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生态伦理学把道德义务的范围扩展到了整个自然界,提倡尊重生命,赋予动物、植物同等的生存权利;自然界具有外在价值和内在价值;用道德态度来处理人和自然界之间的关系。在自然中成长起来的农民诗人彭斯仿佛是大自然的使者,对自然万物了如指掌。彭斯的诗歌呈现出卓越的社会关怀、自然情怀和艺术魅力,他用最质朴的语言表达对自然的多重情感,体现了生态伦理学的观点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) develop a conceptual framework for environmental science literacy; and consequently (b) examine the potential of science standards/curricula to prepare environmentally literate citizens. The framework comprised four pillars: science content knowledge, scientific inquiry, nature of science (NOS), and socioscientific issues (SSI). A conceptual understanding of these pillars as interconnected was presented and justified. Then the developed framework was used to examine the potential of the Qatari science standards to prepare environmentally literate citizens. Results showed that the secondary Qatari science standards generally take up the pillars of science content and scientific inquiry in an explicit manner. The NOS pillar is rarely addressed, while the SSI pillar is not addressed in the objectives and activities in a way that aligns with the heavy emphasis given in the overall aims. Moreover, the connections among pillars are mostly manifested within the activities and between the science content and scientific inquiry. The objectives and activities targeting the environment were less frequent among the four pillars across the Qatari standards. Again, the connections related to the environment were less frequent in conformity with the limited environmental objectives and activities. Implications from this study relate to the need for the distribution of the four pillars across the standards as well as the presentation of the different pillars as interconnected.  相似文献   

International science policy controversies involve disputes over cultural differences in the assessment of knowledge claims and competing visions of the policy-making process between different nations. This essay analyzes these dynamics in the recent controversy surrounding AIDS policy in South Africa. It develops the notion of an epistemological filibuster, an appeal to uncertainty in order to delay policy implementation, and shows the key role it played in producing an argumentative stalemate between President Thabo Mbeki and Western orthodox AIDS scientists that threatened millions of HIV-positive South Africans.  相似文献   

罗伯特·弗罗斯特是美国20世纪最伟大的诗人之一,其诗歌以质朴清新、富含哲理见长,具有节奏明快、和谐流畅、抒情浓郁的特点。本文从隐喻象征和句子声音两个方面浅析他的诗歌特色。  相似文献   

The reopening of the New Orleans Superdome after Hurricane Katrina on Monday Night Football dramatized problematic rhetorical, visual, and spatial norms of purification rituals bound up in what Burke calls the paradox of purity. Hurricane Katrina was significant as a visually traumatic event in large part because it signified the ghetto as a rarely discussed remainder of American structural racism and pressed the filthiest visual and territorial residues of marginalized poverty into the national consciousness. In this essay, we argue that a visual paradox of purification—that purifying discourses must “be of the same symbolic substance” as the polluted images that goad them—complicated ritual attempts to both purge and commemorate Katrina evacuees. It is within the paradox of purity that visually grounded purification rituals like the Superdome reopening should be considered for their potential to invite or foreclose public engagement with race and class problems firmly entrenched in Americans’ perceptions of pollution and public territory.  相似文献   

《雪野宁静》是美国当代著名诗人罗伯特.勃莱的开山之作,出版于二十世纪六十年代初,它出版后经历了一个从广受质疑与贬斥到倍受欢迎与赞颂的接受过程,有批评家认为,"它标志着一个时代的结束,另一个时代的开始"。二十世纪上半叶美国诗歌是由以艾略特、庞德、威廉斯等为代表的现代派独领风骚,而《雪野宁静》出版后所遭遇的不平凡经历,迥异于现代主义的诗歌风格,其独特的艺术气质给我们开启了一扇了解一段美国诗歌历史的窗口,美国诗歌正是在这一时期发生了某种根本性的转向。  相似文献   

Popular discourse and advocacy efforts characterize homelessness as a social problem bound by the present-centered concerns of physical affliction and material deprivation. Wayne Powers's documentary film Reversal of Fortune exemplifies this tendency by performing a “social experiment” to investigate how giving a homeless man $100,000 would change his life: the film chronicles the intervention in terms of an ever-fleeting opportunity that the man ultimately fails to utilize. Such discourses deny the future-oriented grounds for identification between homeless and housed as citizens sharing a common political destiny. Discourses of homelessness thus provide an important opportunity for questioning how the rhetorical tenses of democratic citizenship can be cultivated or suppressed, and how such rhetorical work can contribute to a more dynamic democratic culture.  相似文献   

