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In this column, a mother shares the story of her son's birth with her prenatal yoga instructor. The mother was able to work with her labor, was well supported by her husband and doula, and negotiated successfully with the hospital staff to have a safe, healthy birth. She describes how difficult labor is and the ways in which comfort and support strategies help women manage contractions.  相似文献   

马克思劳动力商品存在条件理论受到的挑战,并不仅仅来自于西方发达的资本主义国家,也同样来自于现实存在的社会主义国家。从更一般的意义上来看,只要劳动力所有者具有人身自由,能够把自己的劳动力当作自己的商品来支配就完全具备了劳动力成为商品的一般条件,而劳动力所有者没有任何实现自己的劳动所必需的东西,只是非自愿的、被迫的将自己的劳动力当作商品出售的必要条件。社会主义国家和资本主义国家的劳动力商品的本质区别主要表现在劳动者所处的地位是不一样的。  相似文献   

In this birth story, a young mother relates her experience of moving beyond fear of labor and birth and developing confidence in her ability to give birth without an epidural. Knowledge and support, including the support of a doula, during the last months of pregnancy helped this mother change her plans for the labor and birth. This story highlights the importance of continuous emotional and physical support and how knowledge and confidence set the stage for a satisfying, safe, and healthy birth.  相似文献   

A young mother shares the stories of her two sons'' births. Her first birth experience was complicated by muscle spasms and changes in her baby''s heart rate during labor and, later, by medical problems with her baby in the days after birth. The mother''s strength and commitment shine through at every twist and turn during labor and the days after her son''s birth. Two years later, in contrast to her first son''s birth, the mother''s second son was born so quickly that labor presented a different set of challenges. The mother''s confidence in birth and in herself are essential facets of the stories of the births of her two sons.  相似文献   

One thing that is often absent in childbirth education classes is a discussion of the spiritual aspect of giving birth. Birth offers women a wonderful opportunity to awaken their spirituality. Natural childbirth, in particular, has the potential for self-transcendence, offering an even greater appreciation for the miracle of life. The normal, natural pain in labor can challenge the core of one's being-it is a healthy sensation that provides direction for women moving through the maze of labor. The challenge of giving birth today is to develop confidence and trust in one's inner wisdom and allow nature to do its thing. When this is accomplished, a woman's body is often permeated and nourished by spiritual energy and guidance. She emerges from her labor bed with a renewed sense of her body's strength and power and with an enhanced spirituality.  相似文献   

Jonah’s Birth     
Rachel Goldstein shares her experience of exploring options related to care provider and place of birth early in her pregnancy. Goldstein and her husband, Marc, after reading and research, chose midwifery care and a home birth. She shares the story of a long labor at home supported by her husband, her doula, and her midwife. Her positive attitude, her ability to use various comfort strategies, and the support she received throughout labor contributed to being able to give birth naturally and ecstatically to her son Jonah.  相似文献   

In nature, when a laboring animal feels threatened or disturbed, the stress hormone catecholamine shuts down labor. Similarly, when a laboring woman does not feel safe or protected or when the progress of her normal labor is altered, catecholamine levels rise and labor slows down or stops. This column discusses the importance of providing labor support that respects the woman's privacy, protects her from unnecessary interventions, insures her safety, and allows her to trust her inherent ability to give birth normally.  相似文献   

The subjects, 24 old (mean age, 69 yr) and 24 young (mean age, 19 yr) people, were given one learning trial on paired associate lists under each of four temporal conditions: (1) 3 sec study (association) interval; (2) self‐paced study interval; (3) self‐paced study interval and 4 sec registration interval; (4) self‐paced study and registration intervals. The response interval for the single recall trial was self‐paced for all conditions. The subject was instructed to use the registration interval to ensure that the association between the paired items was “fixed” in his or her mind. The recall scores of the elderly subjects but not the young subjects improved significantly as a function of the registration interval. The results suggest that with advanced age more time is required for information processing, and specifically for the registration of an association and/or its transfer from primary to secondary memory. The significant improvement of the older subjects from the paced‐study‐interval condition to the self‐paced‐study‐and‐registration‐intervals condition supports the contention that modification of conditions under which the older person is expected to perform can result in substantial performance increments.  相似文献   

论我国农村剩余劳动力的转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实现农村剩余劳动力合理有效的转移是我国农业和农村经济发展、农民收入不断增加的重要途径,也是我国实现统筹城乡发展,建立和谐社会的需要。但由于土地资源、农村产业领域拓展速度、劳动力市场制度、土地流转制度等因素的影响,使得农村剩余劳动力的有效转移成为了我国目前面临的一项紧迫而又艰巨的任务。为此,应采取积极措施,加快农村剩余劳动力转移的速度,提高转移质量,实现我国经济社会协调、健康的发展。  相似文献   

This study reports on the dilemmas of practice experienced by a parent–school facilitator, Melanie, within a large urban school district. Melanie struggled to reconcile her commitment to families in her school with the demands placed on her by an administrative ideology that viewed families as adversaries. Her attempts to manage the conflicts induced by this situation remained trapped in a polarizing discourse of families as marginalized within an insensitive school system. Using a theoretical framework that intertwines dialogism with the role of emotion in socially just education, I analyze Melanie’s narrative to uncover the ways in which she enacted her ideological commitments while constructing the position of her school administration as indefensible. I deploy such analysis to animate the links between emotional labor within challenging schooling contexts and an equally politicized stance of engagement to accomplish the ends of social justice.  相似文献   

