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In discussing open‐mindedness, virtue epistemologists emphasize revising one's cognitive standpoint by taking seriously the views of others, where this process is seen to be a reliable way of identifying one's biases and forming true beliefs. Yet in defending open‐mindedness, virtue epistemologists tend to give little attention to two areas of scholarship. First, they tend to overlook the psychoanalytic challenges of evasion and disavowal that so often operate in the enactment of and attempts at open‐mindedness. Second, they undervalue scholarship that notes the longer arc of a relation between post‐truth conditions and settler colonial structures. In other words, there appears to be an evasion of those views that associate the United States with dispossession, settler colonialism, and projects of decolonization according to postcontinental philosophies. This essay by Troy Richardson clarifies some of the critical vocabulary needed to bridge virtue epistemology committed to open‐mindedness and scholarship that has shifted the terms of analysis toward active projects for decolonization based on postcontinental philosophies.  相似文献   

Pillow explores complexities of witnessing in research linking theoretical oppression to inadequate, arrogant witnessing. Weaving narrative and reflection, Pillow considers what is engrained in theoretical oppression and reviews trauma studies engagement with witnessing as a case example. Thinking with feminist, queer and decolonial scholars, Pillow argues for epistemic witnessing based on ethical onto-epistemological responsibility driven by decolonial attitude and reparative reading. The essay is written in five phrasings, which may be read consecutively or randomly, and concludes with ideas for epistemic witnessing as reparative lenticular archives for past–present–futures.  相似文献   

I examine the development of my political clarity and its relation to the exercise of humanistic violence as a K-12 teacher in the United States. Reflecting upon my experiences as a classroom and community educator, I conclude that the mission of forging a new humanity is currently not possible from within the U.S. classroom. Presenting a series of testimonios with reflections regarding political clarity and humanistic violence, I make the case that K-12 institutions constrain our ability to truly explore and commit to more humanizing ways of knowing and being. I recommend that we be wary of the multicultural trap: utilizing the ways of knowing and being of diverse peoples in order to better teach them how to know and be Western.  相似文献   

从当下国家教育方针入手,着眼高等院校的功能,注重外语教育及其学科的特有规律,以宁波大学外语学院2003-2005年产学研合作实践为个案研究,探讨了外语教育、外语学科与社会服务之间的良性互动关系。  相似文献   

新时期民族语文工作的基本方针是:坚持马克思主义语言文字平等原则,保障少数民族使用和发展自己语言文字的自由;从有利于各民族团结、进步和共同繁荣出发,实事求是,分类指导,积极、慎重、稳妥地开展民族语文工作。新时期民族语文工作的主要任务是:贯彻党和国家的民族语文政策;加强民族语文法制建设;进行马克思主义民族语文理论、政策的宣传;搞好民族语文的规范化、标准化和信息处理;促进民族语文的翻译、出版、教育、新闻、广播、影视、古籍整理事业;推进民族语文的学术研究、协作交流和人才培养;鼓励各民族互相学习语言文字。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(3):146-152
This article outlines the adjustments made to provide an accessible learning environment within the first‐year undergraduate curriculum of the languages degree course at Coventry University. Marina Orsini‐Jones, Kathy Courtney and Anne Dickinson describe how language staff collaborated with the Centre for Higher Education Development and the Teaching and Learning Support Unit both to raise awareness amongst all students about accessibility issues and to adapt materials for a blind student reading French, German and Spanish. The article includes a discussion of the challenges faced, and provides an action plan for future adjustments to the languages materials in line with the lesson learnt from the case study.  相似文献   

This study examines apparently similar historical phenomena in 19th‐century Prussia and Switzerland: the establishment of modern foreign languages in the curriculum of upper‐secondary education. Through the course of the 19th century, there appear to have been great transnational European affinities with regard to both the differentiation of the upper‐secondary education into types and the development of the curriculum. However, the contextualization of the curriculum within the overall organization of the school system raises doubts as to whether the similarity is more than only quantitative. A second contextualization of the overall organization of education within cultural convictions also reveals fundamental differences rooted in different political convictions, such as monarchism and republicanism. As a result, despite the formal similarities, the establishment of the foreign language education in Switzerland and Prussia could not have been more different.  相似文献   


In this article, I reflect on my attempts to decolonise religious education at a historically white university in a post-apartheid South Africa. This pre-service education project conducted in 2017 happened against the backdrop of two events, namely, a renewed curriculum policy, Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) and the #RhodesMustFall (RMF) and #FeesMustFall (FMF) protests. These events encouraged me to reflect on my academic role as a teacher-educator preparing pre-service teachers to teach religion in schools. This led to me asking many questions such as, what is the effect of my teaching religious education?, How do teacher-educators prepare religious education pre-service teachers for a multicultural and multireligious society?, How does my teaching align itself with the decolonisation of education? and How do I redress the colonial past in my religious education classroom? The data which included reflective reports, student experiences and self-reflexivity acknowledged the findings that religion education served as a unifying factor in building social cohesion. The significance of this paper lies in the argument that decolonisation becomes an imperative if one is striving for social justice and intends to commit oneself to a more equitable society where crossing borders must be a seamless act.  相似文献   

谈西文会议录的编目与检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对西方会议录复杂多变的特点,在如何掌握其编目方法的基础上,提出了具体的检索途径。  相似文献   

An ethical and democratic globality, and the kind of education that would contribute to it, are only possible in the context of a recognition of the relations of power that have shaped history, and in particular the political, cultural, economic, and epistemological processes of domination that have characterized colonialism and Eurocentrism. Imagining an ethics of the global in this context means articulating a decolonial perspective. Starting from recent work in philosophy and cultural studies, this paper describes key principles of such an orientation to globality, and develops a reconceptualization of education in the context of this framework. The article proposes in particular a curriculum against domination, oriented against the epistemic and cultural violence of Eurocentrism that underlies the politics of content and knowledge in education, and a pedagogy of lovingness, committed to building global solidarity based on non-dominative principles of coexistence and kindredness.  相似文献   