This paper explores the rhetorical basis of a major paradigm change in meteorology, from a focus on inductive observation to deductive, mathematical reasoning. Analysis of Cleveland Abbe's “The Physical Basis of Long-Range Weather Forecasts” demonstrates how in his advocacy for a new paradigm, Abbe navigates the tension between piety to tradition and dissent necessary for innovation through the rhetorical imagination of and appeal to a disciplinary telos. This strategy allows him to dismiss the traditions of meteorology while simultaneously creating common ground between a new paradigm and an audience of contemporary scientists whose traditions he rejects.  相似文献   

This essay demonstrates how visual works of art may operate rhetorically to articulate public knowledge, to illustrate the moral challenges facing citizens, and to shape commemorative practices, through an analysis of Norman Rockwell's civil rights paintings of the 1960s. By examining the rhetorical aspects of these paintings, including their form and composition, the essay demonstrates the power of visual works of art to evoke common humanity in three significant ways: (1) disregarding established caricatures; (2) creating recognition of others through particularity; and (3) depicting material aspects of American society, thereby reminding viewers that abstract political concepts are always relative to the individuals or groups whose lives are most directly influenced by their presence or absence.  相似文献   

Veterans of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with visually identifiable injuries possess “unruly” bodies that render the story of war in efficient, emotional terms. The injured veteran's explicit connection of war with injury motivates state and mainstream news discourse that domesticates veterans’ bodies, managing representations of injured veterans through three dominant strategies. First, dominant discourses invoke veterans’ bodies as metonymy of the nation-state at war—bodily well-being operates as a metonym for both the nation's health and for the condition of the war. Second, veterans are domesticated by strategic placement in contexts that regulate their range of movement, especially amputees, who are often framed as having already overcome any limitations imposed by their war injuries. Third, dominant visual discourse domesticates veterans’ bodies by ascribing a strategic telos to them, shifting the meaning of the injuries away from their origins in state policy and toward wholeness and “normalcy.” Representations of whole-bodied and injured veterans tame the harshness of war and erode the argumentative grounds for questioning it.  相似文献   

范梅南的《教学机智》、《生活体验研究》和《儿童的秘密》等书近来在大陆相继出版,引起了国内学者和一线教师对教育现象学的极大关注。人们对教育现象学很感兴趣,但又有诸多疑问。什么是教育现象学?教育现象学做什么?如何运用教育现象学来从事教育和教育研究?本文尝试做出回答。  相似文献   

罗伯特A .史密斯是 1 9世纪英国著名的卫生化学家。他非常关注环境问题 ,不仅较早地开展了关于空气和水的状况的研究 ,于 1 872年创造“酸雨”一词 ,而且受李比希的影响 ,努力将所掌握的科技知识运用于现实问题的解决之中 ,终生致力于治理工业污染的工作。 1 864年他受命担任碱业检察员 ,带领检查团依据《碱业法》调查制碱厂盐酸冷凝情况。由于工作方式得当 ,受到厂主们的欢迎和支持。他主张延长和改进《碱业法》 ,试图扩大接受检查的工厂范围 ,为进一步治理工业污染作出了重大贡献。对史密斯及碱业检查团的任命体现了 1 9世纪下半叶英国政府聘任专家顾问以科学决策干预社会经济事务的趋势  相似文献   

中国修辞学自 2 0世纪 80年代初起得到前所未有的大发展 ,但在后期 ,“低谷”也随之出现。“低谷”来自修辞学自身的不完善和未能满足当代社会对修辞学的迫切需要。为适应当代社会的迅速发展 ,修辞学要科学化 (主要指修辞研究数量化、形式化 )的呼声越来越高 ,但由于不少修辞学者对此缺乏深入研究 (尤其是理论研究 )和有效实践 ,因而举步维艰。缺乏深度 ,是修辞研究的主要症结。修辞学只有研究深化 ,才能走上继续发展之路  相似文献   