In Egypt and Jordan, there is a substantial mismatch between the output of the higher education system and the needs of the labor market. Both demand and supply-side factors could be driving this mismatch. This paper tests a key supply-side issue, whether differences in the institutional structures and incentives in higher education affect the labor market outcomes of graduates. Specifically, we ask if the stronger alignment of incentives in private relative to public higher education institutions produces more employable human capital and better labor market outcomes. We examine the impact of the type of higher education institution a person attends on several labor market outcomes while controlling for his or her pre-enrollment characteristics. The results demonstrate that supply-side issues and institutional incentives have little impact on labor market outcomes while family background plays by far the largest role. Proposed reforms for higher education often suggest increasing the role of the private sector in provision of higher education. Our findings indicate that this approach is unlikely to improve labor market outcomes.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that demonstrate temporal integration of independently acquired temporal relationships, including backward associations, in both human (Experiment 1) and nonhuman (rats, Experiment 2) subjects. The experiments were designed and analyzed in the framework of the temporal coding hypothesis (e.g., Matzel, Held, & Miller, 1988; Savastano & Miller, 1998) as a strategy toward illuminating the use of temporal information and assessing the existence of temporal backward associations. Both experiments provided evidence of retrieval of associations to an event that was expected to occur prior to the moment in time at which a stimulus was presented (i.e., backward associations). In addition, Experiment 1 constitutes the first controlled demonstration of temporal integration by human subjects.  相似文献   

省力策略是同声传译的一个重要策略,译员在面临紧迫时间压力的情况下,将省力策略运用到同传实践中,在实际操作中是可行的。  相似文献   

将劳动法的调整对象解释为劳动关系,过于笼统。通过对劳动法调整对象的各种观点进行分析,提出构建劳动法的调整对象要抓住三个环节,即劳动关系的主体、劳动关系主体的行为、劳动关系主体间的利益关系。只有将这三方面有机结合,才能全面、充分地认识劳动法的调整对象。  相似文献   

在《资本论》中,马克思详细论述了社会必要劳动时间Ⅰ和社会必要劳动时间Ⅱ。自上个世纪50年代以来,关于商品价值量由哪种意义的社会必要劳动时间决定的问题,理论界的争论颇为激烈且至今尚无定论。本文认为商品的价值量由社会必要劳动时间Ⅰ决定,并分析了三点理由,得出了三点启示,这对于我国现阶段产业结构的调整具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

“劳动基准”应当是基础性的劳动标准,而此处“劳动标准”中的“标准”应与“国际劳工标准”中的内涵与外延一致,即劳动法律关系当事人可以通过劳动合同意思自治范围内的全部事项。因此,“劳动基准”应为法律对劳动法律关系当事人意思自治范围内全部事项的底线性规定。由“劳动基准”一词的概念可以得出劳动基准法的适用范围——劳动关系中当事人意思自治范围内的全部事项,该事项包含了劳动合同可以约定的全部事项。此外,可将公务员、普通民事关系主体等不属于劳动者的主体排除出劳动基准法的对人适用范围。  相似文献   

拥有数量充足、素质较高的农业劳动力是实现乡村振兴的重要保证。近年来,由于比较收益低引致的农业劳动力短缺问题逐步显现;与此同时,人口老龄化加速与受教育程度提升缓慢使得农业劳动力质量问题愈发突出。这种状况会从多个方面影响乡村振兴战略的实施,具体表现为:非"休耕"的土地撂荒现象严重,威胁国家粮食安全;农田水利设施投工不足,削弱农业生产能力基础;农产品品质下降,不利于农业提质增效;土地适度规模经营困难,影响农业现代化进程。促进乡村振兴的农业劳动力问题破解路径是:加快培育新型农业经营主体,引导必要劳动力在农村内部转移;实施新型职业农民培育工程,造就更多乡土人才;以乡情乡愁为纽带,吸引社会各界投身于乡村振兴事业。  相似文献   

In this article, Jessica and Samuel Boro share the story of the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Belle. With the physical and emotional support of her husband and her doula, this mother was able to cope with a long labor and have the natural birth she wanted. Her husband describes how important the doula was for him.  相似文献   

In this position paper-one of six care practice papers published by Lamaze International and reprinted here with permission-the benefit of continuous labor support is discussed and presented as an evidence-based practice that helps promote, protect, and support normal birth. The paper is written for childbearing women and their families. Women with continuous support are less likely to have a cesarean, an instrument delivery, and regional anesthesia. They are also less likely to report dissatisfaction with or negatively rate their childbirth experience. The value of the doula for both the laboring woman and her labor partner is discussed. The accompanying commentary-written by a leading proponent of maternity care practices-supports evidence that promotes continuous labor support. Lamaze International encourages women to plan for a supportive birth environment that includes continuous support.  相似文献   

Working in a busy labor/delivery unit gave me insight into the care that my Lamaze childbirth education students would encounter. I was troubled by the number of interventions taking place. The interventions interfered with a woman's ability to work with her labor; some interventions were actually creating problems or even crises. My experiences at this hospital motivated me to become involved with home birth, restoring my belief that birth is a normal process.  相似文献   

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