网络环境下对西文编目人员的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西文编目工作是图书馆工作的重要组成部分,也是一项技术性很强的业务工作。文章首先从图书馆西文编目工作发展入手,详细论述了手工编目、计算机编目、联机编目和网络编目各阶段的不同特点和变化规律,并针对性地提出了西文编目工作人员要成为具备专业素质、外语水平、计算机应用能力和职业道德素质的复合型人才,才能更好的适应西文编目的工作要求。  相似文献   

This paper develops from previous research ( Orsini‐Jones et al., 2005 ) and reports on the experience of three students, two visually impaired and one blind, reading languages at Coventry University, on the adjustments made to meet their needs and on the challenges encountered on their learning journey both from their point of view and from the point of view of the staff involved. It focuses on three students' experience of their languages course and considers the challenges they met in each of their years of study. It concludes by evaluating these students' language learning journey at Coventry University, reporting on their feedback on their experience and on whether or not they feel that staff have successfully catered for their individual needs. It is argued here, as in the previous related work ( Orsini‐Jones, et al., 2005 ) that ‘there still exists some tension between the reasonable anticipatory adjustments that lecturers can put in place and the necessary ad hoc ones that will be needed for a disabled student with very specific needs’.  相似文献   

给出了Ito等人所讨论的接受本原字的有限自动机的判定问题、及提出接受非本原字自动机的方根T(A)的上界值问题的部分解答  相似文献   

思维是在大脑中进行的一种复杂过程 ,表现于声音就是语言 ,表现于形象就是文字。同一思维可用不同的文字表达 ,例如各国的文字。中文由不变的方块字组成 ,欧洲文字的拼写常由于属性的不同而有变化。欧洲人的世界观正如欧洲文字所体现的十分重视个体的、单元的属性 ,并倾向于对它们之间互动的关系进行分析。中国人的思维则比较重视总体的、综合的方面 ,这正是东方和西方世界观中表现的主要不同之点  相似文献   

通常用来界定语言国际地位的标准有语言的使用范围、国际声望、经济实力和人口数量等;参照不同标准,各语言的排名不尽相同.依据所拥有的文学资本,可区分四种弱势语言.语言地位也可按译出的作品在全球市场上所占份额来确定,强势语言译出的数量和种类多,常用作转译的中介语,并对译入弱势语言起示范作用.语言地位是相对的和动态的,由非语言因素决定,与语言本身的特点无关.  相似文献   

文章从少数民族教师双语培训的意义及乌鲁木齐地区少数民族初中物理教师双语培训的模式两方面进行了一些浅显的探究。  相似文献   

This paper is based on the findings of a 3-year, qualitative study funded by the Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes for Poverty. It uses Sen's [1985. Well-being agency and freedom. Journal of Philosophy 82, no. 4: 169–221] capability approach and Bourdieu's [1991. Language and symbolic power. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press] critical theory to argue that access participation and the empowering outcomes of higher education are contingent on learners' familiarity with the languages used. If there is a discrepancy between the languages used in higher education and the linguistic capital that learners have acquired during schooling without any appropriate measures to fill the gap, participation is bound to be limited. Findings of this qualitative multiple case study involving eight participants entering higher education from government and private schools in Pakistan reveal that working-class women remain the most marginalised and fail to achieve valued goals within higher education in terms of knowledge construction, participation, and a more empowered sense of identity. This eventually culminates in their delayed elimination from higher education.  相似文献   

徐涛 《德州学院学报》2001,17(3):99-101
翻译是一种语言活动 ,语言自身的一些特性对翻译有重要的影响 ,语言由音、形、义三个系统组成 ,这使翻译遇到了巨大的 ,甚至可能是不可逾越的障碍 ,因为在翻译过程中 ,音、形、义往往不可兼得。解决这一矛盾的方法只能是有所取舍或有所侧重  相似文献   

Maria Edgeworth’s pedagogical short stories ‘Mademoiselle Panache’ (1800, 1801) and ‘The Good French Governess’ (1801) portray contrasting French instructors, and illustrate a transformation in English girls’ education in French at the end of the eighteenth century. While ‘Mademoiselle Panache’ looks back to the disingenuous French instructors of eighteenth‐century comedy, demonstrating English anxieties about the supposedly corrupting influence of the French on young girls, ‘The Good French Governess’ shows the positive influence of French émigrés in late eighteenth‐century French instruction. In contrast to critical assumptions that the English public’s outraged response to the French Revolution terminated English interest in all things French, these and other contemporary texts show that English girls’ education in French was not diminished by anti‐Jacobin attitudes, and indeed flourished into the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

In this article, we, colegas/colleagues of color, explore the ways in which the literary and artistic contributions of Gloria Anzaldúa, Octavia Butler, and Frida Kahlo have inspired, nurtured, and profoundly influenced our personal and professional lives as academics. We underscore the importance of mentoring for women of color in academe and educational leadership, particularly the psychosocial functions associated with informal mentoring. Further, we discuss how the lives and contributions of our “mentors” impacted our scholarly journeys, framed by third-wave and decolonial woman-of-color-feminism. In this article, we offer an alternative consideration for women of color in search of suitable mentors, concludes by sharing the lessons we learned from the artists. Thinking about mentoring from the position of alterity adds to the general mentoring discourse and serves to inspire women to consider alternatives when seeking mentorship to reach academic and professional goals.  相似文献   

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