We report an attempted replication of G. T. W. Patrick and J. A. Gilbert’s pioneering sleep deprivation experiment ‘Studies from the psychological laboratory of the University of Iowa. On the effects of loss of sleep’, conducted in 1895/96. Patrick and Gilbert’s study was the first sleep deprivation experiment of its kind, performed by some of the first formally trained psychologists. We attempted to recreate the original experience in two subjects, using similar apparatus and methodology, and drawing direct comparisons to the original study whenever possible. We argue for a strong influence of an ‘Americanized’ Wundtian psychology on Patrick and Gilbert, a claim supported biographically by their education and by their experimental methods. The replication thus opens interesting new perspectives, which are unlikely to be generated by any other historical approach.
Thomas FuchsEmail:

Thomas Fuchs   earned his PhD in experimental psychology at Bowling Green State University. In his dissertation he conducted research on nocturnally migranting birds, investigating their potential as an animal model of sleep deprivation. Thomas is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Washington State University studying positive affect and social attachment in infant rodents. Jeffrey Burgdorf   received his Ph.D. in psychology at Bowling Green State University, and he is now Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University. His research involves using animal models of human emotionality to uncover the biochemicals that control emotion in humans and animals.  相似文献   

Egon Brunswik (1903–1955) first made an interesting distinction between perception and explicit reasoning, arguing that perception included quick estimates of an object’s size, nearly always resulting in good approximations in uncertain environments, whereas explicit reasoning, while better at achieving exact estimates, could often fail by wide margins. An experiment conducted by Brunswik to investigate these ideas was never published and the only available information is a figure of the results presented in a posthumous book in 1956. We replicated and extended his study to gain insight into the procedures Brunswik used in obtaining his results. Explicit reasoning resulted in fewer errors, yet more extreme ones than perception. Brunswik’s graphical analysis of the results led to different conclusions, however, than did a modern statistically-based analysis.
Eileen DelanyEmail:

Jeremy Athy   is a graduate student in cognitive psychology at Bowling Green State University, where he received his M.A. His research centers on problems of object recognition. Jeff Friedrich   was a graduate student at Bowling Green State University. He received his BS in psychology and human development at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and his MA from Bowling Green State University. His major research interests are in human judgment and decision making. Eileen Delany   is a graduate student in clinical psychology at Bowling Green State University. She specializes in Health Psychology and is interested in conducting research and working in clinical settings.  相似文献   

The culture of modern science continues to establish its public identity by appealing to values and historical conceptions that reflect its appropriation of various religious ideals during its formative period, most especially in the rhetoric of Francis Bacon. These elements have persisted because they continue to achieve similar goals, but the scientific culture's growing need for autonomy has required their secularization. The Darwin fish emblem manifests this secular reshaping. This essay shows this by tracing out the lineaments of this older Baconian world view in the scientistic ideology of those whose identity is compressed into this symbol.  相似文献   

在英国诗歌的长河中占有重要地位的罗伯特·彭斯,以其自然纯朴、富有乡土气息的诗作,继承、发扬了民间歌谣的传统,把诗与歌紧紧结合起来。本文概括性地阐述了这位劳动人民自己的诗人的创作风格,回顾了这位浪漫主义诗人的创作道路和巨大成就。  相似文献   

STAD型合作学习:教育学课程教学新尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
STAD型合作学习是一种运用非常广泛,能有效提高教学效果的合作学习类型。基于STAD型合作学习的教育学课程教学不仅为学生提供了自主学习的机会,也为他们提供了互相合作的学习环境,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Our analysis of farmer and tavern-keeper William Manning's 1798 Key of Libberty extends the concept of American republican rhetoric to include both elite and vernacular forms. We find that the key components of Manning's vernacular republicanism are: an aggressive use of the rhetoric of critique; the demand for transparency in public argument; the rejection of elite leadership; and the belief that decisions must be made in the interest of the common good. We compare vernacular to elite republicanism and conclude that the vernacular perspective has endured in American reform rhetoric.  相似文献   

人类学的田野研究具有自身的特殊性,在应用于教育研究时要进行教育学立场的改造与转化。这种改造与转化主要表现在田野地点选择、研究关注点、研究者的角色、研究目的等几个方面。  相似文献   

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