化”现象进行梳理和分析,可以有效改进和提高高校学生工作。  相似文献   

批判性话语分析是上世纪中后期兴起的一门语言学科,旨在对社会生活的各方面进行批判性的文本分析,从而探究语言和社会发展的关系。近年来,该学科被越来越多的人接受并被应用于其它学科的指导和建设。大学英语教学一直是高校教育建设的重要课题。本文对批判性话语分析进行了介绍,阐释了其中核心观点,并藉此方法对大学英语课堂某教学实例进行了分析,说明其对大学英语课堂教学活动及对教师自身发展的的指导作用。  相似文献   

语篇与其所反映的世界是相互影响、不可分割的。Johnstone在其《话语分析》一书中,从批评话语分析、语篇的照应和语篇的理解、萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说以及新马克思主义等四个角度探讨了语篇与世界之间的关系。其中批评话语分析作为一种语言分析的方法,已为许多社会科学所用,并贯穿文章始终;语篇照应和理解是从认知的角度认识心理表征;萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说则从语言与思维的辩证关系着手;新马克思主义角度则把语篇的社会性理论与语篇分析方法相结合,从而比较全面地揭示了语篇与世界的关系。  相似文献   

在批评认知语言学理论框架下,批评性语篇分析可与转喻融合成批评转喻分析理论。这种理论是一种认识语言、思维与社会关系的重要途径,对英语语言学教学有很大的启示意义,对于培养学生的宏观、微观思维与批判性思维方式有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

伯明翰学派文化批评理论洞察话语实践中权力与意识形态的运作,也体察结构性宰制和主体性协商与逆反之间的张力。从文化批评视角考察体裁分析三大流派:悉尼学派具有语言分析的优势,但需配合文化批评的"理论优势"对生活政治性地介入;专门用途英语学派着重语篇目的、功能的解读,也日益重视引入社会批判的维度;新修辞学派关注业务性语篇的写作,弱化了文化批评的立场。传统语言学强调真理性和规约性的逻辑,文化批评则秉持建构性与主体性的旨向。  相似文献   

While academic expatriation is a longstanding global phenomenon, Thailand has emerged in recent years as an increasingly popular destination for internationally mobile academics. The objective of this article is to identify current policy dispositions towards foreign academics at the national and institutional levels in Thailand. The article finds that within Thai higher education policy discourse, foreign academics are framed in three primary ways: as opportunities, as absent or unimportant, and as threats to Thailand. While foreign academics are often cast as experts who might accelerate the economic development of the nation and enhance the competitiveness of the Thai higher education sector, they may also be presented as threats to Thai culture, values and security. However, the most prevalent disposition found in this study was one of absence and marginality, suggesting a high degree of ambivalence toward foreign academics. The article concludes with implications for future researchers and policymakers to consider.  相似文献   

李漾 《海外英语》2012,(17):282-284
With the rapid development of science and technology,video has become a very important way to demonstrate the city itself.This paper,based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional conception of discourse to the video of Xitang,analyzes the on-screen titles of this video to reveal the ideology behind it.Through the analysis,it points out that this video,while protecting Xitang’s own unique traditional characteristics,it tries to cater for the needs not only Chinese people but also foreigners.To some extent,it tries to promote Xitang itself.  相似文献   


This research is situated in second-wave White Teacher Identity studies and investigates the ways context structures a high school English teacher’s white identity, practices, and race-consciousness. Working with detailed data and vignettes from a single case study, the author highlights the teaching of a unit on the Holocaust. Using the required Holocaust curriculum as a unit of analysis, the author illustrates how the teacher is structured to minimize and dismiss broader discussions of institutionalized and systemic oppression and violence, and particularly those contributions offered by a student of color in her classroom. The author argues that understanding the role contexts play in obstructing race-consciousness can help fill interpretive gaps between race-conciousness and what, on the surface, might appear to be a teacher’s race-evasiveness.  相似文献   

文章以韩礼德系统功能语法理论为基础,从英语语篇的词汇分类、预设、及物性等角度对《纽约时报》中一则关于2008年北京奥运会开幕式的新闻报道进行了批评性的语篇分析,试图揭示新闻语篇背后所隐含的不同社会性质的意识形态意义,突显文化对新闻语篇的重要影响,以提高学习者辨析语言形态的批评意识.  相似文献   

This study explores whether the deficit approach to understanding youth, which has been widely critiqued in contemporary youth studies, could still be a dominant paradigm in an emerging curriculum which emphasises multiple-perspective thinking. The analysis compares the representations of youth in selected reference sources at different levels of curriculum-making of the Liberal Studies (LS) curriculum in Hong Kong. These includes: (1) the official website of the curriculum, (2) the textbooks and (3) the teachers' verbal accounts. The findings indicate that the curriculum contents at the institutional level (the LS official website) do not really favour a deficit representation of youth, but that the contents at the programme level and at the classroom level do intensify that deficit representation. The findings shed light on the discourse of youth in education regimes and inform future research.  相似文献   

论批评话语分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文论述了批评话语分析的基本理论,原则和方法。批评话语分析的出发点是对语方和话语本质的重新认识:语言不是中立客观地再现真实的手段,语言和话语的有效建构,调节并控制知识,社会关系和机构。本文分析了话语、权利和意识形态之间的关系,通过语方实例从几个方面讨论了批评话语分析的语言机制和方法,并指出批评话语分析的意义和提高语言批评意识的重要性。  相似文献   


In this article the complexity of structural marginality is represented in a simplified manner as a movement on two different but related levels, namely as a substantial marginalization which stands for a process aimed at the maintenance of a cultural identity and, in its wake, a functional marginality which points to a state of social isolation for the control over societal stability. The relationship between substantial and functional marginality is determined by the organized framework of economic and political institutions on which the existence of every social system is based.


在文学理论研究从政治话语到学术话语的范式转向的宏观背景下,我国的弗莱研究于20世纪80年代起步;90年代,随着我国研究者对西方文论认识水平的不断提升,弗莱研究进入发展期,批评方法日趋多元,研究视野日益开阔;进入新世纪,在后现代主义、后殖民主义和文化研究的渗透下,弗莱批评理论的潜能得到进一步开发。而在与我国本土批评语境结合的过程中,弗莱的批评理论和思想也日益成为我国研究者探索建设有中国特色文学"批评之路"的重要载体。  相似文献   

Significant life experiences (SLE) research has been criticized for a disproportionate focus on privileged groups and positive experiences. In this paper, I use textual analysis to examine the SLEs within the Environmental Justice (EJ) literature. Theoretically, I blend feminist theory, the sociology of disaster, and research on EJ motives for activism to advance the notion of social/environmental positionality and marginality, characterized by toxic social/environmental relationships. Findings reveal that EJ activists describe the experience of EJ as three SLEs: the recognition of their social/environmental marginality, the embodied knowledge produced from their experiences, and the empowerment that comes from working with others in a community for EJ. These findings are compared to more traditional SLE’s and I conclude with a discussion about the importance of positionality and negative experiences for SLE research.  相似文献   

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